How I Went From Being Homeless To A Millionaire

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when i was homeless i sort of walked around the city instead of staying in one spot too long i collected cans and bottles that i could get a little money for and sometimes i got lucky enough to find something sharp so i could cut my shaggy hair on the day it all began i was walking at night to the spot where i usually slept but there were a couple of teenagers messing around there they were painting stuff on the wall i knew i looked pretty scary and they didn't know i was only a few years older than them so i started running full speed at them and waving my arms like crazy shouting incoherencies before i continue please remember to subscribe and hit that notification bell so you never miss out on new stories i laughed when i saw their terrified faces as they ran off but notice they left their paint cans behind it was spray paint on my wall was terrible graffiti and i mean terrible because it looked like a two-year-old had done it i wasn't really tired that night so i thought i might as well make use of my new spray paint i started painting over the terrible graffiti and realized i was actually not bad at it it looked much better than the teenagers thing i painted and painted with only a flickering lamppost illuminating the wall until i couldn't stop yawning i shoved the spray cans in my bag and laid down on the least dirty part of the floor to sleep it became a habit of mine to paint after a few days i had covered the entire wall of the alley where i slept in with paint it was a huge mural painted to look like a portal to paradise i was walking around the day after i finished it when i saw some people taking pictures of it and taking pictures of themselves in front of it i guess they like it i thought this went on for some time people apparently liking my art i like making people happy and making our city look better so i started painting in other places but anonymously of course i filled the city with as many of my murals as i could and people seem to love it some days i couldn't paint because my cans were empty but i scavenged for more and kept painting one night i found a bunch of perfectly good cans under a great wall it was even white which made the colors pop more i started painting and when i was about halfway done i felt a tap on my shoulder damn i thought the police caught me i turned around and saw a man he looked like he was in his 20s like me he didn't look homeless though unlike me hey i'm reggie he said i shook his hand and said i'm ki he pointed at the spray cans and said i see you liked my spray paint ah so they were his i started apologizing for using them saying i didn't know they belonged to someone but he said he left them there for me reggie started explaining how he was a struggling artist he painted and painted but nobody bought his art he wanted to strike a deal with me he said he'd buy me all the paint and other art supplies i needed and that he could sell my art he said he'd be the face of the business since he was so charismatic and i would get to paint whatever i wanted for money we'd split the money 50 50. now i realize it wasn't that good a deal but back then i was homeless desperate to get off the streets so i shook his hand and made the deal with the devil after three months i was settled well into a small studio apartment reggie found for me rent was pretty good and i had more than enough space my apartment was full of canvases and sculptures and i was proud of each and every one first thing reggie did after we made the deal was drag me to a barber where he had them shave off my entire beard and cut my hair much shorter than it was i barely recognized myself i looked in the mirror for hours thinking wow i'm kinda good looking reggie and i became friends he even asked me about how i became homeless in the first place my parents died when i was pretty young i told him i didn't want to live in the orphanage i was put into so i ran away and i've lived on the streets ever since reggie was the first person to ever show any sort of interest in me it was really touching he put one hand on my shoulder and squeezed trying to comfort me it didn't work but at least he tried now i spent my days painting and sculpting or making pottery reggie spared no expense business wasn't that great though for some reason i really expected us to be making bank but we were barely making minimum wage reggie walked in on the first of every month and handed me a lot of cash but he looked more disappointed every month i reassured him that i was fine and that things would get better soon but he still left looking deflated i would occasionally take walks around the city i guess i was used to it i visited my murals and i saw that there was a security guard at the first one i ever painted sometimes i approached to see it and saw that it had a signature not just any signature reggie's signature what the hell he was meant to be selling my art not posing as me i stormed over to reggie's apartment which he said he'd be at but when i knocked on the door nobody answered i waited for a long time and called reggie several times but nothing he showed up after maybe two hours and looked shocked to see me he was wearing really fancy clothes so i asked him about that their knockoffs gotta look the part in order to sell kid he said before i could ask him about why he signed my mural he waved a huge wad of cash in my face more than we made in two months and said i sold one of your sculptures to some money bags i grabbed the money more money than i had ever held in my hands before and thought things were finally starting to look up two months after that i was still in the same apartment painting until i didn't even know what to paint anymore sculpting until i thought my sculptures looked the same i had spent a bunch of money on new clothes so now my closet was full but my stomach was empty i waited by the window for reggie to bring me my cut of the prophets and when he arrived i noticed he slipped into the back of his car moved around and slipped back to the front only then coming to give me my money i watched him do this several times over the course of a few weeks and then i realized what he was doing he was changing his clothes but why the last time i watched him do that i had invited him over to eat and watch a football game but then went outside with the excuse of needing to buy something that i forgot i sprinted downstairs into the parking lot and peeked inside reggie's car there were neatly folded clothes in there and i could see the tag of a shirt it was a very expensive shirt and it didn't look like a knockoff at all it was then that i realized reggie must be scamming me i bet he's selling the art for way more and giving me only a small percentage i thought i was furious i wasn't about to be exploited by a slime ball like reggie i looked around to make sure nobody was watching and then i used a rock from the garden to smash reggie's window open i was gonna take the shirt but i ended up taking a flyer that was next to it it was a flyer to reggie's gallery apparently more like my gallery reggie was furious when he saw his car window smashed open but he had no way of knowing it was me so he drove away that night i went on another walk around the city i would have gone directly to reggie's gallery but the flyer didn't have an address just a website that i couldn't access it was night and i enjoyed the wind blowing through my hair and lamp posts illuminating my path i again walked past loads of my murals smiling nostalgically when i saw them i also saw the spot where i slept my first year being homeless i used to snuggle up with a teddy bear behind a dumpster hidden where nobody could find me a cop once found me and shown a flashlight on me which woke me up and i ran away as fast as i could now it was years later and i kind of wanted to go back there i walked for what felt like hours part of me trying to find that damn gallery i was getting scammed with i was giving up when i suddenly turned a corner and there it was it was a glowing cube of glass filled with rich looking people i couldn't recognize it at first but the closer i walked the more i recognized the paintings and sculptures as mine i stormed into the place earning offended and disgusted looks from everyone around they were after all dressed to the nines while i was wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt where's the so-called artist i demanded to know from the back of the venue came reggie wearing sunglasses indoors in a well-lit room like a pretentious prick he held two glasses of champagne one in each hand and handed one to me relax kai celebrate we're a hit he had the nerve to say to me you mean you are a hit i said to him all of these are my art i exclaimed hmm prove it he smirked at me i was speechless he had won he had two guards grabbed me by the arms and kicked me out damn it what do i do now i thought but then a light bulb lit over my head i ran home taking a shortcut now that i knew where the gallery was it would take me no time to come back half an hour later i was back with two canvases under one arm and a toolbox full of art supplies under the other reggie i shouted he came out of the crowd of people admiring my art and scowled i'm ready i said the two guards set everything up for us we had two canvases back to back so we couldn't see each other's we had the same paint and the same amount of time to paint something as simple as a tree i knew exactly how i wanted it so i was more than confident i could tell reggie was pulling at his collar panicking a little he took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves one of the guards counted down and we started the race i could tell i was doing well because people standing behind me were gasping while people behind reggie looked confused and some even betrayed we spun our canvases around and revealed them to the crowd my tree was a great representation of what my style was a style which everyone in that room loved reggie's painting looked like a unicorn threw up on it it was an absolute disaster the two bodyguards grabbed reggie by the arms as he kicked and screamed and threw him out through the front doors he banged on the door but they locked it everyone crowded around me bombarding me with questions and saying they were gonna sue reggie to get their money back that was only the beginning my paintings and sculptures all sold for more money than i could have ever dreamed of i was filthy rich sometime later i was living in a penthouse apartment much bigger than i needed and with all the luxury i allowed reggie to live in the apartment i lived at before paying his rent every month like he paid mine for some time except i didn't change my clothes into less fancy ones i let him see me in all my glory dressed to the nines every day that i threw some cash at him and then drove off to go to some celebrities party
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 1,737,981
Rating: 4.8606653 out of 5
Id: inx1kPytf48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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