Grade 10 SCIENCE | Quarter 4 Module 1 | Boyle's Law and Charles's Law

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hello students today is the start of the fourth quarter of grade 10 science for those who are new in this channel i am mom deya and i am your science teacher for today today's discussion we will be talking about the behavior of gases particularly about boyle's law and charles law before we proceed let's have a review of the different states of matter when you were in the elementary levels you studied solids liquids and gases on your screen you can see their differences solids are more compact in nature liquids would have particles that are slightly far apart compared to solids but they take the shape of their container whereas gas particles would be very far apart and would take up all the space in your container just like what you have seen in the first slide of this presentation our focus this quarter is all about gases now for us to accurately understand the behavior of a gas we need to understand first its properties gases are described in terms of four properties always remember these properties we have pressure symbolized by a capital letter p we also have volume symbolized by capital letter v temperature symbolized by capital letter t and amount which is symbolized by letter n so we will not be spending a lot of time discussing these properties major data analysis because i will be assuming that you already have an idea about these properties and obeying pressure volume temperature at amount so unacid pressure pressure is described as a force acting on a specific area it has the following units we have atm or atmosphere mmhg or millimeter mercury we have thor we have pounds per square inch we have kilo pascals in our study for most of this quarter we will be using atmospheres millimeter mercury and thor and this is how we convert from one unit to another the standard unit for gas pressure is the atmosphere so most of the time you will be seeing values that are expressed in atmosphere next quantity we have volume mathematics volume is the three-dimensional space occupied by a gas now if you try to compare the volume of a solid from a liquid and a gas a solid would have a fixed volume compact particles a liquid would also have a fixed volume but it would take the shape of the container and then finally for the gas the volume is the same as the volume of the container and it also takes the shape of the container for volume we have this common units we have milliliters liters cubic meters cubic centimeters and these are the conversion factors so this might come in handy when we go to difficult problem solving exercises i know that you are already familiar with these units because you can see them in most of the liquids that you have at home the next property would be temperature temperature is defined in elementary studies as the measure of the hotness or coldness of a body however now we will be defining it as the measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object kinetic energy is related to movement so therefore the faster the movement of the particles in an object the higher the temperature will be temperature the unit for temperature would be fahrenheit celsius and kelvin fahrenheit and cell shoes are used widely fahrenheit in usa celsius here in the philippines however in our calculations we will be using kelvin because kelvin is the standard unit for temperature you will also notice that kelvin has no degree unlike fahrenheit we have degree fahrenheit and degrees celsius now how do we convert the temperature from celsius to kelvin because a usual number given and cell shows to convert it to kelvin you simply add 273 so if you have 0 degree celsius that is equivalent to 273.15 kelvin if you have 100 degree celsius that is equal to 373.15 kelvin so always remember the magic number that is 273.15 last one the last property is quantity quantity is measured in moles i know that in grade 9 you have already encountered this unit and remember one mole according to avogadro is equal to 6.022 times 10 raised to 23 units of a substance so depending on what substance it is beware that quantity is not the same as mass mean sun para hastang mas pero iba ebana amount no substance substance because it would depend on the type of element and i will not be discussing that further because you should have learned that in grade nine so let's go now to boyle's law by the way boyle's law charles law and all of the laws that we will be discussing in the next weeks all of these show the relationship between the four properties that we have discussed a while ago now what is boyle's law boyle's law was proposed by of course robert boyle who lived from 1627 to 1691 so on the banks in sabine boisler boils low relates to properties and those are pressure and volume pressure and volume at constant temperature and amount of substance so here it says boyle's law states that pressure is inversely proportional to the volume at constant temperature now what do we mean when we say inversely proportional in mathematics when we say inversely proportional if one quantity increases the other decreases and vice versa so therefore at constant temperature when your volume increases the pressure would decrease consequently when volume decreases the pressure increases and if we try to relate the two properties using a graph we will be getting this kind of graph in this graph you can see the inverse proportionality volume i tomata as bumababanamanci pressure okay now what is a good demonstration of boyle's law so here in this demonstration i have a syringe and a marshmallow i used a 20cc or 20 ml syringe and then in the marshmallow drawing smiley para gigging difference so i will be putting the marshmallow inside the syringe and then observe what happens okay [Music] marshmallow okay so how do we relate it to boil slow kanina sabina boyle's law it states that when the volume increases your pressure decreases when the volume decreases the pressure increases so how do we relate that to this demonstration so here what you are observing is not really the marshmallow but the effect of the gas inside the syringe into the marshmallow because the gas is invisible so therefore we cannot really see the compression that happens in the particles of the gas unless we place something in there in some experiments instead of marshmallow we use a small balloon to show the effect so going back whenever you push the syringe provided that you close the other end of the syringe okay the effect is that the marshmallow decreases in size so it means a decrease in volume at an increase in pressure now apply time force don't syringe applying more force would increase the pressure and therefore the effect would be the volume decreasing on the other hand when we release the plunger lomache see marshmallow because we are decreasing the pressure and therefore increasing the volume okay so i hope you got that let's go now to the calculations how do we calculate using boyle's law the general formula would be this one p1 times v1 is equal to p2 times v2 so what are these variables p1 stands for initial pressure p2 stands for final pressure v1 stands for initial volume and v2 stands for the final volume p1 v1 is just multiplying the pressure 1 by volume 1. same with pressure 2 times volume 2. so let's now use this formula to solve a boy's law problem okay so what is the problem the problem states that a gas occupies 12.3 liters at a pressure of 40.0 millimeter mercury what is the volume when the pressure is increased to 120 millimeter mercury so you will be using your calculators in order for you to answer this problem now what's the first thing to do the first thing to do here is to identify the given values v2 if we go back to the formula okay sabine attend one is initial state two is final state usually but not all the time usually you unanswer it would contain the final but again that is usually but not all the time young problem second point to consider is that of course your pressure would have units of pressure and your volume would have units of volume so you will be going back to the discussion earlier 12.3 liters sodium liters so a number of volume or pressure okay since liters yeah this would be volume okay and then sabirito at a pressure of 40 point zero millimeter mercury so cinnamon at a pressure of 40.0 millimeter mercury so therefore pito okay so we can say that this is v1 and this would be p1 because that is the initial state now the question is what is the volume when the pressure is increased to 12 millimeter mercury therefore 120 would be your p2 okay so let's solve this so i'm given puna tendito v1 is 12.3 liters p1 is equal to 40.0 millimeter mercury v2 is missing that would be our required at p2 is equal to 120 millimeter mercury okay now what is the formula our equation is of course bull's law and that would be p1 v1 is equal to p2 v2 and then for the solution we simply substitute the values i will write my solution here so i will be writing my solution in this side p1 is 40.0 millimeter mercury v1 is 12.3 liters p2 is 120.0 millimeter mercury and v2 is missing so we solve the right side please use your calculators that would be 492 is equal to 120 i will be removing the units already and write the units later so we divide both sides by 120 and you will be getting 4.1 as your volume now don't forget your unit so your number is useless without the unit so you will just copy the unit of your v1 and that would be your liter 4.1 liters so if we will be analyzing your answer here times three forty times three one hundred twenty so the pat see volume by three then by a factor of three so if the pressure doubles your volume should reduce to half if your pressure quadruples timestamp 4 your volume should be one-fourth of the original okay because they are inversely proportional okay so puntana mantayosa applications what are some applications of boyle's law so again since addition as a syringe the action of a syringe is actually an application of boyle's law because whenever fluids salimba or blood they are drawn into a syringe the volume inside the syringe would be increased so whenever you bring a bag of chips into a higher place the tendency is maguiging and as you go higher in altitude the pressure becomes lower so because the pressure becomes lower the volume increases another example would be breathing this was i think discussed already in grade nine in respiratory system so what is involved in this is what we call the diaphragm whenever we breathe the diaphragm would go downward okay so whenever the diaphragm goes downward it means that the lungs would increase its volume so once the lungs increases its volume the pressure inside the lungs would decrease and therefore you hang in surroundings and that is the inhalation process on the other hand exhale diaphragm so those are just a few of the applications of boyle's law let's move on now to charles law so charles law was proposed by a french scientist jax charles he lived in 1746 to 18 23. robert boyle who lived in the hundreds and ano banks in the sabbath charles law if boyle's law relates pressure and volume at constant temperature charles law would relate volume and temperature at constant pressure and this time they are directly proportional so on about emixon behind and directly proportional as one quantity increases the other quantity also increases if one quantity decreases the other quantity also decreases and if we graph volume versus temperature we will be getting this type of graph to show direct proportionality so how do we calculate charles law we will be using this formula iba itos a formula multiplies the pressure at chaka volume little magka divides it up volume one over temperature one is equal to volume two over temperature two whereas v1 is your initial volume v2 is the final volume t1 is the initial temperature and t2 would be the final temperature here i have included in the description that the temperature must be in kelvin so if ever you are given a temperature in degree celsius you have to convert that first into kelvin before you can use that in the formula okay you can check the answer will be different if you used cell shoes instead of kelvin so let's try some problems okay first problem for charles law ac range contains 56.11 milliliters of gas at 311 kelvin determine the volume that the gas will occupy if the temperature is increased to 400 kelvin sodium problemas the temperature is already in kelvin so no need to convert we just need to write the given first so your first volume your initial volume is 56.11 ml and then your first temperature or your initial temperature is hundred eleven kelvin so for the volume two and point determine the volume that the gas will occupy if the temperature is increased to 400 kelvin so my click analysis the temperature is increased so therefore you will expect your volume to also increase because volume and temperature are directly proportional so our formula would be v1 over t1 is equal to v2 over t2 we simply substitute the values so 56.11 ml over 311 kelvin is equal to v2 over 400 kelvin so i don't buddy nothing go in we multiply both sides by four hundred or put there in a manner calculate the left chakra and multiply 400 so 56.11 divided by 311. one 0.18 zero four one eight zero zero six four so if i round off here already young final answer nothing but getting super rounded off so it's better for us to just write everything and round off donors a doulo okay so we multiply it by 400 kelvin left and multiply then by 400 kelvin parameter and what will be our answer it would give us v2 is equal to 72.17 okay the unit is milliliters again we just copy the unit of the volume okay so let's try another problem hindi in kelvin temperature so if a 540 ml nitrogen at 0 degree celsius is heated to a temperature of 100 degree celsius what will be the new volume of the gas okay so let's write the given 540 ml that is volume and then the temperature at that volume is zero degree celsius so paramagnet we add 273 point 15 so that would be 273.15 kelvin the new temperature would be 100 degrees celsius so we add 273.15 we will be getting 373.15 kelvin and we are looking for the new volume of the gas so always remember that if your temperature is given in celsius you have to convert that to kelvin first before you can use that in your calculations so the formula is v1 over t1 is equal to v2 over t2 540 divided by 273.15 equal to v2 over your t2 which is 373.15. divided 540 divided by 273.15 that would be 1 1.97 is equal to v2 over 373.15 373.15 37.69 okay ml for your volume 2. okay so expected volume temperature [Music] so what application of charge law is the hot air balloon what is the mechanism of a hot air balloon pano is a hot air balloon because of the fire that you can find at the bottom of it so inflate see hot air balloon in it you hang in the nasa lobna and that increase in temperature would cause an increase in volume as well as stated by charles law another application is ping pong balls because warm water would also warm the air inside the ping pong ball and warming the air would mean increasing the temperature and therefore increasing the temperature would increase the volume at babalix ping pong ball okay finally in baking okay breads pastries so in baking bread yeast so yeast releases carbon dioxide which is a form of gas so shempre da hildunsa gas nayon an increase in temperature would cause the increase in volume okay so that's the end of my presentation i hope you learned something in my discussion if you have any questions don't hesitate to write them in the comment section below and if you are new to this channel please don't forget to like and subscribe so that's all for today see you in my next video lesson bye
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Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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