Jude Bellingham & Declan Rice Reveal Their World Cup Kit Bag Essentials | Kit Bag 🎒

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and it's a factor 50 as well loads if he wants it he can have it he's a t he's a chief everyone CMC came to party old school when there were no scripts and there were no rules I think the First Essential item you need to take with your is your phone I might as well do it at the same time yeah you might as well take your phone number I just think obviously we're away in Qatar like the World Cup um and you're gonna be away from our families our friends and I think it's really important that we still interact with them so the phone's really important connecting with the fans after each game and then you've got you know family and then obviously capturing the moments and yeah it's important if you score out of the world either game you'll get loads yeah but if you have one you're getting no text you have a stinker yeah next my iPad I'm a big fan of watching films and stuff obviously we're in the hotel every every other night so it's important that we have something to keep us occupied you know with my club and obviously at the World Cup it's going to be similar where you know I've got a lot of times myself in a room and I want to keep myself entertained my second essential item is a laptop not an iPad I feel like they're just uh an essential one you have to take like Jude said really to watch films mainly go on Netflix kill spare time we've got time to rest in the afternoon you can you can watch something everyone's prison break before the series yeah yeah I've rewatched that recently because I was only like 40 when I thought that is unbelievable see I disagree you didn't like it first two series seasons are good yeah that's what I stopped after that makes sense here the first two are top but after that I didn't yeah it didn't when I was a bit out of hand yeah what good films old films are that we can agree on sure yeah it's Shawshank redempted that's probably the best yeah that's the goat film so good and what's the Godfather the other day good Fellas yeah good Fellas yeah next essential item for me is Sun cream [Laughter] and it's a factor 50 as well which is good obviously I'm quite yeah as you can see pale so my mum's going to be texting me for sure put your sun cream on you don't put the sun cream on I won't be in a good book so yeah Factor 50 is coming with me mate my face is going to be red ball at a half time honestly I'm gonna be boiling at least I might come back and I look half decent if I don't it'll be embarrassing so yeah hopefully that helps I always have a pair of slippers she does yeah always um I just like around the hotel not really a big fan of walking in shoes to be honest I just feel like they're too tight sometimes and obviously I want my feet to feel relaxed and whatever but yeah I just like chilling I really like feeling relaxed always a pair of slippers I've got some like Uggs that I use at home some like a house slippers that are like sick but like I'm so scared of losing them because they're like if I lose them I won't my schedule at home will be all over the place so I have to use the hotel one whenever like it's the first thing I look for when I get into a room you know what St George's that's really good slippers you know just so comfortable like my toes just feel so you've got the collection of slippers yeah take them home sometimes man I've got like loads of pairs my mum's always on to me like you've got to throw them away at some point they come over and they're like finished like battered and I'm like nah nah these are from when I scored here and it's like wait let them go yeah to be fair these ones I'll get a little bit frustrated because my foot hangs off the end of it I'm having to drag my foot along so I can't get on with them um so yeah yeah more of a sliders guidance difference I'm having a look see what else is in it yeah essential for me is Xbox if some people play Playstation um like we said a lot of free time it's gonna have to be to be killed it's going to be different out there so it's a good way to still interact with friends at home and of course just take your mind off things and chillax time in your room so yeah I think that's essential for me I actually played PGA Tour 2K 22 golf um obviously I play FIFA in that as well but the golf one I've got a little career mode gun at the minute Tiger Woods unreal it's his game I swear to God it's unbelievable if you're the lads play it I think Pickers is on it um I think Maguire's got it as well but I know Pickers plays it because he spoke about it before so yeah I think they're the main two I've played Cod but Cod for me I lose my head at COD man golf's like it just makes me happy in it I'm sat there like yeah what a shot I'm just buzzing off a game I'll be it serious but yeah the Xbox is essential for me next one some earbuds I'm a big fan of like my music I like just you know sometimes when I'm in my room I just put them in and kind of just chill instead of watching a film if I get bored or something or can't find anything so I'll just watch listen to some music um I like like I listen to new stuff until it gets like rinsed and then when I get bored of it I always go back to like the older stuff so yeah that's I think that's crucial as well before games as well you want to like get into your Zone and you want to find what musics get you ready for to go I like this song called 22 twos by Jay-Z because I wear 22 as well so I've always like before again I have to hear it once at least and I always listen to that Dreams and Nightmares being built essential yeah but you know why it's good though because like it gets like I see see like NFL players like when they win a championship or like before a game they're like listening to it in the change room like videos going on Tick Tock and everyone's just pumped up and like it just drops like you listen to that before a game I just put it just makes you so aggressive it's gonna go out and smash someone in the tackle or something but that song and one of the best yeah the last essential item for me is a basketball um I think last year we had unreal memories here at the Euros we had a basketball court and it killed so much time there's competitions going on I always like basketball to be fair and yeah the competition was really good so hopefully in Qatar our hotel I know there's loads of different things set often some of the lads we can have some fun again because I know last year this was was one of the like the best memories that we had was was playing basketball in the court haha yeah Lord if he wants it he can have it he's a t he's a cheat so yeah I've learned I can't play with you he kept pulling me back and also making fouls and yeah so if Mason wants to rematch come and get it better yeah you played it better but you know what it was yeah like you got better though I got better you know but Jaden posted that clip of me at the start of the camp like Air Board One and it like I threw it like a netball in it and the amount of people that message me like you're a disgrace I've been up for a basketball and that I was thinking bro I'm not playing again ever again I swear to God and we have one at Dortmund and the lads play and I'm like no no way I'm playing last item for me is the Uno cards um it's not always like necessarily Uno that I'm playing to be fair we have a couple games at Dortmund that we like one's called like liar um the ones called wolf and then there's another one brain or something like that where you um where you've got to like weight sort of person says the numbering order on these cards and yeah talking Hazard is like the best at all these games so like I just spend hours in hotels trying to beat him really so yeah like I don't play with these like yeah some of the some of the stuff I hear from endgame gets gets a bit too much for me so yeah I don't really play here too much about Dorman yeah [Music] these were our essential items that was kit bag foreign [Music]
Channel: England
Views: 2,390,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world cup, jude bellingham, fifa world cup, world cup 2022, england world cup, borussia dortmund, declan rice world cup, declan rice kit collector, declan rice toure yaya, jude bellingham interview, jude bellingham skills, jude bellingham funny moments, Declan Rice Kit Bag Essential, Jude Bellingham Kit Bag Essentials
Id: 7KedLX3bTZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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