Here’s Exactly How One Piece Ends

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do you remember the ancient ship Noah in Fishman Island a vast Ark the size of an island that has been protected by the royal family for centuries waiting for a certain destined day of Prophecy that it will need to be used you see the name Noah is a Biblical reference to the great Ark that saved all the species of the world at the time of the great flood and now we approach the end times of One Piece where we now know that the final Saga will climax with a great flood as Vega Punk tells us the world of One Piece will soon be underwater with this one line every hanging thread going back to Fishman Island and Beyond comes together suddenly the full vision of what the final battle for the sake of the world will look like becomes clear from all past evidence in the story this prophecy by Vega Punk that the world will be flooded is not something that will be prevented no this great flood is set to take place it will actually happen in the story there is a mountain of foreshadowing pointing to it however we also know exactly how the people of the world will survive the great flood and Luffy and the straw hats will ultimately be able to end the flood and bring about the dawn of a new age and a completely new world by defeating emu sounds like a lot well let me break it down from the start but before we get into it make sure to subscribe for more videos every week so when the unnamed weapon was first fired at lulua Kingdom the major effect that it had was that it raised the water level of the entire planet nothing too drastic just 1 meter but that was enough that it was felt across the world causing chaos on every island now that was after a single use what happens if the weapon is fired again and again and again and again and again how many shots would it take for most islands across the world to be completely flooded over and most importantly consider the precise goal that emu and the gor are aiming for at this moment in time they have been clear that they specifically want more mother Flames so that they can fire more shots of their weapon the world flooding over isn't a hypothetical it's the reality that emu and theor are one step away from enacting remember what they want today has been spelled out for us they have decided that it's time for a great cleansing emu and the goray straight up want to wipe the board clean they are looking to cleanse the world they are literally talking about how if they can use the weapon power freely then they can end everything there's no question of how the world of One Piece will be sunk underwater it's fairly straightforward the goray want more power for their special weapon the weapon specifically raises the sea levels when it is fired and the goray already intend to cleanse the world they plan on using the weapon freely to end the world as soon as they get it add these pieces together and it's fairly clear that this is the direction that the story is headed the weapon being fired multiple times at Islands which will not only kill off many of the world government's enemies but will flood the world at the same time Vega Punk knows that this is an inevitability as he is the one that provided the power for emu and the goray to do this in the first place Vega Punk is also smart enough to know that even if he himself tries to avoid giving them more mother Flames ultimately it is likely that the celestial dragons would somehow find a way as we see now York's existence May makes it likely that one way or another the goray will be able to get their hands on more mother Flames even if Vega Punk himself didn't make more mother Flames for them so long as the celestial dragons have the weapon itself at some point they will acquire the means to use it again it would only be a matter of time after all Vega Punk with all of his stored information is likely aware that any's Lobby was also a victim of the use of the ancient weapon in the past so long as the weapon exists the potential for it to be used exists the mother Flames simply would allow IMU the gor to use it sooner than later now for a moment I want you to imagine this scenario of the climax of one piece with the evil God emu beginning to fire the weapon on the blue sea over and over again wiping out Islands slowly taking away the people's land the only ones who will survive are the gods far up above sea level safe in marijua this identical scenario was paralleled nearly 1,000 chapters ago in skypia as the the end times begin God decides to wipe the board clean and take away all the land from everyone in the White Sea he begins to rain down lightning on the Islands below forcing people to run to the sea to try and Escape skypia is wiped off the map shandia is nearly erased as well what we see briefly is a world where all the innocent citizens are seemingly left to die out in the open ocean while God will get to survive as he reigns Terror down from far up above this exact scenario in skypia foreshadowed the end of one piece itself except the final Saga will just feature this on a far grander scale emu up in marijua raining giant lasers down on the Islands below driving the innocent citizens out into the sea to try to survive in this case as this is meant to be a global catastrophe the Eraser of islands will also cause flooding meaning even the citizens whose islands are not being individually destroyed by the weapon will be forcibly driven out to the Sea as their lands are flooded over by the rising ocean tides the only solution will be the same as the conclusion of skypia Luffy traveling up to face God in the heavens above and defeating him though we will elaborate on that more at the end of the video before that comes the question of how everyone will survive the great cleansing and the answer is that through the great flood that comes with This calamity a ship will carry the people and races of the world through the storm and bring them into the new world see there is a ship that was built centuries ago for this specific purpose to carry everyone out of the darkness and into the dawn that ship was Noah named after Noah from the Bible a man who created an ark to save the species of the world from God's flood and to bring them safely into a new age We Now understand the ship Noah's purpose the moment you realize that the entirety of one piece is heading towards one giant flood all of Fishman Island clicks together not just Noah but shirahoshi the sea Kings Joy boy's promise all of it see Noah is known as the ship of promise for a reason it was left behind for a specific purpose something is supposed to be done with Noah joyboy left it in the care of the Neptune royal family so that on a promised day it could be used for something in theory that would simply be to carry the fishermen but that makes no sense as the fishermen are the last people who would ever need a giant ship the ones who would truly need a giant ship are all of the other races now we also know that there is a promised day where shirahoshi will be needed and there is a certain individual who will be needed to guide her as well we can assume that this prophecied pairing is Luffy and shirahoshi as Luffy is of course the New Joy boy and he has already begun to guide shirahoshi in many ways as the ancient weapon Poseidon shirahoshi's ability is to command the sea Kings but the question has always been for what purpose well the sea Kings hint at the truth to us themselves when they show up it has to do with Noah itself Noah is stated to be literally designed to be pulled by sea Kings and the Sea kings are fully aware of the prophecy day where Noah will come into use this is what they say they have been waiting for all of these centuries the only thing missing is for their King shirahoshi Poseidon to command them to do so that day has not come yet but as is spelled out for us it is fast approaching so then what is the truth about Noah Poseidon and the the sea Kings simple all three of these pieces were prophecied to come together since 800 years ago from Joy boy's time in anticipation of the great flood a day would come when finally U would attempt to flood the world how would joy boy have known this because the weapon emu has is the ancient weapon Uranus Oda isn't really hiding that to begin with Oda outright has the revolutionaries speculate that the weapon that emu used on the Luci kingdom was an ancient weapon and Uranus is the only ancient weapon still unidentified not to mention Uranus is named after the god of the sky as such a fitting weapon for the god emu who rules above in the heavens as such if J booy Was preparing for a future War 800 years down the line that would inevitably involve emu and the celestial Dragons using Uranus which in turn would naturally cause a great flood that could Wipe Out the world then the answer to that ancient weapon would be the ancient weapon of the sea Poseidon the only way for the races of the world to survive the inevitable great flood caused caused by Uranus would be with the power of the king of the sea herself as she can command the sea Kings as such a great ship Noah was built specifically designed to be pulled by sea Kings so that one day when emu's wrath descended upon the people of the world Poseidon could command the sea Kings to fulfill their purpose and pull this great Ark along the planet Gathering all the people and races of the world saving them from their flooding islands that is why the prophecy was also made that the destined day would come when a certain person AKA Luffy AKA Joy boy reborn would guide the mermaid princess Poseidon to carry out her true destiny as the commander of the sea Kings she would be the one that Joy boy could rely on to save all the people of the world from the great flood this is why Noah is known as the ship of promise and even more pieces fall into place when you consider that the ship was designed by a certain Clan the only clan we know of who could create create a legendary ship like this would be the Kazuki you might be surprised as MOS isn't exactly a carpenter but historically the Kazuki Clan excelled in carpentry and masonry they are the same clan of legend that actually once created the indestructible poneglyphs for Joy boy so that Joy boy could leave messages behind it stands to reason that when the world was falling to EMU and the celestial dragons 800 years ago Jo booy began to work with the Kazuki Clan to leave behind the pieces that would be needed to bring the world into its Dawn in the future when the time would eventually be right for the next joy booy to take up his mantle so Jo booy began with the poneglyphs tasking the Kazuki to leave these messages behind that would guide the future dribe members to carry out the will of D and he also tasked the Kazuki to build a great Ark one that could allow the people of the world to survive the great flood that would naturally ensue when the war against Heaven began as emu would inevitably use Uranus in this Great War which might flood the world and kill all Races if they didn't have a safe haven to escape to hence Noah the ship of Promise specifically built to be pulled by the Sea Kings one day left in care of the Neptune royal family with jooy pinning his faith on the mermaid princess of the future Poseidon to One Day lead the sea Kings to pull the ship around the world and save the people and races of each island as the prophecy goes the time would be right when the New Joy boy arrived now you might think that it would be impossible for one ship to carry all the races and people of the world but it's actually not Noah is an island sized ship and even in the real world you can fit all humans in the world on a single Island it's not as though everyone would be living on Noah the idea is that it's a giant rescue raft that is temporarily providing safe haven for everyone together during the final battle this is an absolutely necessary idea for the finale of One Piece as one of the most important overarching thematic conflicts of the series has been in the Divide between races there is so much hate and cruelty between races in one piece largely due to humans oppressing other races themselves but it's actually also rampant between other races as well even in random cover stories we can see the racial conflicts between the long legs and the long arms for instance one of the key ideas of this path towards the Sun that was posited in fisherman island is that one day there will be a world where all Races can be United and this is a necessary part of bringing the dawn of the world if you recall the key to the shandians and the sky peans finally setting aside their differences and actually being able to live together was when they both experienced the terror of God taking away their lands and their homes putting them all metaphorically in the same boat and leading to them triumphing and celebrating together when they all managed to survive happy to share the same space together now that they could see how Petty their differences were so with all the animosity and hate between races in the one piece world the simplest path to Bringing about Unity would be to very literally put them all in the same boat when the apocalypse is happening and the world is falling apart and everyone is struggling just to survive suddenly having long arms or long legs no longer matters everyone is in it together everyone is trying to ride out the same storm together that is the first step to creating the dawn in a world that is characterized by islands where there's so much separation and distance between people and races the one thing that can bring everyone together both literally and symbolically is joining arms on the same ship one ship where race nationality class none of it matters all the world will be United as Shipmates Noah will be what brings them into the Dawn and here is where it gets really really interesting because out of all the races in one piece the one that has been oppressed the most is the fishermen and the ones who can actually survive a great flood on their own without assistance are the fishmen and the ones who have the Noah and the means of pulling it are the fishmen and so after centuries of Injustice and Prejudice and being forced to live under the heel of humans there will come a time where the roles are reversed and all the power will be in the hands of the fishermen as the humans across the world are falling into panic and fear as the tide slowly Rises the fishmen are the ones who will get to decide whether to give them a life raft or not there is some absolutely beautiful storytelling potentially in store for us here a conclusion to the conflict of fishmen and humans that has been masterfully set up the one way for True healing to take place for the humans across the world to learn a lesson and change their perspective on the fishermen would be if the fishmen are the ones who saved them we know that this change of heart can happen for even the worst most blackhearted individuals as even a racist prejudiced Celestial Dragon saw the error of his ways after having his life saved by a Fishman for the fishmen to be the human saviors is the perfect way to bring this long running racial conflict that has stretched across the story since East blue to a close and yet at the same time on the Fishman's end the entire story line that was set up for them to have the heart to be the bigger people and actually forgive the human despite all the evils that they have committed this is set to be closed as well after all that was the point of Fisher tiger story and the point of otohime story Tiger's failing was that even in the end he could not bring himself to forgive the humans even though he knew that it was the right thing to do he just knew that it would have to be the next Generation that could do it and with otohime even though she lived by the right ideals and forgave the humans repeatedly she was punished for it but through her perseverance and her beliefs she hoped that she could pass down the right ideology that would one day allow the fishmen and humans to live together all of that comes full circle now today with the story of shirahoshi a fisherman who has been raised to believe in the potential good of humans who has bonded with the Messiah of the humans Luffy who will now get to hold the fate of humanity in her hands and just as Fisher tiger hoped just as otohime hoped the fishermen of today led by shirahoshi will be able to have the bigger heart and be the bigger people people and offer a life raft to the humans that have oppressed them for so long and in doing so they will be able to change the hearts of all humans across the world this is the path to the Sun that was set up all of those hundreds of chapters back in Fishman Island Noah was the key to it all along and these aren't just some nice ideas for an ending that I'm throwing out this is strongly hinted at straight up in the story with Neptune specifically thinking about Noah as he discusses the dream that his ancestors had the same dream that otohime shares for the humans and fishmen to live together peacefully as Neptune talks about this Noah is straight up visually presented to us as some sort of symbolic key to bringing the races together and the path to the Sun at the time it was just too early for us to understand how yet but now it makes sense when you think about Noah's unifying role at the climax of the story a ship that is truly for everyone to lead everyone together in into a new dawn now if this all explains how the pieces fit together for shirahoshi and the Sea Kings and Noah to fulfill their Destiny Guided by Luffy saving everyone from the flood then how will the flood itself be resolved again the idea is not that everyone is going to live on Noah the idea is that Noah is a temporary vehicle to protect everyone together as they ride out the flood the flood itself will of course have to be stopped by Luffy and it will be stopped much in the same way that every ark's doomsday scenario is stopped by Luffy defeating the villain now Luffy defeating emu will not magically undo the craters that Uranus will have created across the sea but it will likely do something much more significant which is and bear with me because this is a huge leap Luffy defeating emu is likely to cause the red line to disappear not just to break but to disappear entirely this is due to the mountain of evidence that the red line is very likely a product of emu's own creation via devil fruit as many signs point to emu having power over the Earth itself this is far too much to explain here but it is broken down in great detail in this video the same video wherein I initially predicted the idea of flooding in the first place which Vega Punk's recent revelations in the manga seem to have confirmed to be correct I strongly encourage you to watch this video next as it gives greater context to this video the water levels of the one piece world are meant to rise dangerously high in the climax before then being brought down to their original level which is in fact far lower than what we've been seeing in the world so far thereby unveiling a new giant interconnected land all in one piece essentially think of the true world of one piece to be much like wano what we've been seeing so far is only a glimpse of what was left above the surface the true world can only be unveiled when the water level is lowered the lowering of the water level back to the original level it was at 800 years ago will take place through the destru ruction of the red line and again watching this video will help you understand why that is the case the briefest tiny explanation that I will give here is that the one Arc that foreshadows the end of one piece even more than skypia is dress Rosa dress Rosa is after all the storyline of a Celestial Dragon who took over the land and used propaganda and eraser of History to convince the people that they lived in a Utopia only to then enact a great cleansing when he was found out and that story line of course concluded with Luffy punching the evil Celestial Dragon Ruler through the Earth and creating a new open world of Freedom with the key point being that doflamingo's defeat also undid his devil fruit magic that controlled the land releasing everyone from the bird cage in much the same way Luffy defeating emu by punching him down through the red line and thereby causing emu's devil fruit magic to dissipate is the likely conclusion of the story and when the artificial land mass the red line that emu created via devil fruit disappears then the water levels around the world will lower to unveil the true greater interconnected land that once existed the one piece again if you are not convinced by this brief explanation then I strongly urge you to watch this video that breaks it down in full but even if you do not yet believe how the great flood at the end of the story will be resolved you can best believe that the flood itself is coming this is what the entire story has been building towards emu and the goray aiming to enact a great cleansing they're planning to use a weapon that will cause more and more flooding across the world with each use Vega Punk himself has told us that the villains will succeed in plunging the world under water and with all that the countless missing pieces from throughout the story come together the promised day that shiroshi would have to be guided by joyboy to command the sea Kings to carry out their specific purpose which is to pull Noah as Noah is the ship of promise that has been passed down from Jo booy's time it is a ship that is believed to have the potential to bring Unity among races when the flood arrives this Grand and Island sized Ark specifically designed to be pulled by sea Kings will be the salvation for all the people and races of the world as shirahoshi and the Sea kings are meant to pull it across the world as the islands begin to flood taking in everyone from their submerging Islands so that all the world can ride out The Final Storm on the same ship and at the end of it all when Joy booy has defeated the evil God that brought this flood upon them all the races and people of the world will emerge from the storm and the great flood together all of them truly entering a new dawn together as one can you imagine a better ending to one piece than that let me know what you think of how all this connects in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video then definitely like And subscribe and you can hear about even more bits of foreshadowing that hint at this throughout the series in my weekly podcast Link in the description below [Music]
Channel: Mr Morj
Views: 133,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Luffy, Imu, One Piece, One Piece Ending Theory, One Piece Ending, Flood, Sea Kings, Theory, Predictions
Id: GrO8w5Hnp9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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