Jonsbo N3 NAS Server Build: With Gigabyte MJ11-EC1

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[Music] so in this video we're going to build a server inside of this ybo in three nice case I really like the form factor of this case because it is very small and can still house up to8 3.5 in dri so that's ideal for me personally here in my home environment because I don't really have that much space and this one will replace two other servers I have already smaller four Bas servers so I kind of just want fuse those into one server and I want to install a GPU and also 10 GB Lane as well and we going to build using this secondhand motherboard I got cheap of eBay this is a gigabyte I believe it's a GPU Server Motherboard so it's a little bit different doesn't really have a PCI Express slot so I has to be a little bit creative to be able to actually fit everything inside of this little case here we're also going to install some 80 mm fans and also replace the 90 mm fans that are installed or actually I believe they are 100 100 mm fans just with these artics to begin with if they're not enough I will upgrade those two faster fanss because these can only really spin at up to 1,800 RPM and to get everything inside the case here I need to use a series of adapters so I need to adapt a Slims to a PCI Express slot and also the x 4 m.2 slot to a PCI Express slot to be able to get both a GPU and 10 GB Nick inside of this case SL motherboard and also of course SATA cables as well for those eight SATA drives and for this build I'm just going to use a used power supply actually not really something I normally do but these are just so cheap and very power efficient and also very silent in operation I did try to buy some new power supplies from be quiet and from other brands but I just found the fans were just too loud and these can beave for like a sixth of that price so I just bought several of these if something should happen to it I'll just replace place it put in a new one because I have plenty of them now lying around anyways first off let's just unbox it and have a closer look at this Nas case from junbo I'm actually going to build two identical servers I already built one of them so this is the second one this one is going to replace two NAS servers and the other one is going to replace two as well so instead of having four Nas servers I will just have two that can pretty much do the same and also I really like to have a built-in GPU and 10 GB ethernet as well to get some faster transfer speeds so of course looking inside the case we find another case clst the nice case here let's just put everything out some documentation and all the screws let's have a look at the documentation first so we do have a lot of screws included as well and we also of course have a lot of those rubber washers and screws for the hard drives themselves kind of use a rubber washer system to keep the hard drives securely in place and also of course will act a little bit as noise dampening but it's not really the best solution so it doesn't have proper hard drive trays you just use those rubber washers and screws not really the most ideal if you are pulling in and out hard drives often that's something I plan to do so it's properly fine enough for me and you can kind of see the instructions here will go over all of the hardware of the case and the front panel connector will not work with my motherboard unfortunately so I will have to use another plug for that but we do have the pin out here so that's definitely very handy and of course how to install the power supply and how to route all of the cabling you can actually route all the cables underneath the motherboard not only from the power supply but also for data for the seta drives and power of course for the seta drives so that's definitely very nice and in the instructions here they recommend you use washers between the screws for the motherboard and of course how you can remove the fans for the hard drives and also install a PCI Express card and how to of course install the hard drive so definitely do recommend using all three screws on each side of the hard drive I've seen a lot of YouTubers on other videos where people just use one screw in each end of the hard drive but if you use three screws on each side it actually makes it much easier to get the hard drive in and out or maybe not easier because there's still a lot of friction from the rubber washers but it's definitely more manageable in terms of the drive moving from side to side and of course the top cover there uses a little hex screw which I've seen a lot of people complain about not really something I care too much about myself and you can also have an SSD or 2.5 in drive here on the side of the case so you can actually have nine Drive total inside here I guess you could have 10 drives if you don't have a GPU installed as well because that's the same screw holes on the other side of the case so I would say there definitely pretty decent instructions and safety formation here I believe and then we get a little box with all the screws and we also get some zip ties and very handy you get screws for the fans in the top area of the case you get an Len key of course for the screws on the side of the case as well and all the motherboard screws with washers and also for the PSU as well and we also have some SSD screws included next up of course we have all of those rubber screws like I said use three on each side of the hard drive and then we have the little rubber handle as well not the best solution because the rubber handle will just move like an elastic band so if you pull the hard drive out you actually have to pull out a lot on this rubber band here and the hard drive can almost kind of shoot out of the the case so you definitely need to be a little bit careful with this system I would have preferred like these bands here were just made of like some kind of plastic TPU plastic or something like that and then two washers on each side rubber washers because it wouldn't be as flexible as like a rubber band but yeah it is fine enough like I said for me personally I don't plan to swap out hard drives often so the fact that you can actually have more drives in the same amount of space compared to if you have proper Trace is a more of a win for me because I have very limited space for these servers here and these just fit in perfectly the space I have but anyways but that's all the accessories you get inside the Box let's just have a closer look at the case itself it is very nicely protected and shipping so that's definitely a nice bonus also in the other end there let's just get rid of that and then we have a plastic bag as well and here we have it nicely constructed that's one of the things I think really johnp are doing a good job at the actual construction of the product it does feel very high quality well put together uh maybe a little bit sharp on the edges here but other than that I think this is actually a very nice look I really dig it at least from a server perspective but also because I have this in my home and I'm probably going to see it every day uh still nice that it looks a little more stealthy for me personally but anyways we have the front here we do have LEDs for each of the hard drives so all of the eight hard drives have their own led the status LED that's definitely nice we have a power button here in the middle that also lights up when the snar server is turned on USB type-c we also have a headphone combo Jack so also microphone here but very strange thing to see on a server Chassy on another server Chassy as well as USB type-c there's not that many server motherboards that actually have that header on board so these two I am going to remove just to remove some of the cable clutter inside but we do have a USB 3.0 or 3.2 gen 1 I believe 5 GB per second it would have been nice to see two of these because that's what's Server Motherboard often supports just regular USB a but I guess that's what they have access to in terms of actually getting this little pin out or this little boards for front IO I don't think johnb make these themselves they just probably Source whatever they can find on the market other than that of course we do have the little magnetic cover here for the hard dries there's also some dust filtration there actually some pretty decent dust filtration so of course just need to vacuum the outside here from time to time it is kind of glued in place so you cannot remove it more than this but definitely nice to see some filtration inside of course we do have those eight SATA plugs on the back plane but this also supports cess drives if you of course motherboard to support that that's definitely very nice so you can use both my motherboard only support s here so that's what I'm going to use but it is definitely still a nice system and we do have those rails here in top of bottom with a lot of ventilation as well for those rubber grooves or rubber gaskets to go into and they're not really all that sh sharp so yeah shouldn't really cut through the rubber all too fast if you swap in drives often and then of course on the back you can see the fans and there's a lot of insallation here as well would have been nice to see a preforated back plane or some holes on the motherboard for the back plane there just to suck some more air out but I guess John B have done the testing and figured that this is not really necessary the top portion here is not really easily removable but there is two screws so you can also remove that so that's the front on the side here we do have some ventilation as well which also have a dust filter built in not really the same quality as the one in the front here which is definitely better this type of mesh this is more like a metal dust filter but it still will filtrate uh some of the bigger dust particles and this is also where this GPU if you have one will also suck cold air in so I actually kind of like this design here because the GPU can breathe pretty efficiently here back side we have two 100 mm fans built in but you can also just use standard 92 or 90 mm fans I'm not really sure why johnb went for the 100 mm sizing because that's so hard to get I'm just going to install these 92mm Artic fans these are the co version so continuous operation version that is made with ball bearings so they can actually handle that 247 operation but I have also ordered some ABC fans also 92 mm that can also kind of go up to like the 3800 RPM so you can actually suck a lot more air out with those fans not really sure if it is necessary but it is definitely nice to be on the safe side there you don't want your drive getting too hot do have power plug here as well and that will of course plug into the power supply that is mounted here on the side we have room for two 80 mm fans here on the back so this is where those two noctur fans I have will be installed just to suck a little bit of the hot air out from the top portion of the case where of course the motherboard will rest and then you also have two PCI spread slots here so we can actually have a up to two slot graphics card if you have like a standard motherboard with a PCI Express slot so that's definitely also very nice so we can have bigger gpus if you want to for me personally I'm going to install a ones slot GPU and a networking card here so I will occupy both of these in my build in terms of removing the fans for the hard drives it is very easy to just two thumb screws and then you're in the fans themselves are not pvm fans so these are just three pin fans so they will run at 100% all the time which is not ideal for my environment here so that's why I'm going to replace these I'm sure they're fine enough and if you're satisfied with them just running 100% all the time I think you will be more than satisfied with these but I want to control the noise flow of This Server just so it will scale according to the temperature inside of the hard drives and these of course are not controllable and then of course we have the back of the back plane so we have all those SATA plugs so there's no SS expand or anything like that in here you need to use SATA cables and you do have two MX plugs you need to use both of them and we do also have a SATA plug I believe the two MX plugs is up to six drives and then use the SATA plug just to power those last two drives because you know eight drives can at least maybe use up to around the 100 wats that's definitely nice that you can plug in three different power plugs to power all of those drives we do also have pwm fan heads but these are not controllable or temperature controllable or anything like that so these are just 100% fan speed all the time it would have been nice if johnb had some kind of thermal control for the fans built into the back plane so it will be controlled according to the hard drive temperature maybe it's a little bit much to expect for a case of this price point and then we do have that ribbon cable going to the front LEDs for the hard drives but that's already installed by default on the other side here we do have the same kind of ventilation and the top lid here is actually reversible so you can switch it e either way you want so that's kind of nice and on the bottom section here we do have pretty big feet that are also have some foam underneath so we'll just add a little bit of sound dampening as well and that's pretty much all we have around the case so let's just get in to the top row here and of course you need an allen wrench for that or an allen screwdriver is of course a little bit inconvenient if you have like a Phillips head anywhere else in the case and then you have to use a little bit different type of screwdriver or tool to actually get the top lit off but yeah I don't really care too much because it's not really something I'm going to do often when I'm done with this build I will probably only open it up from time to time just to remove some dust but there's like two of these screws on each side small Ln key screws and just remove all four of them and you are inside the case and this is of course where all the fun begins so that's just a lid and like I said you can have it either way so One Direction or the other way doesn't really matter it is the same on each side here let's just get a little bit closer here so looking inside the case you can see the motherboard will rest here then you of course have your piece PSU we're going to rest here and all this cable clutter here we're going to remove two of those because we don't need other than the usba A and all of the standoffs for the motherboard is already attached so that's definitely nice so let's just actually first off remove the front IO so you can see the front IO here one of the cables here almost looked like it can be removed but unfortunately I have tried it is on there permanently or sold it on one nice thing though is that the USB type-c plug is actually pretty easy to remove the just two filp screws here so this one I'm going to remove and I'm going to desolder the audio in because there's not something I will ever use on a server case and it's just getting in the way so that's at least one less cable to think about or worry about so to remove the audio cable I have to desolder these what is it six pins so that's definitely a little bit inconvenient but it is pretty easy to do just use okay of course a little desoldering tool here and the soldering iron so let me just get to it but that only took around a few minutes let me see if we can actually get it out now I need to do some more desoldering this can be sometimes a little hard to actually get all the solder out so yeah I just had to go over it one more time but still pretty easy to remove but definitely very inconvenient would have been nice if this was just a plug that you can easily remove and plug back in of course it's not something I would recommend everybody doing but it's just me personally I don't really like all this cable clutter inside the case let's just screw it back in place like so and now you can see in the front I put some electric tape on the back side of the USB type-c plug but it still looks pretty much the same but on the inside of course we have these two cables less to actually worry about so the next thing I have to do is to change this plug to a different one because my motherboard is a little bit different doesn't use these standard plugs and that's nice you can consult the manual actually to see which plugs go where I'm just going to replace it with one of these flat plugs so for a server case like this I definitely would have preferred like single plugs instead of one of these plugs these are like more common for like regular PCS gaming PCs and so on but anyways it's a mild inconvenience so if we look at a plug like this we have power cable minus and plus and led minus and plus so it took some time but I think it's there now so power LED at the top here Plus then nothing and then minus and then these two here are for HDD activity LED and the two below that is for the power LED for the power switch excuse me this is the way it's hooked up to my motherboard next step is just the PSU you kind of have to use a longer screwdriver like this one here from B quiet just to get the bracket out because you need to reach down pretty deep to the two front screws that's just one thing to note other than that not really any concerns there the specific power supply I'm using only have three screw holes even though the bracket here does have six in total so if your power supply have six you can of course use all of them in this bracket here but just screw it in like this so the top part of the bracket is of course align with the plug here and so that the fan is sucking cold air in from the front so it'll be mounted inside the case like this and here of course you need to get the proper screws from the extra screws you get included so the one you need to use is these filips head screws so the bracket is all in place now and the reasoning for me wanted to plug in the power supply first even though it can actually get a little bit in the way when you want to install stuff on the motherboard and so on is because you can like I said route all the cables underneath the motherboard and that includes of course the power cable that you need to power those seta drives so power supply first for me second all the cables for the hard drives and I'm just going to Route the front IO plug here in front of the power supply around here and let's just screw it in place then of course plug in the power plug and this power supply doesn't have a onoff switch but of course if your power supply does make sure it is turned on that's of course one annoyance with the power supply inside of a case like this you don't have access to the power switch on the power supply but of course this one doesn't have one so it's not really an issue so let's get on with all the cabling here for Thea cables or Thea plugs on the back plane so we can route those underneath the motherboard to get a much cleaner build so first off let's just attach all the cables here on the back plane and you can see all the cables and plugs here are nicely labeled 1 2 3 and four so I'm just going for SATA 1 2 3 4 and then 5 6 7 8 with the other cable here that that is a slim size 4i let's just do it next step is actually replacing the fans just because I need to Route those cables towards the front of the case so even though it is a little bit smaller fan 100 mm versus 92 mm they still share exactly the same screw holes so you can still replace them but of course you'll probably also suck a little bit less air out with these specific fanss here these are just cheap ones from Arctic but still pretty good fans so I also have some higher RPMs once uh coming in not really sure I'm going to use those but these are definitely fine enough to get up and running and of course make sure that it is pulling the air out through the back here and the other side there I'm also going to steal the grill these are still I think pretty nice to have installed specifically when you have a lot of cabling going into that area so it will kind of prohibit those from hitting the fans accidently so let me just unscrew those and screw them on the two new fanss new fan screwed in place but there's definitely a lot of screws and one nice thing about the active fan is that you can actually data chain them so for this one here I'm just going to plug it into the other fan and then I only really need one fan header on the motherboard just like so let's just see if we can actually route all of these cables CU that's definitely a mouthful and let's just plug in one of the power cables now I still need an adapter for it to plug in the other side here because the cable it's just too short to actually fit the other plug so yeah that's definitely something also to consider but I have ordered an adapter so I can actually of course connect both power plugs as well as SATA as well I've bought an adapter for SATA to run all off of this floppy plug so this way I only really need one cable in here and then of course the fs as well and let's just screw the back plane in place here at least just for the time being so we can try and Route all the cables to our best abilities and I actually think I'm going to do that last but let's just see here if we can get everything routed in and also install the motherboard so of course you need to still have a little bit of slack so you can plug them into the motherboard on my motherboard the plugs are around here for the Slims and the SATA as well and the hand header here and blocks so you can see this mother B is going in like this and we need enough enough cabling here to plug into the slim port and also the SATA plugs so one in there and also those SATA here yeah so around there terms of the length just see if we can tie it together here first the middle there so we can keep all them together we have the plug there yeah I think that's fine I think those are fine and I think those are fine as well so let's just plug it in or zip tight them here as well just Loosely to begin with so let's just try and see if we actually have everything in the right place so can we get this Slims in yeah can we get the fan headers in yeah should be fine there and is the room enough for S clock yeah let's just try plug one and yeah I think it's actually the right placement and of course don't forget the all important IO Shield this of course the time to put that in place it didn't come included with this motherboard I don't think it exist but you can get of course these 3D printed and they work just fine enough not just for aesthetic reasons but also it can help a little bit with dust not getting into the case at least not through there and Next Step motherboard and hopefully all the cables are routed in place correctly and I think we are fine so let's screw the motherboard in place and of course instructions tell us to use this washers so I'm just going to do that not really sure if it is necessary and these are just the same screws that you actually use for the power supply as well so it's very easy to find the right screws and all four screws almost in place now as you can see now the cable clutter is much better because yeah only have cables in one area where the PSU is let me plug everything in so that's all the SATA cables and you also need this rather big USB plug like so this power supply only have a four pin connector even though the motherboard does have an 8 pin connector for the CPU or for the 12vt but should be fine enough plug it in the top part of the plug here like so and actually let's install the memory and use the blue slots first I'm just going to use this 32 GB dims so 64 GB in total more than sufficient for me and you get these very inexpensively used and these apparently have been in some kind of a Cisco server previously but shouldn't really matter it's just memory like so let's route the cable just a little bit neater like so not really all that important as long as it doesn't get into the fan of course and this is a little bit of a different motherboard so there's no like 24 pin connector on there there's only this little weird four pin connector and this is just for standby power and for turning on and off the power supply and also to get the status of the power supply this is just to drive ipmi so this little computer so you can do remote stuff on the server and you can get this motherboard with or without this 24 pin adapter and then you can adapt it of course to that little weird four pin plug let me just rout the cable this way around around here and of course plug it in here like so this way I can just leave the 24 pin cable up here and keep everything a little bit cleaner so far so good next off let's just manage all the cables here on the back side of the back plane because there's a lot of cables now just floating all around over the place here I just want to zip tie to the back side here to keep everything a little bit neater and also so that the cables won't really touch the fans on the back so that definitely looks a little neater and still need my adapter to plug in the other power cable there but let's just let it bangle in here for now and let's just attach the fans on the back side just like so and everything is nice and clean on the inside or needy at least to the degree that we can achieve on a build like this that's always a challenge with like a mini ITX build to get all the cables organized on the this little case here and next step is of course to plug in the front IO header just for the power LED and for the power switch there is also a power switch on the back side of this motherboard so don't really need it but it's still nice at least to tell if the case is turned on or the computer is turned on with the LED on the front like so next off let's actually Mount the fan on the back side and actually just realized that is easier to do beforehand because I kind of have to grip those rubber mounts for for those nocta fans but let's just try and do it anyways I could also just screw it in place but why not use these rubber mounts since they are included and it could also help a little bit in noise dampening but definitely makes a little bit harder to actually Mount the bottom section here especially if there's like a fan connected very close bar so let's just see if we can actually pull it through there that and let's do with the same other fan here this is definitely something I should have done before I actually put in the motherboard but let's just try it anyways that's halfway there let's just stall the rest of them should be easier and the last one like so so that that was definitely doable but yeah I should have done it before I installed the motherboard next off of course cable routing going to use this wi spiter cable that also comes with unlock to a fans and an extension cable as well I don't think we can actually pull it off with just the cable length no we need the extension as well and of course plug it in to the head on the motherboard and let's see if we can actually tie all these cables together make it look a little neater that's one thing I really don't like about noctur fans is all these cables very thick cables good quality cables but definitely could be nice with some thinner cables and adapters as well so that's all the cabling for the fans and the hard drives as well as the USB front USB now let's just get to the little bit harder part actually getting two PCI Express slots in there or PCI Express cards but you can see this motherboard is a little bit different it doesn't have a Time 16 PCI exit slot here instead it has this weird slim says 8i plug so I kind of have to adapt that to a PCI Express slot and as well as the m 2 * 4 slot we have here for a SSD I'm going to adapt this to use for my GPU and the Slims 8i I'm going to adapt for my networking card this way I can get everything mounted but unfortunately I lose that m.2 slot which is something I would like to have but definitely can live without I would rather just have 10 GB networking so to do all this we need this cabling and adapters first off we have this Slims 8i cable unfortunately we cannot really get these in a shorter length so this is the shortest one we get but we plug this one end into the motherboard this is the 90° version that will fit inside this case a little bit better just like so plug in place the other end you need to plug into some sort of adapter what I end up getting was this one from Alex plus relatively inexpensive there's also another one I kind of want to try out that is a little bit smaller than this and uses a six pin GPU power instead of SATA power because SATA of course you are limited to the like 58 wat I believe it is of power but it's definitely enough to run a networking cards so what we need to do is to plug in this Slims 8i plug here like so and we also need to supply power from the ca plug just like so and now we have data and power going to this P Express this is only times 8 even though it is a physically time 16 size slot it only is wi up electrically time 8 so that's 1/2 of the adapter show here next up we have the m.2 2 * 16 slot adapter so this is of course only time 4 m.2 to * 4 electrically but this is a PC Express time 16 and this is what I'm going to hook up my GPU to I don't really need that many lanes because I only really use my GPU for trench coding video and not really for any other GPU working other than maybe some calculations and so on but I'm don't really manage don't really plan to game or anything like that off of this system and only really has a floppy power plug as well so can really handle too much wattage but this is definitely fine enough for my use case like I said only for trench coding and maybe I'll suck around 10 15 20 25 watt or something like that from this setup here and all we really need to do now is to unscrew the two screw here plug in the adapter so it is definitely a little crammed in here now like so so next off of course we need to add a graphics card this is a Quadro P2000 so it's just a single slot card that is actually stocking all its power from the PPR slot and from my networking of choice at least now is still base T because that's what I have wired up in my home all my routers and so on are Bas T so I don't really need to upgrade anything but I do also have some sfp28 networking cards that I plan to maybe use in the future use a little less power and also can get up to 25 GB for this specific networking card so definitely something I maybe will be using in the future but for now this is plentiful and I had to be a little creative to actually fit everything inside this case because we do not have a standard PCI Express time 16 slot down here I cannot just hook a card directly into it so my solution was to Frankenstein this bracket you see it is upside down so the P Express connector has actually towards the top now also raises the card up a little bit so there is room for the cabling underneath and this way I can just plug it in from the top and the GPU from the bottom and hopefully everything will fit in here but let's just remove the PCI Express slots or brackets and I think we'll start off with the networking card let's see if we can actually get everything in here I still have the other adapter there ready for plugging in let's just plug in power actually now for the GPU fit in there pretty okay let's throw in the networking card like that lock it in from the top with this adapter here just like so pretty convenient let me just move it everything around here and one thing that makes a little bit easier to work inside of this case is if you remove the side brackets with two Philips head screws so you can actually get into the GPU area a little bit easier so this breaker can be removed and this way you have direct access here to installing a GPU so this is only a single slot card and I put some rubber stoppers here on the back side just so the two cards physically cannot touch each other I don't think they will ever do so but just to be 100% sure that that will never happen and the easier thing is to plug in the GPU from outside plug into the 16 time slot here so this Clicks in place like so it is a very tight fit which is also good so the little PC Express adapter here will not fall off the graphics card next step of course install everything hopefully without ruin anything and screw it in place of course so you can see the two cards there they can really physically touch each other at least not the components or any of the solar joints because there's a little bit distance there and it will definitely be fine enough so one thing I'm not really a big fan of is the graphics card still moves around a lot you can see here from side to side not really a big issue but I kind of want to screw it in place so I found these little brackets here and rubber stoppers that I had already Lin around and those actually fit perfectly so I can hold the graphics card in place so I have screwed it onto the side bracket here and this one will kind of prevent it from moving One Direction and this one in the other direction and it kind of fits perfectly at least in the other build I have made threw this one in place again you can see now the GPU is in there pretty well and nicely protected from moving back and forward so next off of course PL in the networking card just like so pretty easy and let's see if we can actually manage some of those cables here it's getting harder and harder because there's of course more and more stuff inside here and I think that's pretty much it I'll put some tape over here just to keep this in place and let's just screw the PCI Express cover back on here towards the back I'm not really sure what the point of this cover is but yeah want to screw it back in place so the GPU is nice and stable now the networking card is also in there pretty well let's just have a look at the back side here so you can see we do have those dual networking cards here now of course L one is the lowest one not the top one and I'm not really going to plug anything into the GPU so don't really care too much about that back plate here of course all of the fans just pulling air out from the case bottom side here for the hard drive top side here just for the CPU and vrm and networking cards as well so I think actually this will Fe a nice little system and inside here you can also see all the cabling going down towards the back not getting in the way of any of the slits here or the hard drive grooves for the rubber gaskets that's very important of course I think actually looks quite nice so just for now I have this SSD that I wanted to test in this system and this is what you should not do only have two of these screws inside of the caddy and this is one downside of course in this case you cannot use 2.5 in hard drives out of the box it's only for 3.5 in hard drives so I definitely recommend you go and get one of these adapters if you want to plug in 2.5 in hard drives which I am also going to do in this I'm going to run four 3.5 in and four 2.5 in ssds so these oricio adapters I've already made a video about those in my channel you can just plug in any 2.5 in hard drive and they will have exactly the same placement of the plug here on the back so you can slide this one in place just just like a regular 3.5 in hard drive but like I said if you really want more stability when you plug it in to the sled you can see if you plug it into hard drive c number one there's a lot of slack from side to side this is of course also before the second screw but if you have the second screw as well you can see right now you will be much more stable when you actually plug in the hard drive and you need to squeeze it all the way in like so and of course this is the downside of this case here and need to pull this rubber here to actually remove it again and that can be actually quite hard especially when you have all three gaskets installed then there's of course a lot more friction so yeah not the best design I hope JN bow will make something a little bit better just a plastic handle instead just those two top ones just make those plastic have a little less friction and won't really move as much or be as elastic as this of course rubber here that's definitely something they should consider but maybe you could 3D print something like that if you have a 3D printer unfortunately I do not have one of those so it's not the best design but you'll kind of get the hang of it let's just try and actually turn this system on I won't really go into any kind of install or anything in this video I just wanted to go over how you could potentially build something in the jbow in 3 case I just saw a lot of people riding the cables wrong and also that you can actually cram a lot of stuff inside this case if you're a little bit creative in terms of your networking cards and so on and also this motherboard you can get that very cheap cheeply off eBay so if you're considering this motherboard and this case this video could maybe be helpful for you of course link to everything down the description below if you're interested slightly plug in for now that it is already sucking around 6.8 W that's because the little computer inside is turned on the ipmi so let's just give it a few moments and then turn it on and just confirm that everything is working let's try the front power button it works and the LED is also on I can show it this a little power LED is on you also see hdd1 LED is on that is also working and I'm actually getting display out the GPU is also working as well at least it is spinning so I would consider this a success I've tested everything and it is all working the graphics card the networking card and the motherboard I have already tested that so I note that is working install the latest buyers and so on so this is a fairly easy build also because I already messed around with another one exactly the same as this so I was pretty sure how actually to install everything I proberly have installed the 80 mm fans before anything else inside of the top shy I kind of forgot that but else I think it actually went quite well in the future I'm going to replace the CPU fan because it is a little bit on the loud side not just because it spins very fast but also does have some vibration noise that is transferred into the heat sink so that's a little bit annoying I have ordered some new 60 mm fanss so those ones are going in when I once I receive those but that's an really easy fix only really two screws next off I am going to install the power extension cable towards the back so I can hook up all of the power plugs on the back plane those are on order and maybe considering swapping out the fans towards the back if it ended up not being enough cooling I think it is okay but but of course only time really will tell other than that I would highly recommend actually the jbow M3 Cas I really like it at least up until this point only thing I don't really like is the front tray system with those rubber bains you have to pull in and out and also the fact that you cannot use 2.5 in hard drives out of the box so you have to invest in adapters on top of the price of the case but the case construction itself is actually very nice and I almost forgot to mention that that don't really think you can see it actually but the two sections actually screwed in place and between the screw and the case itself there's also some rubber gaskets so that means that the en case itself should hopefully don't have any vibrations at all only really whatever you put inside of the case that's definitely an added bonus something a little bit annoying with my Nas setup right now that my servers are made of plastic and they very Hollow sound to them and also have a little bit of rly sound this hopefully is mitig at it maybe it will emphasize some of those vibration noise because of course this is a metal case but the overall Construction in terms of any parts of the case itself rattling I don't think that's an option at all definitely well constructed except for those front trays there I hope somebody can design something a little bit better and make those available for 3D printing because there's definitely room for improvements there and also the specific motherboard I have is a little bit harder to work with very cheap to buy but also have to factor in a few adapters and cables and so on still a lot cheaper than for instance super micro counterparts considering you also have the CPU buildt in and also the cooler and everything included so still relatively cheap but of course you do have the factor in adapters and cables and so on and so on so I'm definitely happy with my build everything in this video down in the description below if you are interested all there's really left to do is of course just to put the lid bag on and screw it back in place and attach all the hard drives and the server software of choice I'm going to use on raid myself but of course your mileage may vary maybe you want to use something different but anyways that's all I had for this video hope to see you again in the future one until then take [Music] [Music] care [Music] oh
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Keywords: whcvip, 2020, unboxing, review, test, first look, best, value, buy, 4k, technology, setup, cheap, macos, windows, ios, apple, iphone, android, samsung, huawei, xiaomi, computer, smartphone, smartwatch, workout, garmin, watch, amazon, ebay, aliexpress, eu, us, english, 2021, smartband, tools, 2022, unwrap, mac, phone, phones, smartphones, smart, 5g, 4g, lte, wifi, ax, wifi 6, bluetooth, 5.0, 4.0, 4.1, speakers, sonos, genelec, macbook, pro, lcd, amoled, oled, tv, smarttv, ps, xbox, playstation, osx, printer, label, led, philips, hue, bulp, pc, thunderbolt, light, tech
Id: 91aeOtRjwms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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