Juice WRLD x MONTREALITY ⌁ Interview

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oh really should not have a rope I'll have to say probably this one vein make the house karai's hand side yeah realize darkside collides inside you run as fast as you can but you cannot realize dark side it could lies inside you ride as fast as you can in her soul Oh dark and light fight for the control oh no body no hose in her soul oh oh darkening light fight for the control don't anyone know don't anyone know money is happiness cut be she's got faithfulness captain drugs only make it worse cap I take a perk tonight take me and now take a sip of this side when I'm trying to relax [ __ ] I'm ready for what when the demons attack hell yeah bleed it was good to swirl and of course you were marching early [Music] I had one job I want a legal job oh wow this dude right here got me the job as well you were just not gonna be sitting there there's my cousin he got me my first job my first only job at a car factory was an eight-mile [ __ ] some b-rabbit [ __ ] I was a making car parts and [ __ ] I made them little handles that be inside if you'd be putting their clothes and holding on to anything they from the diet [ __ ] I made them handles yeah I probably worked there for like two three weeks y'all [ __ ] got fired I [ __ ] when I was all [ __ ] I [ __ ] him so I named him to give you mushrooms girl and I'm gonna bring two more where si was five you know my fake one of my favorite songs I can't do the first I was like I got mushrooms I got a CI got times and I said but um I got you know I meet what'd he say I'm cancerous so when I did she wouldn't want to answer this if you were on the back with about a rapper rohff or cannabis I strained you a death and I choke you again and break your [ __ ] legs to get bones poked through your skin you be for me I'm leaving this core equally taking one Jase pranky and beat yo ass legally I get to blood it off a funny on what do you say cuz when I smoke out I hit the trees harder than Sunday como some you say if I said I never did drugs that would mean I'll ing [ __ ] more than the President does Hillary Clinton tried to slap me and call me a pervert I ripped the [ __ ] tonsils out in fetish sherbert my nerves hurt lately I'm on here to grab Vanilla Ice and rip out his blonde Rex every girl has ever gotten out when he's gone last follow me and do exactly what the song says smoke weed take pills drop out of school kill people drink and jump behind the wheel like it was still legal I'm gonna I'm dumb enough to go on this too still some dumb enough to ask for a date with Lauren Hill some people only see that I'm white ignoring still knowing scared cuz I stand out like a green hat with the orange bill but I don't get this I don't even see through the mess how to [ __ ] it I'll be white I don't even exist that naked kill that [ __ ] boy just being such a sponge as a kid he's just absorbing all like the music and [ __ ] I would listen to just scram in my head with it not really giving a [ __ ] about school or homework really anything else besides music you know like just that's all I cared about so it was you know it was kind of easy for me to to remember all that [ __ ] if that was like you know my only focus pretty much damn I do get a lot of tattoos I'm alone I'm a little kid I so someone's on my hands or live life and lost so pretty self-explanatory I have an T on my hand it's pretty self-explanatory just being to yourself just being noticing your own hair um I got I'm sorry tatted only um just pretty much reminds me like said when you make a mistake so really you know I'm saying to really like move on from that and realize overalls and their sticks to me oh my gosh selfless on this hand with the UH it's across the st. Peter and people think this I mean most people think this cross means like I guess people that are anti that are strong and like being like an SI Christian or whatever are using this but it really mean it's a really sign of being humble and selfless this is my favorite skater in growing up to zero logo so I'll get that tattooed on you and not for nylon on it because you know squash it this is never leave my brother's no limit like it's just it's like the like my family like Chicago so yeah no vanity it's self explainatory I got this belonged at this got I love all my story that's on this yeah so yeah lovey-dovey of this then man write me and then man right there pretty well he made up this I joined it while it was in the making it's just you realize that you know this did not do it any of you I'll call somebody this was how I was tells him that I caught yeah I called him I was in New York I called you and 999 set up on that's not done right here that's helpful but I actually like the way it is cause of the like it been through some hair but I still there so I keep it like that oh yeah that's it I feel like just the way I care for somebody I mean I guess I'm kind of good at giving like door romantic things but like not really nothing like what somebody could be like oh I bought a thousand roses you know you know made a trail there's some [ __ ] like you can house you know like nothing like that was just the way I am in general and then if I actually get around like loving somebody like his it's like real like that in general and my music I'll talk about in music because I'm unable to explain myself and talk about it or whatever you know on whichever way I want to so it gives me a lot of room to really explain the way I feel I feel like people could talk for eternity on what they think love is like just come up with analogy after and now is you know what it feels like but it's nothing else you Seco really like describe the film was just like I use the best words that we can - you know I'm saying to talk about it but I feel like it's just something that you feel and you know what it is and you feel it kannada days people are smart enough to make you feel it but it not be that and it'd be like Oh someone's here your motive like fake love you know like somebody could think is love but it's something else but when you feel love don't like you know it though hey everybody know a love for like I feel like no I don't want to say that because not everybody if you had a mom mom and dad or mom or dad like a good parent that raised you well and that you know saying I love you like they own you know you know what love feels like you know obviously relationship love is different but we have a good relationship with your parents you know for a fact that that person loves you and that you love that person you could be just as certain about you could be just deciding about you know your partner like you know for a fact that you love then the fact that they love you so like it's just a feeling like you know what it is when you feel it but I've never felt it before it'll tweak you the [ __ ] out you feel I grew up type [ __ ] my message to you is to be strong no matter what you're going through so if you need help seek out whether if you're on the professional help seek helping you surround yourself with people that I help you that'll listen to you they got your best interest whatever you want to do in life find something that you don't mind doing for the rest of your life find something that you like and even if it seems like it's impossible is very very possible so don't get nervous if you have a big goal just chip away at it until you get to what you need to be knowing you would think I'm the same way you would think you're you look for answers that you know you can like you're not gonna be able to get you know I'm saying it kind of drives you crazy could you feel like you shy of these answers but you don't so you just try to think your way into a solution but can't find the answer so like I think that's what life is about truly finding yourself and then closing your eyes and die in his sleep finding yourself and finding other things finding yourself is one of the thing stuff for sure monke reality show you by yourself you start to like self-reflect on yourself as a person and you realize a lot about yourself like do I treat people good and my good person do I carry good energy is my thought process where it's supposed to be my actions where they're supposed to be as the people around me supposed to be around me and uh yes [Music]
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Keywords: juice wrld, juice wrld interview, juice wrld montreality, juice wrld montreality interview, montreality, montreality interview, juice wrld freestyle, montreality freestyle, juice wrld ski mask, evil twins freestyle, juice wrld ski mask freestyle, juice wrld eminem, juice wrld run, juice wrld tattoos, breaks down his tattoos, drake imy2 Kid Cudi, drake juice wrld sample, juice wrld clb, certified lover boy, drake juice wrld intro, juice wrld finding yourself, ally lotti
Id: 8-BLWt_GdE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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