Jul. 29, 2012 - Carter Conlon - Can God Speak to You?

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I have a word this morning that the Lord's given me for this congregation it's from Luke chapter 7 please if you can go there Luke chapter 7 and it's a simple title can God speak to you can God speak to you now this message is going to an end that the title doesn't necessarily suggest so bear with me as we get through this now father I thank you for the anointing of your Holy Spirit thank you for your love and your strength and your word thank you for your promises and your assurance that you will keep us in the coming days no matter what we have to face thank you Lord that your voice transcends everything all of our fears and our failures and our frustrations and our weaknesses your voice rises above it all and has the power to create and to cast down we thank you Lord that we're safe in the hands of God Lord open our hearts today and speak to us help us not to resist you give us grace Lord that we need father to hear this word today and give me the strength to speak it the father we thank you and praise you in Jesus mighty name Luke chapter 7 verse 29 and all the people that heard him that's Jesus and the publicans justified God being baptized with the baptism of John but the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves being not baptized of him now that's an amazing thing this scripture is talking about two types of people who are gathered around the testimony of God in Christ Jesus they're getting a very very clear word spoken to them but there's a there's a line there's a there's a line that divides the two groups of people and it's described in these verses of Scripture as the baptism of John those who had accepted the baptism of John could hear the voice of God and had and were able to justify God as it is and those who had rejected the baptism of John could not hear the voice of God yes he was speaking but they could not hear what he was saying now most of us today if I asked you the question can God speak to you would say of course he can speak to me otherwise why would I be here why would I be in time for church why would I be lifting my hands and worshiping it's obvious that God can speak to me and I suppose this could also be said of of the opening text that we just read where I already said there were two different types of people they were both standing in the presence of Jesus as you and I are today both knew that God was there and the God was speaking there were both witnesses of the words which he spoke there are many many people today who are capable of hearing words and even repeating them but there's a difficulty of an opening of the heart and allowing those words to live inside of them they were all aware both groups that the one who spoke to them had power in Luke chapter 7 verse 22 and Jesus said go your way and tell John what things you have seen and heard how the blind see the lame walk the lepers are cleansed the Deaf hear the dead are raised and to the poor the gospel is preached there all in his presence they can all hear his voice speaking they're all aware that he had power not not just words but power was behind those words that the reports in the crowd of the they would have some of them would have known the dead people who were raised to life again the blind who were seeing the imprisoned and those who are without power given strength to do things that they could not do in themselves yet there was still a percentage of them that could not be moved from the place where they were to the place that Jesus was call them too and that's the way it is today in the body of Jesus Christ in the Church of Jesus Christ the two types of people all gathered around the Word of God but there's a certain line that's it there's a line that divides I've seen that so many times now over the years people sitting under the same word in the same presence of God and producing two different results some are growing into the Grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ they are changing by the Spirit of God from image to image and glory to glory as the scripture says and others are accumulating knowledge without change they can quote the scriptures they can study the Bible they can attend conferences but technically speaking they're the same ten years from now as they are today there's very little change except that they have embraced knowledge but the knowledge of course has not embraced them here's what Jesus said about this type of person and Luke seven verses 31 and 32 he said where two shall I liken the men of this generation what are they like they're like children sitting in the marketplace and calling one to another and saying we've pipe to you and you have not danced and we've mourned to you and you have not wept no there's two he said there there are two little groups of children they're sitting in the marketplace and they're calling as it is across the square one to another and the one group is saying to one group what we have we have we have brought you joy but you refuse to leave the place of mourning and on the other side they say well we have we've brought you a presentation of mourning and yet you refuse to leave the place where you are and join us and here's what Jesus is trying to get across he said whether I call you with the testimony of the fullness of joy that could be yours or I warn you of the sorrow that awaits those who shunned the voice of God neither of these for some people will cause them to get up from where they are and come over to the other side where they should be he's saying it doesn't matter how whether I come talking about the wonders life that could be yours or I warned you of the sorrow that awaits those who refuse to turn from sin neither move you it's it's a people in the sense of stay stationary where they are they have they've succumbed to something does there's a reason why they can't hear the words of God now the difference between these two groups of people is really quite simple one group of people those who had received and embraced the baptism of John they saw that their lives had fallen short of all that God intended them to be and others simply didn't agree with the counsel of God against them it's amazing they resisted change and instead they embraced a form of godliness which left them outside of the power and the life that was freely being offered them they simply didn't agree now it was a harsh message that John look at Luke chapter 3 with me please if you will Luke chapter 3 beginning at verse 2 Anna's and Caiaphas being the high priests the Word of God came unto John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness and he came into all the country about Jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins now remember remember that the group who rejected the baptism of John could not hear the word of God it's amazing how many people in our generation who have come into what they think is a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ but have never repented have never come to an understanding that of how other we are how much of a nature that is corrupt that we possess how much we have you and I have nothing to present there's no there's no bargaining on our part we are completely morally bankrupt we have no strength with no power we have no resources as as I said all of our righteousnesses are filthy rags in the sight of a holy God even the good deeds that we do there's nothing of ourselves that we can present to God and hope to hold on to and that was the difference that's that's why there were groups of people who are standing there hearing the same words as others but yet not able to enter into the power of them because they had resisted this understanding that you and I have nothing to present to a holy God we don't come to him with resources we don't come to him with anything of ourselves that he should look at us and accept us we've all fallen short of the glory of God there's not one righteous the scripture says not even one among us now it says about John he came into the country round about Jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins and as it is written in the word the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord and make his paths straight in other words he preached the repentance John offered the people a new nature that Christ was offering them this agreement with God this desire for change opens when he talks about this pathways has prepared the way of the Lord and make his paths straight it's not a path for you and I to get to God repentance opens the pathway for God in Christ to come to us that's what he's talking about he's not saying repent and be baptized for your sins so that you can get through to God the moment you have the moment you have turned and received Christ as Savior you're fully accepted with God and it's not about getting to God it's about that open pathway of God to come to you and I verse 5 he says every Valley shall be filled every mountain and Hill shall be brought low the crooked shall be made straight and the rough ways shall be made smooth in other words Jesus Christ will remove every obstacle everything that stands in the way of you and I knowing him in the way that he has longed to know us he says he'd bring down every place that we think is impossible every every obstacle that stands between us and God every crooked way every rough way everything that life and circumstance has brought into your mind to tell you that God can't and won't come through to you the moment you and I come to God with the humility in our heart the moment we come and say Lord our nothing and you are everything I have nothing to bring to you you have everything to bring to me Lord Jesus Christ I don't come in and pride because the Bible says you resist proud the proud and give grace to the humble I don't have any accolades I don't have any accomplishment I don't have any reason that you should consider to use me apart from grace and mercy and so Lord God I come to you just as a vessel that says Lord I'm altogether other than you are but you are willing to cleanse me to wash me to change me to empower me to let your life become mine that's where John said every Valley will be filled every mountain brought low every crooked place made straight in the rough ways are made smooth and the pathway is created for the Lord to come to us that pathway of the Word of God that pathway you see you won't change until you want to change you see the bottom line is that we don't we don't bring part of ourselves into this kingdom and that part of Jesus to it we bring nothing of ourselves and we had all of Jesus to that nothingness that's where our life comes from we don't bargain with God and say well I'll I'll give up smoking but I'll hang on to pride there's no bargaining there's nothing we bring to this table of redemption but a heart that says God Almighty thank you that you have chosen to show your mercy to me and you've chosen to call me into agreement with you remember it's they couldn't hear him because they resisted the Lord's counsel against them they refused the baptism of John and the baptism of John is a baptism of repentance a baptism where we acknowledge I must die and Christ must live all of me has to go and all of Christ has to come but God in His mercy has decided to come and indwell this body that has nothing of itself to present to him other than a heart that says come Lord Jesus come and embrace me in totality and let your life become mine and let your will become mine and let your word become mine and let your heart become mine then let your mind become mine and let the pathway of my life not be my path that I'm asking you to endorse but let the pathway it might like be your path that you've chosen for me and God you'll never send me where you'll not give me the grace to accomplish what you called me to do and all flesh shall see the salvation of God all flesh every one of us can have a clear view of Jesus once we are out of the way once I'm no longer holding to anything that God says don't hold to it anymore I'm often stunned at the numbers of people that I've met over the years who sit under this kind of truth but won't embrace it don't agree with it still have a sense I knew a man one time who was a proficient minister but he had a problem he and he'd been in the church for years and years and years and he was very contentious man everywhere he went he seemed to cause contention one day I spoke to him and I said to him I said you know brother I said only by pride comes contention according to what I read in the scriptures and I said every when I go to a Bible study if you get there before me you've got the room in an uproar before before the Bible study even starts by always infusing and introducing some you know chicken-and-egg spiritual theory that there's no answer - and I said don't you think you should repent of this and he looked at me that's incredulous this man was probably at that time in his late sixties he'd been in the church for most of his life and he said he looked me right in the eye and said I've never had to repent before why would I have to repent now now he'd been a public figure and you wonder what kind of a Christ had he embraced you know that man died in the cult you see if we won't let God touch us in every area of our lives that little corner that you think today you can hang on to we'll get you one day the devil doesn't the devil doesn't need he doesn't need no he just needs a little crack in the window he just needs a toe in the door that's all and you'll save it you'll save it for when it will do the most damage to the kingdom of God and it lets you go on in this delusion for 15 or 20 years sometimes and then suddenly he'll just pull the plug on it open the door wide and a flood will come into your mind because you knew you knew that this needed to go you knew that you could not hang on to this in your life any longer it was clear it was evident but there's there's something in the human heart that rejects this counsel of God that rejects this baptism of John that calls for unconditional surrender no negotiating there there has to be this season in your life and in mine where say Lord God if your word says it's wrong it's wrong if if if you tell me that I need to forgive no matter there are no excuses for this it doesn't matter necessarily and I'm not making light of this what somebody has done there's a higher law than what they have done and that laws forgive because if I don't forgive your your word says the root of bitterness will get into my life and it will defile the whole testimony of God inside of me just a root not a forest just a root just something where the door is still open just as that little indulgence that that that aspect of character that goes andhe's after in you but just simply you will not hear cannot hear no matter who speaks it it requires a humility of heart it requires you and I to simply line up and come into agreement with God and I'm not speaking this to be harsh this morning I'm speaking it because I care think about this from mama John this is preaching outside of Jerusalem and other places these are holy places these are people given to attending the temple to praying their prayers that they become used to to reading the texts of Scripture that they had available to them and in great measure they they loved I suppose the presence of God but as they come streaming out and I I can see it in my mind that the people are pouring out of this these cities these places but it's it's not the religiously proud that are coming out it's the publicans as tax gatherers it's the common people it's the ordinary people they don't necessarily have something of pride to hold on to that is blinding them and as they're coming out to be baptized of John he says this word to the MOE generation of vipers who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come imagine that it's like me today giving an altar called saying all your snakes come down to the altar really that's exactly what he was saying it was as if you would think that people are coming out why insult them now well I say this and it was almost like it was a last test before they went into the waters of repentance for the remission of their sin and the last test was simply do you agree that apart from Christ you have the nature of Satan in you you have the reasoning of the serpent inside of you that reasoning that wants to exalt itself above the knowledge of God that reasoning that says that wants to say this is good and this is evil no matter what the Word of God says I choose to believe this is good and this is evil and even if it's against the text of scripture and there is a wrath against that folks nobody's going to get away with that you get away with it on the earth play religious games your whole life but there's a day coming when you and I stand before the throne of God nobody gets away with playing games with God nobody gets away with nobody can do despite to the spirit of grace and get away with it it is assumed the promises of God are for those who have a heart to embrace Jesus Christ and to walk with Christ it is assumed that as a Christian you have an honest heart and I have been honest hard it is assumed that God can speak to me if I'm going off track if I'm harboring something that is wrong it is assumed that I am tender to the Word of God and to the Holy Spirit of God John said basically this before you go into these waters of baptism for the remission of your sin reckon that you have within you as Paul said no good thing I am convinced Paul said that within me that is in my flesh dwells no good thing reckon yourself dead reckon yourself the seed of the serpent was sown inside of us every one of us have that inner sin nature that wants to be as God that wants to declare this is good and this is evil that wants to somehow define an acceptable level of service to Christ into his kingdom apart from the Word of God who warned you to flee it was the last test it was the final moment when people were going into the water agreeing with God as it is that I have a corrupted nature my old self has to be put away that's why the scripture says if any man is in Christ he is a new creation the old things are passed away and behold all things have become new now before things become new you and I have to agree that the old thing should pass away old attitudes old ways of thinking old ways of doing things we can't bring them into the kingdom of God and sanctify them you can't do it you can't live with somebody in fornication and come into this house today and lift your hands and justifiably worship God you can't do it we have a nature that needs to be changed verses 8 and 9 says bring therefore fruits worthy of repentance and begin not to say within yourselves we have Abraham to our Father pross say to you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham in other words don't come here and think that attending Time Square Church is enough to sanctify you it's not God is able to make the seat under you saying if you won't he's able to do that bring fruit worthy of repentance and you and I of course can't do that it's only Christ in us that can do that and Christ can't and won't do it he's a gentleman even in the last book last church he speaks to in Revelation he stands at the door and knocks he will not force himself on you he will not force himself on me and now also the axe is laid to the root of the trees verse 9 and every tree which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire no more excuses no more justifications for the things that we've neglected to do our old nature needs to go and God has the right to take the axe to every root of every tree inside of you and I that needs to go it is his right to do so and it is our privilege to invite him to do it do you agree that your life and mine is to be lived as a demonstration of the kindness of God and the earth the people asked him they said what shall we do then and he answered and said to them he that has two coats let him impart to him that has none isn't that what isn't that what the Lord did we had no covering but yet he had sufficient for both of us and so he took of his own garment and gave it to us he's not asking us to do anything that he was not willing himself to do and he that has no meat let him do likewise in other words be kind give of yourself start to look outward instead of inward then came also publicans to be baptized and they said to master what should we do and he said to them exact no more than that which has appointed you and the soldiers likewise demanded of him saying and what shall we do and he said to them do violence to no man neither accuse any falsely and be content with your wages be content with what God's given you be kind to all people that now this is all in the New Testament as well let every man work with his own hands let him steal no more let him work with his own hands that he might give to the one who has need all of these things are in the New Testament and very very clearly outlined to you and I exact no more than that which is appointed you know back in Luke 7 Jesus gave a testimony of John in verse 24 he said what did you go out in the wilderness to see a reed shaken with the wind what did you go out to see a man clothed in soft clothing behold those who are gorgeously appareled didn't live delicately are in King's courts what did you go out to see a prophet yea I say to you much more than a prophet this is he of whom it is written behold I send my messenger before that face which shall prepare thy way before thee for I say unto you among those that are born of women there's not a greater prophet than John the Baptist's but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he vice verse troubled me for years I didn't fully get what does that mean now there's a lot of interpretations of that but I want to give you what I feel God's been speaking to me along the lines of this verse he said what did you think now John is in a season of perplexity he's in a season where all hell seems to be against him he's in prison his future doesn't look very good he's in the season of personal appeal and turmoil very much like many of us are going to have to face not only today but in the days to come and folks I believe that what God's given me today is the preparation in the heart for these days it's a preparation to be able to stand when everything around us seems to be failing when we have difficulty understanding God in the ways of God when there are voices everywhere even inside of our own heads that are even challenging the authenticity of Christ here's what Jesus said of John though he's in a wilderness and seemingly attacked on every side yet he will not be overcome he has an inner confidence and he has been a man truth he's not only preached a baptism of repentance of sin he's lived it and there's a deposit of the life of God in the spirit inside of this man that will keep him even if he has to die in the days in which he was living which of course you and I know he did there's a deposit that God is willing to put in inside each one of us to get us through these coming days that we're going to have to face but we are going to have to be people of truth there is no game player who will ever know this deposit of the life of Christ this strength that God is talking about he said there's no greater born of women than John the Baptist but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he is that's an incredible statement here's how I interpret that John had a measure of the Spirit given to him for the calling that was upon his life to announce the coming of Christ no greater man perhaps as jesus said up to that point but we today have not just a measure of christ we have access to the full life of God in Jesus Christ he could point to him we can know him we can embrace him we can have the fullness of his life inside of us carrying us that it's not a message for those who are strong in themselves but the least the weakest the seemingly most frail in the kingdom of God Christ said we'll have the power to get through an even greater power than John had we'll have this power to get through fire flood trial difficulty collapsing economies Wars breaking out and famines and diseases in the world the least among us who opens his or her heart and says Jesus Jesus Jesus bring every mountain down bring every valley up straighten out every crooked path and oh god I open my heart and I ask you Lord to come into my life I ask you to be the Christ of my life to the god of my life to be the power of my life to be the source of my life to be the strength of my life jesus said there was no greater man till that point but the least in the kingdom of God will be greater than John the least in the kingdom of God will not fall will not fail will not falter will not be thrown aside by the struggles and trials that every one of us are going to have to go through these are going to be extremely difficult days the days ahead of us I can't minimize what the Holy Spirit is speaking to me there going to be perhaps days like none of us have ever known and perhaps other than in some places where there's been unspeakable difficulty many in our generation can't relate to what we're going to have to go through together world economies are going to falter wars are going to break out there may even be rioting in some of our cities this is not a generation that is going to line up for soup folks that ethic is long gone this is going to be a difficult time and many of us are going to need this strength and God wants to give us strength but it doesn't come without walking in truth it doesn't come we can't hear the words of God if we reject his counsel if we reject what he is trying to speak to our hearts that we cannot retain any measure of our own righteousness our own sense of self and still come into the fullness of that which God would give us in Christ Jesus there's got to be a willingness to walk it clean and to walk it straight I had a young man approached me one time behind the platform in this church and he said to me I all pastor I've been here I think it was two or three years I love this church I loved the worship here all I said it's just been life changing for me and I was just listening to him and suddenly he said to me but there are certain things I have to do and God knows and God understands and I remember it that kind of throw up a red flag and I said to him what does God understand what are those certain things that you have to do he said well I have to pay the bill you know the bills have to be paid I've got an apartment I got food I said well what are those things that God understands he said well I'm a homosexual prostitute he was in this church sitting where you are at singing the songs that you saying this morning experiencing the glory of God sitting under this kind of preaching and still going out and doing what homosexual prostitutes do and somehow bringing that into the house of God and saying God understands Lord you understand what I have to do to pay the bills and that's it that's a glaring example of so many things that you know you and I know because we look at that example and say well that's obvious he's outside the kingdom of God it's it's it's doubtful he's ever had a full conversion experience he's he's been awakened perhaps to how wonderful God is but as Jesus said whether you pipe to him and talked about jar or whether you warned him of the saw he's not moving from the place that he's in and there are so many people that's a glaring example but are still doing living I'm not talking about the struggling Christian that's a different thing I'm talking about the person who's willfully still engaged in certain practices that God's Word says you cannot do this anymore and in a sense rejecting the counsel of God and shutting off the supply of Christ amazing just absolutely amazing how spiritually blind people can be folks I want to challenge you with everything that's in my heart get right with God get right with God I feel off times like Noah is standing outside and I know a complete place of safety as people are passing by every day many even agreeing with him but won't make the change won't make the commitment to see losing something of what they do and how they're practicing certain things in life is a loss when in reality they're losing the kingdom of God and everything that is offered to them through Jesus Christ the folks I challenge you with everything in my heart I plead with you as a pastor as a father as a brother I beg you get right with God you're not going to be able to stand in the coming days if you don't get right with God give him what you need to give him call out in repentance and God's Word says he'll bring the mountains down he'll raise the valleys he'll he'll create a clear path between you and him and you'll be able to hear his words and you'll not be governed by the news you'll not be governed by the incivility of this hour that we're living in you'll not be shaken and shattered by the senseless violence that's going to be on the increase in our society when you wake up one morning to realize the stock market is falling all through the world it's not gonna shake you because your confidence is not there this season the writer of Hebrews says the season of this ignorance God winked at but now commands all men everywhere to repent commands us to have a change of heart commands us to agree with God and to turn from what we need to turn from and turn to the life that God freely offers us in Jesus Christ there was a man sent from God John's Gospel says it this way his name was John the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe he was not the light but was sent to bear witness of that light that was the true light which lights every man that comes into the world he was in the world and the word was made by him and the world knew him not he came to his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them he gave power to become the sons of God even to those who believed on his name which were born not of blood not not calling themselves the children of Abraham nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but born of God those who received him were born of God born again of God given new life of God made strong of God brought a prison of God healed of God made straight by God hallelujah to the lamb of God born of God born of God born of God born of God born of God I must decrease he must increase born of God born of God there's no other life to be lived there's no other song that can be sung there's no other future that gives certainty but to be born of God to walk with Christ to love his word every day be able to say morning by morning new mercies are erupting in my life to have a hunger and thirst for this righteousness that God freely offers in Jesus Christ to be set apart for God to glorify God in the earth to have a life that has lived in this world where the testimony is nothing of myself everything is of Jesus everything you see everything I have everywhere I've gone everywhere I will go it is all of Jesus Christ it is nothing of me it is all of Jesus I have been born of God I have died and Christ has come to life inside of this human body as many as received him he gave them the power to become the sons of God Isaiah the prophet speaks of a last day when there be fires but in the midst of those fires there will be voices of praise raised up to God there be people unshakeable unmovable or not of this world although we live in it born of God you know I find I even have to stop listening to the news now because it's easy to get bitter I just some so of fed up with the incivility and the lies of even those who are supposed to lead us and don't tired of it I can't take it anymore and the Lord says well don't take it anymore as many as received him he gave them the power to become the sons of God now I don't I don't resist God's counsel against me you know remember that Jesus said in the New Testament agree quickly when you're with your adversary when you're in the way lest you be cast into the prison when the adversary is God you and I better agree with him quickly when the adversary is is standing before us as he stood before Josh was Josh was going into the Promised Land and the adversary says who's God says no farther this is as far as you go the strength and the resource and the victory is not yours it's mine take off your shoes this is a holy place you cannot present anything of yourself I cannot present myself I've been praying this last couple of weeks Lord Jesus help me if there's something in my life that's going to lead me astray help me to see it and to put it away I don't want to stand in a place where I reject your counsel even if it's against me I don't want to set my judgment or or start presenting the record of past victories and past faithfulness as as wonderful as those are they are no guarantee of the future the guarantee I have of the future is that my heart stays open and God can speak to me because he knows the end from the beginning and he knows where Satan could have his toe in the door of my heart and he can speak to me that's the cry of my heart that the most I've probably got 20 years to go at the most and I I'm so desperate to finish this race honestly I have a vision my heart of getting in my bed on the last days of my life with my hands raised blessing my grandchildren blessing my children speaking words of faith to them none of that will happen in my life if I don't agree with God daily if I if I refuse this baptism of John if I refused to walk in truth and to humble myself before God none of this will ever belong to me but if I make the choice to do this he has promised to make me a son of God he's promised that I would be born of him and carried by him and sustained by him I want to have something to say to this generation coming and I know you do as well the title of my message was can God speak to you can God speak to you can God go after that issue of the heart can God go after that practice in your life can he or will you reject his counsel and end up locked out of his power that's the key that's the question throughout the years of my life there have been things that he's gone after that were hard to hear attitudes that I had embraced which I thought were acceptable but they'd fallen short of what Christ should be some practices that were obvious and some that were not but I believe the one thing that has kept me to this point in my life is my heart has been opened when my wife speaks to me I don't defend myself that wasn't always that way it was about probably 20 years ago now that I realized that the safest place I could be in is that people close to me should be able to speak to me and so I don't defend myself not even internally I just simply hear what she has to say and then I take it to God if I don't see it and I ask him to make it plain invisible to me so that I might put it away in the strength of Christ it requires a humility but God promises not only to keep us but to give us power and joy the victory in the coming days I would like to give an altar call this morning for everybody here today wants to repent of something that God is putting his finger on right now if the Holy Spirit is in this message and in this meeting he's already speaking to you about something in which you can't push away now your inclination will be to push it away that's rejecting the counsel of God but now it's come back to you that phone call you need to make that relationship you need to get out of that practice you need to stop whatever it is if you can hear his voice don't harden your heart today because it is the promise of the safety and strength that we need for the future that we're going to have to go through open your heart to him now I'm just going to ask for those in the Annex if you could make your way to between the screens in Roxbury as well and here in the main sanctuary as we stand balcony you can make your way to the exits the main sanctuary those who just simply need to repent you need to get right with God you need to trust Christ for the strength to start doing what you should do and stop doing what you're doing nobody needs to know what it is that's between you and God and as we stand please just make your way here let's stand in the sanctuary father we we have a vision this morning of people coming out of that water and living a new life that was promised to them by God a life of promise a life that is supernatural and Lord they could hear your word and we're reminded this day father that this church was built on that foundation 25 years ago and you have walked with us for 25 years Lord renew us restore us give us the grace to turn from our sin things that we know in our heart and you've spoken in your word that are not right we agree with you we agree and this day we choose to walk with you we choose to let you be our God and give us the strength that we need to represent you on this earth Thank You Lord Jesus Christ did you'll place us in the father's hand and nobody can take us from that hand thank you for the security that belongs to the true believer thank you for the hope and the help for today and tomorrow thank you Lord that when the storms rise and the waves are raging we will not be afraid for God is the strength of our lives holiday thank you Jesus thank you Lord you so loved the people these people he said o Jerusalem how I've longed to gather you gather us living Christ gather us we say to you blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord we won't resist your word O God guide us lead us change us empower us Thank You Lord God that the banner that you placed over this church is love Lord caused us to move to that love caused us to walk in and oh God give us the strength Lord that you promised lord I pray for every person at this altar today Oh God that you give everyone the strength to walk out of where we shouldn't be and to walk in to where we should Lord let this be a day of transformation a day one will not be the same again because we have died to our practice we've died to our own attempts to get out and we've trusted God who raises us from the dead Lord we thank you for it and we praise you in Jesus mighty name Polly hallelujah you know I have something in my heart this morning it's been 25 years very shortly this church has been here I think we should give God a shout of glory for that
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 18,143
Rating: 4.9135561 out of 5
Keywords: Carter Conlon, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: 2NQSgwTJg0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2012
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