Julian Lennon 'NBC' - 30th April 2019

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[Music] yes have you ever wondered what it would be like to grow up with your dad being like the most famous person ever I mean I can't even imagine but that is a reality for Julian Lennon who has found his own voice with music paintings and now a children's book titled love the earth and Julian it is so great to meet you I am so excited to have you here so let's talk about this book where did it come from I know it's the third one yeah in a series so well I was a my dear friend bought Davis who's the co-writer on this was was an old friend of mine and he was a New York Times best seller still is and we talked about doing a biography I just felt like it might be about the right time before it gets too late and he was he was sort of investigating my life and and had looked at the white feather foundation which is my foundation we try and did a lot of good around the world and he said what are you doing for the kids and I'm going what are you talking about I said that isn't the music enough isn't the documentaries or the photography or whatever he said well you know you're not really getting to the heart of the matter and so we talked about it knowing you know you're you're really right on this and the moment we started discussing this reminded me of when I was a kid being read you know picture book stories at bedtime by your mother or a grandmother and going on this incredible journey so I thought well why can't we throw a little education in that so it begins the conversation about the world that these kids are gonna grow up in and loving the earth and a white feather very significant sure this story can you tell us about what that means like I know I'll try and summarize as best here we go so when I was a young lad and many moons ago I dad had told me that if if something was going to happen to him it would be in that he'd let me know that he was going to be okay or that we were all going to be okay but it would be in the form of a white feather and I thought you know that's a bit of an odd one to tell your kid but it's stuck in my head for whatever reason and 20-plus years ago I was on tour in Australia and I was approached by an indigenous tribe and the elder of the tribe who was a woman walked up to me in this circle of about 50 people and used crews and and gave me a large white feather literally and literally said to me you have a voice can you help us and I was taken aback by that and obviously goosebumps like for me that was undeniable that connections I'm not I'm not religious but spiritual and so that was truly you know it was the Botox you know so when that happened I you know I I found out about the indigenous tribe their life I made a documentary about them and other indigenous tribes and I said if the money for the film the ended the film about the indigenous tribes does well does well I want to put the money sorry into the for the indigenous tribe so that they their culture survives and they continue to carry on the only way to do that was to and back in the day was to do it through a foundation and so you know all proceeds from this book no proceeds certainly proportionally the proceeds go to anything that I do whether it's music photography documentary what's so great about this is you were talking about it's like old-school interactive you get the kids involved you are educating them yeah absolutely you know you've gotta press the buttons your imagination and and you fly off to the next scenario yeah there's so many great message no absolutely you know again it was a reminder of you know taking kids on the journey exploring the world letting them know what's not right with it and beginning that conversation about well you know why is there pollution in the water why can't they drink the clue why isn't that clean water hoping to make all these kids young advocates for change you know this is I think it's everybody's you know if anybody wants to remain alive and healthy in the future we've all got to you know enjoy and I also understand that you have a book signing tonight at Barnsley so make sure you and you know just to love the earth so get a copy of the book you can meet Julian and you can see him tonight so it was so great having you my pleasure thank you Sarah what was dr. tusk about that yeah
Channel: Julian Lennon
Views: 27,867
Rating: 4.9274192 out of 5
Keywords: Julian Lennon, Julian, Lennon, love the earth, heal the earth, touch the earth, white feather foundation
Id: fVTnbealsHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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