Regular People Get Tricked Into Olympic High Diving

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oh hi guys I'm coach Rob I'm the coach in Chapman University diving today we're gonna learn skills and drills off the 1 meter springboard we're gonna frickin dive how do I not get water up my nose pretty high do people hit the board a lot not very long I have a fear of hitting the board and belly flopping when I was younger I tried jumping off of a diving board landed on my back the trauma that that caused in my life has made me avoid doing anything crazy off of diving board be fine its water right I always belly flop I've never successfully dough really scared hands above her head she's going to go up onto her toes squeeze tight as a board and then Nestea plunge fall the trick is to do nothing if you stay flat and tight as a board you will go in hands and head first I definitely feel like at least a tiny bit more confident just in general jumping off of a diving board alright so before we head back we're going to stop at one last place a video is not quite over what is this oh this is a real diving platform welcome to Mission Viejo this is where our age group Teen SoCal divers does their platform diving today we're going to start off on the 5-meter platform Soviets when you get up on the platform count to three and go do not stall do not think about it just let your body do its work body knows what to do the last dive the high dive didn't seem that high this one they all look high Carl could probably try a front line up off the 5-meter oh yeah all right I'll try it yeah whoo no question I'm really scared cuz I feel like if I did a belly flop it would like splice my spleen open you guys have any questions yeah weird outfit all shoes smart not coming to this actually yeah right knee I think this would be a perfect time for them to try jumping off the tent you're so sure coats but uh guys will be fine just do everything you did off a five meter then off the 7-meter ten meters just a little bit higher coach will help if we scream if it makes you feel better yes so we're about to jump off of the 10 meter which is the highest dive in the Olympics I think they're going to do fine and it's gonna be quite entertaining okay everyone looks like Antep you sorry go I can't even walk to the edge to show you what it looks like getting up there looking over the edge is so scary and then having to like count yourself off to jump it's probably one of the scariest things I've ever did Oh Oh Oh Wow I felt like a baby but like I hit my chest and like I thought I was oh my god this over my life is over I think they did awesome it's not an easy thing to go jump off a 10-meter platform it is quite scary when you get up there the pool looks about that big I think you guys did a great job which is stepping out of your comfort zones and taking that leap of faith jumping on we're doing anything except we're stepping off and it was scary I respect divers more than any other athlete divers okay you guys win yeah you want you want you're the best
Channel: BuzzFeed Multiplayer
Views: 27,206,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KQvz, america, buzzfeed, buzzfeedblue, chapman university, diving, drone, go pro, ledecky, michael phelps, olympics, phelps, prank, rio 2016, scary, social divers, surprise, swimming, usa, water
Id: bEVVjs0EqA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2016
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