A&Mu "Atom & Im" Mother Flame Theory | 1114+ Theories and Lore

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what's up y'all you know what time it is it's about to be that time damn son where'd you find this and we're back one piece 1,114 is out and with it comes the major reveal that there were no Pirates before Joy boy meaning he truly ushered in a great age of piracy what a trend C Setter we can also finally put to bed any idea that Joy boy and NAA were the same person as I've said na was a god essentially a yo-kai whose power was likely bottled into a devil fruit which Joy boy later ate granting the power of Na this is great news because it means we've got double lore to cover the void century and potentially the age of gods which predates the void Century it's very possible that we could actually get most of the information that we need to know about the Century right here right now that's part of the discussion today as well as deciphering the true meaning behind a Amper sand moo or a and moo fun stuff like comment subscribe if you're feeling the vibe here we [Music] go based on the way the chapter 1,114 ends I honestly would not be surprised if 1,115 starts with a flashback Vega Punk looks off into the distance and tells us everything that he is about to tell us is the verified truth and that the main character of the story is Joy boy if Oda is finally ready to let us in on the truths of the world then the only way to get a true account of all of this without theories or hypotheses is to see some black borders and actually Journey Through the void Century with this so-called main character Joy boy I'm talking I want an Odin level Odin length flashback I I don't care if it's 20 chapters take us to October take us to November giving us everything we need to know about the void Century the verified truth with the confirmation that Joy boy is from the advanced unknown ancient Kingdom I'm fine with getting this story at Egghead and potentially learning about the truth of Na at elb from the Giants could the story continue with Vega Punk just telling us sure but that would be narratively weak show don't tell I will preach it until I am blue a and moo the mysterious markings on the mother flame look like a portmanto of two names carved into a tree an unknown a character and moo following the Ampersand moo being what emu refers to themselves as but as Brandon King reminded me and in Japanese is pronounced to Luffy and Zoro Luffy tooru meaning that this could actually read atomu or without the inflection Adam considering Vega Punk is Einstein incarnate a man whose theories indirectly helped Oppenheimer create the atomic bomb this seems like a no-brainer connection but since we have the atom Tree in one piece it makes me wonder if just like lale and rafale the atom tree is actually the atom tree or in a flip to the creation story this portmanto details a love story or partnership between atam and e instead of Adam and Eve or perhaps these two individuals are atto and Mo and when combined atomu either way considering the ancient kingdom was highly Advanced the idea that Adam would change to atom makes sense to me up and at them up and atam up and at them better in this case another flip of the creation story could be that atto or atam would likely be female and E would be the male the placeholder and inversion for Eve who by eating the metaphorical Apple during the void history gained immortality but doomed the world and now the man with an apple on his head is their biggest threat like Einstein said I know not what weapons World War III will be fought with but I know World War I will be fought with sticks and stones and here's Saturn beating up snails with a stick a lot of the next part comes from the stream chat tweet convos and Nama camping with my own thoughts and observations thrown in as well of course also written on the mother flame is s 108 108 is a number that is very important in dharmic religions 108 is representative of unity eternity and empty emu lives in Pangia Castle when all of the earth's land was United it was called Pangia moo means void or emptiness and we have been led to believe that emu is eternal we have the very dharmic coded Rono ooro using attacks like 108 lb Phoenix and Mad Monk Rouge his Bounty was 108 million pre-time Skip and his birthday is 81 which of course is 108 backwards the prayer beads in Hinduism and Buddhism have 108 beads and their mantras are chanted 108 times the monkey god of Hindu culture known as bajrang or hanoman once saw the sun and ate it thinking it was a fruit Mohan had a great thought that if Luffy eats the mother flame it might cure the stamina issues that he has to get less spiritual and more scientific it was brought to my attention by Vil Vlad bovich that the distance from the Earth to the Sun is calculated at 108 times the distance from the earth to the moon this is great information because we know the Moon is important in one piece and the hieroglyphs a nail found on the moon showcased the mother flame in chapter 472 during Thriller bark also in those glyphs are what appear to be shandians crying and carrying Sun balloons to the Moon people in chapter 555 during Marine Ford the cover page was haridas holding a balloon containing a flame inside which is not only mother flame coed but looks like what the shandians on the glyphs are holding an interesting connection between both of these chapters is that 472 and 555 also conveniently feature an ancient Oni falling down ores and ORS Jr respectively could this have relevance in the future could the fall of the ancient Oni be tied to the mother flame I'll be revisiting this if Joy boy or someone close to him is revealed to be an ancient Oni the mother flame itself is being kept inside water which is a detail that I did not neglect in my initial read through and certainly want to touch on here it is fire thriving in water an eternal flame Vega Punk makes a clear reference to the Greek god Icarus saying that he flew too close to the Sun but just as Barry mentioned in the Stream this actually reads more like the story of Prometheus the Titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to the people in the form of Technology knowledge and civilization and in that matter could that be the actual story of the ancient Kingdom someone stole fire from the Sun God sun god NACA and was able to create the ancient Kingdom anything's on the table at this point the mother flame itself could represent the eternal flame that first fire that Prometheus stole from the gods he kept it in the Underworld as that was the only place where it could not be destroyed the flame represented everything Humanity had done for hundreds of years up until that point and the spirit that keeps them alive Vega Punk speaks of two sins but his true sin is being a chaotic and neutral character at his core yes he wants to do good he wants to be good but in order to achieve the good that he wants in the world he needed to align himself with bad people and use their dirty money to fund this so-called good work in exchange for things that could hurt the world the mother flame project may be key in his plan to cure world hunger or give everyone free energy but it has also been used to kill hundreds if not thousands just like Einstein's theories led to the creation of atomic energy and the deaths that followed from that his quest for enlightenment was co-opted and corrupted it was a lot of fun seeing mellan Paulie margarite bule shushu Etc I love a good greatest hit store uh looking forward to that Trend continuing even though I am smelling a flash back still very anti- Vega Punk giving all of this information I think he's stealing a key moment from Robin here but if this is only the void century and there is more lore to uncover about a different era of Gods like NAC then that could be fun for Robin to uncover I just need to trust that Oda will give her the space to shine and with that that's going to wrap things up guys I am looking forward to whatever 1,115 brings in 2 weeks thanks for all of the algorithm engagement everyone uh please keep it up for me to help get the channel back to where it was and to continue to grow from there uh the video I teased about Luffy's lineage is coming it's basically done so look out for it during this break for sure I have no reason not to put it out I'm hoping that that video will reach a lot of people and slide right into everything that we're discussing here but until then like comment subscribe feeling the vibe thanks everybody [Music] I been swimming deep de Savage
Channel: Randy Troy
Views: 25,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Randy Troy, Ran D. Troy, One Piece Theory, One Piece Theories, One Piece Analysis, One Piece Review, Morj, Nika, Sun God Nika, Final Saga, One Piece 1114, 1114, Punk Records, Mother Flame, Imu, Sinking, Void Century, Vegapunk's Message, A&Mu, Atom & Im, Adam & Eve Tree, Atom Tree, Adam Tree, Eve Tree, Atomu, Atom & Imu, Ato & Mu, Mu One Piece, Joy Boy, Joy Boy Pirate, Void Century Flashback, One Piece 1115 Predictions, Mother Flame Theory, 108, S-108
Id: lHTNRdiQ0kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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