Jordan Peterson - People Who Overanalyse

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I'm told that my overanalyzing is double-edged sword but I'm suffering from being this way yeah well you're probably you know hi and openness and maybe you're very verbally intelligent so you're pretty much stuck with that maybe you've got a bit of mania to you too and I don't mean that in a negative sense I find relief when I drink alcohol smoke or take certain drugs because it slows down my thought process how can I use my over analysis to my advantage well I would say find yourself a difficult cognitive problem to solve you know pick a challenge pick a challenge but you know you also might consider you might consider talking to someone you find relief when you drink alcohol that might be that might be an indication that some of what you're overanalyzing isn't so much a consequence of excess cognitive power but an excessive high negative emotion and so that would be illustrated in say high trait neuroticism we're gonna release the big five aspect scale here later this month and you'll be able to take that and it'll give you a pretty good detailed description of your personality and there's two dimensions of neuroticism withdrawal and volatility and you know if you're overanalyzing because you're you're what do you call that ruminating that can be a consequence of high levels of anxiety and the reason I'm suggesting that is because you said you find relief when you drink alcohol and alcohol is a very powerful and anxiety cajon anti-anxiety agent and so lots of people who have high levels of anxiety do ruminate and so overanalyze let's say and they find relief when they drink because alcohol is a primary exile lytic like failure like benzodiazepines and barbiturates so the fact that alcohol gives you relief probably indicates that some of what's driving your over-analysis is anxiety and then you could exercise can really help with that I would also recommend this is something really to think about I don't know what your eating habits are like or your sleeping habits but if you are an anxious person and that's manifesting itself in say neurotic over-analysis there's two things you can do very rapidly three things really that will help quell doubt about four things even number one get up at the same time every day and I would recommend in the morning because that's when people generally get up and it's good to do what everyone else does is unless you have a good reason not to number two eat a large breath fists right keep it carbohydrate light you know don't don't eat toad toast and like and fruit loops that's not gonna do the trick make it fat and protein heavy and eat more than you want you might say I'm not hungry in the morning like this has nothing to do with what you want or what your appetite is it's like you need to eat in the morning if you're an anxious person and you don't eat in the morning and then you stress yourself out your body hyper produces insulin it takes all the blood sugar out of your blood and that dis regulates your metabolism for the entire day you can't reset it till you go to sleep at night and I've had lots of anxious clients who would say fall into the over analytic category who were like virtually cured by eating a large breakfast every morning I would highly recommend that you could try some physical exercise weight lifting is really good for curing anxiety another thing you could do as I alluded to earlier today is to make a schedule and start attending to your daily micro routines so you know you got to figure out what your over-analysis is it might be cognitive like maybe you have a very active mind you know you're fast verbally are you fast verbally one way you can find that out is to do something like write down as many letters words as you can begin with the letter S for example in in three minutes do that with a bunch of your friends and if you're someone who writes down way more words than anyone else then you're verbally fluent and that might be driving some of your over-analysis but my guess is that you're suffering from some rumination that's related to anxiety and so I told told you what I think the simplest ways are to rectify that so I hope that works out for you [Music]
Channel: ManOfAllCreation
Views: 1,691,166
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Keywords: jordan peterson people who overanalyse, people who overanalyse, jordan peterson, jordan peterson overanalyse
Id: VzJXkJJj5nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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