julien vs the toxic boss

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it is boss fight time if it's bone mass i'm going to assume it's bones right yeah do you have any bone i brought the withered bones okay but i don't know how many we'll need so we'll see you got some skeletons behind you i don't care okay we're gonna have we're gonna own this boss come on this is gonna be easy i mean we literally farmed the second one so we legit did try not to get wet too uh oh i'm already wet too you're wet from just walking in here i think actually help what oh what what i fell in a hole oh no i'm okay i'm okay that was scary dude did you dig the hole no i didn't look at this stand right here stand right here what oh hell i just fell in there what the hell is that all right bone mass wya oh brb one sec protect my body okay [Music] i'm scared i'm back welcome back thank you kill the boss ready okay say dude was easy uh yeah did he say did he say anything about me was he mentioning me at all or uh i think he said something like you're stupid and then i was like oh yeah and then he was like yeah and i was like yeah yeah you know sometimes the bosses speak a different language it's hard to understand them so i understand like it didn't you know you didn't really understand what he was saying but you want to share an ike there yes a good idea yeah so we'll hit one and then we'll hit um a potion all right ready here let's do this i'm gonna kill this leech oh damn this dude this is strong you got it yep i'm hitting my potion and then i'm going in we go we just jump in the bath i don't know the offer item offer it see if you have it nothing happens i offered eight oh wait wait wait you have to put it in your there you go bring it big [ __ ] oh the music is changing oh pepper them pet oh my gosh he has so much health are you kidding me oh dude let's get him glitched again oh wait is he glitched oh he's got a little more to add yeah yep he's got the ads [ __ ] okay i say kill the slimes oh that's an aoe holy kill the slimes kill the slimes no we have potions so we're okay with slums you sure i mean it doesn't hurt as bad okay but yeah kill them if you can ow you can't hear you own mass that's nice and toxic just like bone mass we are doing no damage dude oh my god actually he hit me and i didn't take a whole lot okay i'm pulling out the shield here we go oh here we go think i can parry this no the answer is no the answer is no the answer is he tried to parry him yeah dude i'm gonna run on the arrows what do you mean i'm pointed but i'm resistant okay i'm gonna kill this the little guys easy easy here we go here we go here we go here we go he's so thick oh my gosh he hit me how am i poisoned is it raining poison oh my god is it maybe he hit me okay just keep peppering them up salt and pepper i'm using needle arrows and man they are not doing a lot of damage are they i'm hitting for 16. needle arrows are doing nothing maybe fire do you have any fire no i didn't bring any there's so much poison everywhere yeah well i had him with 18 18 16. okay okay i mean we are damaging him it's just really slow ah when did he get here oh he's sick oh no he ain't feeling so good headshots are headshots are more hit him for headshots if you can 18 19. i don't feel so good mr i go home so man very nasty ass do we've done no damage well we did a little bit dude he's got 90 hp he barfed wait can i run back and get arrows while you're fighting yeah yeah yeah i can i can run around forever okay i'm gonna go get arrows wait should we just try melee for a sec have you tried melee i'm comfortable i did it yeah i'm trying i think that might be the move because these arrows are like a joke yeah but normally the arrows do a lot of damage i know which makes me think it's a melee boss honestly because he's not that scary to get close to i'm gonna die watch maybe i can i can have him attack me and then you can try to get like a backstab bonus okay ready go 83 83 i hit him for 83. okay that's it no arrows no arrows and you gotta distract him okay smack him his butt oh my gosh i can tank this what'd i do i hit him again for a lot but i'm still on the point can you hit your eye there uh mine's out yeah yeah yeah i can i'll run to you i'll run to you okay i'll run around the back actually wait a sec wait till he attacks okay he's sick i hit him for 91 i got poisoned again the poison shouldn't be doing damage right it is doing damage it just lasts for less time i'm hitting it yes nice all right we got this gonna keep trying to get it for 126. oh damn that's a lot that's the most we've hit him for yeah one two cause i hit him for two big big um attacks in a row okay he's throwing stuff my health is down because of uh poison [ __ ] oh gosh okay run around i got this okay he's trying to go for me his purse he leaves a trail of poison i have to avoid uh yeah okay i can block can i parry this i hit him from 41 i'm gonna try perry i'm hitting him i'm just tanking arrows so i can hit him all right i just did a lot of damage yeah i got some uh heavy swings in like he's gonna spit oh i got poisoned [ __ ] i'm just gonna stay in the aoe since i'm poisoned already oh he hit me without my shield out i was rough i hit him for 114 back to back okay we're good we're good poison resistance is so important holy [ __ ] yeah if we didn't have this we would be dead i'm trying to kill the blobs yeah okay i got him i got him barf barf hit him for one two three and this bar for four four ow oh he doesn't hit that hard i mean he's not hitting me hard it's just really like the poison huh yeah and the mobs or the little dude we got this easy here we go here we go we just got to keep looping him i'm blocking okay for one two three all right yeah his his uh throw up only shoots poison it doesn't do damage okay i mean i'm definitely able to block yeah i'm gonna try perry i was too slow big perry here we go come on attack me nope he looking at you oh he hit me hard there i should have blocked that i'm gonna stay on the outside while i regen for a sec okay i'm still at 40 70. yeah yeah if you need to get out and just regenerate yeah i'm just going to regen i can keep i can just keep looping him around i would really like to see if i can parry let's try it he's looking at me okay so i can block and take no damage but it doesn't stun them does that make sense a parry like at the perfect time just prevents all damage okay okay it's like bone mass more like dad yes oh we have 40 seconds left let's see lexi lexie we're dying lexi's making ass jokes in chat okay we're almost at 50 percent damn dude we're doing it [ __ ] you bulmas idiot [ __ ] all right poison use your poison resistance okay take your stamp do you have any stand potions do you want one i can give you one i don't i don't know are you dropping one does that just give me a boost or yeah just instant instant not a boost okay okay i'm gonna take it i did it skeleton hit me he's gonna barf i'm just spamming okay i'm gonna blocked off no i didn't i didn't step out and just try to get like a little bit out of the poison to get that to get that your health to go back up a little bit oh dude this is bad uh i'm low i'm really low i'm trying to get him to run back to me we should have brought hp health potions [ __ ] is morphine he throws he throws like a a thing that we really should have brought okay so he like the thing that he throws actually like spawns skeletons you just be careful i didn't know that okay okay he's gonna barf i'm trying to take care of this the blob get out of here yeah i just need to get my health back up i'm at 60 69 i'm at 56. we really should have brought health questions that's our biggest mistake here you want to go grab them i mean i don't know if we have any what do what do those require i don't know either actually yeah we're almost at 50. we're really close to 50. dude my bow is taking damage somehow just by using it yeah it's almost it's like durability now yeah but i thought i don't know why i thought like we might have to run back just to repair [Music] oh my bow's 70 percent so i'm going into that like 10 oh [ __ ] okay well maybe if we can just keep our hp up we can um melee enough maybe kite him to the left and i'll try to come from the side okay watch out with that yeah i need to i need to parry this he's turning you okay i'm gonna parry it's turning to you i'm turning around i'm out of stamp i'm gonna hit another poster i had a stamp potion check your food yep i'm going back poison's still there i'm at 101 good hp i don't really know how to like poison from like that cloud behind it's kind of annoying huh i'm hitting him one more wow he hit me a lot okay it's okay that's okay i did i did a dcm i did almost a nice 80 points yeah yeah yeah good [ __ ] chad we're doing it music someone just called him mucinex that's funny maybe if you try to come from the same side i am just wait for him to like start his animation and then come in and attack you just have to be careful that oh he's gonna barf you know what i mean yeah so you don't have to stand in the poison kind of thing right right this is this is a long boss fight like our rested bonus is gone too oh that hit me too oh i'm low oh i'm low oh are you gonna die no we definitely should have had the potions you're a hundred percent right will he stay here if i go back yeah yeah yeah i'm pretty sure what's the hell what's that potion made of i have no idea honestly i don't remember i'm gonna run past them go back to camp to get health potions give me one sec just try to keep running them around kill that kill that blob for me the biggest part is this the poison tick oh yeah i might die oh [ __ ] maybe come back with me we might have to start over then huh i don't know does he like what's like the like will he just chase us all the way to the back i honestly don't know i'm gonna keep shooting him i'll be i'll be quick okay he turned around oh his health is ticking up slowly oh that's what it is okay i'm i'm going back to base one sec okay i'm just gonna keep him in combat i should have taken your bow [ __ ] it's all right oh the archers i wonder if he de-sponsors his heels it looks like he's just going to keep ticking up his health which is almost the worst thing oh god i'm coming i'm going as fast as i can sorry you're good you're good where is it i can't find it oh it's right there i think he's just going to continuously regen i don't think he needs to yeah i think you're right i think you're right i'm keeping him in combat i don't think he's all right good [ __ ] but you might come back and there might be like 10 10 uh extra skeletons that's fine that's fine um i got medium healing meads okay i'm gonna get all the potions but that's what i got should i bring you um a new bow um i'm gonna bring you a new boat i'm dead i'm dead you died i died of poison oh all right i'm gonna drop something i had to run back you might have to run back and hurry and get him in combat all right i'll drop some potions on the ground by the fire okay okay please don't leave sir where did you drop it uh by the bonfire by the bonfire i see i see i think he's still out there i don't think he left no no i don't think they despawn i remember when i first summoned like the very first boss it chased me for a long time yeah i see a southpaw he's not taking up that much we're good he looks angry that we left okay let's see if i have a ton of health if i can just get him to look at me okay come over here you dummy the poison is really oh i didn't take my poison resistance i'm dumb dude oh that's why that's why i was just going down so much yeah yeah yeah it's all right all right so use the healing meat as you need because that [ __ ] is huge oh there's uh skeleton archers on top of the skull what are you serious yeah he he tossed them and they exploded up there cheater i got i got one of them almost okay yeah he's dead it wasn't an archer it was a sword it was a sword skelly he couldn't do anything up there oh what a dummy mess him up julie hit him for two barf barf barf damn that hit me i thought i got out in time all right we're looking good i just hit him a bunch we're almost at like 40 i think okay those are dead i'm heavy attacking all right you just hit me hard i'm backing off i just hit him like three or four times that was really good you got a lot of damage in okay i have them looking this way i got him looking at me i'm gonna take a house stupid you idiot look how stupid you look okay we're chilling we're chilling he's turning around barf barf barf all right i'm leaving i'm leaving we're good we're good all right i'm going to clear out they hit me yeah we are chilling i'm hitting him heavy i'm poisoned so i'm just going to stay in okay i blocked i blocked oh beautiful can you get his turn around yeah yeah yeah i'm coming in yep he's looking at you i'm coming in heavy attack he's looking at you i'm getting i'm getting good hits in yeah yeah same same heavy heavy he's throwing up no he's tossing he's oh he's tossing okay i'm gonna hide right here oh i wish my bow wasn't about to break can you run him towards the rock uh yeah i'm going towards the scale let's call it yup yup or the skull sorry okay i'm going back in i'm hitting a stand potion i'm coming back with you heavy heavy one two three four five more four i'm behind five oh my gosh you're chunking it i hit him for five heavy i just got hit by an arrow i don't know from where all right we're good we're good oh he's low he's low dude i'm hitting him there's a skeleton in the skull what a cheater he's throwing something all right i'm going around the backside we got him down at 20 hp 25 maybe i'm hitting him for heavy one two turn around i'm running okay good i cleared out how's your poison resistance i'm chilling i have five minutes oh yeah me too i got six beautiful oh we're almost there we got this we got this i'm letting the poison clear and then i'm gonna push around the left okay good this poison's about to drop all right i'm going in for heavy i'm going in for a head yep yep yep i got him looking at me one he's looking just turn around careful locked nice can you turn around yep one he's barfing two i'll take it i'll take it okay three four sorry hit me for that one not a lot oh he's low he's low oh man the blobs okay oh nice he is super low okay he's gonna turn around get ready yep heavy one heavy two moving all right nice good good heavy one he's barking i'm gonna take it i'm gonna take it i'm staying in the pocket okay three we did it let's go get out get in here you dumb idiot we got wishbone dude this is a stinky hold on disrespect a little disrespectful disrespect nice what's up huge where did you pick something up uh it was a wishbone wishbone i picked it up maybe it's because i'm it seems one of the many bones this living ossuary hidden his belly was a wishbone this bone contains powerful magic that guides you to things hidden in the earth that can locate silver but also lead you to buried treasure buried treasure in silver oh that sounds cool damn so is it oh yeah see look there is a skeleton up there he's in the he's literally in the skull what an idiot i can't even hit him can we i don't know ow headshot oh got him oh nice so we get silver and the ability to maybe find treasure from that one he is hacking let's go we did it that's what i was like i'm getting big dummy dude we got oh my god so oh there's two wishbones here here i didn't even realize i picked both of them there you go oh i probably i didn't have room in my inventory that's why oh yeah yeah wishbone and bone mass trophy that thing is nasty i don't want that trophy yuck what does it look like drop on the ground [Music] ew [Music]
Channel: julien 2
Views: 24,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, julien, julien solomita, jennajulien, julien games, twitch, jenna julien games, lets play, gaming, valheim, bonemass
Id: 6jMnoCm_rEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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