Julia Child's Roasted Chicken - Roast Chicken Recipe

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hello this is chef john from food wishes calm and welcome to my roast chicken dedicated to Julia Child this is chicken roasted with lemon garlic herbs served on watercress and this is from one of her cookbooks cooking with master chefs she did this with Jeremiah tower a famous San Francisco chef and if Julia Child had ever come over to my house for dinner this is a recipe I would have cooked her this is one of those kind of recipes that she just loved and every chef loves a good roast chicken so here we go alright so we're going to start by prepping some garlic I have six garlic cloves I'm just going to crush them I'm not going to peel them just give them a smash the flatter your knife I'm going to have three lemons and I got a big bunch of herbs I got three kinds of thyme and some rosemary and rosemary very important in this but the other herbs up to you Alec time all right so I'm going to throw my garlic and my herbs in a bowl I'm going to add the juice of the three lemons so basically what we're going to do here is we're going to make a a kind of a wet rub for the chicken and we're also going to stuff the chicken with the lemons and garlic and herbs it's going to be amazing all right so the lemon is done we're going to add some black pepper freshly ground of course and some salt alright I'm going to give that a mix and then the star of our show a big roasting chicken Julia loved big roasting chickens she used to say all the time on our show why don't the stores carry big chickens people always want small chickens this is a five pound chicken so find a big chicken Julie was six two you know that so do not insult her memory with some little puny chicken you want to be haunted by Julia Child's I don't think so all right so we're going to throw the chicken in there I'm going to rub it around in that amazingly aromatic lemon Irby garlicky juice and then we're going to stuff everything in there now you notice I only have four the lemon halves in there that's about all you're going to be able to work in there so if you're wondering what happened to the other lemon the juice is there all right so everything's in and by the way one of my wing tips was missing and the only reason I bring that up is because Julie used to call those nubbins which I loved when she said that so one of my numbers was missing flip that over leave it breast side down in the juice while you prep your roasting pan I'm going to take one onion and I'm just going to cut it in half peel it and cut it in some thick slices and that's going to be like a little bed for our roast chicken and that's going to get all sweet and caramelized and really make the sauce at the end even better all right on goes the chicken if I had a nub in there I would tuck it underneath but I have no nubbin so just tuck it in see that you take that tip and you go underneath and that makes it sit nice and cook evenly alright we're going to take a little piece of butcher string and we're going to trust the back legs together nothing fancy here all right as you well know Julia didn't like to fuss around too much so don't worry about knots just tie the legs together I'm going to drizzle over any of the juice from the bowl all right a little bit inside a little bit over the top and see this why I didn't worry about the pits there they are alright we're almost ready for the oven we're going to give it a little bath a little drizzle of olive oil and then a very generous sprinkling of kosher salt all over we're going to preheat our oven to 400 and this is going to roast for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 400 ok and that's going to give us a beautifully juicy bird while it's roasting I'm going to clean wash and spin dry 2 bunches of water crest set that aside now for a 5 pound chicken an hour 15 minutes was perfect for me you want to use a thermometer go ahead 170 is probably a good temperature to take it out at and of course we're going to let this rest all right I'm going to take the chicken out of the roasting pan let it rest in a bowl the bowls going to collect the juices pour off the fat from your roasting pan I'm going to add half a cup of chicken stock now that pan is still really hot so with a spoon here it's going to be really easy for me to rub off all those caramelized chicken and lemon and garlic and herb juices on the bottom if you have a flameproof pan you can actually put a little heat under this but for me that works just like that I'm going to strain that and make sure when you strain this to get the most delicious juices you got a press with your spoon and stranor because that last little see that last teaspoon coming out that was the most flavorful part all right I'm going to add the juice of half a lemon to this just to make it a little fresher all right some salt and then Julia used walnut oil I'm going to use hazelnut oil but if you knew Julia she would not be bothered by that to be fine with that all right make sure you add any juices that came out of the resting chicken at that end and then we're going to carve our chicken the leg and thigh comes off cut that in half alright I'm going to cut off the wings where they attach at the body all right the breast comes right off the carcass there cut the breasts in half and you know what there's going to be a little meat attached and why I didn't worry about getting so super closed and now I'm not going to eat all that I'm going to pick that off and you're going to get like a nice I don't know cup half a cup of shredded chicken and we're going to throw that right in here so we're going to take our water crest we're going to give a big ladle or two of that dressing that sauce that is you whatever you want to call it throw in any of that pick chicken from the carcass and that's going to just slightly wilt you know those spinach salads you get with the warm dressing and how good those are all right that is sort of the same idea here so we're going to take those beautifully crisp slightly bitter very peppery watercress greens it's been tossed with our tart aromatic amazingly delicious lemon garlic herbs you as I use the French terms and Julia's honor alright we're going to put that on our platter I just roasted some new potatoes alright make it pretty our chicken parts go on top here and then to finish off a ladle or two of that beautiful jus or sauce or whatever you want to call it warm dressing and that's it so simple so amazingly comforting and delicious this is just like I said a dish Julia Child's loved she did so many versions of this and different cookbooks and on her shows and like I said if she ever had come over to my house for dinner this is what I would have made her and this recipe by the way my wife's favorite recipe she actually found this recipe in the Julia Child's cookbook for me and cooked this for me I don't know probably 20 years ago and we've been eating it ever since anyway that was for you Julia and I hope you all give that a try all the ingredients are on the site and as always enjoy and as Julia always said so that's all for today on the French chef this is Julia Child Bon Appetit you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 1,274,141
Rating: 4.9224658 out of 5
Keywords: Julia, Child, Roasted, Chicken, recipe, food, chef, john, cooking, cook, menu, foodwishes, Kitchen, Recipes, Home Made, Roasting (Culinary Technique), Dinner, Allrecipes, recipes, Julia Child's Roasted Chicken, Roast Chicken Recipe, how to, how to make, how to cook, how to roast, make, roast, learn, chicken, main dish, dinner, easy, simple, delicious, How-to
Id: 6Wk2cYarjOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2009
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