Judging Your Sim Racing Setups!

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always today we're gonna be checking out your sim setups which you guys sent me over to my Twitter thank you we're gonna check it out first set up slime TV beanbag okay there is a normal chair over here as well and I think that is a normal table over here why are you in this tiny table doesn't your neck get stiff from watching like upwards why wouldn't you sit on the normal chair and use the normal desk I mean bruh it doesn't take that much space over here though I'm gonna rate this setup three out of ten pretty confusing this dude's name is goosies wow that's a lot of Green Oh laptop bro laptop gamer I used to be a laptop gamer as well custom handbrake can shifter how did you do that by the way can you let us know in the comments he's a hater I guess he wants to beat me oh goodness but he says subscribe to him I'm getting mixed signals you're like a hater but you're shouting me out guys even if you're a hater subscribe like this man okay that is a sauce mask over here what is that I think it's a thrustmaster setup with the three pedals I'm gonna rate this setup two out of ten all right take it to leave it and this is Jose Nene he subscribed as one tree pedals Next Level race scene yeah next level racing simring over here oh my goodness that is an expensive wheel it's a trust Master setup I've never seen these thrustmaster wheel before I guess you're not doing drifting you're doing like Sim racing bro that monitor is wider than my mom okay he's definitely a fan of racing look at these posters over there this is I think 10 out of 10 Conrad with triple monitors over here fp0 I don't know what kind of a share that is oh it's a bucket seat Well it's really deep uh handbrake over here or shifter this has to be a fanatic setup I guess panic button over here as well by the way uh this setup is also very expensive I'm gonna rate this 10 out of 10 as well because that is uh that is pretty expensive over here next setup is from William Burns and he's playing cards with a wheel and that is a Logitech G29 setup with a deep dish wheel you can see the pink adapter over there as well and I'm sorry what is this oh the shifter okay this is cool I mean if it works it works uh yeah three pedals a lot of Hot Wheel cars over here as well okay oh and he modded his shifter as well by the way I'm gonna give you like nine out of ten okay next setup is from Senna and Cena has a lot of dope cards over here look at this shelf boys and there's a three cards over there as well the room is lovely he has a play seat and that is a trust Master setup not sure what kind of a wheel that is exactly but that is a full force feedback wheel three pedals he has like a different shifter knob here and this is kind of unusual usually they're like around oh that is so cool that you put like a tiny table over here for your mouse and keyboard oh and just realized there's a cute setups over here man has a SIM setup over here and like a normal chill setup over there wow and one PC to rule them all wait is that a console I think it is I'm gonna give this nine out of ten it's pretty good I like this dude style this setup is from Julian dirt and wow this man probably crashed his RL car and was like well at least I can make a realistic Sim setup like that is really dirty as well I mean his name is Julian dirt uh why what is this like Grandma's diapers or something that is a homemade Sim setup frame by the way look at all these uh wooden Parts real car seat all these center console and a g920 wheel he sealed there three pedals yo he made the Logitech pedals but upside down this is dope this is like a real life car uh this is three monitors over here which he only uses two of them you could definitely tidy up your place maybe just like clean some dust you know otherwise pretty good could make it look better so I'm Gonna Give You 8 out of 10. next setup is Jaron de Muir and wow that is a white boy right there look at that long sausage you have like a 10K USD setup and you found like a three USD towel to put on the seat Cable Management kind of sauce over there okay yeah the cable management is just absolutely awful I'm gonna give you like nine out of 10 because that is pretty insane setup next one is Ian stego man bro what is happening with you your desk could you like clean that a little bit this is the eBay handbrake over here I have the same exact handprint launch it takes shifter and G29 wait I'm sorry how do you get in and out of the seat you gotta like squeeze both of your legs like over the Rope wow that that is horrible I'm gonna give you like three out of ten Oh See since over here and he has a tsxw racer what is this chair bro you got like a trust mastic with a 15 USD chair bro also what's up with the cables bro you have like really clean setup over here uh I'm a little bit confused three out of ten okay could definitely tidy up this place a little bit next setup is go glance G oh he has the channel open as well that's a fan attack wheel over here it's a director and wheel boys it's gonna rip your arms off wait is that a babysit wait it is I mean a man starts young I I respect the hustle and keyboard is right there very accessible I like it seven out of ten I'm gonna give you you have like a lot of Queens over here as well next setup is ikumaru he has a Logitech setup swapped the steering wheel once again over here oh that let us see it looks so comfy oh baby he hasn't changed the shift knob on the shifter as well that harness is honestly horrible they Flex a lot I would rather put like the wheel and the shifter on the table that PC looks super mint by the way cable management is better we have seen worse I'm gonna give you like eight out of 10. I don't know why but I like it Mishra has sent this setup Pro this looks like a lot of money you could basically just like buy an actual drift car maybe with that money super wide monitor I've never used this I don't know are they really that good should I get like a white boy keyboard holder is so comfortable by the way the seat is expensive is the wheel trust Master oh it is it's a thrustmaster shift by the way and PC over there he looks dope I like it I'm gonna give you 10 out of 10. next setup is from bribo homemade harness these are very interesting those looks like homemade petals as well and I think it's a Logitech setup but he cut it in half what have you done to the wheel phone holder over here as we go single monitor PC over there I mean I like it I like homemade stuff so I'm gonna give you like seven out of ten not bad totally wobbly sent me this setup doesn't your wheel cover the monitor over here thrustmaster th8 shifting thrustmaster pedals and obviously a thrustmaster wheel okay I mean very basic oh this is like from far away as well yeah he has like two setups in one single tiny room that's cool actually that's really clean I'm gonna give it like eight out of ten yeah tomorrow we here we have a weave over here oh goodness also a pretty similar setup like one scene setup over here right with the big screen and then we have a different chair looking this way PC over there keyboard holder even handbrake here you can see it better the cables will be here a little bit bother me as well to definitely hide them I'm gonna give this one seven out of ten Dragoon yo that looks absolutely why wild look at this dude's Cable Management it's beautiful oh my goodness bro I love these they set the buttons over here as well it's a thrustmaster setup over here by the way probably the PC as well three monitors oh man even has glams on yeah this man is serious this is clean I love a 10 out of 10. easy Evo X slay sent me this setup Notch life over here okay he has all the famous tracks over there wow that seat is so good bro you can even see his butt cheeks he has a fanatic setup huge screen it seems one setup will be here another setup right next to it oh there's a Honda wheel over there that is a shifter that is a handbrake and that is a second shifter because why not bro look at the look at this center console over here he built it like a real life car this is 10 out of 10 right there okay ain't nobody gonna argue about that globalicious with a pink wheel pink nice bottle over here as well that's a full BMW interior a Logitech setup he swapped the wheel there that could be a band break as well but it's a little different and the knob it looks like it's self-made or something the setup looks though even has like turbo gauges or something over young okay well I'm not gonna comment on the cables anymore okay you can see they are everywhere but I like it other than the cables it's good nine out of ten easy flips oh boys we found the winner that's the probably like the cheapest laptop ever oh I think the wheel is connected to the mouse inside the box so the mouse is moving when he's rotating the wheel he made the pedals so when you press on this cardboard thingy it pushes down a button on the keyboard I'm sure the handbrake works as well maybe he made a controller this is the cheapest setup I have ever seen and it's a full scene setup you can cancel me if you want this is 10 out of 10. I'm sorry this man is Gonna Go Far Anthony I think that's a thrustmaster setup not sure about the shifter could that be a fanatic shifter this could be either handbrake and Trust meta three pedals not gonna mention anything over here but I like it bro it's just it looks mint uh 9 out of 10 okay it's good uh Xander sent us this setup that looks absolutely beautiful bro that's it makes me jealous it looks so good rust Master set up pretty story looking frame over here frostmaster handbrake I have the same handbrake by the way same shifter as well oh you're actually using a console for console setup this is uh this is amazing I'm gonna give you like 9 out of ten that's really good cookie Dusky I like your name by the way pretty dope see it kind of looks like a real love seat as well trust Master handpick over your trust Master shifter and obviously a thrustmaster wheel as well but I think he has swapped the steering wheel and we can see the other side as well I wish I didn't see this picture I'm gonna give you like 4 out of ten yeah zero wow not even has a pillow foreign I love a triple monitor though but has two steering wheels that's a VR setup with the eyes okay that's the I like it could definitely tidy up your desk a little bit if you could tidy up your desk would be 10 out of 10 I'm Gonna Give You 9 out of 10 which is a pretty good score and boys if you want to send your setup take a picture of the setup send it to me on Twitter my Twitter link is in the description as well and I hope you guys enjoyed this different type of contents if you did make sure you like make sure to subscribe and as always stay sideways
Channel: Goosiest
Views: 2,255,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5NukwSd4pP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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