Jumuah Khutbah | Ramadan: An Opportunity for Forgiveness | Imam Mohammed Mahmoud

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dear brothers and sisters we are but days away from the greatest month of the year a month which the believer welcomes with open arms to utilize the opportunities and to maximize the gifts that are on offer and no gift and no prize on offer in the month of ramadan is greater than the forgiveness from allah we as humans by nature we are we make mistakes these mistakes are either involuntary and those allah and then there are deliberate mistakes and errors that we commit we premeditate the sin either seeking it outright all the means to the sin and those sins or those mistakes or errors are what allah holds us accountable for and every deed we do we shall see the large and the smoke and the book shall be set in place and you will see the sinners fearful at what is in it and saying alas woe to us how is it with this book it leaves nothing behind small or great except that it has counted it and they shall find all that they did present within it and your lord shall not wrong anyone to appreciate forgiveness of sins we must first understand the effect sins have on us my dear respected brothers and sisters and we can do so much like how we understand our bank balance we all have incomings and outgoings in our spending the more money we make the richer we are the more we spend the less we have now most people can recoup their expenditures by working and making money and others may exceed their financial limits and bury themselves into debt continuing to spend despite their lack of means and and descending and falling deeper and deeper into debt so for them to come out of the red into the black they must exert themselves in work to earn enough to write off those debts now it's everyone's wish everyone who's in debt it's their wish that someone may come along and write off their debts and that their credit will be unaffected imagine that they receive a cash influx on top of their debt being written off as well wouldn't that be the happiest day of their lives i want you to imagine that there is somebody who not only writes off people's financial debts but gives them money on top of that and does so during specific times of the year more so than he does at any other times now keep that thought in mind hassanet which are the merits earned for performing good deeds and worship they are much like money they benefit us in this life and in the hereafter more importantly and sins which we earn through disobedience work against us the sin the damage of the sin can be undone by a person repenting and performing righteous deeds and the effect of the sin is erased some people too often exceed the boundaries allah has placed and thus drown themselves into sin now disaster strikes if they die in such a state so long as they are alive they can reverse that disaster through what through repentance and through performing righteous deeds now because allah is more generous than we can ever imagine he erases all of the sins for whomever he wills and no matter how many transgressions they have committed and especially during certain periods of the year he rewards he multiplies the reward of the worshipers and eradicates the sins of the disobedient in no month does he do so more than in the month of ramadan a month in which he a month which he selected to forego to forego his rights which have been transgressed for those who seek forgiveness so how can we not how can we not seek out ramadan for the eradication and and and expiation of our sins especially when allah has made it the season for multiplied reward and for guaranteed forgiveness by his will insha allah and therefore he prescribed the means to earn his forgiveness the the month of ramadan with faith and hope in the reward and forgiveness from allah allah will forgive his previous sins and whoever stands during with iman faith and hope in allah allah will forgive his previous sins and whoever ramadan and whoever stands in prayer during the month of ramadan allah will forgive his previous sins also he named himself forgiving and this matter is not to be taken lightly for it is a condition a condition of faith in belief in allah to believe that he is the forgiving other religions and persuasions dear brothers and sisters they say allah how can he hold us accountable and punish us when he's merciful and therefore they suspended his attributes of pride and might and majesty and justice and other persuasions they said that the only means to forgiveness and absolution is through punishment and they did the opposite they suspended allah's mercy but for this he said to believe in him and perform righteous deeds and to ask him for forgiveness and he will forgive and he did not and he did not burden us like he burdened many israel after their great transgression when they worshiped the calf and he told them to kill themselves if they wished for forgiveness he conferred the great blessing on mankind and that is through the and that is through earning his forgiveness and that is earning his forgiveness through the means which are taubah talber repentance and is still firm nothing my dear respective brothers and sisters harms us more than our sins they have an effect on the individual and on society and communities the communities and societies who remain silent in the face of the sins and transgressions he destroys and punishes and the individual who is persistent in sins he too experiences a diminished quality of life in their wealth in their health in their time there are no blessings they are dissatisfied in what they have been given by allah and do not feel content their bodies may be well fed but their hearts are starved and deprived closeness to allah they suffer depression and anxiety and disturbance in their heart and in their soul no peace no solace no tranquility nor fulfillment now we say these things very often and you have heard us repeat them over the years over and over again and some way may wonder why is not the case of the sinner why is that the case of the disobedient if those distant from allah felt exactly the same as those who are close to allah where would the justice be in that my dear respective brothers and sisters the obedient worshippers must enjoy exclusive perks of their proximity to allah and the distant must be deprived also these harms to feel restriction and constriction and narrowness in life due to disobedience and distance from allah these are alarm bells and warnings this is a very fine point many people do not perceive these harms my dear respective brothers and sisters are in fact manifestations of allah's mercy you may ask how is that from allah's mercy these the scholars when they say that allah deprives so that he may give that is not word play he deprives the disobedient the happiness which they saw in the sin in the evil deed so that they know that the hole in their heart cannot be filled except by allah this emptiness that the disobedient suffer from is not a punishment it is not always a punishment but it is always a warning and an alarm bell which is a mercy from allah a meaning which is confirmed by allah when he says indeed those who fear allah when an impulse touches them from the shaitaan to the they are alerted alerted and they remember and at once they return on at once they have insight these harms the anxiety and the depression and the sadness and the misery and the dissatisfaction and discontentment that the perpetual sinners feel these are tests from allah a shock to their system to revive them to revive them and make them return to allah because if allah did not have mercy on them he would not alert them to the dangerous path they are treading and he would leave them to persist in sins until they perish and until they are doomed brothers and sisters he has opened the doors of forgiveness he has opened the doors of forgiveness and what is left is for us to walk through them allah he said about the three companions who failed to linguistically means turning and returning so how can allah do tawba on someone it means allah turns to them he turns to them by awakening them and reminding them and giving them the means for them to seek forgiveness so he turned to them so that they may turn back to him with repentance dear brothers and sisters let us unload the burden that is sins which is weighing us down and let us ask him to erase our sins before the month of ramadan so that we may enter it with zeal and apply ourselves in worship during this blessed month with much energy in the whole food upon us dear brothers and sisters is the month of salvation from the fire the messenger each slave has an accepted tower now it can be asked are we doomed to the hellfire by default and must we earn salvation from allah's punishment the answer is no we were created for paradise the first dwelling of our father adam and our mother was paradise and is the final resting place for the believers so why are people saved from the hell fire then during ramadan and also during the rest of the year but more so in ramadan than any other time during the year these people my dear respective brothers and sisters are those whose current course is leading them to the fire they would have entered the fire had they not been emancipated and saved from it by allah to that effect to seek emancipation salvation from the fire where he meaning the last 10 nights in general then say oh allah you are oft pardoning you love to pardon so pardon me are not the same means concealing and covering so the sin is concealed from people's eyes and it is erased from the scroll from the record of deeds that is that is forgiveness whereas was pardoning and excusing somebody for a violation after it has occurred and is established and recorded in the book of deeds that is why a person who has been convicted of a crime what do they seek they seek a pardon they seek a pardon whereas the one whose sins have been nam the one whose sins have been exposed asks allah for a pardon and so this dua brothers and sisters offers great comfort for those who have become known among people for the wrong reasons drugs alcohol clubbing illicit relationships criminal activities it doesn't matter that you your sins have been exposed and the people know you for that it is not their pardon that you are seeking unless you have wronged them but it is allah's pardon that you are seeking and that you are not doomed and you are not damned and that there is uh no hope for you no allah he pardons he he pardons all of the time and he loves to pardon who amongst human beings loves to pardon sometimes presidents and kings they're pressured this will make you look good uh this will silence this these people this tribe that political party they're pressured into pardoning but allah loves the pardon so should we not then love to ask him for his pardon for his offer if our sins have become known amongst the people don't worry it is not their punishment you are fleeing from it is allah's punishment that you are fleeing from so do not give up and do not despair and keep repeating this dua through throughout the month of ramadan and especially during the last 10 nights oh allah you are oft pardoning you love to pardon so pardon me dear brothers and sisters the greatest loss is to leave the month of ramadan without having been forgiven that is the objective of the month and that is why the messenger he said may he be humiliated a man upon whom ramadan entered and then passes before he is forgiven allah brothers and sisters and this point we will conclude with he waves his right for the obligations unfulfilled to him in the past by the repentant servant but he does not he does not wave the rights owed to fellow people therefore return to people what you owe them return to them the car or the land or the house or the money go back on what you said and take back the insults take back the rumors take back the accusations ask them for forgiveness for the pain that you caused them humble yourself and be modest for a sincerely repentant believer does not turn his nose up at the people he has wronged he goes back to them seeking their forgiveness and seeking their pardon we ask allah to extend our lives so that we may witness the month of ramadan and so we may be of those who receive forgiveness and are pardoned and are saved from the fire was spoiled [Music] foreign foreign you
Channel: East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre
Views: 3,277
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: bysJ-3PhVdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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