Julian Lennon Answers 22 Questions About Himself

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who would you like to have dinner with present a lot of people but recent thoughts go to one of my I was a big fan of Anthony Bourdain's and you know I would have loved a couple of beers and a a meal with him and a conversation about life and all the places that he's been and travel to and experienced was a nav advantage his life his work and thought he was a great man shame we lost him but he would certainly be someone that I would I would have loved to have said hello to okay which one Game of Thrones or stranger well I haven't seen strangest uh-huh but I've seen Game of Thrones I'm quite a fan favorite bands yes indeed okay what is your favorite breakfast food sir my favorite breakfast food anything edible perfect edible edible breakfast well yeah thank you can't as an Englishman you know you kind of want the full English but you know it's not always very good for you so I think believe it or not I never thought of course most of us don't unless we move forward in life yeah I've I know this sounds bit weird and creepy to some but not to others well to those who know me that I actually enjoy a bowl of fresh fruit with the middle of your bed and some honey these thank you what is your favorite genre you don't have a favorite genre of music I hate pigeon Holdings like things like that you know right I think all genres of music are amazing absolutely except for that well we don't come pretty sounds like who knows you know but you know it's okay I've heard besides Bart who is your idol growing up the Sonics about who is my idol growing up mum mum was my idol absolutely what is your favorite international cuisines favorite international cuisine I love everything again I can't pigeonhole things it's very difficult for me to do it's like one of my favourite bands one of my favorite song is anything about who was your favorite candy bar but what was the previous one you know enough well I you know Mediterranean that's a bit of a broad one but also Asian there's a bit of a broad one too but I love all kinds of food I love fusion food as well which gives me a little taste of this that and the other which covers a lot of ground really I don't eat candy first three layers but I do like I do like yeah a nice little square of dark chocolate has to be over 70 percent yes that'll do me what's your favorite food to cook same answer yeah same answer depending on which it depends what's fresh that day at the market could be any number of you know I mean I love Italian food because my stepfather about thebass sunny my mother god rest his soul and his brothers recently and I mean just you know I it's Mediterranean food is great just across the board by again I like Asian I like crossover foods I like one of the things I do which I got a few of you out there now is I do a thing called at Indian which is a crossover between Thai and Indian flavors and spices so that's definitely on the list yes voila give a favorite season okay I have a favorite favorite you have to have you have to have a fit no courage no I love it I know well let me tell you that I like four seasons mmm that's a good one start with I love spring I love summer I love autumn and I love winter for all those I am I yeah I do I do I you know if it was winter or the year I'd hate it if it was spring all year I hate it right somewhere all you hate it bubble wrap autumn autumn maybe autumn autumn I guess maybe probably because of the colors and the change in the temperature and the freshness of the air coming up okay it's beautiful especially well what a lot of people don't know is that you are really a very talented chef and everybody wants the you are don't say yeah I mean I've cooked I cook a bit I'm a grade above beans on toast these days well set the several rate may I direct your attention one last time please to premier collectivism slash love the earth get-go and the knowledge that part of the proceeds of these books goes to the white feather foundation and a generous donation from the free box set goes to the white feather foundation you will be we hope getting a splendid children's book in doing doing the kind of work that that we all think is important especially at this moment we're gonna try and finish some more questions while we've got time yes okay so Joe I like I'm gonna skip one and ask you did you have an imaginary friend I did actually I figured what I did okay I still do yeah I knew you'd like that I sort of had like what kind of peak earlier the question oh you did well just noting you know how one likes to be prepared just a little bit because you never know what you're gonna have to deal with sometimes with some people who are strange questions right no comment what was the friend's name Henry Henry not being beaten up no kidding yeah not being beaten up was a good one favorite childhood memory God by using about being bullied in school and so I was initially yet that so how many schools you went to I did go to a fair few schools and you know many thought that you know even though dad had run off and mum and I were on our own that we had lots of money which we did not mom held you know several jobs down just to keep us going and keep us alive but the local community thought we were rich people anyway yeah childhood memories I mean there were times were dad at Ascot I remember which was in the film above us only sky recently which was a look back at the imagined document documentary and I sat in on that and talked about it's a it's a good little documentary I think it was well done and it has faucet footage of me at the age of seven running around tinton Hurst Park didn't happen ditching hers park in the Ascot and we're getting delirious Arkansas we're not in Kansas anymore okay you have a favorite animal and can you draw it yeah do you have a favorite animal that season I have to say one of my favorite animals and I think Rob will attest this - he knows is that the last album everything changes the animal on the front of the cover with Oriente was a butterfly and every image within the album every song had a butterfly with the difference for the graphic image in the middle of it and for me and the album was cause everything changes and for me it represents growth change progress and and that just happens to me some more butterflies here in the love the earth book so it made sense you know because it's all about moving forward it's all about shedding the old skin and being something newer and better that's sorry gonna pass so to me that's that's what I I I'm aiming for they ask what do you never leave home without I'm just reading them my underwear I don't know always well happy not oh you're right um nothing we not that angry but then he would um keys keys keys front door keys keys keys and love in my heart oh and an iPhone [Music]
Channel: LiveSigning
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Keywords: livesigning live signing author signed books, live book signing, book signing, julian lennon interview, julian lennon 20 questions, julian lennon love the earth, julian lennon, john lennon, 20 questions, beatles
Id: q1Z7nWjZ13o
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Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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