Jumping with an UMBRELLA from a huge tower

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you may have probably seen the famous Jackie Chan umbrella jump it seems fake to us so we decided to try to jump off the huge platform holding an umbrella and see if we would do just as good as Jackie what umbrella slow us down in the air or would it just break today we are going to test different umbrellas by jumping with them off the 10-meter platform we've got five umbrellas to test we have one that costs $1 one is for 15 $80 one and the giant one $150 umbrella we give you guys heads up the last one was quite interesting to test out all dives and tricks are performed by trained professionals don't try this at home or somewhere else and I'm a cliff diver and thanks to Jackie Chan today I'm going to dive with umbrellas in my hands and like dying from 28 or 27 meters today I will be not only in control of my body but also I will depend on umbrella okay let's go and check it out for this experiment we've got five different umbrellas from eight to 150 bucks plus one I've got from my house the $150 umbrella is meant to be the toughest umbrella in the world according to the Australian umbrella factory website it is supposed to be resistant to a storm or a hurricane sound somewhat too refined for an umbrella so this will be the last one okay so first we are going to test out the cheapest umbrellas that we could find in the store we have already ran a test with them on the trampoline and they still just fine so let's see if they are going to be able to resist the air pressure when we dive from 10 meters while I was climbing the stairs to 10 meters I was thinking of all the things that could go wrong it is the first time I'm going to do something like that what if I get injured or the airflow will swing me to the pool deck no problem let's do it at first I put my wrists through the straps but then I realized how stupid what I would probably lose my arms entering the water so I'm just simply going to hold them very tightly all I need to do is to stop wondering what's gonna happen and just jump guys please remember that everything is is being performed by professionals also we do it solely for the science so please never try to do anything like this by yourself I can confirm with a hundred percent confidence that two chip umbrellas had nearly zoo effect on my jump well maybe I could feel myself going a little bit slower in the beginning but then they just unfold it and I was skyrocketing into the water but honestly what would you expect from $8 umbrellas okay these two umbrellas are going into the trash and we're moving on even more fun is a handle the next umbrella I found at home it's quite beep and the price was about $15 so hopefully it will slow me down in the air because that's what I'm here for would it break in the air just like last two umbrellas or would it slow me down like it was with mr. Jackie Chan [Applause] although I had great hopes for this umbrella it didn't work the thing got destroyed completely maybe I'm just too heavy for that as you can see the blue $15 umbrella felt me big time and look at it down with all the arcs sticking out moral of the story we deserved something better to dive with if you like this video I promise you we will go even further with this umbrella diving what if we start doing flips with it or test it overtly does it sounds interesting okay now it's time for the most interesting part of the experiment I was searching for the toughest numbers in the world and the Google gave me these blunt umbrellas I've got one for $80 and another one 450 I don't know about you guys but as for me it's quite pricey I really hope that because of a sash top frame this one will actually do something in the air and won't just break immediately let's see what is going to happen to you well guys you saw it this umbrella exceeded any of my expectation it slowed me down in the air so much that I got crook'd although it turned inside out at the end of my jump as soon as I pulled it out of the water it got fixed so in comparison with umbrellas I used previously this one really got me feel like I was so much slower in the air now it's time for the toughest umbrella in the world and in our collection model golf g2 it costed me 150 US dollars let's open the box it's actually quite heavy I can tell that this one is not for your usual rainy days this one is for something cooler it even got an extra cover honestly I feel a little nervous I have never touched such an expensive umbrella before and I have never seen anything like this it got a special web of small details it feels like this umbrella will let me just fly like Jackie Chan okay let's go get that crash test done now while I was going up the stairs I thought to myself why wouldn't I do one jump with the umbrella and one without it and then compare the speed of me fallen on the video here's the deal guys if this umbrella does its job and this video gets popular I will crash test this umbrella from 20 meters please let me know with the like or comment if you would like to see that video [Music] this umbrella is 2 times bigger than the previous one I'm afraid I might lose it in the air especially if it can resist hurricanes and 75 miles per hour winds according to the website on the other hand I probably won't reach such high speed by jumping of the 10 meters but the airflow will be rising exponentially as I will be fallen and also I'm about 190 pounds so this umbrella is going to be under a lot of pressure and will be honest with you I was kind of scared before the dive again guys please do not repeat this [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey look this umbrella actually slowed me down quite a lot although it did pretty good and was much better than the cheaper ones I was a bit upset when it turned inside out just a few inches before the water but just like the $80.00 umbrella this one was just fine after the Dai comment below your guesses on what would happen if someone much lighter make a jump with an umbrella well now I'm 100 percent confident that our hero Jackie Chan had made this trick up although we haven't actually tested a triple umbrella which we actually had should we try that take care guys and please don't do crazy stuff we will do it instead of you
Channel: watermagic
Views: 4,483,115
Rating: 4.8652043 out of 5
Keywords: jump from 10 meters, diving, umbrella, olympic diving, trick, water trick, water challenge, pool, jumping, Water challenge, swimming pool, swimming, fail compilation, win compilation, cheap, expensive, cheap vs expensive, what if to jump with umbrella?
Id: 4lIJHcsViAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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