JUDI DENCH & ELTON JOHN Play University Challenge - The Graham Norton Show on BBC AMERICA

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we must celebrate your fabulous work on University Challenge aha you are the longest-serving question master currently boater you've got behind you isn't it right there in those days Wow I'm got a beard I'm the beard nice of you to mention it again [Applause] who is I've got some questions on wattle University challenge questions so it used to sit in that chair you shouldn't match here and I'll sit here [Applause] what is wonderful is that I watch it regularly because I love it so much what I long to bet on each week is the drinker because there's always somebody who's very very clever in the moment they say these unbelievably clever answer they go [Applause] well not completely by chance there are four of you sitting on the sofa and so you can settle down and beer is anyone got a scarf or your scarf I want to be the transi Lion King somewhere down the line cake check out the lion cake quickly quickly quickly it's poetry and never get today here we are fingers on the buzzers who on the sofa tonight suffers from scholar phobia larious politic Bix bishop probably everyone know does anyone know the answer do you know dr. phobia do you know I don't remember anything [Laughter] [Applause] it's cool I don't even like to say the words ones weren't when jumped inside my sandal when I was a very little girl in wet weather yes [Applause] and you can scare the worms ever since you can just walk away from them you know they're very quick the worms in hurry all right who on the sofa tonight keeps two elephants in their back garden school of hard knocks John yeah do you keep two elephant in you back what about those two stones don't know I've got two stone ones but not real well have you got real ones no I've got I've got the ones that were around London that were auctioned for the Asian elephants so I've got a fine up sculpture I've got a yellow one with white dots and just a big bright yellow on who sits down and looks at you when you drive in through our drive does a big yellow elephant sat on it to ask looking at you it's better than a guard dog the auction [Music] okay one final question who on the sofa once got their foreskin caught in the zip and was rescued by their grandmother it was then the biggest it's ever been it swelled up to the most enormous size she had to get it in a bowl shadow bowl of hot water and she the only person I trusted to do it the Graham Norton Show Saturday at 10:00 only on BBC America
Channel: BBC America
Views: 2,716,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton, Elton John, Judi Dench, University Challenge, Jeremy Paxman, John Bishop, BBC America, trivia, questions, scared of worms, elephants, funny, celebrity, talk show, chat show, BBC One, foreskin, stuck, worms
Id: UxjlhUYsTy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2013
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