Julia makes Pokimane do the hardest Workout ever

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when he's punching I want you to pull him back as hard as you can so he's having to fight your resistance to keep pushing let me grab my phone go EAS I'm letting you know my mom had to do this for 5 years of my life H is that the right thing like put a leash on you yeah I was a leash kid I'm telling you oh my god sense you should talk to someone about that who do I talk I'm talking to you how you doing a professional you ready you're a professional you have a you doing a podcast not at therapy in three two one go hold them back poke keep running keep running come on we got to make it back come on let's go let's go hold them back pokei hold them back there we go there we go now you've been holding me back for years once we once we get to the back I'm going to on two what do you mean by that keep pulling them back you're going to keep pulling forward Miz hard ones and twos keep those hands up keep pulling back to the bag one two let's go come on you got it one two there you go there you go perfect keep your distance with the back Miz keep going when I say go you're going to Sprint back keep going come on full punches I know what your mom went through Jesus keep going M let's go let's go let's go keep [Music] going keep pulling keep pulling and we're going to Sprint back spr back back not done put that put that thing on it I'm going to hold you come on get it on go go pull yeah all right keep punching keep punching let's go come on pull forward you got it you got it come on oh now he's trying come on is Pok man holding me still y y come on you got it pull forward pull forward pull forward keep on keep punching Miz keep punching come on punch Miz drive forward drive forward nice nice hands up hands up want something on the same bag Miz don't cheat all right last time we're going to run back touch the wall I know well I got he's like a ballerina and back one more time last time let's go let's go let's go come on come on come on you got it you got more than that let's go I have a bad knee come on come on you got it you got it feel the testosterone run through you all right hard hard hard all you got all you got Miss keep your keep your hands up keep going nice throw a hook in there you got it beautiful as hard as you can pretend it's Aiden Ross and he got tickets to 303 let's go sorry he's got bodyguards keep going keep going almost there all right go ahead and turn run back to the wall touch it you're done come on come on come on come on come on right good [ __ ] we usually do that three times is that good you like
Channel: Trihard World
Views: 3,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jZSLwXM0M3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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