Joshua Session 7 - A Comprehensive Commentary by Ron Matsen

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[Music] [Music] do well tonight we're in session seven of our study of the book of joshua and we're going to um go through chapters 11 and 12 and so with that let's begin with the word of prayer father we thank you for your word and grateful lord that you have laid before us a history lord that is more than just words on a page of people of a bygone age lord that it's it's truth lord and you are the same yesterday and today and forever we're thankful lord that you work in and through the lives of people who will seek after you and we're thankful for the example lord that you've given us in your word and by your actions lord that you do care for those who seek after you and so father we pray that you would open our eyes and our hearts and our minds tonight lord as we study your word for us in jesus name we pray amen the book of joshua chapter 11 you know prior to this point we began this whole process where we saw that when we began our study of the book of joshua the whole emphasis is really going to be on the children of israel taking their rightful possession of the promised land and part of that process is what joshua is going to lead them into in conquering the promised land god could have just simply vanquished the enemies and for the nation of israel when they crossed the jordan river they could have walked into a completely open land but as we pointed out one of the things that we need to appreciate as we go through this study is it's not just simply a study of real people in real places doing real things seeing a real god reacting and interact with these people on their behalf but it's also instruction for us as we see how god works in our life drawing us into the spirit-led spirit-filled life which is for us our promised land and the way we enter in is by following the person of jesus christ into that rest and so throughout our study we've been pointing out a lot of the parallels there yes there are prophetic parallels to the book of revelation in the book of joshua but also practical parallels to the book of ephesians and we attempt to point some of those out also that whole issue of who we are in christ and the warfare as a result of that relationship that we are in which we are guaranteed will be victorious so long as we are with and in christ leading us through these battles and so in chapters one to five we really saw the nation of israel being prepared for this exercise of entering and conquering the promised land of course when they crossed the jordan river they sanctified themselves unto the lord the men circumcised themselves they they hollowed uh the sense of being brought there uh by god and then in chapters six and eight there was a sense of education uh they learned um as they went before their first military um obstacle that of jericho that god was gonna be the one that would defeat the enemy they were just there to be observers and in fact god would be the one that would destroy this insurmountable wall that was around the city and the the nation of israel uh were the benefactors of what god was doing for them and of course they also had their experience with ai where they went in the power of their own flesh to the next objective and they received a suitable response when like you and i we try to accomplish in the flesh that which can only be accomplished through the spirit and and then of course that ends with them uh in a second chance uh under god's direction defeating ai and going up to shechem where they establish a um um um a an altar and um and they're they they really devote themselves to the lord the word of the lord is is written on the um um the stones there on the mount ebell where the where the um the altar of joshua and the sacrifices take place and so we have them coming across to jericho just to give you a sense of perspective here and then making their way ultimately up to shechem where they establish the first real memorial where there's an altar and a time of of sacrifice and worship of the lord in chapter nine of course as soon as that is all set deception comes in the gibeonites come and they portray themselves as having traveled from a great distance and as a result of that the elders of israel make a rash decision to allow them to carry on in that way and as a result of course they're drawn into an alliance which as we pointed out when we were in chapter nine was not strictly what god told them to do except we found that the gibeonites their hearts were really toward the god of israel and they wanted to be part of the winning side and so really they are defecting uh from the uh other nations other kingdoms there that are in this promised land and as a result they become servants in the tabernacle in the temple for the rest of their life as a nation and so in one sense they deceived their way in uh they could have probably approached that in a different way but the end result was that they remained true to their words so as a result of it the southern nations uh below gibeon i decided that they would punish gibeon and as they were amassing an army to come against gibeon for breaking ranks with them you remember what took place in our last study in chapter 10 it was led by a man named adonai zedek and adonai means lord zedek means right or righteousness we had in the book of genesis melchizedek and the the king of righteousness um or the messenger of righteousness and here we see an individual who uh you could translate his name uh the lord of right in other words he really sees himself as the one that's empowered to lead this army against the gibeonites and as a result of it of course uh being the king of salem jerusalem he's now going to attack the gibeonites but as we pointed out in our last study god god fights on the side of israel you know it's lovely when you see god doing things it's that it's that irrefutable argument i remember speaking recently to uh uh chuck uh mistler about the medical condition and the experience of his wife nancy and um he said you know there are some times in our life that we have irrefutable evidence it's something that you can't weigh you can't measure but it is demonstrated in such a profound way that you cannot deny that it's something that's not natural and uh so god fights on the side of israel you know he brings down hailstones striking their enemies and he also has this miracle of the long day of joshua of course we dealt with that as the nation of israel moves down from gibeon all the way to kadesh there um in the um in the desert and so uh we move then from god's intervention into now he's going to complete that work they are going to now turn north and vanquish the kings in the northern part of this region of the promised land and so we begin in verse 1. it came to pass when jabin king of hazar heard these things that he sent to jobab king of maidan to the king of shimron to the king of ashvas and to the um kings who were from the north and in the mountains in the south uh of uh sinaroth in the lowlands in the heights of door on the west to the canaanites in the east and in the west the amorites the hittites the perizzite the jebusites in the mountains and the hivites below hermann in the land of mizpah and so now we're dealing with this area um which from the encampment there at gilgal which is sort of their base of operation for the israelites as they move to the south we now have uh these uh nations that are con conspiring against and once again uh banding together to try to fight off this enemy that has invaded the heartland of their country now uh they go to a place called miran is where they're going to have their meeting notice they travel away from israel to have their their their generals and their armies meet together they go as far away from israel as they can which is an interesting if not strange military tactic to amass an army behind the cities you're supposed to be defending but we'll come back to that later the leader in all of this is hatsor um which means castle um it's the largest city in this area and hatsor will be something that will be a menace to the nation of israel for much of their history at this time it's estimated there were inhabitants of about 40 000 people and its king's name is jabin whose name means in hebrew whom god observes they've gone to this area called medan which its very word means strife so they've collected in the place of strife the armies who are going to oppose these usurpers in their mind the children of israel shimran means overseer or guardian and ash means to be bewitched and so and then we're just told that there's a lot of other cities which will be listed for us by the way uh in chapter 12 from mount hermon to the jezreel valley so we continue so they went out they and all their armies with them as many people as the sands that is on the seashore and multitude with very many horses and chariots and while these kings had met together they came and camped together at the waters of iran to fight against israel and again it's interesting to me this name means high place and yet when you take a look at where they are they're behind all the cities they're supposed to be defending a strange military tactic but it's also a strange area to mount an army because this area uh is known as the hula valley and it's known for being very swampy in fact it wasn't until the 1950s that the israelis went in and began to drain this area to make it uh usable farmland and so historically there's a very poor area to travel in so they've they've done militarily some strange things in terms of somebody who is supposed to be protecting uh their cities they've actually drawn the uh the armies away from the cities and where israel is and they've gone up into this upper region now israel with this army is faced with new challenges not only are is this army that has been drawn together uh larger than any army that they've confronted josephus the jewish historian says that there were about 300 000 soldiers huge and these are this is a military these are military men when you think of the army of israel don't think of people in trained soldiers remember they spent 40 years in the wilderness and really the only implements they had for the most part was that which they took with them from egypt and egypt is not going to arm these hebrew slaves as they left they ingratiated them with with riches we know that because that's how they were able to make their tabernacle in the wilderness but i doubt seriously they sent them off as a well-equipped army and so you're dealing with people who are going to war with with uh cattle prods and and weapons they pick up from the enemies that have fallen before them so uh they're not as the enemies that they are facing uh josephus also says probably uh 10 000 uh calvary and uh a cavalry and uh 20 000 chariots and so you're dealing with not only an incredible amount of foot soldiers but the whole idea of horses and chariots is a is a is a new uh difficulty for the nation of israel that's like you know foot soldiers against army tanks these uh horses are mobile uh the chariots were armored and uh and so it presented a real problem for joshua and the army of israel of course before they came into the land in deuteronomy moses had warned them don't trust in horses you know they'd come from egypt egypt was famous for their uh cavalry and um and uh so they were told don't worry about that don't worry about the strength of your enemy or the tactics of your enemy if god's in the midst of this uh all of those um things that would be natural to fear in the flesh are not things that we need to concern ourselves when we are about the business that god has called us to verse six we continue but the lord said to joshua do not be afraid because of them for tomorrow about this time i will deliver all of them slain before israel you shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire so joshua and all the people of war with him came against them suddenly by the waters of miran and attacked them and the lord delivered them into the hand of israel who defeated them and chased them to the greater sidon to the brook of mishra and to the valley of mizpah eastward they attacked them until they left none of them remaining so joshua did to them as the lord had told him he hamstrung their horses and burned their chariots with fire notice as we look at this that this is obviously of an abbreviated account in one sense in that we have the israeli army moving um from uh the middle of what we know to be israel today all the way up above um the sea of galilee but at the time that god announces to joshua for tomorrow about this time i will deliver all of them slain before you when you consider the distance they are traveling it would make you get the sense when you look at the map that joshua was already on his way to the battle he already knew what he was going to do the the method for the battle wasn't necessarily laid out but he knew what he was called to do and so you have him going all the way from the camp of israel gilgal and he has marched his troop all the way up to this area of miran in the hula valley and god says to them it'll all be over by this time tomorrow he's facing an army of three hundred thousand men ten thousand horses and twenty thousand chariots and all joshua has are foot soldiers now they have a pretty good win rate when you consider the fact that they defeated and vanquished all the kings and their armies in the south but in that instance as they fought and we pointed that out in our chapter 10 study god fought on their behalf by sending and killing more from stones that fell out of the sky then were killed by the sword of the armies of israel it must have been exciting to to think oh there's one over there and you run and all of a sudden smack okay well sooner or later i'll get to i'll get to you know getting into combat here but god is working on their behalf and so he takes them to this place and literally they find themselves surprising this army that's hid behind the cities they should be defending and then they just spread out and this is a big area if you've had a chance to be in israel around this area you're now up in the southern part of lebanon at this point and uh and it's it's not an easy area to traverse and the army of israel is just spreading out and vanquishing all of their enemies as they're defeating them as god is directing them god had told them for tomorrow about this time i will deliver all of them slain before israel what a promise god is just taking care of business for them literally this is israel's chariots of fire they're burning all the chariots which were previously viewed as an obstacle as a problem now they're firewood you know it's so important for us to remember that no weapon can be fashioned against the lord and prosper our challenge is to make sure we're fighting on the right side of that battle when we're involved in real spiritual warfare we need to make sure that we're not just venturing out in the power of our own flesh and finding ourselves defeated as the nation of israel is defeated before ai it really needs to be spirit-led but when god's in the middle of something and he's leading you into it it's so symbolic for us to see that god's ability to defeat the best that the world can offer the measurements change when you're dealing with the creator and sustainer of the whole universe the perspective changes because you're dealing with one who holds everything at his command and can bring about whatever is according to his purpose and our job is to really understand that especially as we apply this as a an example for us as we are striving to enter into that rest that hebrews talks about the writer of the hebrews talks about the nation of israel was brought into the promised land but they didn't enjoy the rest that was there because they didn't take it by faith and so for the nation of israel they were seeing god very quickly vanquish their enemies you know there'll be another victory declared in this very same place matthew records it in chapter 16 of his gospel in verse 13 we begin when jesus came to the region of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying who do men say that i the son of man am they said some say john the baptist some elijah and others jeremiah or one of the prophets and he said to them but who do you say that i am and simon peter answered and said you are the christ the son of the living god and jesus answered and said to him blessed are you simon barjona for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father who is in heaven and i also say to you that you are peter and on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it and i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven you see the place that israel is vanquishing the final enemy in israel is at this same area of what is known as banias today it's caesarea philippi jesus had just come down from mount hermon where he had been transfigured before his disciples and peter had witnessed moses and elijah speaking to jesus of his coming sacrifice and he was amazed by that of course he wanted you know the story he wanted to build three tabernacles there to memorialize the place and and um basically when peter has nothing to say he talks and and and so we have in this same place this it's interesting how even in israel today you can map the trouble areas in the troubled areas in israel to the same geographical places that israel had trouble uh during their founding you see the gaza strip where the philistines were a menace to the nation of israel until david vanquished them uh through the time of the judges they were a real menace to judah and to benjamin and the tribes in the southwestern part of israel the area of the golan heights um was an area that was difficult for the jews and they lost it early that on the eastern uh shore of the jordan and that of the sea of galilee and so you find these areas and the area of caesarea philippi is an area where there will be spiritual battles that take place there and uh and jesus chooses of all the places on the planet all the places in israel to draw his disciples into an understanding of look this is who i really am don't just think of me as a as as another rabbi i'm god incarnate and and that's the game changer when we recognize we're not dealing with just another prophet just another teacher and uh so for the nation of israel this was uh the end of their military campaign now they will go through after this they will go through a period of individually occupying their own inheritance but corporately this ends the battles and joshua turned back at that time and took hatsor and struck its king with its sword and for hatsor was formerly the head of those all those kingdoms and they struck all the people who were in it with the edge of the sword utterly destroying them and there was none left breathing then he burned hatsor with fire so all the cities of those kings and all their kings joshua took and struck with the edge of his sword he heddled and destroyed them as moses the servant of the lord had commanded but as for the cities that stood on their mounds israel burned none of them except hatzer only which joshua burned and all the spoils of the cities and the livestocks the children of israel took his booty for themselves but they struck every man with the edge of the sword until they had destroyed them and they left none breathing as the lord had commanded moses a servant so moses commanded joshua and so joshua did and he left nothing undone of all that the lord had commanded moses you know there's a beautiful parallel here during the ministry of jesus christ jesus said of himself i do always those things that please the father there was never an instance where there was a breakdown between the will of the father and the actions of the son and we see here emphasized that joshua did absolutely everything that moses had told him to do he goes and he's completely fulfilling that foreshadowing of what would be fulfilled in actuality in jesus christ being obedient he's not one to mess about with the commandments of the lord now hassor is an interesting place in the it will be a problem for israel not only at this time but as a continual problem going forward it was the capital of that region as we read its king had been the one um to jabin who had been the one who led this confederacy of the kingdoms it's burned and all its inhabitants destroyed now if you travel to this archaeological area in israel today they will point out for you the main steps that go up to the city uh they have been burned and cracked and and the archaeological evidence is obvious that the city when it was distorted destroyed uh was burnt with fire and it's one of those things when they found the city of hazar they they knew that that that which was recorded for us here in joshua is that which actually happened here under the conquering of this area by joshua but later this area will arise again as a place of trouble for israel for during the time of the judges another king jabin must be a favorite name for the king of this city again his name means whom god observes he will mount an attack against the the northern tribes of israel his general cicero uh will try to subdue the northern kingdoms it's recorded there in judges chapter four and barack is called by god to take an army of ten thousand to mount tabor and fight the mount tabor is located in the valley of jezreel so go to this area that's ideally suited for battle the jezreel jezreel valley being wide and open and and you can view it quite easily by lots of high mountains around so it's a good place for generals to stand and watch their troops fight in the open field it's a perfect battlefield actually and um so barack is told to do that and of course in fear barack asks the prophet debra to go with him and she informs him look yes i'll do that um but of course they won't be singing about you they'll be singing about me and so after the defeat of caesar's army jabin flees and is killed in the house of heber the canaanite and you know the story so we'll move on verse 16 thus joshua took all this land the mountain country and all the south and all the land of goshen the lowland the jordan plain the mountains of israel and its low lands for mount halak and the ascent to seer even as far as belgad in the valley of lebanon below mount hermon he captured all their kings and struck them down and killed them joshua made war a long time with those kings there was not a city that made peace with the children of israel except the hivites the inhabitants of gibeon and all the others they took in battle for it was of the lord to harden their hearts that they should come against israel in battle that he might utterly destroy them and that they might receive no mercy but that he might destroy them as the lord had commanded moses here at this point this is a point at which i think it's good for us especially as it applies to us today what is the purpose of all of this bloodshed one of the problems people have when they read the history of israel is it seems like we have a god who's bloodthirsty he keeps sending people out to utterly wipe out others and and there have been those who call into question the righteousness of a god who would be so willing to see armies go and vanquish entire cities killing every man woman and child but the purpose god declares himself why he's doing it here we read for it was the lord to harden their hearts that they should come against israel in battle the proverbs tells us the heart of the kings is in the hand of the lord like the rivers of water he turns it whatever way he wills what we need to appreciate here is for the nation of israel this was graduation day for them this was coming into their inheritance for the nations that were now being dispelled this was their judgment day they were people who lived in a land which not that many years before had clear access to god through the very dwelling of abraham isaac jacob and his family they interacted with and we when you study in genesis and you see the interactions between abraham and the pharaoh of egypt or isaac and the abimelech the king of the philistines they openly acknowledge the god of abraham isaac and jacob and so as a people they had as much ability to understand what was true and right as anyone else but what's important for us to see is that this is their judgment day because they as a people have moved away from and were now involved in all kinds of things which were abomination to god child sacrifice uh was that offering children to molech and and so on and so forth they were involved with with the demonic demonic entities and so this was their judgment god was using the nation of israel as a tool of judgment upon them just as later on god would use the nation of babylon to be the tool of judgment for the nation of israel maybe whoa what's what's all that all about because israel had followed the pattern of those like the the jebusites and the perizzites and the hivites and and and all the ites that are there in uh the promised land and so this is their judgment day now the gibeonites who were hivites they were the one nation or one people that survived because they submitted themselves to the new ruling king they didn't resist it why was this happening that he might utterly destroy them that they might receive no mercy but that he might destroy them it really is their judgment day and as a type in shadow for you and i we need to understand that the aspects of our flesh that we deal with when we enter into the promised land we need to understand they are our enemy god's design desire in our life is for us not to make treaties with them is to see the death of the flesh when we come to christ by faith and through the cleansing and indwelling presence of the holy spirit we are justified before god we are seen as righteous before god because of the completed work of jesus christ but from that point we are raised from the dead the life we now live paul says i live unto christ i was dead before christ and now the life that i live now i live unto christ in the same way in which the children of israel were in the wilderness they're drawn into their rightful place but their enemies there joshua as we will see vanquishes the authority and the and the order that was there but all the enemies are not wiped out and by the time you finish the book of joshua and you then go on to the book of judges you'll see that they did not continue to vanquish their enemies they began to make treaties with them and as a result everyone they made a treaty with ultimately came back and ruled them and that's the sense of what happens to us when we resist that ongoing process of sanctification that that relationship of the holy spirit in our life that we respond to out of obedience that allows us to labor to enter into the rest of the promised land in christ and so why is it there why are those battles there why does god allow temptation oh i wish that when you gave your heart to jesus christ that the old man truly was dead dead dead now in terms of justification and the condemnation associated with our former life and conduct i'm glad that we now stand in the righteousness of jesus christ and that the father sees us in christ therefore we are robed in his righteousness but there is yet again the sense but in christ we also now have an opportunity with this life that we now live to live it in the power of the spirit to bring glory to the one who was raised us from the dead paul puts it this way to the corinthians in 1 corinthians chapter 10 beginning in verse 6. he says now these things became our examples to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted and do not become idolaters as were some of them as is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play let us not commit sexual immorality as some of them did and in one day 23 000 fell nor let us tempt christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed by serpents nor complain as some of them also complained and were destroyed by the destroyer now all these things happen to them as examples and they were written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the age have come therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall no temptation has ever overtaken you except as is common to man but god is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the temptation will also make the way of escape that you may able be able to bear it god drew the nation of israel into the land and there were enemies there he could have gone and wiped every obstacle out but what we will see is he decapitates the leadership he destroys the strongholds are all destroyed during this military campaign of joshua he takes care of the big issues but there are residual aspects of our flesh that still remain i wish it wasn't so that's why paul spoke of himself saying that he needed to die daily we don't just wish it away it's something that's there and the knowledge that we can still be tempted should drive us closer to christ we see jesus is the one just as joshua led the nation of israel to victory jesus is the one who will lead us to the victory over our temptation hebrews chapter 2 tells us in as much then as the children have partaken of fleshly and blood he himself likewise shared in the same that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death that is the devil and released those who through fear of death were all their lifetimes subject to bondage that's where we were before we were raised from the dead in christ we were so we were in that fearful state in a bondage in a sense we can't do this on our own the enemy is stronger the the desires that war in our members are strong and they subdue us and they slay us that's what that's what the writer the hebrews is writing about here for indeed he does not give aid to angels but he does give a to the seed of abraham therefore in all things he had to be made like his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to god to make propitiation for the sins of the people for in that he himself has suffered being tempted he is able to aid those who are tempted jesus didn't learn about our difficulty the writer of the hebrews isn't saying that he suffered temptation so he could understand what we were like he suffered like us so we would understand that he already knows he knew what he would suffer nothing was a surprise and he has known every aspect of our life before we were created every path we would choose every choice that we would make and he loved us anyway the more we discover the incredible love of god toward us as jeremiah says the love of god compels me i can't keep my mouth close paul says the same thing concerning being ambassador of christ the love of christ compels me what love is that the knowledge that in spite of knowing who we really are he's the one person we can't hide from he's willing to lead us into the promised land he's willing to help us vanquish those temptations in our life which so easily ensnare us he's willing and able to cause us to be victorious over our temptations god directs the growth in our life through temptation through difficulty james says it this way chapter one verses two to four my brother encountered all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing you know we can say in simplistic terms oh i wish god would just remove that temptation i wish that aspect of my character that i hate so much and i hate it when i fall prey to it i just wish god would just take that desire away but don't you realize that's the enemy in the land that you can't fight in your own no self-improvement program is gonna is gonna help you get over that it's only by you clinging to jesus christ and it's an interesting thing isn't it difficulties tragedies temptations failure are all the things that drive us to christ you know the sense of well-being the sense of of success we tend to forget christ look how good i did today and we allow ourselves to to really rest in the sense that we must have accomplished this i i read so many uh passages of scripture per day and as a result of it you know i've just overcome that oh what would happen in the christian bookstores if people begin to realize that there is no such thing as self-help it's when you die to yourself that god will help the scriptures tell us that god never sleeps nor slumbers but he searches the whole world seeking those for whom he can show himself strong those of you that have had children you know there's that there's that stage in your child's life that's bittersweet you know they start tying their own shoes and they no longer come running to you and say daddy please tie my shoe you know of course then velcro came along and kids don't know how to tie shoes anymore but you know there was that sense of of helplessness or the child that lays uh and and waits for you to provide for them and if you don't provide for them they'll starve to death jesus says if we want to be great in the kingdom of god we need to be like one of these newborn babies not childish but childlike fully dependent you want to see victory in your life over the areas of your flesh that so easily ensnare you you need to become more like a child and trust jesus to be the one to vanquish your enemy that's the lesson of joshua as we look at these military campaigns we recognize that joshua was just simply fulfilling that which was laid out by the law just moses saying go in the land and take no prisoners our problem is we keep wanting to make treaties well that's not really a bad area of my life that you know i i have a problem with anger but but that's somebody else's problem to me that's like a superpower when i get angry i get things done no the bible clearly tells us that anger is something that is not pleasing to god or lust or or the wanting this or wanting that or things that clearly the scripture says that we shouldn't participate in these are those inhabitants in our personal promised land that we need to have jesus come and assist us and live in us and through us and with without which we won't be able to be successful at all and at that time joshua came and cut off the anakim from the mountains from hebron from dubur and from anab and all the mountains of judah and from all the mountains of israel joshua utterly destroyed them with their cities none of the anakim were left in the land of the children of israel they remained only in gaza and in gath and in ashdod he then goes down he's going to go back down to the to the area of the southern part now and he's going to deal with the anakim the word anik means long neck m of course is the plural tense these are people that are giants they're referred to in numbers chapter 13 because these were the ones that scared the the uh 10 spies 12 were sent in 10 came back with an ill report and the report they brought back numbers 13 verse 32 and they gave the children of israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out saying the land through which we have gone as spies as the land that devours its its inhabitants and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature there we saw the giants the descendants of anak came from the giants and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight genesis 6 tells us that before the flood there was a strange exchange that was taking place um in verse 4 we read there were giants on the earth in those days and also afterwards when the sons of god the banai elohim came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men of old men of renown and of course if you want more about the detail of these nephilim these fallen ones the byproduct of fallen angels procreating with a human host and creating these giants these super beings you can certainly look more in the study in genesis chapter 6 but it also says there that they not only were before the flood but they were also afterwards so we had this same type of going on and of course once abraham comes to the promised land satan has 430 years to lay down a minefield after jacob takes his family with after the invitation from joshua to come down and uh um and live in egypt they lived there for 430 years and then another 40 years in the wilderness of 470 years satan knew where they were coming and so he's laying down a minefield and so no doubt he was back to his old tricks like he did there before the flood of noah but notice we're told not all the giants are killed we're told they remained in gaza gath and in ashdod why because they would ultimately be these four um giants five actually goliath and his four brothers as that's mentioned in one samuel chapter 17 goliath being the one that's faced by daniel or david and and so they remain there joshua did not wipe them all out he let them still live down in in gath and apparently they were still around at the time of of young lad david and um so whether or not they continued to procreate or uh they were men of great age i don't know but nonetheless joshua now makes reference to these individuals and they will be a problem for israel so joshua took the whole land according to all that the lord had said to moses and joshua gave it as an inheritance to israel according to their divisions by their tribes then the land rested from war and so we have this final statement which really is where we want to be resting from war come into our promised land now notice how it's defined it's defined when all the kings of the land have been defeated and all the major cities have been occupied and it'll be it now at this point that the cities and lands will be distributed so when we go to chapter 12 we're going to see now a list of 31 kings as evidence of the completed work of joshua during this military campaign these are the kings of the land who the children of israel defeated and though and whose land they possessed on the other side of the jordan toward the rising of the sun from the river arnon to mount hermon and all the eastern jordan plain one king of wasan king of the amorites who dwelt in heshbon and ruled half of gilead from ar which is the bank of the arnon from the middle of the river even as far as the river j bach which is the border of the ammonites and the eastern jordan plane from the sea of cineroth as far as the sea of arba the salt sea the road to beth jeshimoth and southward below the slopes of pisca the other king was all king of basham in his territory who was of the remnant of the giants who dwelt in asteroth and at edre and he reigned over mount hermon over salka over basham as far as the border of the gershonites and the mashianites and half of gilead to the border of sion king of heshbon these moses the servant of the lord and the children of israel had conquered and moses the servant of the lord had given it as a possession to the reubenites the gaddites and half the tribe of manasseh and these are the kings of the country which joshua and the children of israel conquered on this side of the jordan on the west from balgad in the valley of lebanon as far as mount halak and the ascent of seer which joshua gave to the tribes of israel as a possession according to their divisions in the mountain country in the lowlands in the jordan plain and the slopes in the wilderness in the south the hivites the amorites the canaanites the parasites the hivites and the jebusites the king of jericho one the king of ai which is beside bethel one the king of jerusalem one the king of um hebron one the king of yarmuth one the king of laish one the king of eglon won the king of gezer one the king of dibir won the king of gedir one the king of horma one the king of arad one the king of libna one the king of abdullah one the king of makida one the king of bethel one the king of tapua one the king of heifer one the king of ethic one the king of lasharon one the king of madonna one the king of hatsor one the king of shimron meon one the king of ashevath one the king of tanakh the king of megiddo won the king of kadesh one the king of um joking in carmel one the king of door in the heights of door one the king of the people of gilgal one the king of tisra one all the kings 31 we see as we have this list that all the authority is broken the kings represent the authority that's there joshua defeats the leadership he conquers the authority that's there joshua jesus defeated all the ruling authority that ensnares us in our life then how is it that we can still be ensnared in sin if the holy spirit dwells within us and light and darkness can't occupy the same vessel how is it after we become born again we still struggle appetites rear their head from our own life and we wonder we find ourselves like the apostle paul in the seventh chapter of rome or in romans epistle who speaks of himself that what i would that which i want to do i don't and that which i don't allow to do i do oh what a wretched man that i am who can deliver me from this body of flesh and then chapter 8 there is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus you see the existence of that that in our life should not be a source of condemnation it should be an opportunity for us to rely daily upon the work of jesus christ in our life it's not yes our justification is once for all there is no progressional salvation in that sense but there is progressional sanctification that's why we are told in ephesians that we need to put on the whole armor of god that we might wage the good warfare we're in a war we've won the war we know how it ends it's just the interim between now and that final day is all wrapped up in the the judgment seat of christ where we will be rewarded according to the labor we do in christ the obstacles in our life are opportunities for god to day by day be victorious in our life day by day victorious so as we see these aspects and you think oh my goodness that's i still think those thoughts i still have that appetite i still what is up with that wishing it away is not the way to deal with it trying to do some self-help discipline is not going to deal with it it should drive you closer and closer to jesus the joshua of your life who is committed to fulfill all of the victory in your life let's bow our hearts in prayer father we thank you for your word and our grateful lord that you are committed lord in fact we're comfortable we're we're confident that that which we have committed to unto you you will keep until the day of jesus christ lord as we commit our life to you all of it the good the bad and the ugly we're grateful lord that you're there to wash us pick us up and take us to victory lord may we never rest in our own ability or capacity to be right or righteous in you may we lean on you more and more with more and more dependency day by day for you to produce in us that which is the fruit of the spirit because we're connected to the vine lord we thank you for being the source of all that is good in our life for it's in your name we pray amen
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 5,280
Rating: 4.9074073 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: Lf5ioMObrGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 36sec (3456 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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