Jonathan Evans Chapel

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well if you want to stand your feet we're going to get started here we're going to sing three songs we're going to praise the lord with them and um the first song i picked i want to sing was who you saying because there are so we're so often told who we are amen we're told by our peers our family our phones our social media they say who we are right and it hurts sometimes but i want to tell you today that god is the one who has the final word right it matters who god says that we are so let's uh let's sing this and let's remind ourselves that uh i am who you say i am amen with the sun sets free who the sun says free come on always free indeed i'm unsure of god yes i am who am i who am i and the highest king [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] sets free [Music] [Music] there's a place [Music] i am you are for me not against [Music] you are for me not against me i am [Music] [Music] is [Music] i am you are for me not against me i am who you say i am i am chosen not for [Music] for satan not against me i am i am [Music] i am [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] now i'm going to read you a scripture out of here i want to read you romans 8 it says what then shall we say to these things if god is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all how he not also with him graciously give us all things so when we uh you know the battle is here and we give it to the lord he will do great things with us he will go before us he will take care of us so let's sing this when all i see is the battle you see my victory [Music] when all i see is the mountain you see your mountain and as i walk through the shadow your lump surrounds me [Music] there's nothing to fear now for i'm [Music] foreign [Music] the battle belongs to you [Music] and if you are for me who can be against me for jesus there's nothing impossible [Music] when all i see are the actions you see the beauty [Music] when all i see is [Music] [Music] belongs to you [Music] nothing can stand against the power of my god you shine in the shadow you in every battle nothing can stand against the power of [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] when [Music] oh [Music] to you and every year i lay on your feet and i'll sing through the night oh god the battle belongs to you [Music] amen you can be seated we're gonna do one more song for you i'm gonna go over the piano and play that but uh but yeah we'll do that so this is a probably one of my favorite songs that play and sing and it has so much to do uh it says so much about sorrow and hurt and you know i know we've all been been there right we've all had things that that are hard that are tough that we wake up every day and go man that's just eating away at me and and andre crouch wrote a great song called through it all that addresses some of those issues and those feelings we have and how jesus jesus is the healer he can take care of us and he is that answer so i hope you're blessed by this song i've had many tears and sunrose i've had questions for tomorrow [Music] there have been times i didn't know right from wrong [Music] but in every singulation god gave me blessed consolation then my trials come on that'll make me strong i've seen a lot of places i've seen a lot of faces living times i've felt so low but in my lovely hours yes those precious lonely hours jesus lets me know that i was his own through it all through it all i've learned to trust in jesus learned to trust in god through it all through it all i've learned to depend upon [Music] i thank him for the storm that brought me through for if i never had a problem i would know god could solve him i never known faith [Music] in jesus [Music] i've learned to depend upon his [Music] i've words to trust in jesus [Music] his work [Music] is y'all as we get ready for what god has planned for us this morning please join me in prayer god we love you god we need you god we're grateful that you have a plan for us god we're grateful that you brought us in here today god we're grateful that we go to a place called christian high and it almost it just becomes so familiar to us god your word is so familiar to us your goodness is so familiar to us that god if we're being honest sometimes we just forget how good you are god if if we're being honest we forget that you have something planned for us today and we forget that you have something from your word for us to impact our lives that you planned since before you laid the foundations of the earth so god for whoever whoever it really feels like they're in need of you this morning lord would you help them to to find to find you in the truth of your word and get shared today god whoever feels like they're at the mountaintop and they're living their life with you right now and things are going so great god would you allow them to praise you in that would you allow them to celebrate what you're doing in in our lives through all of that father we love you we ask that you bless all this time and help us prepare our hearts right now for what you have planned amen is y'all i'd like to get a little uh just a little like check in with you guys how's everybody doing let me see thumbs up if we're doing good oh we can do a clap we can do a clap people want to clap you're doing good all right let's hear a clap if it's already been a long day okay clap if you have a test today all right i'm just you know i'm just seeing where we are that's it man i'm excited i do have to apologize to y'all because i had all these big exciting things to tell you about last week i was like man we're here for you anybody remember clap if you remember okay that's like the most terrifying thing i think to ask as a pastor it's like hey does anybody remember last week everybody's like you know but so i'm encouraged but i i left something out i was talking about how we can be there for you i was talking about how we can have next steps and things like that for you but i didn't tell you what you can do i didn't tell y'all when i didn't tell y'all where i didn't tell y'all what time so uh clap if you're ready to hear that all right every single wednesday night at 6 15 we have the gathering that's shadow mountains high school ministry clap if you already go where are you all at okay all right see i'd love for that clap to be a lot louder for people who are not yet involved in a youth group if y'all are involved in a youth group i'm not trying to say hey don't go there anymore that's not my goal at all but for anybody who's like man i'm really looking for what god has next for me i'm really looking to get as plugged in and as involved in god's community as i possibly can if that's you if you're looking for something next tonight at 6 15 y'all can come join us glad that that sounds good oh man i want to give you something real quick so that you can get ready for what god has planned we've got some more announcements real quick but i want to share something this is actually something that dr j shared in church just a few weeks back it's from malachi 3 i'm not going to give you all the context because i'm not giving y'all a full message i just want to give you all a little encouragement to prepare you for what god has planned for you right now just a little encouragement to prepare you for what god has planned um situation here malachi's talking to some people who've been through a lot of a lot of rough stuff they knew about god they knew that god had a plan for them they they kind of were feeling like maybe god didn't love them or maybe god had decided not to bless them okay and so this is just to prepare your hearts for the message in just a few minutes but this is what god says to them he calls him out he was like you guys haven't been following me you guys haven't been living your life for me and they didn't realize that they were like man i was just expecting god's blessings without me following him at all and so this is the the really the challenge that god gives to them i know a lot of y'all collapsing you have tests already today god talks about a test here and so it's a test not from god to us but from us to god here okay this is what he says he says put me to the test god said that y'all say this with me put me to the test we didn't do it we missed it ready put me to the test let's do it one more time all right i'm gonna step forward so you'll know what's about to happen here we go y'all say it with me put me to the test wow give yourself a clap wow oh man god says put me to the test and see if i will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down my blessings until there's no more need there's so many needs in this room there's so many physical needs there's a whole lot of spiritual needs and there's a lot that if you could just write it down you're like man god i need this from you in just a few minutes you're going to have a speaker come up who has a word for you from god's word has an encouragement for you from god's word clap if you want to experience that encouragement god says put me to the test so in just a few minutes you're going to have an opportunity to put god to the test and see if you take his word and if you take his plan and you go god i'm going to be a part of that i'm going to obey it does that sound good wow we got words in here um well i got one more thing for y'all i'm gonna go ahead and give you a heads up like i said 6 15 but uh your bible conferences normally happen next happening next week um but uh instead of having a bible conference what better way to have the word brought to you than the head of your bible department kevin conover check out his video you know i've been an apologetics teacher for 12 years and apologetics is simply defending the bible i teach people to defend the bible defend the truth of god's word and also to share god's truth as evidence for a worldwide flood and this is a very important subject now what evidence do we have that this is a real historical record that this actually happened well there are over 400 flood stories all over the world what we have is evidence that the bible is true and if the bible is true when it talks about a worldwide flood what else is it true about it's true about jesus christ you know god wants you to believe his word because it's worth believing he wants you to put your hope in jesus christ because he is the hope of eternal life anybody excited all right i want to go ahead and introduce your speaker and then i'm going to get out of the way y'all got to see this video last week of jonathan evans he's a mentor author speaker and former nfl fullback he treasures his relationship with jesus christ along with opportunity to use his life to glorify god jonathan seeks to impact today's athletes men and young adults by equipping and encouraging them in their faith jonathan serves with his pastor friend and father dr tony evans jonathan is a graduate of dallas theological seminary with a master's degree in christian leadership he also serves as the chaplain of the dallas cowboys and co-chaplain of the dallas mavericks he's a dynamic speaker at churches conferences men's events banquets youth fcas he is committed to developing the next generation of devoted christian leaders we all please give it up and welcome jonathan evans everybody can y'all hear me am i on yep there it is i can hear it everybody doing all right good good good to be here i feel at home because i saw a bu shirt over there is that baylor university right there absolutely that's where me and my wife went to school now we have five kids be careful um so i'm excited to be here have the opportunity to share i also feel at home uh here in san diego because in 2006 i played with the san diego chargers when they were uh when they were smart enough to actually be in san diego [Music] and so i had an opportunity to do that but that was 14 or 15 years ago which means y'all have no idea who i am but that's okay i'm here now and have the opportunity to share this right here is the most important class that you have whenever you have it uh as christian high because there's there's no way to play the game well if you don't know the playbook and you don't have a relationship with the coach i've always known that in the game of life you got to learn how to play it and play it well and so you got to have the playbook you got to have a relationship with the coach i remember when i was a kid and back then when we had christmas we had our big wheels uh big wheels was the thing it was like i was four or five years old and you had the big wheel in the front with the two wheels on the side and you were just rolling in your big wheel and back then we didn't have gifts that came put together you had to put them all together and so i told my dad hey dad you got me the big wheel i just unwrapped it can you go put it together for me now tony evans you know i don't know if you know who he is but his brain works when i say his brain works he had a 4.0 from the time that he ended high school to the time he went through his phd so i knew that my dad was gonna know how to put this thing together there was no question that it would be over like that because tony evans brain functions well i mean that's just what it does and so i said dad put this thing together and so two hours he just had the handlebars on i started getting discouraged i said mom um dad is in there messing around with my entire life right now he's taking way too long to put this together and i thought he's tony evans why can't he put this thing together so my mom checks on him and he's frustrated he has that frustrated bead of sweat coming down his head as he's trying to put this thing together and he's just tying it together pretty much doing his best and i said mom you gotta get him you gotta you gotta talk to him she didn't say anything at first so i went to the door and i took my chance opened the door to the garage and i said dad really come on man i i'm anxious to ride my big wheel you're taking forever i didn't say all that i was thinking some of it i said come on come on he said jonathan back up i can tell he was frustrated i said all right i ain't gonna mess with you i'm going this way i said mom get him my mom went over there and she said tony he said lois she said tony he said lois she said why is it taking so long for you to put this big wheel together it's just a kid's toy a bit condescending but appreciate it she said what are you doing he said lois i'm trying to put this thing together she said where's the manual he said it's in the box she said tony he said lois he said she said tony could it be that the big will maker knows more about big will putting together than you do i said get him mama that's what i'm talking about so he reluctantly pulled out the manual and no longer relied on his own intellect and in 15 minutes he had the whole bike put together when it took him two hours just to get the handlebars on a lot of people end up wasting a whole lot of time in their life because they think their own experiences and their own intellect in their own world knowledge and their own ability can help them put together their life much quicker than the life maker but could it be that people waste their life all the way from junior high to high school to college trying to figure life out through experiences as if life itself hasn't already been written could it be that the life maker knows a little bit more about life living than we do so don't waste your time don't don't waste too much time because this right here is the most important class that you will go to anytime you go to it i don't know how often chapel happens but when it happens you are walking into the most important class because there's one book that was written to comprehensively take care of your life to make sure you aren't wasting too much time i can't tell you how many people are in their 40s and 50s and and 60s who are still trying to put this thing together and many of us will say well i got time i can try i can do that later my parents are the ones who are excited about this uh you know uh pastor jeremiah stuff my parents are the ones who are excited about the god stuff and going to church normally they have to wake me up for that i got i got i can do that later just give me the computer give me the cell phone give me social media let me play and when i get older and my bones slow down then i can slow down and pick up that manual and put things together my dad told me one time he said i want you to understand what you just said because that's what i said i said i can do that tony evans stuff later i believe in god i believe in jesus christ but let me do me for a little while let me have let me play just for a second he said how old are you at the time we were talking i was about 15 years old he said are you young i said come on tony evans why are you asking me silly questions of course i'm young i'm 15 years old he said how do you know that i said because i'm 15 years old what do you mean how do you i mean i'm 15 you asked me if i'm young or if i'm old i'm 15 i'm young you want a race let's test it he said so you're telling me your birth date because you're telling me you're 15 years old but i want to know your death date say what you mean nobody knows that he said well then how in the world do you know that you're young you see because your youth is only based on when you leave not based on when you came and if you don't know when you're going to leave how do you know how young you are if you're 15 but your death date is when you're 20 that god has already preordained then that means you're old because you ain't got much time left if you're 80 but your death date is when you're a hundred that means you're younger than the 15 year old who has a 20 year old death date so since you don't know how much time you have please pick up the manual remember that this is the most important go ahead and start now because you may be able to run fast but that don't mean you are young it's not about being more but it's just about being real we don't have time to waste this is your most important period of the day it was a little girl one day who was doing her chores around the house because she knew if she did her chores she would get an allowance to go to the candy she was doing her chores she was vacuuming she made up her bed she washed the dishes she was doing all this stuff and she said daddy let me hold that five dollars so we can go to the candy store did i do everything right he checked the house out everything looked good everything was properly prepared and put in this place and he said congratulations you did well here's your five dollars she took it she put it in her left hand she jumped in the passenger side he jumped into the driver's side they went to the candy store he parked in the back of the lot because the lot was totally packed with people that day and he said all right let's get out let's go to the candy store and he got out of the driver's side she got out of the passenger side they met around the front of the car he opened up his right hand to hold her hand she opened up her left hand to hold his forgetting that the money was in there grabbed his hand but the money she just earned blew away she tried to chase it but dad grabbed her real tight and said no don't worry about it don't chase it i know you worked hard for it but you don't need to chase it because you can get hurt in this parking lot don't you see all these cars don't you see all of these problems that can happen out here don't worry about what you worked for don't chase it just stay with me she said what you mean just stay with you the money is how i'm gonna get what i want from that candy store let me chase it let me go he said no i'm not gonna let you go don't chase it just stay with me i know you worked for it but don't chase it just stay with me unless you get hurt she's starting to cry because she's young and she doesn't understand how am i gonna get my sweet tooth taken care of if i don't chase the money that i've earned i'd rather chase the money than stay with you because the candy i need the candy they get close to the candy store she's in tears opens up the candy store everybody in the candy store is wondering what's going on with the contradiction of a young kid crying in a candy store didn't quite make sense she said dad what are we gonna what what are we gonna do my money's outside blowing away in the street and you're still walking me in to this candy store and then he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a 20 bill and all of a sudden her ear tear ducts got dry because at that moment she realized it was more it was more valuable to be with the father than it is to chase after anything that i've worked for that my relationship to the father will always bring a greater value than anything that i try to work for or achieve in this life that's not what you're taught in the world what you're taught in the world is to pull the cell phone out have it right in front of your face and only be worried about the value that's attached to the human trinity and not the spiritual one me myself and i and he's saying no no no understand i put you here as my player to play based on my playbook based on the gifts and talents that i gave you so that you can help me score in the kingdom advancement of what i've placed you here to do there's nothing more valuable than your relationship to me there's nothing more valuable than you serving my purposes because no head coach drafts a player for them to go out on the field and do their own thing god has a purpose god has a plan and it would behoove his players to know the purpose and know the plan so they don't waste time acts 13 36 this one verse it's a summary of david's life and it simply says david served the purposes of god for the benefit of his generation and then he was finished there is no greater summary written on his epitaph david he served the purposes of god was a benefit to the generation and then the game was complete now you would have thought david's purpose and and summary statement of his life would have been about david the king who reigned for 40 years david one of the most wealthiest human beings who ever existed other than a son solomon david the one who had a bankroll and a mercedes-benz chariot with real horses in the front david the one who killed goliath as a teenager david the one who did not lose wars he was a super bowl champion year after year and when you get to his life summary it had nothing to do with him being like wreck-it ralph and getting all the gold medals when you read his life summary it has everything to do with one thing david served the purposes of god made an impact in his generation before he was finished it wasn't about the accolades it wasn't about the popularity if he had social media he would bust it wide open with followers because there is nobody who would be able to hold the greatest king of all time outside of jesus christ david was that dude and yet even though he had it all even though no one could compete even though he had all the gold medals even though he won all of his wars even though he killed goliath as a baby boy even though he was the beast during his time his life summary had nothing to do with his accomplishments and everything to do with him holding on to the father's hand y'all act like y'all okay let me see a different way when i was playing football i always played on sunday thinking about monday when i was playing college football i always played on saturday thinking about sunday when i was playing high school football i always played on friday thinking about saturday why in the world would i be playing one day but while i'm playing i'm thinking about the next day let me tell you what happens the next day after the game is over the coach takes the players sits them down and then he pulls down the screen turns on the overhead projector picks up the red pointer and he turns on the film to watch your play so when i'm playing the day before i already know that there is an eye in the sky that's watching every nuance of what i do to determine what if what i did was correlating to what the book said so that he can grade my performance in judgment after the game is played and so he would say jonathan all i want to know is if you're bearing the image of the decal that's on your helmet based on the playbook that was given based on the coaching instructions that i gave or if you were out there doing your own thing don't answer that because we're about to watch it right now in second corinthians 5 10 paul is talking to christians and he says for we all will go before the judgment seat of christ and be recompensed for our good and our bad you know what that means after the game is played while you're playing it right now you have the opportunity to play well because jesus christ himself is going to pull down his cosmic screen turn on his holy ghost overhead projector pick up his blood of jesus red pointer and he's just going to sit you down and say i was just wondering while you were out there for the 80 years that i gave you the 70 years that i gave you the 60 years that i gave you the 100 years that i gave you i was just wondering if you were bearing the image of the blood of jesus christ uniform that i gave you based on his sacrifice based on the playbook that i laid out for you that was preached by pastor jeremiah week after week after week or if you were just out there doing your own thing don't answer that because we're about to watch this thing right now there there is no time to waste there is no time to continue to procrastinate like my daughter she procrastinates on her schoolwork all the time and i'm like she's 11. i'm like you got to do your schoolwork you won't always want to go play you got to do your schoolwork i understand play there's a time for that solomon says there's a time for everything i'ma need you to do your work she's like but dad let me just go on the trampoline first let me just run around the backyard first and so i teach them responsibility i say all right i'm gonna just i'm gonna let you do what you want to do go ahead she goes outside and runs herself ragged playing with her brothers and sisters then by time she comes back around to do her work she's tired she don't feel like it i said i told you you shouldn't have procrastinated on your work because you're not going to be graded on your play you're going to be graded on your work the teacher don't care about the play part they care about their work part so how are you going to have no energy for the work when that's what you're going to be graded on a lot of us even myself we procrastinate on what we're going to be graded on you're not going to be graded on your play it's fun enjoy it solomon says there's a time for everything but he also says remember the lord in the days of your youth before the day comes that you're too tired in ecclesiastes that's what he said remember the lord now don't wait till later because later you you're going to be weary and then you can't get as much done that's why he called david at 15. let's go you don't have to wait the whole picture of we'll wait until i'm an adult god don't work like that he can take you now to make an impact david he served the purposes of god um when i was growing up i had a dog named solomon it was a toy poodle not by my selection i had two older sisters if it was it was my selection to be like a rottweiler pit or something like that but you know the girls got to choose i didn't get to choose anything because i was the baby of the family but we had a little toy poodle running around the house got on my nerves because at the time i was about 10 or 11 i was always wondering why this dog was running around chasing his own tail in my head i would think to myself don't you know that your mouth is on your face and your tail is on your rear end like you weren't created to catch your tail it didn't they're on opposite ends it doesn't work that way what are you doing stop running around in circles in other words he was doing a whole lot of moving but he wasn't going anywhere just a couple months later i came home and i heard growling in the back room i said did we get a new dog what is what is solomon doing back there in the back room so i went to go check on what solomon was doing and i was blown away you know why he caught his tail he was he was running around in circles snatching his tail he was just i was amazed why because he satisfied an intent that's obvious that he wasn't created to satisfy catching his tail but you know what happened after about 30 seconds had to let it go know why because it was too uncomfortable to stay in that position because he wasn't created to be in it so he caught it for about 30 seconds then he had to let it go and after he let it go you know what he did there's a lot of people who live life like that running around in circles trying to catch your own tail living for the human trinity me myself and i i wonder how many likes i can get today i wonder how many people will view what i do today i wonder how much i can perpetrate who i'm really not so that i can be seen today and every now and then you catch it got 10 000 views most ever every now and then you're satisfied you grab something that you've always wanted but then you got to put out another video you weren't created to catch your own tail they're on two opposite ends so it just never ends you're just on a merry-go-round david understood that i'm living my life not without mistakes david made some but it's a line the fastest point from one point to the next is to not turn to the left or to the right like god told joshua do not turn to the left or to the right i tell my kids love god love your family and take care of your responsibilities fun is not on the list you know why because when you love god love your family and take care of your responsibilities fun is a given just do what you're supposed to do fun will take care of itself because when you show up in your purposes there's no more fun than you can have when you show up in what god has created you to do and not what man wants you to do there's no more fun than you can ever have david found his fun young called that 15 king of all israel by the time he's 30 i mean that man was a beast and he didn't wait david served the purposes of god if you want to be a teacher you're not just going to be a teacher you're going to be god's representative in education so that the education field can see what god looks like when god teaches people if you want to be a lawyer you're not going to just be a lawyer you're going to be god's representative in the bar association so the bar association can see what god looks like when god tries a case if you're a businessman or woman that's what you want to do you're going to be god's representative in business so that people can see what god looks like from an integrity standpoint when god cuts a deal if you're a doctor that's what you want to do well go ahead and practice being god's representative in the medical field so that the medical field can see what god looks like when god helps hurting people so you're not here just to have a good career make as much money as you can and then have a couple houses in different places so that you can then grow old and then leave that's let me go to school so i can have a good job so that i can make money so that i can take care of my family so that i can have grandchildren and then it's over did well with my time so the god of the universe said i'm gonna create you so you can go to school and you can just learn and then you can go get a job then you can make money then you can have a fun life hanging out then you can get older and then come see me later no no god has a plan and purpose to make waves in your life it's much bigger than that most people live the same old same old life they get out of that same old bed and go to that same old mirror to look at that same old face go to the same old closet to choose from the same old clothes if you would dude you probably wear the same outfit then you get in that same old car you end up going to that same old school or the same old job just to do the same old thing and you're looking at the same old clock hoping for that same old time to come around faster then you leave the same old school or the same old job just to go back to that same old car to go back to that same old house to to eat the same old food watch the same old show scroll the same old social media around the same old people then you put on the same old pajamas brush the same old teeth to get in the same old bed to look at the same old alarm clock to dread the same old time god has not called you for the same old same old life he's got a planned purpose that's bigger once you dedicate your life to the coach don't let go i know there's things you want to chase you may have worked hard for i know there's something that you want to see or a way in which you want to be seen don't let go because i promise you what god pulls out of his pocket is going to be much a much greater value than anything that you grab in this world making it in this world is like picking up sand it's in your hand for a moment only to flow right through your fingers then you got to try to pick it up again david he served the purposes of god how do you know he served the purposes of god simple people were impacted how do you know you're serving the purposes of god not just you as impacted how do you know you're serving the purposes of god because god told abraham in genesis chapter 12 i will bless you so that through you all the families of the earth will be blessed if you want to be blessed raise your hand if you're not raising your hand you're lying in church everybody wants to be blessed you want to be blessed what is a blessing it's the favor of god to me no no no that's a 50 definition a blessing is the favor of god to you so that it may flow through you most people want to be blessed with a narcissistic definition we want to pray and ask god to do stuff for us so that he can be the pedestal that we stand on to take ourselves higher god i'ma need you to be robbing so that you can help me be a better batman that's all i need you for just listen to your prayer all you're asking him to do is to take you higher but i wonder if in your prayer you're saying i want you to bless me lord so that through me your kingdom can advance in this way now you have his attention david made an impact i went bowling one time with a friend of mine named jerry it was just a regular game to me i had all my bowling you know cargo shorts i had on my t-shirt you know i put on the shoes that they gave me and i was waiting for him to show up this dude shows up bowling shoes bowling slacks bowling ball bowling glove bowling towel bowling shirt bowling wristband i was like you go first obviously he was taking it a lot more serious than i was so i sit down and i'm like let me see what this is all about he takes out his ball i just went and picked one of the you know red and yellow black and white they are pressures in the side one of those balls that were just sitting on the rack i just chose one of those and he came out pulled his bowling ball out wiped it down it was all glossy he took his stance he approached he bowled the ball flicked his wrist and he kicked out his leg i looked down the aisle there was no ball on it his ball was rolling right down the right side gutter i said bro bruh my confidence kicked up and my facetious tendencies i said man um you look great by the way but i wonder if you knew what this game was about the game is actually about you know he's mad at this point you see those pins down there at the end of the aisle there are some pins you know the white ones down there at the end of the aisle you're supposed to take the shiny ball that you just wiped down with your with your towel and you're supposed to roll it down the lane so that it hits the pins jerry you look good but as it relates to bowling you're just a good looking failure because the game i know i can be that's okay he shouldn't have came in there dressed like that shouldn't have intimidated me the game is about knocking down the pins ladies and gentlemen if you live your life and you look good but there is no impact you look good but then you just become a good looking failure in the kingdom of god because the game is about impact and the enemy wants you to think it's about you remember adam and eve eat the fruit it's going to make you wise it's going to make you more like god it's going to he made them narcissist and at the moment he made them think about them coming up they forgot about god eve come on now you're going to be wise you're going to be like god i thought they were already like god didn't god say in genesis 1 26 let us make man in our ain't saying nothing new you need more followers it's about you let me did you know they had social media in the bible they did first corinthians 11 1 paul says follow me as i follow christ there it is there it is social media paul says i want followers follow me as i follow christ that's the way you use social media because the bible teaches it why do i want to come up so people can come up watching me with my relationship with christ why do i want followers oh so that when they follow me they'll end up following christ because you know you can build up your followers and build up your base and then those same followers you live for end up trolling the mess out of you they mess up your whole life they didn't belong to you to begin with you're supposed to have them follow you only so that you can make an impact on them so they can end up following jesus christ david he served the purposes of god was a benefit to his generation and then he fell asleep it was over played a great game there's the beginning of the game into the game the coach only concern is what you do between the lines right now young people you are between the lines i'll close with this my dad's favorite game growing up was monopoly because that was the only time in the hood he got to own land it was i mean he was just like excited to play so he would play monopoly and he would just be talking noise you know so he would use it as a game for us as kids we would sit around the table he'd pull out monopoly and he you know he become chess just stuck out like we're gonna play monopoly we're like oh lord here he goes feels like he owns something he opens up the board he divvies out all the money and then he just turns his eyes to the right real quick because there's two properties over to the right that he's got to get boardwalk and park place now if tony evans gets boardwalker park place you better sit in jail you know collect 200 do something because the man starts talking noise i've got boardwalk and i've got park place and i'm buying up all the rest of the properties we're like 11 at the time we have no idea what he's talking about we're just looking at him like this and he's just talking noise then he levels up on us and puts green houses everywhere and all of a sudden the money that we thought he was losing by buying up all these properties is coming back to him so we started out talking noise hey dad you ain't got no money you're spending it all you're buying up he's like uh-huh wait he starts putting properties all over the place now our money's going back to him in droves and he's just sitting back like a fat cat and then this is what he does y'all may not understand this either but he'll leave the room and he'll say i've just made enough money to go to city hall and have a rezoning meeting he'll leave the room and he'll have this conversation that we can halfway here yeah okay i need rezoning i need to go from residential to commercial am i approved approved all right he comes back and sits down and he says okay get rid of all of those greenhouses i just got approval from the city to go commercial now give me some red hotels now our money is leaving at a faster rate because it's more expensive and he's cleaning up he has all of our money he has all of the property he owns the entire board and he sits back and says kids who won the game you did dad i'm rich that's what he would say you look at it say i'm rich we know you're rich so what do we do now i've got the houses i've got the red hotels i'm sitting back like a fat cat i'm as rich as i can ever be my bankroll is killing all y'all so what do we do next i said well dad the game's over he said it is that's it i say yeah once you have all the money i mean you even took our totems i mean the game's over we can't even play anymore because you're talking noise taking all the stuff it's over i'm frustrated close it so you mean he you mean to tell me that's all after everything that i've accumulated you're just saying the game's over yeah that's what happens when you win dad the game's over close the box huh takes the money puts it back in the box takes the totems puts them back in the box takes the board folds it up puts it back in the box closes the box puts it back on the shelf and you say well i had fun while i played but now that the game is over i realize it was all fake see there's going to come a day when we all realized it was all fake doesn't matter how big the bank is doesn't matter how many houses hotels and all that your own it's fun while you play but once it's over i mean i've never seen a hearse pulling a u-haul you don't get to take anything with you it's just it's over so make sure when you play you play for the real thing so that when your coach sees you he says i'm glad you had fun but boy am i glad you worked well done my good and faithful servant well done you were faithful over few things now i'm about to make you ruler over many the time is now thank you for having me
Channel: Christian Unified Schools of San Diego
Views: 2,104
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9MO0an5x5vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 26sec (3626 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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