Journey Across Chernobyl Exclusion Zone | Part 2

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The VERY FIRST thing he does is ask for money to support his illegal activity? Yeah, no, I don't think so. Video gets a thumbs down and I stop watching.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Orcinus24x5 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sometime soon he's gonna come across the wrong piece of metal.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ebuckner25 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

He looks like Dyatlov's son

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Shiey is da boyyyyyyyyyy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BananaPokerAss 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
beautiful Chernobyl morning it was [ __ ] cold in the night so tonight was not that great woke up at around 2:00 a.m. it was very [ __ ] cold the problem now wasn't the cold from the bottom the mat really helped top of me to sleep in that wasn't warming me up enough I needed like a blanket or something a whole cup I exercised when I went back to sleep I couldn't sleep for at least another hour all the animals were screaming so loud did you hear that oh yes so we walked halfway yesterday and today we need to walk the rest of the way to Pripet in the end of the walking yesterday I felt so sure everything was hurting legs had while we were walking it was too warm when we stopped the sweat got too cold but I do feel somewhat rested all right [Music] keep up actually what we didn't do yesterday was check how much radiation is here so putting it all the way to the ground yeah it's like dropping like a kilometer two kilometers from that way from the road to that spot yesterday night we're gonna follow there should be like a road that we're gonna take these powerlines are some of the stuff I'm not sure if we're going on at the Chernobyl reactor technically if we would follow them all the way through we would reach the main reactor where everything happened we've been walking for about right now near 12 [Music] so we walked four kilometers now the road isn't 700 meters and we're about 12 kilometers away from here that we should reach there in the evening this is the road he says that cars do go by here so we will have to check back but it's not that often how much mrs. Anna to show 16th well as our record 1890 what are you worried about now going into village and this village horse whisperer a police I don't know really yes to their horse police and [ __ ] to know so they go through this road and then the village yes 21 oh my gosh it's increasing as we go forward yeah well ours and it's increasing by like every 100 meters we walk so we just stopped here to take a break off the road because we didn't want hard driving by and probably you can hear from the sound that something is not right so he just laid there turned his the Scimitar on and just put it next to him just started going off crazy 56:54 why is it screaming because you put a limit on 30 that's why it's screaming on 54 so far this is not gonna be a problem unless we [ __ ] live here number is definitely increasing we'll see what's further ahead [Music] I've been off of our road we stumbled upon a radiation measurement machine Anton says it's name is Oscar that's like an abbreviation for something fully working yeah so here the village is that way so please 18:47 that's the new record can you set the limits of higher I mean 76 okay that's the new record so 1.46 now we're taught we're now gonna try to spend too many nights here plan is to spend oh that is reactor number five right there all this time we've been walking this road leaps through the red forest the right fourth right there what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into that for it the not red forest as it's called cool oh it can actually see the is that the name reactor yeah I can actually see the [Music] for those of you who don't know the red forest it's called the red forest because when the explosion happened all the debris from the reactor blew by the wind into that part and the trees actually turned red from all the poisonous contamination we have reached in very alpha beep [ __ ] [ __ ] got some sharp [Music] is really really what was the pace down [Music] I'm gonna try to go in towards meet our forest area terrible oh you [ __ ] all the chicks around here [Music] [Music] gimme that is 1,000 so this is the rarest it's like right next to the [ __ ] our forest okay all of this [ __ ] not to mention the radiation yeah it's 22 times over the safety techniques that house [ __ ] house so as much as we would like to rest here the radiation levels have actually doubled right now it is to thousands that [ __ ] he says it's about 900 [Music] No [Music] there's a tree boy these wines are killing yes what just rest here it's not the best idea check the doesn't mater know that okay we definitely evaded the major rotation yeah we can arrest the ticks are [ __ ] annoying and all the other bugs yes it's about 500 meters till we make it out of this [ __ ] [ __ ] Anton said that the road we're going to take it's right there the furthest biggest electricity tower thing but that road we literally heard buses go through I don't know I find maybe tours we're probably not gonna walk on the road I'm not sure exactly what we're gonna do all the tour of the security cars that way is the way to light proper civilization and be like border gate up the exclusion zone [Music] so right now we are about four kilometers away from tipet welcome towards the railway [Music] nice right now we're gonna buy this little bit [ __ ] dead we got three kid on there is left will create that nice it goes around we're running alone water so what we're gonna do is impute that there is a rain water source yes we're gonna actually take water from Chernobyl filter it put in some intimate area tablets and try to drink it camping we actually took a little nap right now it is half to six and we're gonna clean this [ __ ] up and had somewhere that way towards Pete that three kilometers yeah we used up the last of our water resources on this little bit stop we definitely to refill in Pete that like I mentioned there is sort of this rain reservoir or whatever that we can actually filter and [Music] yeah I was actually thinking about that [Music] twice the safety not the terrible no great yep I bet just one row it's too [Music] 170 but it's not bad nice oh yeah we're getting close can already see the first building on that side [Music] [Music] now this is what is this oh yes this is starting previous okay 160 now these trees are wall what is that so good after oh this is from an office I guess who wants to climb that crying yeah we need to across but he there is a gap yes but Z's or welcome back here yes turned around he doesn't [Music] [Music] somebody is in here with us yes of course buildings everywhere beyond the trees I look there they're so cool [Music] [Applause] nice traffic [Music] let's really call of duty mission to place yes I know those historic events [Applause] [Music] is the ferris wheel [Music] videos is why this whole place is abandoned and it's [ __ ] hard to comprehend I know I can do a better job of explaining but I'm so exhausted that the environment can do the talking for me I'm pretty damn sure I just want to [ __ ] live here for a week and explore everything I see the beam on the rooftops it's like exploration you know I don't really want to go inside the buildings I want to walk between them and go on top [Music] [Music] I guess it's worth the risk [Music] [Music] so that says 0:25 the walls 0:26 so it is like a bit below the acceptable limit which is 0 30 Oh see how much radiation there is in the water right there in the distance carousel made it to the reservoir okay it's a hundred and one well you said this is rainwater the pipes have no options yeah we have no other options actually [Applause] we're gonna add that to our apartment but you have a small issue when we were going out we hurt in the same building on a different floor some people walk around at about a half an hour to go dress the very edge of the building complex and through the roof we will go to our place so it's not loose the city center to make noise there are actually people inside this building complex okay we're going on the roof I like gonna talk to you when we're done we're gonna sleep in this room why use this is barricade yes yes you cover up the little windows with trash bags all right [Music] [Music] [Music] they were on their last day today I told you before we heard somebody in the same building complex and I guess they heard us back we came looking in the others they were kind of shady those understand Russian is like oh so friendly I wanted to take my backpack with me on the roof one of them is like nah why leave it in the room everybody leaves in the room I'm like no man I feel like there was a third one that just went through everybody's backpacks probably not not interesting right here yeah so I want to sleep on the roof and there's a bunch of people you heard that there's like people in the buildings left to us right to us we [ __ ] solid flashlights and [ __ ] yeah this sleeping spot you can probably see something because the mom is very bright but decide it just down the roof guess neither so pace I gotta be here I'm on this like weird chimney slash not chimney type of area I'm elevated above the were slightly living this very minimal there's the [ __ ] reason to sit in that dusty unventilated spot a matter of fact I will take a night screenshot or beautiful everything else yeah vary a little bit 5 a.m. is one we're waking up right now it is 0 0 13 so like four and a half hours of sleep I guess alright talk to Mike [Music]
Channel: shiey
Views: 1,010,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chernobyl, chernobyl radiation hazard, how dangerous is chernobyl?, how much radiation in chernobyl, is pripyat dangerous?, chernobyl mini series, shiey, ILLEGAL FREEDOM, journey across chernobyl, liv
Id: H8PPgA19ajY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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