Josh Widdicombe Has Licked A Gold Medal | 8 Out of 10 Cats - S14 E01 - Full Episode | All Brit

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tonight on 8 out of 10 cats what's cooking  good looking it's Preston Bloom and fall the   life of Ryan it's Katherine Ryan and their  team captain John Locke and facing them   tonight double paralympic gold medalist  it's Anna cut from he's short and Curly   it's Josh whitakam and their team captain  John Richardson now welcome your host Jimmy come hello and welcome to 8 out of 10 cancer show  about opinion polls surveys and statistics   did you know for example 25 of people do  their weekly online shop whilst in bed   I do it helps me remember what we need  meat two veg dumplings a couple of apps percent of British people are meant  to stealing something from a hotel   room I stayed in a hotel the other day I  decided to throw caution to the wind open   up the minibar and I downed all the  bottles of bubbly and then I woke up   and realized I was in a travel lodge  and all the shampoo had disappeared the Brits think it's acceptable to answer the  phone during sex it happens Mom it's for you all right let's get started what are you talking about that's the name of our  first round it's our panelists job to guess the   British Public's top five most popular talking  points John steam what do you think the nation   would be talking about this week is it uh The X  Factor oh there's a new TV show Jimmy this brand   new show they call it the X Factor right and they  get these singers and I and it's too early to tell   what's going to happen next and also you use  the word singers in inverted commas yeah I've   stopped doing them I just do it with my speech now  these these singers or professional crying penises already it's gonna get worse it's not  they're not even crying when there's bad   news they're crying when there's good news  the guy Ryland have you seen this Hannah   Ryland isn't a proper name  as well that's Ryan wooden   it's Ryan with an L in it for no reason at  all but last week he cried because he got   through he didn't sort of cry though because  there were no tears he just sort of went about me laughing let's take a look Rylan is such  a big risk that I have to take it every day oh I'm gonna use it we've all been there that is what I  look like watching talisa's sex tape Rylan he said to Nicole he  said I'm not crying at you   it was a very offensive burst of of Anguish she  was crying at her on her in her a little bit   I wouldn't drink the water around the X Factor I  mean they put something in the tea or do you get   the most hard-hearted person well drink the  tea and just go oh let's just show a pigeon if there was a drink that makes you cry it's  almost certain that Heston made it yeah it's a   special type of tea that brings melancholy and  it's actually made with melons and Collie dogs don't they just call that like red wine it's not  what you drink to cry I drink red wine I'll pour   my eyes out for no reason whatsoever what have you  got to cry about all your dreams have come true   immaculate put a card in people listen to you yeah sometimes I cry because my  dreams have come true yeah did you cry when you were the  best in the world at something   no I want to lose my [ __ ] not at  all right well can I have it then I didn't know that we were meant  to bring our gold medals with us I think you brought both of them well  you see just just in case you want   to lick the other one as well do you  like these guys finish that sentence I've licked Hannah's gold medal Jimmy was there at the time knowing that you  won you came on you came on Channel 4 after   you won the uh was it the 100 and 200 the same  day no they were a week apart but I think it was having a look at Hannah in action and surely  this is going to be just a question in how   fast can she get close to the world record  she's being rolled all the way an amazing   performance everybody is standing already she's  getting an ovation the flashlights are going off   the only question is what time will it be can  she go close to the world record unbelievable   performance she held her nerves with a plum and  once again we are saluting a British champion for this company called Cash for Gold you can get an envelope big  enough I think you're set for life   back to the X Factor what else did it is  the judge's houses last week there was this   situation where they found a couple having sex  in one of the bushes at Gary's house and they   said what had happened they said oh we were just  having a picnic and got carried away that's not   a thing if I'm having a picnic and get carried  away I have a second scone that's what I did oh do you go a pepper Army  well I'll see you in the bushes   they might have found a flask of X Factor t thank  you I saw a bit of it and Gary Barlow says to one   of the contestants like who's going to buy you  records and they're obviously the accessories too   nervous to say they just went but what they should  have said was the same [ __ ] idiots to buy yours I think what's quite interesting about it is  that surely by now then the contestants must   have sussed the show they all go this is  the most important most special thing most   amazing this is a life-changing experience  you go haven't you seen the show Even if   you win by February nobody knows who you are  yeah best X Factor is a gap Year from Argos the names of the groups one of them is called  Union J because they used to be called Triple J   but someone joined the group whose name started  with g inny and Jay would be the best way to go   that doesn't explain it and it would be a  better name if you just called it like JJJ let's have a look at Jojo I might as well  call them a slightly different direction let's have a look and see if X Factor is up there let's be gone X Factor is very different  this year oh no hang on no it isn't uh Sean uh Heston Catherine what else did the  nation be talking about this week about the   trains the Train the the franchise per  um the North West train line which is   that's it that everyone knows about it they  made a mistake with the franchises with how   they calculated their franchise I mean how many  times have to say the word franchise before so   someone takes over from me and says something  about franchises they've got basically   um franchise virgin at the franchise for for  the Western the franchise for the Western and   um then someone else got it now they don't have it  either anymore episode of Thomas the Tank Engine says he can take the fat controllers Wise  from uh from tidford Holt down to knapford   for the garden party and take the fish train  to the docks in time for the Shipley was the   mainland and all the other trainers go  no you can't it turns out they were right problem with this story is just too funny  by definition you don't need to you just   say west coast train franchise and  government miscalculation you're   already like well what's this A Will Ferrell movie the best thing I could ever  contemplate I feel quite strongly I had a bit of an incident  with first Great Western I   am I don't know if this subject I  ordered a cup of tea and uh Jesus and the woman gave me a cup of boiling water  and a tea bag so if she got them out and gone got my depth with this one with the water truly  boiling though because on an airplane they won't   give you boiling water well they they just make  it a bit warm so you can't like Chuck it back in   their face for violence that's why they won't give  you the rest of us they're fine with you can't   actually boil water on an airplane you can't boil  water on an airplane how do what what why can't   because I said you didn't bring a kettle now the  pressure the pressure the pressure I'm too busy let's have a look and see whether  this virgin train U-turn is up there okay Johnston what else did the uh the nation  be talking about this week uh it's the U.S   elections the choice between two quite dull men  are terrible at talking they had a debate this   week and they're just both terrible at actually  talking really hard to listen to them go we've   got a gooder rate the economy because if  it gets any more badified we're gonna be   we're going to be saturated until  like 2000 and later than now because I don't really because it's just you should  throw your hat in the ring you've got something   that's good policies it's called Mitch Romney   yes it's not yeah he's really cracked  to the very heart of the US today is not a name it's no one's called MIT and  I've had a good week because I convinced   my girlfriend that was short for mittum  and it's in Romney yeah a little friend Mitt Romney is Gaff prone and he once  got in trouble because he traveled for   12 hours in his car with his  dog attached to the roof rack it's the only dog that's ever actually  stuck his head into the window of a car because it to be fair to him he asked the dog  how do you want to get to Ontario on the dog yeah John Richardson everyone John Richardson Catherine have you been following the American  election oh Barack Obama and Michelle his wife   are are like the Jay-Z and Beyonce of politics  they're very exciting like Barack Obama he   can sing and he's like cool and you know I  experienced some climate change when I look   at him on the eye oh yeah like when he talks  about the national debt my budget Gap widens that was the least sexy euphemism I've ever heard   no would you who would you vote for I have no idea  I've got things to concentrate on I know you've   been concentrating on well you know I kind of I  was a little bit busy uh winning two gold medals   this week where I kind of just everyone talked to  me for a week and then and then I've been back in   training for three weeks it's been it's been  a little bit busy yeah got two gold medals it   doesn't happen again for four years relax also you  won by Miles you don't need to train they're all   after me now they're all chasing me well they  were all after you then they didn't catch her   should we have a look and see whether the U.S  election is one of the most talked about things   this week yeah yes the first American election  debate took place last Wednesday Obama's been   described as a cross between Martin Luther King  and JFK yeah we get it he's gonna get shot foreign be talking about the Ryder Cup oh yeah Europe  against all the odds when the gulf beat the   Americans and they're just devastated by  it they just can't believe that it's good   let's go badly for them yeah I had to listen  to it on the radio because I didn't have Sky   I tuned in and I did Rory mcilroy's late and  they said um the big news is uh Rory McIlroy   has only just made it for his tea time I know  he's young but that has taken the piss isn't it he's not allowed to play golf Isn't So a bit  of it like Josh was saying on the radio and the   weird thing is that golf on the radio is kind  of a pointless experience because you mean you   just hear them hit the thing you go you don't even  hear you don't even hear it land and like you said   but the weirdest thing is it commentators they  all start whispering they start again and he's   on he's about to take this shot really needs to  get this one to get back into contention you're   thinking you don't need to whisper you're  the radio commentators they wouldn't let you   anywhere near the players only four miles  away in a Travel Lodge watching it on Sky so check out should we have a look and see whether the Europe   winning the Ryder Cup is one of the  most talked about things this week the next way the cupboard will be held  in Scotland where golf originated even   now most people in Glasgow own a golf club  mainly for use in Pub fights and hooking   people's car keys through their letterbox  so one more thing to get fingers on buzzers there's a new dance craze sweeping the nation  called the the Gangnam and I like grandad called again what's the new  dance craze in the Disco these   young scamps are doing a new dance that  they're called the ging Ganguly sorry   yeah Gangnam Style Gangnam Style have  a look this is the new dance craze thumbs down Gangnam Style that is the most liked pop video ever  on YouTube I really like it that's not   a light I didn't expect how is everybody  when he puts his hands on his hips and his   little legs out that's my favorite bit it's  really fun isn't it I'm not one to absorb Joy   right here I think it's like he's writing what's  he doing it's you pretend you're riding a horse   looks like he's spitting a pizza that's a lasso that's obsessed by food is good about it and they said this that when he  died Kim jong-il's Son would be a lot more relaxed open Future for the people of North Korea I  think it's not one of the most talked about   things this week but Gangnam Style has become  one of the most watched pop videos of all time   but I still prefer the one where Talisa gives  it to her boyfriend Camden Style all right that's it for part one join us after the  break to see what else is in our top five welcome back to AI tank house we're trying  to guess the most talked about things this   week fingers on buses sure is it the  man who got his head stuck in the bin tell me more about this story ah it's brilliant  because he's homeless and he got stuck in a bin   everybody's happy except him I've got a still  um if you could try and take this seriously it's   a it's an unfortunate gentleman in Aberdeen  got his head stuck in him in for 20 minutes   yes I rather than going for help took pictures   and videos and posted them on YouTube  but the reason they didn't rescue him   was they realized that's the longest he's had  a roof over his head for some time thank you his friends he said I've given him the nickname  after this bucket head that is a two-fact story   and they've got one of the main facts wrong  In fairness a lot of his friends drink heavily cooking a bean no oh going too far yeah and normally  you'd attach a rope to yourself   he's just gone in there seen something really  juicy at the bottom of the bin just so I'm   having that I don't know I mean you could say  it's wrong that you know years ago someone who   stuck in a bed and people would come and help  pulled them out now they they leave them there   and take photographs and put them on Twitter but  I think the modern thing is better than the old   way I think rescuing him uh it would have been an  anecdote for a small circle of people in Scotland   30 or 40 people to know about that  story there you go hey Jimmy foreign but now it's on Twitter so millions of people  around the world can enjoy him getting his head   stuck in the bin and he's already famous  he's 52 is the oldest man in Scotland well that's not one of the most talked about  things this week but last week a homeless   man in Aberdeen got his head stuck in a bin  what a bloody idiot it's blue bins for heads it's the labor Party Conference yeah it's  been so exciting that the the main story   that's come out of it is that I read the  Ed Miller Band when he was at school he   got given a Walkman by Ken Livingston which  is a story so dull you wouldn't even tell it   on Bullseye Jim knowing when I believe  you once met Ken Livingston didn't you   and yes he actually gave me a Walkman well  that's very tedious I hope you lose foreign ERS without saying anything no  I want to bridge the gap between   the rich and the poor well good luck  because you can see it from space now that's another strength in numbers and I  think those siblings should unite David   and Ed miliband they're always pitting them  against each other just be as one like jedward   they could call themselves like David and and they  could have some style you know they could wear   like Mila bandanas and throwback millibanter and  they could really spice it up they all look like   people when they come out of the conference they  still leave their little lanyards on when they   get into the hotel even though they know there's  a point on the train where they think I'm not the   conference anymore I should take this off and I  thought this will be an interesting conversation   starter in the bar so you've got a landlord  yes I've been at the labor Party Conference off your dick you're not there anymore  but they're like they're faster like   they wear them all year like yeah I've  got all my festivals yeah I went to all   the conferences are pretty important are you  really that's all happened in your head yeah all the things to get annoyed about it's not like  and he didn't take his laminate off system bastard I genuinely believe like there's times when you're  on a train and you see someone with a little thing   hanging out and you think oh you want me to  ask what that is no it was the same during the   Olympics when they all had their caps on and their  bags and they're like yeah I'm helping make the   Olympics happen well we're on a train now it's not  happening here isn't it you're having a go at all   the Olympic volunteers that's what John's doing  I'm laughing about the ones who were volunteers   do me a favor could do me a favor could you  put away your gold medals because it's over   now and it's boring John yeah Tom doesn't like it  when people remember nice things they've been to   where he is killing Joy Gangnam Style my laminate and I went for me  or I went for lunch before Oh well the day before I'd forgotten it so I thought  I'll put it on I'll put my coat over it that's   fine took my coat off to eat and then the guy  came over and said oh what's that and I said oh I said what's that I said oh I'm I've  got a bit of the Paralympics yeah   and he I mean it's an interesting story   actually I've got a bit apparently no  you're right John it is annoying yeah off and lost it he couldn't get in the reason they  keep it on is that's how they get him to do their   job you've left it on so that he would ask and  you go sorry I'm doing a bit of TV work apparently   it's really boring but if you could bring the  food quickly it's got to be on TV in like an   hour so anyway just working at Paralympics yeah  it's pretty boring I'm sorry you asked me about it one yard and your girlfriend thank you it's a real issue people with laminates have relationships  yeah I was just wearing a lemon in a bar   she just came up to me said what's  that oh God yeah I didn't even know   heavy and when I took my coat off I thought  oh bloody lemon I'll leave it on it's just a   laminate that points down in my penis I've got a  penis maybe you want to touch it and be my voice should we have a look and see where  the labor party conference is one   of the most talked about things this week foreign yes the labor Party Conference took place  in Manchester last week Ed miliband is in   the middle of an extensive makeover by the next  election Mr miliband will be taller his voice   will be less nasal and he'll be called David so  those were the most talked about stories this   week but in other news the late Jimmy Savile was  accused of pedophilia last week Jimmy Savile died   last year so why are these allegations only  coming to light now then now then now then and Adele's recorded the theme song for the  new Bond film the lyrics include Let the   Sky Fall when it crumbles and if there's  one thing Adele knows about it's crumble I've been around sure Catherine Heston have two  points John Hannah and Josh have three points welcome back to AR-10 cards and the winner is is   the name of our final round here is  your first one sexiest celebrity chef uh Heston is a very acceptable  eighth hey this is this is just   on on sexiness Heston would be the most  interesting to have sex with wouldn't he   clothes off I'm gonna go and dip  my cockroaches liquid nitrogen be multi-sensory banging put these headphones  in something spectacular is going to happen   um I want you to be able to taste it fully I Heston you're renowned for cooking unusual  dishes these are all genuine dishes okay just   talk us through some of these tell us what  sound of this is okay so what this looks like   the sand with sea vegetables on top different  types of seafood and seaweed and with the sauce   is froth up so it's like the waves lapping  up against the shore and we serve that with   an iPod tucked into a seashell and on the iPod  we've downloaded the sound of the Waves lapping   up against the shore and the odd seagull so it's  like a filia fish from McDonald's yeah exactly now this is not the only unusual thing you   cook mustard ice cream yep it's  not really taken off has it um did put that into the supermarket you put it  in the supermarket yeah oh oh it was a trick half's brain custard yes that's for a TV show  was it any good actually cars brains themselves   don't taste so much they're very creamy  and pasty yeah I think it's a waste of a   calf's brain making custard out of it I just  like it raw straight out of the calf's head it was that like a boiled egg once you eat half of it he calms down oh I don't really do that okay so sexy  a celebrity chef who do you think   who do you find the sexiest Tanner uh Jimmy  Oliver are you like a man with a big tongue   okay Jack and his tongue's bigger  than mine I've got a pretty big tongue   I don't know how we got to this conversation I'm  so glad we did you've got a big tongue that's   a pretty big thumb did you just say you've  got a pretty big tongue where is it foreign using his name and they're looking at me are you looking at me who are you looking  at kept in bird's eye is he a second hey sexy you haven't got a choice  when you're stuck on his Island go on the boat I want to go back home don't like  the island Captain who's the sexiest do you think   Lorraine Pascal Lorraine Pascal is number three  you just hang on we mentioned her name and you   just went oh I heard that well they're awesome  there are some sexy chefs but people don't know   their name to put them in a past selfie Michelle's  quite sexy isn't she she was John's dinner lady that was a really sexy dinner  lady at my school I used to oh now who's the cycle outside her house and  just sit there trying to look sort of   wistful on a bike I was trying  to seduce a woman about four   times my age on my BMX she probably  thinks didn't eat all this semolina the guy in my school had an affair with  the dinner lady they had an affair with   her went on a narrow boat holiday  with her I probably picked a narrow   up because it's most like a school  canteen so she stood at the window he's on the bank and she goes past potatoes see you at the bridge foreign yes the sexiest celebrity chef is Nigella Lawson ladies and gentlemen we now have a proper joke uh   nigella's so hot she cooks  everything on gas mark four apologize   okay most annoying thing about sharing a  house oh that's your specialist subject Jesus it's me in it you're only me trying to live an hour or something  yeah it's buzzing around like a little bee   I'm a penis to live with if it's your documentary   on OCD and you did look annoying I saw  that show I've always a bit of a mess have you been sitting on that joke all summer yes totally worth it um thanks dude totally worth it yeah Cowabunga Sean most annoying thing about sharing a house what do  you think I think the most annoying thing is when   your brother drops a knife on your foot that's  pretty annoying but uh yeah I I maybe think that's   in a higher bracket than a noise it's all right  because I can't feel my feet so it's all right I'm the most depressed I've ever been  was my flatmate was loudly having sex   while I was downstairs washing up the  two champagne glasses that he just drunk Jones life I hope you shoot them upstairs  as well now I need to do this washing up visit my dad he and his girlfriend have one CD  in his bedroom and it was the soundtrack to cats   and he ruined one of my favorite musicals because  when they would bang they would just drown It Out   by playing that music it's a horny soundtrack as  well and it cats and they all say oh well I know   a cat's so clever as magical master I don't even like a bag of crisps yeah I  really hate I'm this is my sort of John's   laminate thing is you know when you're in a pub  and you're sitting there and someone get you buy   a bag of crisps and someone just opens it on  the table like a Hindu wedding or something we're gonna eat the Chris  they go come on it's a banquet   most annoying thing about sharing a house  tidying up after people that is the right answer sharing a house is cleaning up after lazy  housemates another annoying thing is when you   hear your housemates having sex and you get that  horrible feeling of cold glass against your ear oh that sound tells me it's the  end around and the end of the show   which means the final scores are Sean  Catherine and Heston have three points   John Hannah and Josh have four points  John Hannah and Josh Arthur as winners our wonderful studio audience and to all of you  for watching at home that's it from us good night
Channel: Banijay Comedy
Views: 138,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: britcom, british comedy, british humour, british comedy series, 8 out of 10 cats, 8 out of 10 cats full episodes, 8 out of 10 cats season 14, 8 out of 10, 8 out of 10 cats season 14 full episodes, jimmy carr, 8 out of 10 cats full episode, british panel show, sean lock, 8 out of 10 cats season 14 episode 1, 8 out of 10 cats series 14 episode 1, 8 out of 10 cats s14 e01, 8 out of 10 cats series 14 episode 1 full episode, heston blumenthal, katherine ryan, josh widdicombe
Id: CxdzasVNW_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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