Julian & Jaden Newman Star In Their Own Reality Show! Full SECOND SEASON Of Hello Newmans!

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[Music] you're throwing down today baby hey guys how you doing hello news is back it's been a crazy summer working up rod you prep playing all over the world it's been nuts what did you lie why I'm gonna cook at the pool I finally get a little time a vacation not just all basketball basketball I could just be a kid we're doing that Julian of course is like nowhere to be found he's been like a my all summer he should be here any second but you know him but do you know him Julian comes and goes as he pleases so I show up and saying you know my dad is [Music] Julian I don't know what else he has on his agenda but something's been getting in the way you get that training a little bit you know I gotta go work out this trainer he always mad far so I just dip all my parents know but whatever I'm growing their business soon as he came he's gone hey Jay make sure Julian's not late for his liveness make sure Joey's done like he's always late like come on you got to be on time for family stuff lucky brother man the summer isn't awful is crazy like he's gonna know what time it is we need him it's a simple spot at certain time get your brother there [Music] today I'm lucky to be working out with this new trainer I'm saying training time a walker about to elevate my game let's get it I'm starting doing Sam doing me hitting my three three good and then he started hitting my weaknesses so as good as a player you are there certain things about your hand that you need to work on and I think that's timing then we'll see what's up for song at the best girl in the world [Music] that was way too quick can i pocket right now [Music] so as good as a player you are we still got to be able to really tap in for the weaknesses of your skill set you're very good and very effective fast but what I'm starting notice is like you don't really have different gears all right so we want to keep them same mentality where you want to be able to you know figure out what our weaknesses are and you tap into those weaknesses and turn them into strengths we're gonna see if they get the big boys mr. fule of July we over here at Sky King it's always talking about right here my dad was crazy when it comes to fireworks big 816 Sam Mendes 24 199 over to really light it up 3 honey I feel like a kid in the candy store right here read the safety tips get your feet let's get a card what's like the biggest thing you have somebody's fireworks they bigger than me how much are these we got a show for the King on its face excite a bee I want all the smoke baby we place up tonight happy birthday America baby happy birthday after that workout I gotta go chill I'm throwing away [Music] I mean the way you having fun to a firework till I pull [Music] then she's gonna get us out you know your girl for your side even ain't good how do your family feels like I'm here with me with Eli with my family No what do you told my friend my parents already know that I've been you know chilling when nobody's here eventually you have to tell your parents you know hanging out with me a little bit I tell you what and she doesn't get that thingy all of them are business like don't even know the New York trip is cousin says well I don't care I'm going in here I'm dating myself full-time I'm going here is she for real giving me an ultimatum if she come I gotta let my parents fourth July has a ride baby you know how the Newman's do it we're getting ready to light up the sky here it's almost 1:00 a.m. no Julian am ia Julian is messing up the whole tradition of this Newman fireworks extravaganza I go by the fireworks he likes them father-and-son thing boom not here let's go man AJ do this Julia man we're just gonna have the party what I J don't try to let the fireworks are you kidding me she can't even put cereal in a bowl it is what it is Julian's finally here now we can continue what we started the Newman way [Music] [Music] Julian's late so you guess he forgets how to do fireworks since it's been a year so he puts a firework upside down and of course bro goes everywhere you don't know how to put the thing in the can it was actually okay after that explosion car alarms going off people coming houses we gotta get out of here fast before the cops come back in the house shut the door are you Zack hey Julian get your ass out here for real get your ass out here man my mom dad tight it's probably because I've lived in his car where were you you messed the whole party you missed the whole party Julie ruin the whole night not being here we needed to be here you know I best find out where his axe was that came at 1:30 in the morning during the morning of 4th July after the fireworks you love fireworks what was occupying your time awesome you'd be doing the same slipping off not needed to be where you need to be who you creeping with so I know when he's fitmin he's holding back he's not telling me something he needs to be direct and tell his mother so you want to be new friends who is your friend that's the key cuz all your friends were here of course Julian doesn't one tell us where he was cuz we're gonna get mad you know all that's gonna stop come on one more chance who are you with or you know the deal we're just gonna just take the car away then you can they're wanton sequences are you serious here we go big game tomorrow big game coming up not focused oh my god are you serious you're back with Noel is getting you kidding me don't you know your Julie Newman don't you know the girls girls are every man's biggest downfall once you get that this is why Tiffany secret tell me is to focus regardless any favors or not I thought we passed all this girl is gonna be there girls aren't gonna be there do Julie new media no girlfriend you're gonna be tied down you Julian new man well should come to New York so no but this would be great they always react like this when it comes to my personal life yeah you have a tough life a known tough life he's not using the card off my nothing he's done with that and that's for real can I use it nothing you gonna help you can see how tough it is they gotta chill out you're disrespectful you're disrespectful she's coming we're dating oh and nothing else about it here we are back at NYC baby the Big Apple when I watch a little early so I'm looking at my boys on the city [Music] I got limited time with my family and when I do die and no serious tension between the web's my pension you rather have our family time together so others are here so we can't do that we only want to go and say it's how waited line vote I don't know man I'm not up for this long trip we show up and we see it's the peace hello everybody welcome to the few crazy people and lift it I better not get wet up I wasn't scared I was just a look [Music] this is the most fun I've had in a while you might just have to buy one of these we had a flat we got off you realize our to get him back right above the star we gotta move man we get there we show up late there's no time for warm up I'm a little worried about this we really gonna have any time to warm up he's going out there were no warm-up been out there sightseeing all day in the most hostile basketball environment in the world [Applause] Julie comes in little Rockies off [Music] [Applause] it's hard to play in front of a club child and this is the toughest crowd that I've ever seen [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] pink occasion is little I came over I know he wishes I was down out so I can tell him I'm stop stepping back stop fainting away stop putting your hands down they hit a shot I live in my dad I didn't see come on hey what are you doing man you see that room you blind I'll prove that I've googled an anomaly apricot sweets with the ladies how're you gonna bag I took a little break he gave me some time here see what I'm doing wrong my side [Music] oh my gosh I'm out here he's cook I'll get back in [Music] I think if you start feeling a little that's not enough all these haters is people pissing me off okay terrible bomb there [Music] this is off game for Julian he didn't bring it because he was on focus [Music] we sit down a lot of me and he gives it to me straight hey you know I want to talk to her in that right I'm over here talking right now let him know what he needs to do to get better to fix his mistakes today play terrible if you're not shooting the ball right shoot the ball right you get it you get to shoot simple as that it's no days off matter where we're at we're in New York were in damn Bahamas Mexico matter where we're at is no days off and that comes with getting the shots done before the game same shot routine every day before you play simple honestly he's kind of got a point Colby foot workout before the game weight workout before the game full Street around Steph Curry full shoot around before the game to 300 makes before each game it's the same thing that goes with you you want to make it to the league right that's what it takes that's not know that they sacrifice they don't go Bob they don't have girlfriends they sacrifice to get what they need to beat and then once you make it then you got time for everything else but you have to make it first he has to understand he's a brand we got a whole school coming predicated around Julian he's got to show at all times he has to show people you know why they're coming to prodigy prep I just want the best for you and you're the best and you have to show the best I know what you can do I know when you're quick when you're not quick when you hit when you're not hitting you got to keep doing it and keep listening and you'll make it Allah knows I'm a work harder and make him proud next game all right let's get outta here get something to eat get to sleep you have a long day tomorrow all right [Music] heading back from New York we got a big meeting course we got my wife there head boss lady my man David Higgins had a basketball operations he really brings to basketball training he wants to bring in jiu-jitsu in here my man matt miller [ __ ] he's the recruiting expert he's the one out in the trenches going around the world recruiting people to come here of course we're meeting prize you prep we got you so much well I got two months to do it it's gonna be crazy but we got to get it done I mean I say we start at nine nine to what go nine to two yep 92 it's a lot of stress you gotta worry about housing here we're about food you gotta worry about curriculum so 92 is the school 12:30 it'll be the lunchtime okay when you guys go to school what do you guys like to do first I think definitely no don't put a mat first yeah switch it up so most switch these up we're gonna be prepared we gotta strategize we could get people in line yeah English is good English very English first English do it so at nine o'clock we're making everybody doing glitch at ten o'clock we're making everybody do history at 11 o'clock cuz they're all gonna have all the same right everybody's on that all the phones need to be collected at the door okay I'm just saying yeah it's only us for doing this you know we got to get it out good it's hard you know to get done with four people we're gonna make it happen a Newman way tough thing to do to build a school you gotta start from the bottom up that's why we brought all the big dogs here but once we get the process going with a new item g-baby the new IMG [Music] we got to get up early get down to Miami we got a long ride today for Julie the plane to Miami Pro today it's Miami pros kickoff day let's go here go go go never late you go man with Michael down the street looking bad no of course these two not ready we're always late come on we gotta go JD only making this late it's ridiculous we can't be late again to another game I'm ready as usual my dad's yelling at us for being slow when he's the one that's always making us late with the car off to Miami baby right right here we came through here we're down here in Miami the directions man what time is it again it's why I say online they gave they ate my guys here so early broke a little my phone it's only four o'clock when I got to here barely make you here on time chilly come on man I fell asleep a little more your favorite City he's just trying to get mad at me like I finagled them I thought the game was at 6:00 but Haley's been down here on time so you know we're gonna get there early today I could've slept a little more bro my dad messed up we got way too we got sign with us Zions never been to Miami we're gonna take him to the mall during this extra time that we have to the ball are you coming up here I'm in a mall in a minute you guys get about 20-25 minutes walk around due to all we do all right meet back at about 6:15 6:14 that's the spot the boys gonna do their thing father-daughter gonna do our thing father-daughter time best time in the world so what's the deal with you man whenever just me and my dad he always takes a moment to get information out of me what's up we knew that kid instead they go man stop no I'm just asking a question I pity the first guy Jaden brings home I wouldn't come to this door if I were you today Youngblood let me my boys cut off with some high school we had a good time in New York yeah well a pride thing yeah nothing out of me my business all right let's go let's check out the mall was actually kind of fun but now we got to get to the pro-am game Miami pro that's what we came to do that's what we're gonna go do we pull up I can tell the energy here is different [Music] well this would mess with a lot of people's heads but for me it's just motivation I gotta get that fire back it's time to show baby the show the show that assists me down he let me know what this means the best pros come play here baby the best people don't get opportunities like this to go playing programs being a high school athlete when you get those opportunities you're gonna make the most of them that's why they come to Friday's you want to see they want to be in the next one like you you're leading away leaving a pat you started this you started playing opposing he's gonna come out here and show what you can do today let's get it Julianne's out there warming up looking good he's not good down this three we can't have short shots he's hitting the ball [Music] and get out there Philemon now game starts she's gonna stack team he's passed the ball he wants to be that team player could he play were pros I always play a lot better when I'm playing pro my wife yeah there you go Tony cotton but I'm the best player on the court right [Music] stay focused doesn't matter who's out there with the on care of you with the best pros in the world where you were high school kids you scream pick-and-roll and hits not playing it suited come off the screen call him up you can't get ripped like that bad I missed a few shots I see my dad starting to get tight that's all good we go ahead the next week he got focused he got right he's knocked down his shots he handled the ball he looked good that's the Julian right now he came engine it's a total success now you hit the beast it's time to celebrate [Music] walk around we had a good time it's cool I love my anger it's investigating the world you're joking recruitment we're walking down the beach my dad pulled me aside please hide this time y'all may be paid good today man you did you had a great second half what happened do you play for pros man you know you got a fight with that playing time cuz I'm frozen wants don't wanna sit I got to put you aside just like it did a'ight man told you wait doing wrong today I'm gonna put it to the side to tell you what you're doing right you play that's true point guard game today you're getting people involved the tracklist coming you never lost you never turn the ball over the trap and you're dealing with NBA traps with NBA players you never turn the ball over one diamond trap that's how you either play that's what super implies you put to the next level that's gonna bring you to the NBA level do what you did today he has to know this is how you play this is what you got to do like you're at night when you're playing with kids you play with pros you play better because you're more focused you stay focused in the sky you came and go Pat this guy there's no limit to where you're gonna take this No Limit good work boy new defenders on top and we wanna stay there [Music] we still down here in the MIAA the Jaden's birthday is here we wouldn't stay at the beats and celebrate it mommy got the whole week off of work we got to take advantage of this situation we're all gone at the beach of course my deck and find us a place to sit you ain't getting no tab we already established that but you just talked about it you thought hearing the fat dude I'm thinking I'll get a tattoo I'm dying out with it yeah we did and we just and we just realized what's Julian talking about getting attacked he can't even commit to a game at 2k ah drew oh come on buddy like that are they wearing a pool Louise being a little girl you won't even get into the ocean I don't care what it takes he's getting in that water [Music] if I gotta do being up in 15 she's gonna be with [Music] [Music] me and mommy the wifey get it oh man they're gonna pull kids aren't having it how do you think you were made then don't let it go come on if they gets time to splat p.m. mommy they got time for a little cardio workout baby how running in the water what a minute them legs up please honey I mean I mean your mom 30 seconds man I can't keep a straight face this is ridiculous three two one stop we look crazy I get out of the pool to take a photo and my dad sees that I got a belly button piercing I know that's not a real bellybutton piercing it better not be is he seriously mad right now jatin asked me for the belly pearson of course let's say no so what does she do go behind my back and gets it done she's a pooper not a damn belly dancer I'm 15 now if I want to get a belly button piercing I can't it's not the end of the world your respect your dad respect what I say do what we say and that's it it's my but he doesn't control every single thing that I do me and Jaden we like it away from my parents right now hated the guy just needs to relax I told you I was gonna get it I think you really was gonna get it but he was definitely she wanted something for no mom took me she signs yes if she's cool with there why isn't he what's up with this Holly Pearson you know I told her not to get it I'm mad you got to sit down with mommy invent this situation out bolli person you know when I told her not to we told her not to write to go get it and you ain't even mad even say nothing I love my hubby but he's got to let Jaden live who took letting it go get it I did oh so that's makes sense why you're not mad I can't believe they betrayed me my princess my queen that's something you put interest to your body like it's you have to go get it done it's not like something like boom boom not a big deal she can take it off right now calm down you gotta let Daddy know at least say something to me just don't show up here at the pool I gotta go find out when you turn around it is a big deal cuz y'all go behind my back regardless if he was talking about that I can imagine who say if I get intense - he not gonna to get tattooed oh no way Julie wants to get a tat he is not being realistic right now you don't got ties and mom no got outside so I'll be there unless you get it shut up I'm being real like yeah he'll get it I know didn't have to see what that did you could always see like the hole no matter what even if you cover it take it out do what you want you can always see that little thing there well she wanted it so got it for her birthday okay it is what it is I guess hey she gonna learn our way you got some present um so we're all going out to a Spanish restaurant [Music] we got friends here we got relatives here we're gonna make it a great Neumann family night dude I told you that's a bad idea pears over there a little tipsy then they won't notice if I sneak out [Music] I see Julian Jayden over here whisper in the corner it's okay you know we having a good time over here hand of yours are we hands off Julian Boyd out by telling him on us to go I kind of want to see him get in trouble cuz I know my dad's gonna flip pin dollars is walking down the street looking for a shop we finally find a shop and it looks a little sketchy but they seem down my good girl was named and I'm painting on the fonts I'm telling what I want and this is happening so yeah I gotta admit I was kid [Music] this is about some her right before he's about to put the into my skin I called my dad so again it no I don't hear about to get in then he was freaking out and he's texting even crazier than it was on the phone after that I was second yes all of us do [Music] and they mess with me it's cool up you saw it right in trying to be together with my dad the rest of my life [Music] what's up guys I got it man got what welcome back you not realize that I started to outline on my wrist there's no reason for him not to believe I didn't get it so I'm gonna play a prank on him he comes out whips out his wrist with the ugliest spot of Nana I ever seen in my life you're lying dude I just cannot believe that someone we want to put just font on somebody's arm paper dogs anything other family realizes that is just our line and they just ruin the whole thing now you see what and now you see why you don't do it play a little joke real funny now he sees what it would have been like if he did get that tattoo on him it's like gonna upside down he didn't even put it on the right way [Music] I'm getting a really early my boy hits me up tell me that brownies playing so you know I had to pull up where you going my business you broke room I'm trying to digitate it and she's always following me around I always at the babysitter I'm just trying to show what I happen to watch anybody I'm going to the basketball game what basketball game LeBron son game Ronnie yes let me go no you're not coming it's my birthday I should do what I want to do where Julian's trying to slip up without me let me go no you're not coming well I'm coming no you leave right now oh no you're not coming mom dad he's going so brawny Sammy he's saying I can't go you know my prayers will take her side she's a baby it's her birthday no she's not going he's saying I can't go she's odd yeah watch her watch her way to get ready I'm I'll leave I know Julian doesn't want to watch her doesn't want to wait for every excuse he has of the book I'm going so I don't care I don't know anything you are she's going that's it go I'm 15 now he does have to babysit me anymore it's so annoying that he thinks that oh my god my babysitter we gonna be baby sis you know many things it you know a little girl anything whatever my parents who listen to me at all I gotta put up with this [Music] Oh anything you look for you [Music] we pulled the bunny game and it's crazy like Kim Kardashian robots and bunnies game finding out I love hanging out with Jelena I don't want to feel like I'm putting him back you weren't even there already I want to watch you we didn't know I know he cares so much about looking cool but everybody hanging out with your sister school she getting older she's 15 I guess I gotta stop treating her like my little sister and she got more like a friend well we're here you happy now nobody went into each other we got each other up and we take a picture when you play again and fans start swarming [Applause] we're getting a lotta and such right now I'm normally used to it but this is a little too much we gotta get out of here not forever are you happy now [Music] look at your sister drew yeah I can't believe she's $15 I remember she's a little baby you know we first little up bit someone's together you're a 15 now and that's year 16 keep up the good work keep growing are you always my little girl [Music] appreciate time with your kids that's time flies by take advantage of time with them come on getting the same very now and then I only have a few years until she moves out I'm gonna have to treasure every moment even though my family's crazy sometimes I wouldn't want to spend my birthday with anyone else [Music] we go into La Cala point I ate love it's family time mommy's coming with us she only has a couple big things he has a amigo celebrity game he has vvl it's gonna be a crazy weekend it's been a while since we've gonna LA so we definitely gotta check out the city Venice Beach baby we're here vvl never been a beneficial for so we live oh yeah how about oh whoa we pull up and you know dad's always trying to save money and he got a sleeping in this tiny ass to do this are you kidding me dad you think I'm a shared beverage Julian let's look at New York no no no studio on the beach amazing of course I think so the family on the other end you know they used to the Newman hotel extravaganza experience you see this way flat your head this way is it that way I'm not saying here when I look like just for one night you can stay right there I'm doing Fuji Jaden always gonna be wine you know we want this and that and you got it so who's you like come on sleepy oh come on whatever we gotta roll right now we'll figure it out later we gotta trade with devil lambs I watch all YouTube videos he just nice with the rock we pull up he sees them wins outside getting ready to go in the gym you know very excited to see him Julian look up him for years Devin Williams is a great trainer his main thing is breaking down players he'd like to tell you you know what you're missing in your game what you need to add I'm excited about any cool [Music] everybody knows Julian's a hardest worker out there [Music] [Music] [Music] we have to miss you as a court man this is cool I'm pretty wide sure it's really cool to see the core with the guy who actually helped make it so you're out here everybody knows Julie and Jada have the biggest rivalry between each other I got Jada for Franklin so of course mom you got to talk it up people lose that on it go for the zip up Julian zipper love mom has some money now for me to be doing that's a smart bet zombats Achilles [Music] place the whole time a lot of course can't be broken one Hey you can never count my baby jadynn out no matter what all the house you keep that I'm alone [Music] okay I almost have barely demons but I get a [Music] Hollywood we're headed to the Hollywood sign now we go up the road the curves the mountains word yeah we good right here back in that handle this Ike right now how much hike we gotta do is lay 0 I just want Bob the kid get annoyed I'm complaining about the heat but they don't got this helicopter in the AC like what you're complaining about that's the Sun just hits his head harder look right here we're out here Hollywood sign family time mr. Julian gotta be over there on that phone like usual Julian on the phone 24/7 hey Johnny you know calm man the south I cut a service off Julie's not paying attention and it's starting to get annoying did a picture which is that your sister Talia bullcrap Marie that's on me here off the phone Salaam man I didn't want something to get off finally Julian got out of his phone we got to take some pictures on family pictures with the Hollywood sign in the back we got enough to accomplish on this trip Hollywood sign Nipsey court Venice Beach we did it off now we on the way to the video we began venice feet the LED didn't play on this course Julian wants to put on the show today but all in his leg to get him get those legs right get to get that stretching going tight right now hopefully stretching home I have to live a game last week I know everyone's gonna be gunning for Julian that's how these three teams [Music] the game started off hot and the restaurant making crazy calls you know certification in California so the football could get a Jersey no the referees are going crazy out here today they're horrible they're the worst referees I've seen in my life and they got to stop calling a better game the tab because it's a ridiculous they don't pulling Julian and that's it tell me come on hold the rest over the eyes is half anymore nothing [Music] let's go once the rest are letting us play I went off Julian's out here going crazy putting on the show that everybody knows what Julian comes to do is doing today and we agree setback three [Music] [Applause] [Music] crazy pass without you [Music] Julian 35 points a day everybody knows who can score the ball he showed he could run a team to distribute a ball today with the pros after the game an Australian coach coach long rows and really selling this on the Australia possibility bringing them out there to play I know we're talking about Chinese day hey forget China bring him to Australia to go [Music] as much as I wanted to stay in the studio we'll go stay at the W studio man this is so much better believe it it's still a little small but at least we're not sitting on the floor [Music] welcome to place I get my mind right about to go off I got public show parties before the big celebrity game today's all-american game so I'm the best high schools in the country are out here today Tyree is my boy every time we're on the floor as we go at it [Music] [Music] I love his games no pressure we go to hoop and have fun that's it [Music] Julie came out today and play you know Julie came out gameshow who has the most skills in a plane it is no one can handle the ball like Julie's no one can shoot the ball like Julie everybody seen that today [Music] we lost the game but I killed I have fun it was lit now we get to sit back and watch the celebs do good out on the court you never know who's gonna be at the celebrity game but this one takes the cake Mayweather Diplo YG's Snoop Dogg as platefuls event so you know he's there anyway you know his left on one core long did it was crazy after the game all these celebrities want to be with Julian [Music] Julian has his award when he steps into the building we know it when he's with us leverage keep the celebrity bucks Larry of course Mayweather comes up a lot of people don't know this but Mayweather and Julian are pretty safe remember with Floyd he came up to us I rub my elbows rally celebs and Norman is gonna be on the top we're gonna take over the world [Music] oh I'm walking outside I take the trash out I turned the corner I was setting the trash cans on the ground are you [ __ ] kidding me Oh like what in the world came into my backyard disturbing my trash uh-huh it's not gonna happen on my watch hey baby see the trash can outside the freaking trash is all over the floor every it's upside down big eyes saw marks it's crazy oh that's the bear the Association sent out that email nonchalantly she's just like yeah it is a bear neighborhood there's a bear in the neighborhood see the bear in our neighbor that that's a big bear we got kids you gotta go outside at night to go to work you gotta let us know these things we want to go outside they get clogged so what they're gonna do about this they're what they're gonna do they're gonna set some bear traps well we I think I'm gonna go get it myself I'm gonna strap up we're gonna go get some hunting stuff are we gonna go get this bear this is the Newman house or we taking control the get duck dynasty be bear dynasty around here yo y'all see the damn bear the bear the bear bear what the heck is he talking about now it is that serious it's a bear you know what a bear is get Jun riled up if he can go indictment and play at Zoo he can go on get this bear in this Zoo Julian we gotta kill this bear do you want to go outside and get mauled my dad knows nothing about honey he's not equipped for this we gotta kill it come on the studio kill wait we gotta kill this bear Julian my mom shows on one picture of a bear and he changes the whole plan we ain't worried about damn studio right now we worry about the damn bear you want to get caught by a bear they do stuff all the time together and I've been telling him about this for weeks and he doesn't even care you won't be able to go to the studio get claw fight there bear if we don't get that bear she goes to Doris song she get more than no song she has a say for princess but in the house no roof around here we don't got time for animal control what you're gonna do after your malls we got a good beer gun duck spray bear spray duck whistles I'm guessing was to baby night trying list me to go help them lug this bear like come on but I got stuff to do I don't have all day let's say your name let's go put some shoes on but sandals put your hair in a bun let's go baby we haven't chill in a while I guess I owe them a little hangout time yes without me yourself we are here at the big sporting goods store Hey we've gotta be rednecks today oh we're gonna need these we're gonna need these we need these arteries yeah we need boner man like that I fully [Music] get a beer yeah baby this is for the beer dude they got kids a little it's not for carat kill me if the companies call better you're hunting bears for real this ain't no joke I'll go get me a beer what's up give me a beer whistle get beer we're not the gathered be the hunters we're getting the fair spray we're getting the duck missiles we're getting the camouflage chairs we're getting the guns getting the pallets we get everything we need today this might take my play out right here I'm actually gonna there knows youths bow and arrow these are air pistols hear what they do just make noise they beating in cannabis its players not nobody's talking about holy living for there's the big boys that we're talking about right there that's what we did put a bowl right through you can be flowers like they're okay with it we don't want no little girl we wanna date rightful alright let's check out what I got Goldman MIT yemm's that's alum art that were just friends you can call me Alma say it again that's why stay poppin on the ground I'm in the studio working on my song it's called I run it it's about all the things that I go through in my life who run it like just random somebody who run it what'd you say I run it like just random things are in a different time who run in I run in my cousins here he does a lot of music stuff and he's helping me write it do it that sounds like a grown man Santa Claus well ma my life is crazy I've never been in a studio before or made a song so I'm a little nervous this is tougher than it looks at the no shooters probably have a go this is what makes rap these days this is a dress that's so fast music moment that's not a go crazy for now that are they done the vocals we got to mix the beat yeah I'm not gonna lie for your first time that went pretty hard I'm not gonna lie to you what they know like I'd say like probably coming in more confident from the beginning like next time just come in knowing like what you can do yeah at the end of the day light you're Jaden knew me know saying ah that's great whatever Jelena and dad are doing they're missing out we're cooking up some fire in Han guess my saddle boy everybody knows pawn shops that's where you get the good stuff I'm gonna get the big boys at what you mean Julian tell me it's downright scary trying to go some bear hunting who's seriously looking for something bear hunting service we lift bases that we kind of do live in the woods it's a neighborhood doe but it's in the woods big big dude behind the counter I'm hoping he would talk some sense to my dog but you know you need a big brother he just pull it just cool it honey bear he's telling us how to do it [Music] really Florida scary of what it's time to go I got my machete I got the weapon I've got everything out here today beer time baby do a Puerto Rican style yeah it's time that's coming in going out for the hunt you've got to get in their mindset you wanna kill a bear you gotta think like a bear well Horsell - I got to protect myself and protect your neighborhood for my dad maybe for four hours I don't know you have time night be gonna get the buck okay about we're not gonna quit the Newman's don't quit we're gonna get it if it takes us 24 hours beer dynasty Wow beer dynasty here she don't do you felt sitting here I'm sorry realize this is really dumb what are the chances the Bears is gonna walk up to us here [Music] like chopping a tree for no reason can we go back inside please I don't even know if it's legal to kill a beer in our front yard but I'm sure if it's attacking us Florida got the Stand Your Ground law you just stand there chopping trees right you think we're looking for a bear bro when I see it I see it it's time get your eyes ate what the hell was that like was it like driving her behind I'm starting to get a little antsy I'm starting to wonder we just waste all this money on all these supplies a lot of here man I'm done I'm done sometimes as a hunter as a gamesman you just have to call it a day [Music] Oh how's your bear honey obviously him and Julian didn't kill a bear bear I mean you really didn't you in catch a beer while you were gonna bury her and I was like doing something productive with my life no I was making a song in the studio come on Jaden I'm not in the mood for your attitude right now the moment you start spraying I can tell my dad's friendly and like that's your song that's you oh you gotta hit we're gonna make a video we gotta drop single you're gonna get album video gonna be fire we got to do the hey sad I chill I was a fire I was just joking around let's see why here that's fire houses joke joke around you made a hit we're gonna do everything that we can to make this single the number one single in the country I'm serious we're gonna do this video I'm gonna get that get it on the phone tomorrow top of someone who making this video serious marketing behind it we're doing it all I don't want to bribe you with my song jobs it's gonna break the internet it's coming at you real soon stay tuned through you don't want to miss out [Music] man smells good in here what you cooking what's your cooking up in here it's Julia's birthday today he's 18 years old he is a man today rice chicken wings his favorite it's Julian's 18th birthday I'm cooking his favorite meal chicken wings Spanish rocks banging babies up yo birthday boy right side point I'm vacuuming woman all excited happy birthday boys it affect Davi what eight turned into a band today baby when's my birthday me feeling is his birthday soon first thing we're gonna do start your day off we're gonna let you open one of your presents mommy's make it your best man chicken wings mom's cooking on my favorite meal and they got a gift for me okay you started off with your first gift [Music] okay gave me a gift it was a ps4 just a or 20 TTA tried to give it I start today a strong baby started a strong happy birthday [Music] it's Julian's birthday so my dad's pulling out all the stops here we are miss my birthday all I'm trying to do today is to my dad you know called me tell you gotta do some man stuff tallest slingshot in the world that you're doing today 390 feet baby come on now I'm looking at the slingshot yeah let's pull these atolls in the world and now there's no way I'm doing that come on make I turn to a man today man come on it's your man day he might not like everything that we do today but hey it's gonna make it more of a man come on man just shut your eyes lay back relax you don't make me do it he better come with me and he going by yourself so I walk up my dad's over here making jokes hey it's only been a month since a guy died on this thing so you good yes he did got me up that's all indeed life is scary sometimes but you can't run away from it you gotta steer a straight I I'm thinking like if I make it man [Music] yo this is pain [Music] I feel there's one who praised me everyone that's pretty cool at video hey you've learned a valuable lesson today overcoming your fears however there feel good now you're good now I bet I'm walking out on height and ready to do some crazy and I tell my dad I'm trying to do he's not going for it does not want it come on with men yelling to me my old decision for the Friday night it's my blow off some steam taking my voice my dad never let me go paintballing you're saying cuz he always talk we get hurt bump that I'm going tonight I'm gonna eat you guys am asking a gun I want you guys to make sure these guys put it down please and always keep this orange ground cover on I gotta say I'm pretty excited for this I don't know what to say I'm kind of nervous on a half it'll be shot by one look check this let them handle it let's cut up your name or amen I know I know it's go time let's get the game starts in about two minutes in I get shot right in ooh nice going at it I feel like war to Uncle and you feel about to go down about the light in what way [Music] [Applause] we're all playing have a good time you know everybody gets out but you're naughty Molly and Monell is get it way I'm gonna slay him my let's get it wrong [Music] boom I doesn't know - something oh no I'm good [Music] after the first game I got a call from my dad hello I'm not pay more right now he's he's afraid I'll be late here's my birthday he should only worry about me having a good time I got to be there on time and him always lit it was fun and now I gotta get ready and make it to this party on time we're back home we're getting ready for the big extravaganza tonight we ready you know the best dress all the time is come on man yo bro you going in a Nike green are you doing Julian's bag we're getting all cleaned up fly getting ready to step out I mean you're gonna use go shoe slides and Nike shorts what's the deal no shirt my pants run out the whole club on my boy is going is there any pain hey let's go we gotta go let's go let's move of course you gotta get there early to make sure everything is done the proper way the way that we want it the way that we had set up and plant hey let's go my party's buzzing crazy night buddy go up for us the whole club here is prodigy out today the bartender's the security guard it's crazy Julie's about to arrive we get around the whole club up take make this interest popper it's gonna be bananas when I pull up to the party is crazy it's like is about walking out and best friends I had my life just walking in [Music] it was just crazy this club's insane we got our own section they get that one section with security I think I've fought security guard watching my dad thinks he's James Bond over here we're all hanging out having a good time and they put on my song and I never thought being a club to them come on sister but Here I am this is poppin off right now the respawn is gonna be come on with the cake you know they got big guy heads me it's the best party ever the reason why Julie Newman here today these two [Music] [Music] we're having a good time you know but some guys looking at I'm going crazy all of a sudden we look over and you got these knuckleheads hating on Julian I look over I see that fire and Jamie's eye you know my daddy kept us around taking like what happened was this they mad at somebody 18 years old celebrating a birthday party and they over there have in a little section with six people and they mad that's what happened you got some people hating on you you got a stick up doing gonna learn that today and he learnt that push and everybody's crazy yes it's ridiculous it's crazy hey we back to my house you know how to do this get down it's gonna be an all-nighter it only gets better from here you know I mean I had a great birthday and you know I've always have fun you know but we try to have some fun off camera without the camera like I said it's nice not old for us that's all you wanna see you do yeah buddy first thing how's your pet baby we've been working so hard the day is finally here project is opening whoo dad comes in crazy early waking us up no way I'd be annoyed but I'm pretty excited too jaded princess kind of we go she's always wanted to have his own school his whole life so this is a big day for idea my dad put together you know I wasn't involved in the planning see where we gonna be doing all this at this right here I'm in Milan Harrison Boston's finest right here we got some great plays this year we're loaded we pull people from all over the country we got drew we call him aka little Yanis this is Rome we call him the big Black Swan cuz he moves with so elegant the man the myth the legend III baby the Colby with a better jumper right there he got better jumper he walked with a little limp but he good Giordani though you've got a little it's your diamond I don't want anything but excellence here stretching jewel let's go Lenny we in here it's time to go it's practice time baby go top just attack kick your replace my senior season I wanted to be my best year I got that kill last year was a good year but you know we didn't get much done I wanted to we're loaded with guard you can always score the ball but we have to defend so we ran here working out defense today Tom we don't be the best team in the limo don't let anyone tell you just we're gonna do a 14 before okay and the loser of the cutthroat is gonna sit in the next team will come on at the end of practice play cutthroat three teams on the court at once it's competitive and cut so you just heat it in practice we'll keep total when you're good your practices are competitive people assigned a fight to get in that court to place [Applause] what will they say some trigger me and after that just when I've Joe I think Julian Wolfram go back and forth chirping in each other I didn't do pissing me off when I get angry I don't know Julian's gonna calm down turn the other cheek walk away yelling me telling me it doesn't matter but he doesn't get it I don't care what you're doing you're not focusing this gave us a problem listen forget what somebody says in the court stop it lead by example let people talk and let your game do the talking people get all over here in the game you can't make me say no you're the one doing a talk to me that's crazy bro he was gonna be doing some good thinking about realizing just shut your mouth this happens in all practices and we get calls every where players get at it but you don't see it cuz there's no cameras in the court like this cameras on court [Music] my daddy none he not letting me practice for the rest of practice and make me sit in the corners just think about what I did and no no I realized that what I did was wrong and mostly get the best view sometimes but in that moment you know I thought I was right it's great seeing this team come together it's gonna be a long road we're gonna grind it out you're gonna be at the top you can't let anybody get under your skin at all play ball shut the hell up they gotta calm down this ridiculous their brothers on the court first practice over there in about 45 minutes take a shower they eat and then they come back start school baby [Music] yeah with my boy I'm saying we got some time before class don't you talk about this but the reason why I want to come here and chew brothers I want to tell you in person that I'm saying I mean that bro I thought we was cool that there was family bro I'm not surprised you know he's he's still mad my emotions got the best me bro I apologize bro you can't do that kind of expect me to forgive you I know I say that's not cool yeah well you're right bro but I'm saying we got put on the same team is just so hopefully we can put this behind us bro we're gonna be teammates you know we can't hold on to this type of thing and we I put it behind us and forget about hopefully get work package bro saying I'm dropping cool to you my bro Sam try to contest up this year I'm catching Busters right I guess we do do that I guess we can do that I think I thought to him thing gonna put it behind us and have a great season yeah I made the class my dad won't kill his bro you gotta it's class time I have no ideas about the happen my dad hasn't talking a little minute so we don't see big take the phones away all time having a meeting right now phones are being taken away simple we sit down the first thing they do is take all our homes are you kidding me come on we're highschool students not prisoners everyone has their phone to face we come in every day 5:30 a.m. 5:30 we're here we have JV the regional some of the girls and the national team here for class today first thing weights shots practice scores it's not your traditional classroom setting we're preparing you for the next step we're preparing for the cause of them this is the great way this is the new way this is the project prep way baby all right guys hey Wilfred on your laptop from your quick my dad tells me to take our laptops out he mentions a thing about that time we were looking like you not tell us by the laptops go get the last out racing in nanyo first days through Europe Russia last Hobbs this mess talking about laptops if I didn't hear about bringing a laptop eyes out anyone else did it's the first day of school I'm gonna let it slide today well we're not playing here we've been hanging out here so you better bring that laptop because we just not on the court wean the books to our first lesson it's gonna be history okay listen up what state are we in what's the capital the Chinese dump like he asked him a question about the capital of Florida and he said Jacksonville he lives in Florida how does he none of the capital was the last day first day at school getting to know each other so you know they're acting up they know the deal they're behind they're gonna be sitting at butts in that bench there's gonna be a long year in classroom it's the first best practice of the year and I'm pretty excited class is now over now girls practice it's time to focus on the girls oh so maintain it my daddy came just as we're warming up I see my dad stopped by Jamil I know he's about to get mad there's nothing going on between me and Jamil I gave him my necklace because he's a friend of mine that's making a huge deal about this it's so embarrassing come on who is he to make someone get up and run sprints just because I gave him my necklace even if I was dating Jimmy it's not his business not happening again oh hell no I know you ain't got my Jaden that was on happening Damien getting a boyfriend dated 15 and 8 happened she could start dating when she's 30 cut the pork on the cross of course there we go go Adam I wish my dad would take my team I serious as the boys it's so obvious that he cares less about my team than the boys quick great all these different drills that we do with the girl it's to get the handles right everybody knows everybody has to work on I handle the meadow who you are pull-up jumper foul line go [Music] one so boys are scrimmaging and doing these big drills while words and dribbling around chairs even though we have our own school my team still get some shortness I don't want any lift from saving today just be quiet do as we say and that's it oh my dad starts taking the girls practice a little more seriously or this is gonna be a long year keep it going 15 seconds stop it was a great first practice with the girls we get a lot of work to do you know it's gonna be a great season a fun season we can't wait I'm a better coach many cars I have a coffee after practice today I got to sit down and talk to Julian you know tell him what it takes to be a leader let him know what I expect out of them come on man have a little little sit-down chat I'm oh man was this gonna be about don't let people get in your skin man you know people always try to get under your skin you know that so this is practice there's more than just practice basketball and didn't get effective people talking - right candolyn no one gets you out to game nobody that's what they gonna try to do all the time and with that assist me down starts talking to me I thought he's gonna be angry and start yelling me but you know he was calm for once and he's give it to me straight it wasn't sugar coating it was being real get lead by example you got leader you are lead by example everybody's following you for a reason right because you're a leader it want to be like you so what they want to be like you just not on the court handles and shooting get a show and the mindset they want to be like you too you know this year you're leaving you know you've been leaving for all the time but this year's really to take the cake the year that you got to come up and and lead by example it's got to happen it starts now it starts today we all make mistakes and some y'all mess up but you know you got to learn from it and keep going do better next time they wanna be who they want to be doing new me you know what show them they want to be a junior attitude - okay get it [Music] everyone's coming over we're having a cookout to celebrate the first day of party program then I say before day knows he was hanging out talking trash project prep people's family all right listen up we gathered all of our great family and friends here today you know my dad up there giving a speech we're doing stuff that people say we couldn't do and we're doing it bigger and better it's our dream come true to do this and we're doing it today it's a start of a new beginning baby project prepping there's a lot of hands out there knowing things you can build a school and Sam but you know we're doing it and we're gonna be the best team in the city and coming at you big time about loyalty if you with us you with us period [Applause] [Music] the time is here it's time for Jaden's music video we've been playing it for the last few weeks so we walk in a dance studio it's crazy we have a whole bunch of dancers we have Shiggy here it's a little chaotic my man tells the director is doing his thing what up man you ready they look up dance your celebrities everything this videos gonna be fire this is a real production I had no idea that was gonna be this big hey thinking that's doing it mister the lighting for you I know the directors never done this before we're gonna give him some wisdom some knowledge of this I'm making purple red and green you know me I know the market and know how to get stuff done what people want to see how did you come quite shaky with a hoodie yeah yeah let's get this thing organized let's get it jumping you can do 60 or to me for hey while we standing around here time is money baby let's go [Music] good come on you got it you got it you got it focus we get going and I first a super weird stop looking at him something you're looking at the camera see you smiling all right say that's not hopeful ready we go right into it [Music] this is way tougher than it looks we start going though and I start to feel it it looks like it's the cast to step up in here today they bringing it on [Applause] [Music] we wrapping up the studio now we have to run to get to the best Locker thank you we get to the court it might rain so we have to beat the weather when I say then you better do so if you sleep after the first couple of tanks now she's loosening up she's looking like she has done this a lifetime she's a natural bomb warmed up now so I'm feeling it it's good at shaking you he breaks ice and it gets everyone going [Music] we beat the weather barely it looks like we're gonna get this done just the time and we can move up to the next scenes hurts after we shoot the scenes shaky sucking some smack so I gotta show him myself we're playing one-on-one mano a mano [Music] like that gotta give it a ciggy he can play a little bit Jaden gets this big thing I look like a trash bag so how she supposed to shoot oh man she's got some moves you sure you got this one I'm just tired from all the dancing that's the Bronte I know exactly I was taking no time to be mad though we got to go to the school if we don't get there soon we're gonna lose a location we pull up we get the existence on the principles way cool letting us do this here we appreciate it we get to the classroom everyone clear out the extra Shiggy but then we have to wait because they forgot something director forgets dated shoes come on man you're the director [Music] while we're waiting she's hilarious Shaggy's I mean some berries finally the director gets back with Jaden shoes now we just got to knock this out rock this out before she given catch that plane [Music] there's no script so we have to come up with all the dialogue on the spot why are you late doubt again this mr. Sheedy Liam why are you late cheeky make it jokes act like a teacher it's hilarious sugars pretty quick on [Music] finally we finished it we knocked it out date ones in the books it's been a long day I need to go home and get some sleep tomorrow's gonna be even tougher try bringing a little more tomorrow clean this up bring a little more tomorrow alright [Music] it's pouring outside so now we're gonna change the plans we're gonna shoot inside the parking garage nice Lambo that we got for this video can't get away just it was so loose another Zulu you had a walk down like what's it Kim Lee we start shooting and it's going pretty well okay it's pretty cool being in limbo shoots going great all of a sudden security Rosa [Music] I don't know who messed up but don't have permission to be here they comment security rolls up and tells up we got to keep it moving we're gonna get out of here ASAP before they call the Popo okay say then a plan for this so my dad's gonna come up with something quick do you want me to call my friend at the Geico you can get it today to get into the arena yeah they're Reena okay now I got a really show what my connections can do call him hey you get we're over here doing Jade in the music video right my dad he does this thing any stunts making some calls but security giving us a hard time not the arena garage like at dinner your eyes if I don't find this site soon we're done do you think is there a way that we can use the Geico get in there really right now finally he does something the hopes and he gets us a spot where we're allowed to shoot he's they go to the top good I find a garage the best garage in Orlando we're gonna move there right now we got permission to shoot bring the Lambo baby we there this time no security roasted it's amazing seeing my daughter up there growing now she's a little actress I'm a little musician she's a quadruple threat baby tastes happy you got me we need that's a wrap in the limbo last thing we got to do pool party your tape me with a deal man I'm on almost 11 o'clock at night no start man we ran so late at the garage now people are bailing on the shoot three five seven and I was finding people to bring into this pool scene at the last minute on a school night at midnight yeah one job just to find just to get people here that was their job I thought we didn't have an office that I would back down so we change the time my dad had one job to get people to the pool party and didn't find anybody the time change I guess we're just gonna have to make it work put your hands in the air Jaden there you go wait just standing up you stand just sitting down and say your part coming how does she stand this little diva Jaden doesn't want to get her hair wet come on Jaden don't point the pull things communicate in the polls I think now I want to get my braids away this for one thing that I said I'm sorry if I'm giving attitude it's been a long day and I'm tired let's finish the scene stays done she's done I think we're making something really great here of the year this shirts been crazy but I can't wait to see the final product oh yeah what are you doing being fries you prepped a prep school basketball school everybody wanted to come here we have people from all over New York California so of course we have host families and we're one of the host families hurry up I think my dad bought a few people in will friend CJ and man it's been terrible we had to wait in line for this our way allowed to get some heat no privacy none of that what are you doing what are you doing waiting so long showers any of North when I wake up in the morning I just want to take a shower but I can't I gotta wait like 30 more minutes this is ridiculous Smallville's 5:00 a.m. try to your cerebral get out good I thought it was bad was having one boy but three oh my gosh it's gonna be a long season having these guys live in our house [Music] you gotta bring your ball bro I don't know what you're thinking it's Halloween and my dad's to have a practice what the guys at least me and it's at the shoot how you coming to got gym without a ball date is the best shooter and I'm playing it for the reason she forgot her ball today she don't care so she picks up a bullcrap rubber ball I'm gonna shoot with this come here at 12 o'clock you still don't burn your ball this ball so horrible that's your novel you can't do it you kiss you at em oh I'm like whatever I'll use a ball if it gets them to shut up Jayda finally listens finally using the right bow now she's shooting now we can get old practice it's Halloween but you know he's still gotta get a gym still gotta get my work in if you got a big season ahead of us they're gonna see a whole different julienne on the floor Manny can fix a missile on the side Oh people didn't show up dad's gonna get pissed I believe we're missing five or six guys today it's our job to make sure they're here so it's five guys on here so we run into them five guys everybody knows one person messes up we all mess up but not here everybody's in trouble full cool high knees and back unless he's the one doing [Music] they made me mad but they know now you gonna be here regardless what's going on this takes a cake baby everybody knows you can score the ball we had some of the best scorers in the country this year but making sure we're playing defense you're doing a shell job today we do go on for 505 rotate teams in and out person first 5 or 7 points depending on play they win [Music] the bass girls they're gonna think you're joke they're gonna see what time is on project prep base to court [Applause] [Music] are you gonna do this so much work Halloween man you know I love Halloween we've been loved Helen we've had a long Halloween is my favorite holiday everybody knows that people all over this central part era come to our house to see what we didn't have to eat every year is this really what you do like you doing this so you do it's like it's like cotton and pull it and stick it so much work like this is so extra I know it is a lot of work for one day yo jus your help are you going now come on we need to help man you know it's a tradition man Newman family tradition we need to help my dad and I we always put out the decorations together but this year I'm just not doing it I'm always would do people I need some time to myself please they got my daughter beautiful jaded daughters never leave their dad side never julie helps us out on Halloween but now of course he's mi a like usual my little princess is helping me she knows how to get down when it comes to Halloween finishing touch right here the Scarecrow let you do it FinCEN touches good job Jackie fine this man is a genius when it comes to Halloween decorations looking at her house I gotta say we pretty much killed it beautiful beautiful good job it's about to be the best Halloween ever [Music] [Applause] it's half a we the trick-or-treaters about to come it's gonna be crazy night over here starting off a little slow the little ones are coming we want the big ones anyway they come with a later time it's Halloween night but you know ones rolling food we've gotten like maybe five families I'll be honest I'm a little disappointed it's still a lot of people but not like usual hey what's up why you guys are get inside man we got people to scare come on man we got scares ons that's its Newman powerin nights over here and meet my friend we just chilling the couch but my dad comes in is just harassing us come on man nobody wants to do this right now we all just trying to chill this is exactly what I was scared of the night's not going how he wanted to be so now he's getting mad at everyone else man disappointing guys man we got the scare zone all this Halloween for you kick guys came to come outside do any scaring it's Halloween we got has a spirit this man cannot take no for an answer if it'll make him shut up I'll do it all right I like the screams aah Devil's grave attack baby they finally came out put the mats long now we're gonna have some fun hosts up behind them behind a Range Rover Hey get behind the Range Rovers a big Cemetery but don't mess about don't mess it up hey somebody game is everybody can't you buy in the car if I come you might be the worst skiers in the country for a it's so stupid me I'm doing this don't this hotel house I gotta get out of here we got more scares let's go I'm about to leave where you going no no are you kidding me they say for once care come on man with the Newman tradition dude tell me what you're going man what's more important than doing the Halloween your dad man come on man hey hey yo you're going man maybe chew up a little bit but charge of real Halloween you saying all cabbage night tell you some crazy bro different a boy Dallas I'm saying he knows all about cabbage day she might introduce us you got a whole better wats I'm feeling dangerous yeah I've tried you like a benign thing so yo shut the [ __ ] up see tarah SE yeah yeah like that yeah let's keep your house up behind my neighborhood you know secluded by the woods trees and no cops nobody there but some houses what was I to do here already yeah I got a bit on this place is creepy I see why people are scared of Florida yo look at this one where is that wow this is dark you got some Bob was meeting us and they got the goods his bout to go crazy over the trunk man we stacked I think I can one for me walking slowly shut the cool to the door and we just let it rip we go crazy this whole house is about to be covered in white right now you being way too loud right now if we don't calm down so it'll come on and all of a sudden the light turns off we just bolt Oh man it's a mad dash back to the car and we were out funny do came out wildly we're out there talking I look up and I realized that they don't have CJ CJ what a guy got you know we did it we thought the a CJ they thought we had CJ and we have no idea with his kids yo how do we leave season this is not good CJ is not equipped for the Wiz right here his phone right here bro it's full right here boom oh you gotta have you following you at all times come on bro at all times love to now go to them okay Dallas is making jokes about it we're not this is serious I'm a little bit though guinea pig baby got a little bag I gotta go back can you leave Suzy behind no matter what it's like living with him we're family now I live right yeah but my dad I don't want to tell my dad I know how he's gonna be at least you know know what to do everyone else bills when I was just me my dad driving around looking for CJ I can tell my dad's man he's just sitting there silently this is awkward we're driving around looking for CJ we're not talking right now of course so I'm gonna get 12 sleep trying to find CJ it's just ridiculous man like how you didn't act as irresponsible man guys talk to Julian let me know this can't happen no more this cannot happen look out for you have to look out for be home when you need to be own responsibility baby and it starts today hey man you know look at the seasoning he's like your little brother now yeah he looks up to you they gotta take care of I'm gonna make sure he's okay you know this can't dip to get about look man I need you to be a leader on this team this is your team you get a lead by example just not on the court off the court to everybody looks up to you everybody's that project probably cause of you you're the leader leave on the court and off the court got it capisce here my dad right now honestly I think he's right you know I had to hold a lot of drudges have him and a reason to have a successful year gotta listen to him and think we have to say and here's apply it to my life for a man like you know what's going on like it's getting like played out what's going on man well do better well that all right man you think you were four you better do better man get it together this was a tough shot to have but I'm glad we had it CJ CJ he's here come on hey you see the little white kid walking around here little scrawny white game no okay we're looking for CJ we're calling them out and I'm thinking there's no chance yo CJ there is what were you at bro how did you get lost you live here like you left your phone - bro come on more supple to make it the car bug in the car bro he's only one I got lost I got to mess with him a little bit even though I mess with him honestly I'm really relieved to see that he's all right now we got CJ we got the whole fam now it's time to head home tally was wild this year it wasn't what I had in mind but hey I wouldn't change a thing that's just how it is sometimes [Applause] hey babe come here it's our anniversary today 20 years together 19 years married baby we 28 mm-hmm ain't no one topping me on taking care of my wifey get out the car - each year was really beginning are there big 20 we gotta get going yeah crazy day today I got all this stuff planned it's gonna be amazing yo come on man go get ready tre this way to get you got five minutes get ready Julie get a huge training today he trying to ruin hunter that over at Oh hopes he trained some people like KD Dwight Howard you know just little people like that for the hit the bombs go [Music] let it go - run it there you go boy hey a big game he gets over tomorrow so I gotta get ready got the fare for get up - Julian I know right there may I'm sick of all of you come on come on that's what I'm talking about bang right there I got the groove back and this is a little stopper Hey that's what she said you had to watch it he was crazy hang a lot I told you I've seen some the greatest shooters Cady all these guys have been here but I ain't seen about to be that consistently good you're early can we sit down after the workout you know I have to begin again okras she was talking about giving me advice and tell me what I need to do in plan Oakridge you got one of my best players are not training awesome Mike James he's gonna be coming hard for you guys he already said he's guarding you and he's six you know six six six seven but the way you play the way you go at it that shouldn't face you get your teammates involved because they're gonna try to get the ball on your hands you know that make sure you like said move without the basketball that's one of the biggest things I wanted to I started pressing Hall on small guards you've got to move without the basketball and understand your teammates know what you got okay is the one of the best teams in the state and no it days when you do it but we're gonna shot a lot of people of tomorrow take a max I'm looking forward to seeing big things this year I got a following I'm following it now I'm gonna believe it thank you [Music] you know the white feet get ready to go out on our anniversary night we're gonna leave the kids at home we can't trust them they're teenagers but hey they're doing in JD your mommy going up what are you doing it's at university we want to celebrate 20 years baby so keep it clean nobody a night charlie hit 30 my dad lead for his anniversary so we got the house to ourselves tonight we should have it--people over I don't know you mental Tommy's life he asked us tonight have anybody over I can tell you what he's worried that we will have people over that's a valid fear because I'm not to have hello people over if Julian's not careful this is gonna get out of hand anniversary night first up we're getting a seafood baby the best seafood in Orlando I've been together 20 years 19 married I almost hit in that 20 wouldn't change anything for the world me and the wife had been together so long been through our ups and downs we stuck it out and our love is great maybe we love each other so much we out here celebrating our love 20 years on Craster's hell no fighting get tired yeah I'm not good time do you ever like Bonnie and Clyde baby J&V established 1999 where you think the kids are doing at home [Music] you better you get arrested you don't all wear on then yes we are incredible okay this is on ps4 I'm the uncle there's liking to have people at the house you have to squat up a little connect boom item number two it's a crazy great restaurant they got incredible desserts to get some of the best desserts haven't tasted anniversary being out here at a place like this with all the ambiance you can just feel the love she wants the cookie nookie and then we want the what's good they say the Apple one was it the missionary yes ain't no one knows how to put it on a lovefest like cats and Newman baby who talk but I levitated several to the place whoop Lady Jaye in jamil smack to each other tell my fighting I had gloves and a mic a fight [Applause] thank you awesome thank you so we got blow it out like it's a birthday [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep your hands on T great place for anniversary prank something sensation yeah it was great so you're ready to go to hook you ready to go to hotel number three on that gender hotel baby you ain't trying to hit the Gaylords all back and the Gaylord Palms come on man we can go there the kids will be asleep wife who wants to go home she's a little tired we're gonna go home take the Netflix on enjoy anniversary at home fights over who's too close will call the downsides a winner when it is red team you know my god a way we turned some music and it's turned into a real party are you kidding me our anniversary night you're out here having a party yo yo what's going on man she comes in the energy just leaves the room everybody house okay now Oh mommy's outside school break the bank no just go front we bout to have the talk I'm off to rub in Jenny's kids we've specifically said not to do these things and they did I but no world possessed you guys the thing you can have her party out I don't understand I mean I saw her know like you know mummies rip you know she gets all ready right come on man like how you gonna do that if a god you know what that cameras in the house to anyway right I said I specifically said no one in the house you'd think my dad will run out things say but nah man he's endless you guys are grounded indefinitely you know I mean until whenever the heck I we decide to let you out punishment indefinitely how can I be so selfish how can they not understand that their actions affect other people and you get a game tomorrow so what are you thinking you got to get you together first preseason game tomorrow prod you prep and you only have to party have box in this a nap and Jaden come on be a sister that you are and make sure your brothers on track so just go to your rooms man's ridiculous before your mommy comes to come wants to talk to y'all I'll be over there they hurt me they hurt our peace next time they better not do it now we're gonna get some rest get ready for our preseason game for us Oak Ridge [Music] here's my last first game this is it this is my year this is why they call me prodigy I am the prodigy I'm gonna show all my haters right here right now this is a crazy game today except first game project Krebs history gets preseason but as preseason at Oakridge state champs Oakridge one of the best programs in the country Oakridge nationally ranked Oakridge there's no doubt you're gonna win this game there's no doubt in my mind that you're gonna win this game there's no doubt you're gonna come out the best team in a No ok going into Kentucky guys we're gonna show everybody one of the best teams in the oh one of the best teams in the nation today they have one shooter we know what it is right just jaylen you shade that side you know what I'm saying you shame his side I need everybody boxing out all hands on deck the Box out let's finish each possession let's finish the possession let's go put it up best team in out one three one two three you ain't seen nothing yet [Applause] [Music] whoa corporate star the game outright we jumped out raised into a 15 something lead yeah let's go [Applause] Kotaku good job [Applause] [Music] towards half-pound you know we lose it [Applause] [Music] oh yeah I told you tell ya get Y get lot oh my god man that follow something going on we got miss shots we got turnovers so we blow our lead you're shooting a step back when you're having it Yeah right why why can't you just rise up what Julian better sharpen up everybody better sharpen up Austin get your act together fast they overtake us right up at the end of the half they get the momentum now shifted their way this is what I didn't want to happen [Applause] the phone [Applause] I don't know we had that one shoot on the court one shooter on the court turnovers missing shots free-throws not boxing out for things not getting out on the one shooter they have five things pretty like one guy the one guy we say how to does he get a three ha you have to [ __ ] don't worries that at all times they get it rebound looking free throws box out so I'll turn the [ __ ] ball over and we win this game simple let's go can't believe we lost the lead and we still in this though we tied with them we still got a chance to win this man [Music] hey we America's Team now baby we had a Patriots a USA [Music] Matt pops the Boost Mobile for bringing you this season of hello lumens you could get four lines each for $25 a month when you switch the Boost Mobile tell your squad and save big and if you want to watch the rest of the season and more overtime content you've got to subscribe do that for us love Big O you're part of the family now
Channel: Overtime
Views: 4,637,779
Rating: 4.7500076 out of 5
Keywords: hello newmans season 2, hello newmans full season, hello newmans full season 2, hello newmans season 2 full, julian newman fight, julian newman overtime, julian newman fight at practice, julian newman fight overtime, julian newman highlights, julian newman birthday, julian newman birthday fight, julian newman birthday party, jaden newman song, jaden newman highlights, jaden newman music video, jaden newman basketball, jaden newman overtime, hello newmans bear, overtime
Id: qzPjci7QSg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 24sec (7224 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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