Jujutsu Kaisen S2 Is DISGUSTING…

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video and behold he is tweaking off Vitamin D he has actually reached maximum maximum light skin capacity and he is exceeding limits right now okay so at the gates if you haven't seen first couple episodes of season two of Jude's cousin obviously I wouldn't say watch this video because there are going to be spoilers in this video so just save this and come back to I think it's been like three years or something like that since that first season of Jiu Jitsu Kaizen and like while the movie was good I kind of just forgot that Flair that the show had but coming into this season I I was hearing a bunch of [ __ ] from like leakers and mapa and whatever and they were saying that this season is going to be their most ambitious project yet it definitely was and I say it now if you're hating other [ __ ] you're delusional because just off the bat seeing ghetto consuming those cursed Spirits in that Alleyway and just like the coloring of the environment being so gray and Grim you could already see I don't know I just felt like there was already a different approach to the [ __ ] we're introduced to younger versions of udahime I think that's her name and meme listen I remember seeing baby it's season one like briefly but I know in season one she's a bit of a cougar she's got age on her she's probably pushing like 40 you know but I saw her up in this car texting me on her phone and I was like damn what a [ __ ] what a gorgeous ass woman man that that Frost white that she's got going on with the cherry red lipstick with the tie what does she get in formal for we see them pull up to the Haunted Mansion and I could already tell like the artistic differences compared to season one off the bat just because it's like if you look at the background it seems very almost comic bookie even when we see uttahime when we see her looking under the bed and we see uh tang in three wraps from Demon Slayer and then she like backs up and it's just like the motion in which she runs out of the door and like the door is like a little bit CGI and you could like see the hallway and the dead person I don't know it's like it looks the movement of the camera is also different you could tell and we see them get trapped in this looping hallway and whatever and then UTSA is given that whole explanation and I swear just the way it may make talks it's very it's very like you know it's like she wants something to happen right now this is the only time I could even talk about her though because she doesn't pop up for the rest of the [ __ ] season so I really need to get all my thoughts out right now but they're about a they're about to pull apart space and time really quick so they can break out of this loop it's it's the little things about this woman it's really it's like if we're getting ready to run there's no reason you should be doing this little hip pose right now I must have been down the hall taking a picture nice but no when when we see them running this [ __ ] was kind of looking like a Spirited Away movie almost then we get our first look at Gojo now I'm gonna say it right here right now let's get that I'm just gonna go into it throughout the duration of this video because it's kind of Episode by episode this [ __ ] was doing something new this man is in his own league in terms of being a light skin that I could barely even mimic the man's voice it's just smooth he's got he's got the [ __ ] sweat look at that look at him already just pulling up to the scene like he [ __ ] owns a place but even ghetto two ghetto is looking clean as hell as well you see shoko man shoko she has see I don't even know what the [ __ ] is going on with these two guys because it's getting ridiculous this [ __ ] mole on her face I I'm shaking in my chair right now hazelnut eyes don't even get me started with those visit the rose pink lips I think that [ __ ] is stock I don't even think she has lip gloss oh she's just naturally glasses on the lips and it's CR and I thought she was no Bara at first so that's why I was a little bit confused I would have to assume nobara is her child and if nobara is her child who is nobara's Father see and everyone in the past was looking so cold even the [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] me and him I've been told I look like him just a little bit and I I could definitely see it in terms of our stature I'm very muscular like that as well he's got two barcodes on the side of his head but it's like nice it's like a nice little [ __ ] you're chilling at the basketball court and then Gojo's getting freaky and this [ __ ] ghetto what [ __ ] he needs to be in the [ __ ] Dunk Contest Gojo shot the ball and he jumped over the rim I'm seeing JoJo come up this left side I'm thinking I'm getting an East Bay windmill threesome I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm getting from this man with the angle that he's coming up that's a dunk angle I heard that this wasn't even in the manga and mapa improvised this [ __ ] like so you could tell that they're really taking care for this show and just the Angles and shots that they were hitting with Gojo throwing his mask ball right at ghetto and him not having that three-pointer equipped into his Arsenal and seeing Gojo [ __ ] launch that [ __ ] one-handed underneath a one hand underhanded this [ __ ] from half court and then busted that [ __ ] in his face but no so we get the whole rundown on basically what they're gonna be doing and I'm not gonna lie I kind of tuned out for this and I could research it right now but I just know it involved tengan and Rico the girl that they're about to pull up on and bring her down to like the basement for some barrier thing I think so building up immediately and then we even get the iconic walk hey yo I'm not trying to talk [ __ ] or anything but you've been acting very full of yourself lately and I think you should probably and I'm really just talking about when you're addressing like your higher ups you know because especially if we end up meeting this tanging guy I think you should just be a bit more humble because this shit's getting a little out of hand I think you know I'm not doing that [ __ ] it's like when it comes to stuff like this you kind of got to be an adult about it or at least attempt to yeah wait hold on one second and it's just even and it's just this whole little taste sequence with them like showing the little arrows and like the little expressions like Gojo just facial expression changes and they show like little quotation marks around his head or whatever they even do but I'd say the coldest [ __ ] shot from this episode Gojo's still talking on this phone and then he gets Jet's ultimate thrown at him and he just stops all the knives and he's just standing oh my and then we meet toji briefly and I don't know how much of a freak is what this guy was gonna be but with him being a child forgetting dumpling eating Boat watching gambling addict that smirk on his face told me everything I need to know about his character like how do you forget your child's name that's what struck me and I don't know his life story I don't know if he was in the operating room or not because I know there are dads who don't even show up to the hospital there Dad should bring their whole console I don't know how he went about this I really don't but I know that he at least know his child exists for you to be so caught up in your gambling addiction for you to forget your child's name he needs to hit up 1-800-522-4700 national problem gambling online and we could go from there because if you're gonna gamble on anything at least do roulette or so we're not we're gambling on boats what are we [ __ ] the Nicola jokic of the Boating League I know he does that [ __ ] with horses maybe this is more common in Japan though and I don't know the culture they send the girl to school I guess they're trying they were trying to make her live a normal life something around that before she gets sent away to the depths for all of eternity yeah we're seeing that toji's gonna hunt down her Bounty some [ __ ] like that he's walking away and he's on the phone still I think the course of action is we let those fools wear down Gojo and all the sorcerers with them and then I could just go behind them and you know I could skew where that [ __ ] [Music] stop right there I was saying it in the reaction it's the black sweatshirt with the black sweatpants combo I think I'm gonna buy this fit and just swing on someone for no reason because I think if I'm wearing this with the slides with me being as tall as I am I may incorporate some sunglasses into that as well just because maybe a chain and I don't think anyone's testing me there's nothing you could do that's the type of Aura this fit gives off I'm only gonna pull it out when I'm feeling angry though and that's a rare occasion I'm not gonna wear this casually because I know this is a dangerous fit toji turned around so fast and squatted down to confirm that the guy wanted a problem and then he fell back down he knew toji was going to get to work and regardless like even if toji wasn't even a threat like that I don't know why this guy in his right mind would challenge his brolic six foot five ass Tower of a [ __ ] human he looks like he smells good as hell though he looks like he has like a hint of Aqua di Zhao on a with like an Old Spice Captain set under it I just described my own scent so I'm just but no this is so this next scene that we got with ghetto this [ __ ] was some of the coolest that I see the juju fight because he has OG pull up on him and Grandpa sees gesso pull out his curses and I don't know what the [ __ ] Grandpa was on must have been like crack I don't know how the [ __ ] Grandpa got from inside here that it's a [ __ ] Cannonball it through the window at high speeds he tries taking this [ __ ] to London pulls out a knife on ghetto and then as he looks into the reflection of ghetto's eyes he gets [ __ ] genjutsu I may have to induct both ghetto and Gojo into the lounge I'm not even kidding they visualize the live flasher before his eyes so well he was taken back to his prime years and the orchestra started playing at my ear because this is that real Jujitsu like this is where the Jiu Jitsu part comes into it because ghetto gave that hit a lap jab beautiful grab that wrist yeah this is a crime actually you could be arrested for this he this is assault on an old person left again double to the stomach in an uppercut like this [ __ ] was nasty he was 12 feet up into the [ __ ] sky but see this whole scene in itself was [ __ ] beautiful because not only was that beat down nasty but just the orchestra and the choir playing in the background transitioning like to Gojo in the maid running around and then him pulling up to the church where they were actually singing all the girls start fawning over the dude but it's the fact that he gives into it he's that much of a light skin when you go up into the light skin Lounge he is on the wall in a picture frame somewhere up in there these are the types of qualities you gotta have and this is how you've got to act if you really want to succeed in this and be a member of this group for a long time because like people like Maru when I inducted him he still has to pay a monthly fee because it's like he he's questionable hey y'all pipe down this [ __ ] is disgraceful Sensei you know you want a piece of that [ __ ] too look at that this is really inappropriate even if you are a relative you can't just barge in like this really here's my number I haven't been this horny in months but yeah no so he takes her because he's trying to save her but then we see the maid fighting Roku Rhoda from Health Paradise she starts going crazy with the Hop stick but the choreography was so good and fluid even seeing Gojo with his clothes he like he's giving them a whole history lesson on his ability and whatever the [ __ ] he's got going on while he's beating their ass and just seeing the guy about a run away and then Gojo break the glass and about to pull up the Infinity but he he doesn't know how to use it yet and see it how this comes up again in this toji fight that we eventually get it is actually so good and I'm gonna be honest during this recording at this point in time episode 5 is not even out yet but I just wanted to get the initial part of this video done so then when episode 5 does come out tomorrow I could just record that and be semi-done with this audio just to make the process go faster but see with Rico when they introduce her character and whatever it's like I she seemed like a cool character but I wasn't really getting attached to anything about her because it seemed like a June pay Situation off the bat I'm assuming since there's so much focus on her she's gonna die or become corrupted or get turned to a curse something like that we see them have a little beach Arc Gojo is really chilling Rico a good time considering like what they're about to have to do to her that she's probably not going to enjoy it the best so they're I think they're really trying to just give her a good time not even just go to just all of them in general and we get this little sequence of them just in joy in life this [ __ ] looks like it's straight out of like a National Geographic documentary about the benefits to just going outside touching grass and joining life with this nice orchestrated music just blasting in my ear the sea will Rico in the aquarium and the colors that Maple was using with this [ __ ] oh it was [ __ ] beautiful and when we see them pull back and Gojo releases his technique for dead ass two seconds at this [ __ ] told me like the way he pulled up and then we see a [ __ ] flashback of Gojo in his natural fairy kingdom habitat and I'm I'm assuming it's because toji has no not spiritual pressure but no cursed energies and kosher is obviously the only one that sensed him what I took from this scene is that Gojo looked at choji the wrong way and he tested his sense ever since that day told you was like I'm killing that and the fact that goja just tanked a sword through his chest and he was able to like alter his [ __ ] with his cursed energy and close up the wound or something like that oh my gosh but he just says y'all boys just go I'll take care of this and just seeing him wield these weapons and just how fast he is moving come in comparing that [ __ ] to what Gojo's got going on so it's just to see that there is a normal ass Human who's been going to the gym for 20 plus years honing in on his calisthenics lateral movements probably taking daily runs just Blitz the [ __ ] out of Gojo but then Gojo is like catching him with his [ __ ] Jedi abilities and just and look at I have given him a little weak and everything he didn't even give him a wink he might as well have with those [ __ ] eyes looking that good when Gojo starts Conjuring up the spirits of the air he's like rotated this [ __ ] like a pizza and he's in the bakery and then starts pushing that pressure like you could just feel it just watching this episode and how just unorganized this ability is and how it seems like he barely even has control on it really seeing how he does this move like so effortlessly now it's crazy he called in a hunter killer swarm on him but when I was watching this I'm like realizing how busted this [ __ ] toji actually is because he has like an unlimited weapon Arsenal plus like she knows ability times seven and this might have been the coldest moment of the season so far him standing here being in the middle of this cloud of just bugs not being able to tell where the dude is as soon as he turns the opposite direction because he thinks toji's after the girl behind him so we're charged in hand and I didn't even notice this [ __ ] my first watch I thought it was just his short going fast to be honest I didn't even but he pushes that sword through his Infinity barrier he launched that dagger into his neck as he's talking [ __ ] to him he said you gotta focus on your defensive technique Gojo tried grabbing that blade and he said no I'm gonna cut this [ __ ] like a slice of cheese and and toji had to confirm that kill too that's the thing because it's like you think with a normal person you stick a dagger through their upper respiratory system and bring that [ __ ] down to their hip you'd think that they'd die you give him a little four piece in the leg and then he hits Gojo with a little trouble in Paradise out to Kofi Kingston and I'm almost positive after he swept his feet under him the [ __ ] brought a blade down from the hahaha from the Gates of Heaven and just stuck that [ __ ] into his skull and we see him saying man that [ __ ] was good I think I got my Edge back now what the [ __ ] was this a warm-up who's the main event talking like this see and this is why I really do like ghetto's character and I didn't expect to like him as much as I do when he brings Rico downstairs I expected the outcome not in this way though but the way mapa did it they did it they did it in a very aggravating way he's like me and Gojo talked about the [ __ ] and we were like you know if she doesn't want to hop in there then the assimilation is off and we're gonna have to fight tengen and like she really starts to yapping about it too which is bad like she starts going off I just want let's get out of here all right this [ __ ] is done for real man hey I like these ghetto what they call these things fireworks they call these joints I like these but I told you you're such a [ __ ] felon he has all the tools in the [ __ ] world and he walked to ammunation purchased the gun himself he gave the cashier money for this weapon and kept it in his pocket this whole fight this was not in his work he pulled this [ __ ] out out from his waistband he probably doesn't even have a concealed carry license but it's the way they orchestrated not only the scene but just the whole season up until this [ __ ] point it has been so phenomenal and the fact that toji already dealt with like the head of the snake so he isn't even like phased about what's going on right now this Dragon picks him up in his mouth and he shoots at he's not even looking at the [ __ ] and I'm not gonna lie their fight was damn near just as cold as the Gojo one because the OST was going crazy and then ghetto starts firing Star Wars laser beams into the sky and tochi is just having fun smile on his face and gliding through the sky like enjoying himself and you see take care of that rainbow dragon like it's [ __ ] cake and it's again his battle [ __ ] sense is so like he's been studying and like researching this [ __ ] because we we see ghetto pull out some woman curse and then I guess it like releases some sort of special domain and it's trying to give him a little fade pulls out another sword just lets out a barrage of slashes and then breaks out of the [ __ ] with ease like it's not even an issue for him at all but the thing is he wasn't done it's like ghetto goes to grab the curse and the [ __ ] gets deflected for whatever reason I told you throws up the weapon pulls out another one still excited as ever and then hits that [ __ ] with like an onigiri slash pulling a Zorro [ __ ] out with the little sword sheet that yes I think it is so called with it just his fighting technique is like the best in this show so far it's the way he just abuses [ __ ] like the intent behind each slash and like his attacks he's doing this [ __ ] out of pure joy and wanted to make a statement and he already finished him but he walked up to him and kicked him in the head for what we see him remember megumi's name finally right so and he's like y'all boys just got beat by a monkey like me I don't even use cursed techniques or nothing and then he has a little light bulb moment he's like oh [ __ ] speaking of blessings I named him Mega me his word blessings kind of goes back to not goes back but goes forward to the whole fight that's about to go down because we see Gojo's heartbeat start pulsing on the blood and this shot alone was just cold in itself and like for the people that were hating on the scene that's about to come up tripping we see tozy walking down it's golden hour this is a prime light skin he was honestly at a disadvantage from the start like as soon as he saw Gojo down that pathway and he he was sensing it he was sensitive you could hear him he's like stop this off and what the [ __ ] is that with you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] dead ass no dead ass dead ass that shit's easier said than done though I haven't ever been able to do that [ __ ] really up until now for myself and I couldn't understand that one person who said they could do it and when they go over to Gojo staring at the [ __ ] yes he looked like he was off the fence or something he starts talking his [ __ ] he said you see you see the reason you're losing is because you didn't use that Rinky Dink ass sword when you stab my head that was your one mistake [ __ ] our fight's just getting started huh is it really yeah it might be I care I I have people in my house right now I can't scream like he was about to go scream and then we see Toby Blitz the man again and seeing Gojo just he's not even trying anymore and they turned that OST on for and I don't know how the [ __ ] he gets behind tochi upside down doing the curse technique reverse red smiling and [ __ ] gridden like he's a [ __ ] lunatic yeah and see this is where I had to just put a I already knew this [ __ ] was gonna be a meme as soon as I saw toji look up at the angle that he did because I was like he's looking upwards into the sky so this [ __ ] is floating in some capacity and lo and behold he is tweaking off Vitamin D he has actually reached maximum maximum light skin capacity and he is exceeding [ __ ] limits right now he was given toji prep time and everything and when we see toji equipping his weapon as I was saying he was having that monologue where he's like something's off there's a whole lot off right now and we see him look down at him in like an angry way because now with toji causing a ruckus he's interrupting Gojo's light skin time and it's like Gojo is dodging these moves before they're even like thrown at him it's just that the world feels so wonderful right now like I could really just like I feel like I could best do anything you know I could I think I think I call that teaches why not because me being the man I am I'm not even mad at this situation I'm just more so mad that there are more people that can't experience this feeling throughout Heaven and Earth I alone am the honored light skin I liked the way they did this scene I've seen the panel and it's like he looked a bit more psychotic and feral I've been seeing that word thrown around in regards to him in this scene I think he was still pretty [ __ ] feral to me he probably weaks I think it was done well I think the approach they took to it in terms of this like very Angelic scene with him being more so happy and like complete and feeling like all this energy in his [ __ ] bloodstream right now showing him like conjure up that Hollow purple with the red and blue water droplets it looked like a [ __ ] water paint it was so good and him flicking that [ __ ] like a booger toji was looking at that like he knew there was nothing he could do about that and we see toji get absolutely [ __ ] people were saying he's the Apple logo and I see it he's definitely bitten and he looks defeated we see him try to grab that side of his body and and it is not there anymore and CNM tell Gojo about Mega me and like my son's gonna be sending Clan into three years so do it that which you will which as I was saying before was that word blessing and seeing the worm go to ghetto and that being the literal curse just shows those parallels between like ghetto and Goji it's just like the symbolism talking about some mommy hug me that was the instant he became a villain if you if you look at his face he doesn't even know what the [ __ ] is going on now this part I didn't understand like I thought I did but I didn't at the same time everyone was around them clapping and it was at this moment that ghetto shaped the show ghetto saved everyone because if Gojo became the villain the show is does these [ __ ] were clapping at them out of like disrespect Gojo was like ghetto I could Slaughter everyone here right now enough I would not feel a pinch in my body and when you look at his eyes you could see that there's like some Blackness creeping into his blue so I'm assuming if he let loose there that [ __ ] would have been corrupted in some way maybe I think he knows if he allows Gojo to do that the world is in shambles and there is nothing anyone can do there's not one thing anyone could do about it oh my gosh dude and just the symbolism in this show second to [ __ ] none with Gojo walking into the red ghetto being in the blue and I don't know if ghetto ends up killing them because we see him clench his fist and then we get a little overhead shot of him and then the darkness like around him is spreading so he may very well slaughter them this is me in the future from just a second ago and I watched episode five today did a reaction on it and with this last episode we were thrown a year into the future just seeing sort of the after effects of the whole Rico thing and ghetto looks a [ __ ] wreck he says to himself Gojo's become the strongest in his head and then you hear Gojo asking him if he's lost a little bit of weight and then ghetto's like nah I'm chilling I'm fine and he's having like a crisis like we see him in the shower and he's just sitting there letting the water run on him and it's it's such a it's just like he really was [ __ ] up and after that whole shower sequence we see him on the bench with a Thai butter chopping it up this lady pulls up blonde looks like here's the Apple Bottoms Up I don't even know what apple bottoms are pose up asking ghetto what type of women he likes and I don't even know what her reasoning for that was maybe she had a crush on him or something and Getz was like I don't know who the [ __ ] you are but I see high about it he's a little freak and I see him I see him he thinks I hope he says I like girls who eat a lot so he likes him with a little bit of meat on the bones I feel like that's the proper response though but see this was a very pivotal moment that I also like I kind of glossed over it in my reaction because ghetto asked hi but I like do you you don't even know this lady why are you answering her and then hi but I was like it's okay I know she's not a bad person I'm a good judgment of character and then ghetto is like well then why are you still sitting next to me talking to me but yeah so afterwards you can't get to have this whole dialogue thing she basically starts instigating the man she doesn't even know what she's doing but I I was after looking at a couple like tick tocks and videos about this this was a very symbolic thing in terms of ghetto's development right here because this lady starts giving him the whole Spiel not even noticing that there's something wrong with him and that he's having a dead ass serious conversation with her and he's on track to commit bathroom and he's on track to commit mass murder there are two ways to create a world where cursed Spirits don't exist the first one being eliminating All Humans cursed energy and then the second is to make all humans be able to control that cursed energy and imma be honest with you I think that first option is the most realistic I like that one the most ghetto just needed someone to talk to actually in general and if there's one person that I don't think was the right fit for it I would I would like to say it's this lady because she was promoting his violence Yuki imma be honest with you it's like I really don't even know where I sit on that spectrum because you asked me a second ago do I hate non-sorceresses it's not that I hate them it's just that I don't know but you saying my ideas feasible makes me more inclined to just commit crimes ghetto these thoughts that you're they're not even your own you don't have these me viewing this clip it didn't seem like she was taking what he was saying seriously and she was saying that there are just possibilities in his head and the way he's thinking it's his choice to make one of them his true thought or something like that but that we see this girl taking off on a Harley and I'm not gonna lie that [ __ ] I was a little excited I'm not gonna lie I see the biker vest I see the goggles and I see an extra seat on the back but she could take me to Home Depot she looks like she frequents there often and we could just build something together she looks like that type of girl she does she looks like she would take me on that [ __ ] Harley we'll pop a wheelie or two in the street go to Home Depot and Lowe's why not all the department stores okay I could see why Toto is attracted to these types of women because this is [ __ ] nonsense I I'm just learning about her she seems like she has no care at all for my emotions but let's just live it's just she said that there was another star plasma vessel either one that has been born or there was just a new one there I don't know what exactly that entails I was assuming it was like Utah or some [ __ ] because I mean that's the only other person that is focused on in between season one and this I didn't know but maybe it's someone else that they haven't even introduced yet I'm looking back at this clip now they didn't show this how about ice kid body and everything and then nanaman ghetto we're having this dialogue about how Gojo took over the mission and the anatomy was like why doesn't he just take over every Mission since he's the strongest and then ghetto is having like an internal conflict about that because I guess that's what just sent ghetto over the [ __ ] Edge and as soon as this scene started I already knew what was going on when he when they had the two little kids in the cage and then the mom and dad talking and ghetto's ear behind him I thought he was just gonna Slaughter those two and then release these kids but he decided to do more he decided you know what I'm just gonna kill the whole village what why not and he got sentenced to death and everything he's a notorious criminal now no and I I probably say my favorite scene was this last sequence of them actually like having dialogue him ghetto and shoko on the street and I don't know what the [ __ ] shoko has going on in her head it must be nothing because she's just chilling on the street ghetto pulls up on her didn't you just commit Mass genocide what do you want from me girl I'm just chilling you know me so did you do it or is that like all a lie no I killed the [ __ ] out of those people if you don't mind could I ask you why you did it I'm just trying to create a world that's peaceful for all Jujutsu Sorcerers really that's it I think she started calling the Ops immediately because she she she knew if she said one word I couldn't tell if she was putting on an act right now or if she was genuinely just like this chill about it because at the end of the day ghetto is like one of her best friends she immediately whips out that T-Mobile razor Gojo yeah I'm with ghetto right now yeah right right in the middle area yo you're tripping I'm not trying to get my ass killed you could you could come over here yourself this is how a Fletcher this [ __ ] show is I guess this location that they were at they like kind of based everything off of Japan in real life and ghetto and Gojo had this dialogue right in front of this KFC and had KFC tweeting about this [ __ ] stupid what's the [ __ ] beef dog I told shoko she probably told you so you're telling me you're killing everyone but Jiu Jitsu Sorcerers even your own parents my parents were the first Target I can't just give them the privilege I gotta be equal to all [ __ ] that's not what the [ __ ] I'm asking I thought you didn't want to commit any pointless murders that's what we've been writing on this whole time you stopped me from slaughtering them back in the lab we could have done this [ __ ] together but you set me straight so let me say you listen I have my reasons just as you have your reasons for things there's a point to This n is for the greater good at the end of the day [ __ ] you know that [ __ ] is not possible you're pissing me the [ __ ] off right now huh but if that [ __ ] was you you could do it right you're trying to convince others that it's absolutely unachievable so my question to you is are you Gojo for being the strongest satsuru or are you satro for being the strongest Gojo Sato what are you even talking about right now see this is what I'm talking about you hear me but you're not even listening I'm spitting I said are you the strongest because you're shato Gojo or are you Sato Gojo because you're the strongest that's what I said you did not say that the first time I've decided on my own way of life and I'm not gonna let you Rain on My Parade so imma do my own thing what the [ __ ] is this idiot talking about I can't do it I can't do it so uh why didn't you go after him what type of [ __ ] question is that no you're right that's stupid of me my fault that man Sensei I got a question am I like am I just him like that am I the only one that could wear this mask something unfortunately that's just that's just how the cookie crumbles so no I I definitely say that that whole scene in itself with the way that shoko reacts to the news and Gojo reacts to the news and how ghetto is so casual about it walking on the streets as if he isn't a celebrity right now and lastly during this episode we see ghetto in his normal attire and he's about to give a Ted Talk on why you should join his cause to kill all the humans other than the sorcerers then I guess he took over that religious organization what's going on y'all boys okay so my name is ghetto I'm sure I'm sure you guys know of me you know I'm I'm a killer you know we're gonna have a vote right here right now to see whether or not y'all boys are joining me and we could take it from there okay so y'all oppose me and that's okay so you right there come up so what I was really trying to say to y'all boys is like you're gonna follow me whether you like it or not this and this episode is filled so much because we even get that last dialogue interacts with mega me and Gojo for the first time but megumi has been like a hot head since birth your mega me fushigiru aren't you hey who are you and what the [ __ ] is up with that face damn you rotten ass kid nah but to keep it short and sweet um I put a hole through your father I killed him with my bare hands he didn't even stand a chance and see the way they closed out this [ __ ] Arc with him just waking up from a nap as if like that was all a dream having that moment of like wow I'm really appreciative of this situation with these students and I love my students it's a very happy moment and I could tell already I could already tell that it's not gonna be happy in a minute I feel like if it's as good as people say it's gonna be with the way map has been just animating this part I'm sure they saved their best like Firepower for that portion of the season and they were just giving a little sneak peek of like what they got going on it's gonna be lethal it's gonna be a problem I love I love the way the story was told I love the characters and just seeing how they grew up in that backstory it was told in such a [ __ ] marvelous way the opening song was great the ending song was great as well there literally was not nothing bad about these five episodes to me this little Arc there was nothing bad about it it was genuinely like damn near perfect because you could just tell the care that was put into it I I have no qualms about this [ __ ] like I really I'm trying to think of something because I I don't like throwing out high ratings I'm really trying to get more strict on my rating scale but it's just like I don't see anywhere that they messed up with it because it's just when you with me I'm very simple and when I see that there's like just care put into something and they really try and the effort is there and the story is told in a way that is easy to digest and understand and even if it's not it's like you can go back to it and like really pay attention and figure it out it's like I I just I have no issue with the [ __ ] I'm gonna have to give that little portion of 10 out of 10. I'm gonna have to I thought toji was a fantastic villain maybe I don't know who else are the villains throughout this show but I'm sure he's at least the top three just just off of like my hypothesis alone just because of what he brought to the story in such a short amount of time I feel like he he's the only [ __ ] that really challenges Gojo like that in this manner like I'm sure there will be other Challengers and sure other people testing him but like in this manner and in this fashion I don't think anyone else is exposing them like this maybe I don't know only time will tell but without further Ado that was a great introduction to season two uh Shibuya at the end of August and we'll see what's going on with that but now so without further ado on to the next one and yeah that's it
Channel: JulzdotpH
Views: 421,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jjk, Jjk s2, jujutsu Kaisen s2, jujutsu Kaisen season 2, jjk reaction, jjk s2 review, gojo arc, gojo past, jjk shibuya, shibuya arc, jjk shibuya arc release date, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Kaisen shibuya, Jujutsu Kaisen shibuya arc, jjk season 2, shibuya, shibuya arc release date, jjk s2 reaction, jujutsu Kaisen s2 review, Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 review, Jjk op, Jujutsu Kaisen op, Jujutsu Kaisen opening, jjk opening
Id: WP25HqKmAq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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