judging hollywood heartthrobs based solely on their taste in books

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given that there was pretty much zero drama at this year's Oscar ceremony I thought that I would start some for literally no reason this is entirely unprovoked I just woke up and chose violence but it's like the most harmless form of violence because today I am going to be judging actors not for their abilities not for their delivery of their lines not for their emotion they poured into their performances not for their talent but I'm going to be judging them based solely on their taste in literature last time I made a video like this I focused on actresses in Hollywood like Florence Pugh Kate Blanchett Olivia Wilde Zoe Kravitz Jessica Chastain etc etc etc and this time we're focusing on the actors because I believe in quality everyone gets roasted on this channel the same way No One Is Safe we're judging every book everywhere all at once talking about judging people Austin Butler I don't know if anyone has ever worked as hard as Austin Butler to get an Oscar and then not got one and by the way these lists were curated by an amazing Instagram account called at celeb book racks so go check that out I'll link it down below thank you thank you very much okay so we have on the road by Jack Kerouac capturing the ride by JD Salinger we've got Raymond Carver this is giving I have never read a book by a woman ever I beg you I am literally on my hands and knees asking you please read literature written by women so here we go we have on the road and he says karak is one of his favorite authors I spoke about this book recently on my channel on the road is a road trip novel which was very new and exciting at the time in which it was published but it's kind of boring people always are amazed that this book was written in three weeks but I think it reads exactly like something that was written in three weeks but it does have some really beautiful lines so I'm kind of indifferent to this one The Catcher in the Rye is also one of his favorite books this is about someone who is completely and utterly insufferable so checks out what we talk about when we talk about love is by Raymond Carver this is such a brilliant short Story collection it's so good Raymond Carver really did carve the way in this genre I'll give him that and then also we have Jack Gilbert's poetry this is called the Great fires Elvis has left the building and so has my interest in Reading Austin about this book recommendations because they're a little bit stale honestly I've walked straight past this like Vanessa Hudgens at the Vanity Fair after party yes I went there Jacob elordi is also going to be playing Elvis Presley in another biopic no one asked for it's kind of like when Kristen Stewart played Princess Diana immediately after Emma Corian nailed it in the crown like respectfully I will not be watching but I appreciate that you're gonna do what's in what they just did all I really know about Jacob elordi is that he is tall and and that's really it so let's see what we find out from this well firstly take a shot every time you see someone recommend on the road by Jack Kerouac you may be hammered by the end of this video in the video that we did on actresses everyone recommended Patty Smith maybe there are two agendas after all and it's people who recommend Patty Smith and people who recommend Jack Kerouac oh he also recommends the secret history by Donna Tarr okay dark Academia he says I believe it to be her best work it's so good and I would die to see that as a movie he's just like me for real only facts were spoken if this movie ever actually gets made a movie of The Secret history could end Hollywood like we could just pack up after that because we would be done that would be the end of Cinema because nothing will Top This ever and I kind of feel like it's part of the fun that the movie has actually never been made even though it's almost so obvious that it should have been made no one has ever felt confident enough to do this book justice as an adaptation that they just haven't even tried and I respect that he also recommended nausea by Jean-Paul SATs and he says I've only just started it but it seems to be about a dude who thinks way too much about everything it's so incredibly relatable I kind of love that he brought up a book in an interview that he'd only just started pretty much just because it sounds really clever to be reading this I too would confidently explain a book that I have no idea about when I've just started it with my whole chest the game is the game The Hustle is the hustle do what you got to do and if you've read a little bit of this you deserve to brag about it then we have East of Eden by John Steinbeck he says this is one of the books that resonates with him the most genuinely I think this is one of the best books of all time it covers so much ground it really captures The Human Condition so intimately and powerfully and beautifully and intricately I love that he also read The Odyssey because I felt like going on some kind of Adventure I loved it fair enough I think I like Jacob eloria a lot you know I think I'm a new fan and actually when I made a YouTube video about the cast of euphoria's book recommendations I read a bright Ray of Darkness on his recommendation and it was surprisingly incredible I absolutely devoured this book it's a semi-autobiographical book by Ethan Hawke kind of about when he had cheated on his wife and his life was falling apart and he was about to Star on Broadway for the very first time and he's just nervous and anxious about how the public are going to perceive him and it's this fascinating insight into Fame interacting as a profession and it's just so vulnerable and honest and it doesn't position the autobiographical main character as someone you're meant to like you're just meant to understand what they're going through you know we love a flawed main character in this house and uh Jacob Lodi plays one with Nate Jacobs so there you go next we have Chris Pine I would love to know you about recommendations I would also love to know if Harry Styles spat on you but for now your book Rex will do so here we have some interesting ones and finally mostly female authors it's about damn time it's about damn Pine lady Joker sounds cool five conspirators decide to carry out a heist kidnapping the CEO of Japan's largest beer conglomerate and extracts blood money from the company's corrupt financiers then we have a little life now every time I see someone recommend a little life I feel this kinship towards them because we're all depressed and after reading this book we're all just recovering he said this book made him cry I feel you that is a relatable content right there thank you Chris Pine we also have Wolf Hall this man must have muscles from carrying around all these heavy ass books these are thick we also have man such meaning by Victor E Franco Pine says he reads dreary But ultimately insightful books like Man's Search for meaning by Holocaust Survivor Victor Franco yeah so this is a really powerful book and a very moving account we also have a visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan which he says blew his mind I'll take that recommendation that sounds good then we have all the light we cannot see by Anthony doer which is a book I didn't love I feel like everyone else does so this is the case where I am willing to accept that maybe I'm just wrong but I've tried two of his books now and I didn't like his writing style in either of them so I feel like we just don't we don't Vibe we don't gel and then finally we have Tender Is the flesh which is a book about cannibalism it's quite odd it's about this odd little dystopia where basically all of the animals in the world have got this disease and so humans can no longer eat animal produce and so instead of just going vegan or vegetarian we decide to farm humans instead and eat other human beings and like the whole ignoring veganism was a bit of a flaw in this book it's never acknowledged why we wouldn't just do that instead zero to 100 we're just gonna be cannibals and and that's an end of story no questions asked it's a kind of mediocre book I think it's shocking just for the sake of it and doesn't really go anywhere but the ending is kind of shocking so um I'll leave you with that this is a kind of messed up list of books to be honest and I highly approve next we have another Hollywood Chris I'm not gonna lie to you I think this looks like the most boring list of books I've ever seen maybe one day we'll have like a Hollywood Hunger Games where all of the Chris is fighting out maybe on Christmas just just for funsies I don't know anyway back to the books and not talking about like purging the Hollywood Chris's firstly we have Walden which is basically all about the joys and the beauty of the natural world and how it can be our greatest teacher it's about rejecting consumerism and materialism and capitalism and comrade to Chris Evans posted this on his story with the caption love it sadata is about a man who is looking for Spiritual fulfillment and he tries lots of different ways on this kind of quest But ultimately he finds that it has to come from within and that's the overall sort of message of the book this was Chris Evans favorite book growing up and it's still my favorite book today I read it for the first time in high school and up until that point I've never read a book in one sitting I just couldn't put it down no other book has made such an impact cool it's giving I am a spiritual and philosophical person and I'm gonna make it everyone's problem Bill Bryson Billy V so my University Library was actually named after Bill Brighton so even seeing his name give me like War flashbacks certainly I feel like it's the night before an essay is due and I'm typing frantically again but this is a short history of nearly everything a lot of people say this is like essential reading at some point and Chris Evans says I can't say it enough Bill Bryson's a short history of nearly everything is amazing all caps you know they mean business when it's in all caps it colors in my life in the most beautiful way and then caps again read it so that's a pretty strong recommendation I think I should read it all caps and then apparently he also has a tattoo from this book called Stillness Speaks it's on his chest and the quote says when you lose touch with inner Stillness you lose touch with yourself when you lose touch with yourself you lose yourself in the world that is a long quote for a tattoo how big is this man's chest like I can fit two words on mine that's not even a long quote that's a short podcast episode but fair enough you can go and Google Chris Evans chest now if you want to find that and then we also have sapiens which he says is truly mind-blowing it's changed the way I look at almost everything I can't endorse it enough these books are like the Avengers of the deep thinking section in a bookstore but another reading list to Marvel at is another Marvel actor and that is Sebastian Stan and we do Sebastian Stan okay so we have sapiens again we also have Catcher in the Rye again the course of love that he listed as a favorite during a meet and greet I actually would list this as one of my least favorite books that I've ever read it's basically about couple and their failing relationship and then Belinda baton interrupts The Narrative every now and then in like this italicized paragraph where he gives an observation on human behavior which is so freaking obvious Stevie Wonder could see it I just found it annoying but he kept interrupting the story I was like we are intelligent enough as readers to read between the lines we don't actually need you to put something between those lines and explain it and if you're not making it obvious enough through your writing then maybe you're not writing it well do you know what I mean then we have a ballad of the whiskey robber welcome to Julian rubenstein's uproariously funny and Unforgettable account of crime in the hearts of the new Europe with The Supporting Cast that includes Car Wash owners exotic dancers drunk Army generals cocaine snorting Hungarian rappers Ballad of the whiskey rubber gives us the most Charming Outlaw hero since the Sundance Kid and the Sundance Kid didn't play hockey okay that sounds cool before we move on to our next set of recommendations I wanted to let you know that today's video is kindly brought to you by Squarespace Squarespace is the go to platform if you want to create a website or an online brand if you've always been worried about starting a website because you're like I don't know how to code don't worry about it Squarespace does all the hard work for you they've already Dynamic and broad range of templates which you can customize and make your own so you can create something that really exudes your personality and another way to do that is by using their blogging feature having a Blog on your website is a great way to get people all behind the scenes insight into what you're up to what you're working on and connect with your audience and they also have great analytical tools too so you can head to squarespace.com to get a free trial and then when you're ready to launch your beautiful new website you can use the code Jack Edwards at squarespace.com Jack Edwards to get 10 off your first purchase on the website or domain I can't wait to see the websites that you come up with maybe you'll make a website about celebrity book recommendations who knows the possibility is endless next we have taika waititi now House of leaves in the middle there is such an interesting recommendation because it's basically like a story within the story so it's a book and then there's another story kind of hidden within the footnotes so I've heard this is very fascinating but it's also a time investment if you want to read this he says just read it it's only 50 000 pages long so there you go next we have eggs Benedict's cucumbersnatch and he recommends when breath becomes air I actually literally just finished this book and it's a memoir about a doctor who gets cancer and his wife actually finishes the book after he dies in the process of writing it it's quite moving it has some interesting observations about life he was also a literature student at one point so he talks about Science and Arts in a very interesting way and Benedict describes it as fascinating heartbreaking and inspiring we then have Do no harm by Henry Marsh and this actually sounds like a very similar book to the last one and Saturday by Ian McEwen I'm not gonna lie this book looks like every other book that you would find in like an airport bookstore this looks like something that all the dads on a holiday all-inclusive hotel would be reading around the pool am I wrong I feel like my dad probably owns this and then we have The Hobbit which we're not really surprised to find in this less considering Benedict's come about is in the movies so that was bound to be in there no Sherlock hetero Pascal I am actually making a whole dedicated YouTube video too because this man really is everywhere all at once here's the man at the moment but let me just tell you I have found two new favorite books of all time from reading his recommendations so look out for that video coming very very soon I'm very excited about it King yourself promo Over Here Andrew Garfield I also made a whole dedicated video about with a little bit of relka a little bit of Salinger and also he introduced me to Mary Oliver's poetry and I am forever indebted to this man now previously my favorite Garfield was the cat who loves lasagna but Andrew has overtaken and also Timothy Channel maybe you should go and watch my video that I made on him as well there were some jams like call me by your name and crime and punishment by Dostoevsky and then also one of the worst books I ever read too so life is about balance someone I almost made a video on was Robert Pattinson but at the moment kind of passed these book covers look like they all have the same Instagram filter on them like they're slightly sepia the filter is called dull we have money by Martin Amos which is the hilarious story of John South one of London's top commercial directors who was given the opportunity to make his first feature film alternately titled good money and bad money he is also living money taking money and spending money in his Relentless Pursuits of pleasure and success as he attempts to navigate his hedonistic world of drinking sex drugs and excessive quantities of fast food self is sucked into a wretched spiral of degeneracy that is increasingly difficult to surface from and then Robert Pattinson said he's just like the books narrator and wants to play him in a film adaptation that seems like an odd thing to say I think that sometimes Robert Pattinson goes into interviews and just does a random generator of like what he's gonna say he always comes out with such random stuff I feel like he rolls a dice to decide what his opinion on things is sometimes we also have two 666 which he describes as one of his favorite books and this is known for its strangeness Beauty scope and throng of Unforgettable characters so interesting now we have Donald Glover now two of these books are about children who are neurodivergence that's quite interesting the Curious incident of the dog in the night time is such a brilliant book and then this is called Future Shock it's by Alvin Toffler Future Shark is the classic that changed our view of tomorrow it's starting insights into accelerating change that a president asked his advisors for a special report in spite composers to write Symphonies and rock music gave a powerful New Concept to social science and added a phrase to our language published in over 50 countries Future Shock is the most important study of change and adaptation in our time sounds so good and Donald Glover says this is very pertinent right now so I think I'm adding that to my reading list and with that we are done with our little insight into the books that Hollywood heartthrobs are reading let me know who's reading this you think sounds most interesting who are you going to be taking some book racks from a massive shout out of course the Squarespace for sponsoring this video thank you so so much for watching you can go and check out my other celebrity book club videos on my channel and you can subscribe if you're new all the best stay in touch have a wonderful day and I'll catch you very very soon bye
Channel: Jack Edwards
Views: 436,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Si6w1ANH6g
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Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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