Joseph Prince - You Stand Permanently In The Favor Of God - 29 Jun 14

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stay tuned for the latest message excerpt from Joseph Prince calm so let's go right now to Romans chapter 5 and we don't see how the gospel produces character therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ people if you put your trust in Christ you are now justified by faith with God you have peace think about it peace with God the creator of the heavens and the earth the one who supplies food for the birds causes the flowers and the herbs and the have us to be fruitful the one who supplies us food this God the creator of the universe we have peace with him we have peace in our conscience there is no more hostility there's been a succession of all hostilities and there's no more war we have peace with God you know how being justified by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ so when it comes to our past all right whatever you have done in the past whatever evil you have done how much you have blaspheme God hated God amen how much you have live only for self how much you have use people for your own gain matter how evil how ungodly you were in the past once you believe on Christ you are justified by faith you have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ what about your present okay that's your pass all right whatever happened the past you are now justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ but what about your present the next line through home through Jesus Christ also we have access by faith into this favor into this grace in which we stand so our pass all right it's taken care of all guilt is put aside all sins remitted we are now justified by faith our present position what a permanent present position because great though what we have access we have and the word into this grace in which we stand we stand both of them is in the perfect tense and people perfect tense means is a once and for all act never to be repeated that means our position through Christ is favored with God forever this is a permanent boon a permanent position a permanent privilege you cannot be removed from that position because you didn't put yourself in that position it is true Christ also we have access by faith into this favor in which we stand and the word stand is again in perfect tense so we have imperfect tense stand perfect tense which means people once you are safe you are forevermore in favor with God so if that comes a preaching if that comes a teaching if you are reading a book and it gives you the idea that you can fall out of favor with God throw it away it is not God God cannot give you this verse and assure you even in the original language of the greek imperfect tense twice in the same line tell you is permanent never to be repeated and then you think that wow I better watch it now because once I'm in this position of favor I'd want to lose it what makes you think that you're doing or not doing can cause you to lose that favor ground when you never got it in the first place because of what you did being justified by faith again even your past you're forgiven not because of what you did it is true our Lord Jesus Christ amen your present present position in favor is also true him there we have permanent access into this favor it's a permanent standing you see you might think my pastor Prince what is this favor well friend if you know it if you know it your break down doors to get it this this favor position would come and go in the Old Testament on certain individuals for example Joseph had that favor the Bible says when Joseph was sold as a slave in the Egyptian market some people say they don't even give him the courtesy of a loin cloth because they have to see the entire body before they buy the slave in case they are bringing somebody into the house with contagious diseases on their body so imagine being sold at $50 hundred dollars hundred twenty do I get a two hundred two hundred twenty enough standing down there being so like stock like like like cattle and Potiphar bought him and the very next verse says what the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man Wow no clothing on his back no savings account in the bank and yet the Bible says the Lord was with him and because the Lord was with him he was a prosperous man and God gave him favor in the sight of his master Potiphar you know what happened right in a short time he rose through the ranks right in the palace so much so that even Potiphar's wife noticed him and friend you have this favour as a permanent blessing Joseph had it and he was conscious of it that's why he can say no the body of his wife why when you feel you're caught with higher things you don't go down on low with low things you know and finally he did have a wife a beautiful one that he can have a clear conscience to enjoy life with it's not as if God God saying well I would never let you enjoy physical intimacy no God gave him the best but a favor of God is what keeps a person a man or woman the ability to say no amen God gave him favor in a short time he rose to the ranks favor brought him before important people and finally before before Pharaoh within one hour in front of Pharaoh with the favor of God in him he ruled the entire Egypt it's not I'm very careful in saying this it's not higher education it's not further studies it is not coming from that University it is not having the big breaks it's not knowing the right people friend is the favor of God in a way it's knowing the right one you know and and stop looking horizontally and start looking vertically when God gives you favor I don't care who is around you and who is competing with you when God's favor shines on you everything the TRO against you false flat God's favor is on you who wants the devil smile when God is smiling on you amen so our path we are justified by faith our present we're in a permanent position of favor all right what about our future our future is this we rejoice in hope hope is always future of the glory of God in other words our path we are justified our present permanent blessing of being in favor with God and our future we rejoice in hope of the glory of God you see friends if you subscribe to the belief that you can lose your salvation tomorrow through some weakness that you have not taken into consideration or you feel the devil has tempted you on a blind side maybe next year or whatever if you subscribe to the teaching that you can lose your salvation that Jesus obtained for you without your effort but you can lose it by your effort if you subscribe to that you cannot rejoice in hope obviously for the Apostle Paul to teach that we rejoice in when we delay the future we rejoice in hope of the glory of God that means he knows something that those who would not believe in eternal security do not believe in and what is that your past justification the way you are now was not dependent on you it was dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ and what he did it across your present permanent blessing being favored God is not dependent on you guess what your future in the glory of God is also not dependent on you we are not blessed based on who we are what we have done what we have not done no no a thousand times no we are blessed according to Jesus Christ in cost estimation who he is and what he has done God says to my account therefore in first John 4:17 it says as Christ is so how are we where when we die and go to heaven in this world as Christ is so are we in this world in other words do you understand God is not judging you not estimating you not measuring you not esteeming you not reckoning you not measuring you according to who you are what you have done what you have not done no God is not looking at you God is looking at Jesus Christ to judge you John is looking at Jesus Christ and how good he is to judge you - bless you my friend look away from self and look to Christ amen as he is so stop asking the question am i pleasing to god am i pleasing to god ask the question it's Christ at the Father's right hand pleasing to God yes or no as he is so are we in this world amen it's Christ under God unclouded favor at the Father's right hand so are you in this world because as he is so are we in this world how cool is that that's why it is it is a resting place for your heart and mind but we know it's not dependent on us if just our salvation our standing if it depends even on one strand of hair of effort on our part you'll be finished before this day is over but it's not friend it's totally dependent on subscribe many years ago the Lord spoke to me and said son don't just stop there with acceptance and favor causes go father is my son sick I never thought of that we always ask are you sick am I sick we don't ask this Jesus sick today priest we just don't ask that right so the law says is my son's sick I said no s my son is so I you in this world don't put buts don't put me perhaps don't put maybe don't put prayer adventures there God's Word is God's Word God's what s he is so are we in this world and I remember sister came to our church and she ate she was diagnosed with with lumps in her breast and the doctors were concerned she had to go for further tests and she showed me a report a medical report and she put down there she just had my preaching on this and she put on that that Jesus have lumps in his breast she wasn't being being funny she was serious she wrote down their Lord do you have lumps in your breasts as you are su am I in this world went back for a checkup and the doctors cannot find the lump well I share that story in many years ago many years ago then one day are sharing this in America a lady heard me preach came back from America she wrote to me and she said this I heard you shared the test me of the lady and I was diagnosed with lung in my breast and I say the same thing to God Lord Jesus do you have lumps in your breast you don right so as you are so am I in this world see when your eyes on Jesus the Holy Spirit goes to work when you look here he stops you look at Jesus he works you look here he stops you read Jesus he works he has not come to call attention to himself he's come to call attention to Jesus not for this cause for that cause for this cause for that cost but for Jesus one day will be Jesus who has set this outward physical world right so the testimonies been going on and yesterday I had another testimony already for the first time yesterday it is from a lady from New York and she says this I had severe pain in my right leg especially when using the stairs or getting up the doctors diagnosed me with at rightist and send me for therapy my insurance covered only 18 treatments but by the 14th treatment there was still no improvement during that period my left knee also started to hurt and a stopped therapy I was watching pastor Prince's sermon where he mentioned a lady who was healed of a lump in her breast I thought if she could experience God's healing so could I at that time I didn't know bible scriptures like 1 John 4:17 we just as he is so are we in this world I just said Jesus you do not know you do not have any pain in your knee therefore I do not have any pain in my knee either I cannot tell when the pain left but when it did I cried for the first time in years I had stopped kneeling because of the pain but I can now kneel without pain I can also sit and get up from the bathroom seat without having to wait 5 to 10 minutes for the pain to pass I cannot thank God enough it's a pleasure to go up and down the stairs sit in regular chairs bend down to pick things up for myself and use regular bathrooms before that even bathrooms for the handicapped were a problem for me at the Senior Center it is a pleasure to pick things up for anyone whenever I get a chance to instead of waiting for someone to do it for me I try to give my testimony to everyone I hear complaining of knee pains for all those who listen to God be the glory may God continue to bless you pass the Prince your family in your ministry I have gained a lot of insight and freedom from listening to your grace messages to God be the glory amen Church hallelujah all right so our past therefore being justified by faith our present we are permanently irrevocably in favor with God amen our future Wow you've been the glory of God you'll be radiating the glory of God amen this excerpt is brought to you by Joseph Prince calm to get the full message visit Joseph Prince calm Joe's prophecy was quoted by people in the book of Acts I mean the Holy Spirit comes your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams notice visions and dreams are what pictures God says he was superimpose whatever he wants his faith picture for you and all that on your imagination you in God's eyes when you see it it's done you're working in agreement with me how can two walk together unless they are agreed I'm calling you a heel you are seeing yourself sick but now finally you see yourself healed you see your disease in your tumor on the body of my son Jesus who carried away for you because he loves you and I love you now you are in agreement with me now my power can flow amen it's important you see good things inside before they come out on the outside the Bible says a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things start seeing yourself with your miracle but it's a baby whether it's a healing whether it's finances see yourself see yourself doing well in your work see favor all over the process and when you don't doubt in your heart that's when what you speak happens
Channel: Joseph Prince
Views: 1,458,026
Rating: 4.854074 out of 5
Keywords: grace, gospel, jesus, joseph, prince
Id: A0bn6HglNLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 03 2014
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