Jonathan Cahn | The Oracle Pt. 1

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[Music] can God change your life in the next 30 minutes I believe you're watching right now because God has something special for you join me for Jewish voice and you'll discover how Bible prophecy is coming to pass before our very eyes and why you need to stand with Israel you can play a role in God's endtime plan find out how I'm Jewish voice Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice where we help you to understand the Jewish roots of your Christian faith Bible prophecy and why you should stand with Israel I'm rabbi Jonathan bernis and today I have one of my dearest friends one of my favorite guests in the studio again and I think one of your favorite guests also on this program we know because we hear that from you Jonathan Cahn or as I call him the other Jonathan is here today to talk about a new revelation a new mystery he's a New York Times bestselling author speaking around the country Jonathan I knew you when I was just the rabbi of a small congregation in upstate New York and you had a foundation in New Jersey it was just by the week that that I became the leader the messenger right I called you up you know I didn't know you were we didn't know we'd called you oh man that was the beginning that was many years ago many many good and you've done amazing things since then and God has done amazing things so folks the to Jonathan's at that time when we met unmarried discovered that we were born within a few months to a couple of months of each other that we were both born the same year 1959 and then once again and within a few months of each other 1980 we both met our wives within a few months of each other and both of our wives are from Brazil and on and on the Lord called one of the places the Lord called me a minister for a period of years was misery India which is a remote place on the in the Burmese mountains I walk into one of the congregation's and there's a picture of Jonathan Rabbi Jonathan Cahn I thought our lifes have been paralleling and then we won't really understand how fully until we're hell you know they'll they'll explain everything then but until then we enjoy it and soon to be written the - Jonathan's not kidding I'm just kidding well a new mystery is hot off the press yes and I love your mysteries I just remember reading the Harbinger Jonathan and I was I was dumbfounded at the connections you know there's so much in the word yes jewels that God has used you to mine for so many and it's it's a delight oh and to have known you I always say I know but let's let's talk about this your mystery yeah the mystery is called the Oracle and this is this is one that really Jonathan is so big I think has to be the biggest that I've ever done and that is it is the mystery behind really what has been what is current events right now even the president what is yet to come Israel Jerusalem the Second Coming everything and it's been it's been for like two years I've been blown away took me a while to put this together I've been blown away for about two years we're about 3,000 pages of notes of revelations and how to get this in so the the you know it has a few streams in it and one of them is the Jubilee and mysteries and that is that that you know as the Jubilee when God restores his you know you come home you return to the possession you lost well the Jewish people have lost their possession and God has been restoring them but he's been doing it according to this pattern according to this mystery every 50 years this the incredible prophetic events take place on which we'll go through but also there's something called the parasha mystery which is the appointed words of God a lot of people don't know in every synagogue they open up the scroll every week and they read an appointed word but what what is there the amazing thing is that when these things are opened the words that are read they match up with events that are taking place in the world they are appointed for those days and we're going to see it throughout throughout this this thing it's amazing so this involves exact I mean account got from the Bible that count out to events in our lifetime to the exact dates to things that have just happened right now the rise of America the the everything from from Moses to Mark Twain from Jeremiah to Donald Trump it is so big it is it's gigantic and just belonging and it's all in the Bible all the body if you have eyes to see yes it's on the by that's well I have some cue cards because we're taping this before yes the books he doesn't being at least and so I want to make sure I get us take us through the journey yeah you sure so take us through the first door yes is a strain and to explain this to just is that like for the Harbinger there's a story around it it's all real but the story is a delivery system just like with the Harbinger man seeks the man called the Oracle the Oracle opens up all these mysteries and in the visions there's seven doors of revelations so will will try to touch and each door there's like there's all sorts of mysteries we'll try to just touch on a few of them the stranger of the very beginning Moses says he gives a prophecy before he dies he says that a stranger will come to the land beef and and that he will see he will bear witness of its desolation the Land of Israel would be desolate and he will bear witness and then God will bring you back to the land okay so did this happen amazing thing is in the nineteenth century a stranger comes to the land of Israel from far away as Moses said he bears witness of the desolation the words he uses are the same words that Moses said he would say I mean some of its word for it and we and we know who he is you know at home it was Mark Twain and Mark Twain who was a skeptic was used in Biblical prophecy he actually said the words Moses says he will say there's no blade of grass there's no grass he says there's no grass growing he just this whole thing writes his first major book based on this ok Biblical prophecy and then right after that right after that all these things that the year is 1867 it's the first Jubilee and year of restoration everything that's gonna happen from then on until now it's gonna come from that year all these seeds are planted in Israel that God is going to move the Jewish people will start coming back right after this they'll start it all starts in that year and the thing is that when he finished his journey and he is in Jerusalem his first full day last full day in Jerusalem there the the there's they're reading the parotias there there he's walking through the streets of Jerusalem and they're reading they're opening the scrolls and the scroll that's appointed for that day is the scroll the stranger shall come to the land and bear witness so he's walking the streets of Jerusalem and they're speaking about it and they don't know it and he doesn't know it but all the exact day and and this is amazing to me and I I'm a student of the history of the restoration of Israel back with the early pioneers and of course Theodor Herzl yes but I've never heard Mark Twain as part of her story actually was brought together with with Mark Twain before Mark Twain died there's a whole mystery to that but let me tell you one more thing so much he's blowing my mind as usual and this is just the doorknob of the first door but let me do the thing is that the other thing is this you know for years you know this Jonathan the Jewish people been praying Lord bring us back to rebuilds I and rebuild Jerusalem they said Lord hear our prayer and be merciful and rebuild it hear our prayer be merciful Mark Twain's real name was a Mark Twain in with Samuel Clemens Samuel means the Lord has heard and Clemens mean and has been merciful who thinks about these things who gets these kind of revelations the mystery man so much this is just the very opening I mean this is the beginning of the mystery well Jonathan you've done it again is this the thickest this is the thickest book this is like almost 300 pages yeah it's the thickest except for the book of mysteries which which had 365 you know for the day so yeah but this is in Jonathan I had 3,000 pages of notes of really downloads how do I get it into there it is so compact yes there's more yeah the Oracle the Jubilee and mysteries unveiled this is like a download this is the Holy Spirit it's definitely it's definitely the biggest you know mystery that I ever dealt with and it is so it I mean I was blown away literally Jonathan because it's the Lord it's he's awesome and he's real and this is showing how he's behind everything everything that's happening now past present and future and and it's about each of our lives I mean it's so cosmic it's gonna go to heaven at the end but but it also goes to each of our lives the Jubilee and mystery and how to live in the power of the Jubilee as well it's gonna be the mystery of the president right now of every thing really every I can't think of a bigger definition of huge than that now this is this is how big it is I want you to understand they're big it is not only do we have the book the Oracle but that could only yes you can only get so much into that that's right and so what we're also going to make available because part of what we do is to get important resources into the hands of people who understand that God cares about is really cares about the Jewish people he cares about the redemption of the world but it could not fit in the book so what Jonathan is providing for us to get to you is an eighth set DVD of the Oracle and this is all exclusive material right this is not in the book this is well the this is the Oracle uncensored it's eight and one our DVDs video do so they're gonna also see the images of what this they'll see it but also it has it has the the basic I mean they're things in the books that are not there and they're things in there that's the basic but it has its uncensored it has all their 3,000 pages that has so much of mysteries that are not here full things that are not here and for the first time ever I decided because of this I should get into I get into the numbers of the end and the mathematics of the end which I've never here's what we're gonna do okay we're going to we don't sell things products at Jewish voice were were driven by the mission that God has given us to get the gospel out to the Jew first and to go into remote areas like Ethiopian Zimbabwe where they need medical care and dental care they don't have that care imagine Jewish people in poverty we're working with Holocaust survivors in Israel if you will partner with us and send us a gift we'll get this book out to you but here's what I really want to encourage you to do become a monthly partner with Jewish voice and we'll include this eight DVD series the Oracle that takes you through all of the additional material revealed that's what I really want to urge you to become a monthly partner you're helping bless Jewish people that's the most important thing you're providing them the opportunity to hear the gospel and then we want to sow these mysteries the halation of these mysteries into your life here's how as you're learning today there are mysteries about our world that are being revealed in an extraordinary way in Jonathan Cahn's newest book the Oracle you'll learn about the ancient scrolls containing the appointed words that have determined the course of world history from the onset of modern times up to the present day for your gift of support of 40 dollars or more we'll send you the oracle as well as this unique jewish voice keychain boldly proclaiming pray for the peace of jerusalem this handy keychain will secure your keys and also be a symbol of your compassionate investment to reach jewish people around the world with the good news of yeshua will send both of these resources to you today as you support Jewish voice outreaches with a one-time gift of $40 or more rabbi jonathan wants to get these items into your hands right away as you help us share the gospel with those who have not heard call the number on the screen now so we can get these resources out to you today rabbi jonathan is encouraging you to join him as a monthly partner today your ongoing support makes it possible for Jewish voice to plan out reaches that will affect the lives of thousands as we share the love of yeshua around the world as you join us with your monthly support of $30 or more you'll not only receive the resources already mentioned but you'll also receive this exclusive DVD series by jonathan cahn containing eight one-hour teachings you'll not only learn more from jonathan about this important endtime message but you'll also discover mysteries revelations and materials that couldn't go into the book and you won't find anywhere else again you will receive these resources for your generous support of just $30 a month your $30 gift will provide a gospel experience for one person in which they encounter Yeshua the Messiah and an upcoming Jewish Voice festival I want to encourage you to be a monthly partner with Jewish voice the greatest blessing that you can give a Jewish person is the gospel the good news that Jesus Yeshua is their Messiah so if you want to bless the Jewish people bless them by becoming a monthly partner with Jewish voice call our 800 number now and let our representative know what level of giving you wish to participate in and again your monthly partnership with Jonathan would be greatly appreciated if you prefer you can always make your choice online at Jewish Voice TV or you can also donate by mailing your gift to the address on the screen don't miss this exclusive opportunity to receive this groundbreaking book DVD series and the Jewish voice keychain now let's rejoin Jonathan we're back with my dear friend Jonathan Cahn I know you love him too Wow you're blowing my mind so we've been through the first game worth to right through the first to recap those and then open the third year we're just touching on it and there's so much we're just touching like a saved man it one mystery out of seven in each door but it's that God is doing this thing amazingly the God of the Bible is the god of now and he's just as amazing just as awesome and so that we look at the this mystery of Israel the end times really begins in many ways in in this with this year 1867 Jubilee and year the visit of the stranger and and everything begins the seeds are all planted for what's happening now welcomewelcome ends [Laughter] but he was born with four that name and so then if you count to the fiftieth year Jubilee restoration comes 1917 the next restoration of Israel and that's when the well it happens through a whole world war and God calls his empires to rise and fall that the prophecy could be the bill the land is given to Israel in that year of Jubilee Allenby Balfour decoration so that's where we left off and by the way you're covering a huge amount of material and a few sentences that's right that's why you're really good at writing into this that's right and and again about one out of seven mysteries can we talk about because of this stop okay so now before we get to the there's an amazing thing here now and that this is a kind of a different Jubilee but it's an amazing one Theodor Herzl Theodor Herzl is the father you know that visionary of Israel the Oh years before came into existence he had the vision but what people don't know is before he died Jonathan he revealed a secret and he had it he had a dream when he was growing up in the dream the dream was that he saw the Messiah and the Messiah said for this for this boy I prayed he will prepare the way for my people for my coming he will prepare my people for my coming now remember Jesus said I'm not coming back until the Jewish people are back in Jerusalem saying Brokaw Bob blessed so Theodor Herzl was used and he he never told anybody till he was about to die and you know his son was a believer yeah yeah I mean it's amazing and yeah and the thing is that and remember when Messiah is leaving and they said it was at this time you will restore the kingdom to Israel well he didn't say no he said it's not for you to know when the one who's restoring Israel is Yeshua it's not just it's God but it's Yeshua so he so Herzl Herzl calls together the first Zionist Congress that's to go back to Israel they they have they haven't they have a flag they have an anthem but they have no nations all by faith and so he he founds he says he writes in his diary he said today I founded the Jewish state the world won't believe it but he says this in 50 years time Jubilee 50 years the whole world will know it okay when did he say he said it in 1897 count 50 years it takes you to 1947 the year that Israel is voted back into existence and for the first time the whole world knows it but I looked even deeper Jonathan and the the document by which Israel came back into existence the partition the plan for Israel has a date on it and the date is September 3rd I look back at her CIL's prophecy and the date he has is September 3rd it happened exactly 50 years jubilee to the day to the day so specific yes Jonathan circle back with me you you could you talk about the number of the end yes so I don't know if I miss that well that will the forever of the end the first thing there is that was Daniel gives a number when the occupier has to end has to leave Israel Cal in now in some of our resources it talks about the end I'm talking about the end of the age but that's a story this was and this is gonna go right up to the end of the age - yeah right but which what you talk about is as the Islamic year yes and it turns out and that in the year that's given in the Bible and Daniel for the occupier to leave is the year that of the of the Muslim calendar how do you get this stuff do you are you studying and just researching or does the Holy Spirit just plant this art it happens it's the the second part happens first usually something comes on my mind and then I say I don't that's true I start resourcing the research and I see an empty air it's there that's all absolutely incredible incredible okay back to 1940 okay all right now there is a prophecy in in the Bible that speaks about the day that Israel will come back into the world God says in that day I will raise up the Fallen tabernacle of David I will end the exile I will plant them in the land they will rebuild I will rebuild Israel as I did they will rebuild the rooms all right it's all there now Israel comes back on May 14th well ben-gurion the prime minister he declares it the next day at midnight May 15th midnight Israel is back in the world so it's May 14th May 15 May 14th is Friday and May 15th is Saturday so it came back on a Sabbath it was a Sabbath that means there was an appointed word waiting for ages for that day they open up the scrolls all around the world that day this is the secret history of God they open up the scrolls and what is the word the word that was appointed for the day of Israel's rebirth is on that day I shall raise up the fallen tavern oh my gosh I will end their exile I will plant them in the land I will rebuild them as in ancient times so this is so this is the mystery of the parishes this is the portion that is proscribed centuries earlier yes for the Jewish people to be reading on that date yes on that during that week yes and it's the restoration yes a visitor it's on that day and this is you know I'm only mentioning I've mentioned like two of them but it's throughout I mean amazing I mean on all these key days and even up till now yeah there are these amazing things that God puts God saying I am in charge of everything I'm in charge of every detail I believe that it's just always mind-blowing to see how precisely that's that's right that's that's what's on track a lot you know we'll say these things and we believe it but when you see this is not just we're saying this this is absolute reality God is the god of history God's the god of it you know every single thing I mean and this is also why for unbelievers they don't realize but everything in the world God is in charge and this is what the this is what this mystery the Oracle is about it's interesting that that it really begins with the foundation of Israel's restoration yes I'll talk about that in a wider sense what is that because you're a Jewish believer or because you're uncovering a reality that most Christians are blind to this is listen we have been blind yet when you read the Bible the center is Israel but it is about everybody whatever happens in Israel is for the whole world you know whatever that is Israel is the time peace for everybody Israel is the place of your solvate no matter who's watching here salvation is so whatever happens this is the key of the end times Messiah is not coming again until Israel is back so this is for everybody and if you're born again you're of the Commonwealth of Israel this man has just made the best case as simply and clearly succinctly as I have ever heard it this is why Israel needs to matter to you as a follower of Jesus Jonathan there's so many programs where I make the statement we've just scratched the surface but with you we didn't even you know it's like a where you scratch a car and it doesn't even go through the first finish that's we have not even scratched the surface literally there's so much and it's taken more than just a book yes to to chronicle these mysteries just first of all to get everything to get that get so much into the book that was the first thing to do but then thousand pages three thousand pages of research and then I couldn't and so there's so much more so that's why I did eight DVDs of presenting the uncensored version which has the basics but it has things that could not be in the book things that that are full of mysteries that are not there and it also I get into the mystery of the end the numbers of the end the mathematics of the end which I never do anywhere but it goes with this well we are we are rushing the Edit of this so that we have this as the books being released so talk about hot it it's literally just off the press and we're so glad we're one of the first to be able to sew this into your life because not only are the are you revealing the mystery of the ages and how this all ties together but Jonathan you're applying it to the individual to everyone watch it yes and how this applies to them yeah all these things apply to each your life and how to take the power of the Jubilee in your life this is all about you it's the god of you think because God cares about you so what we want to sew into your life if you'll pick up the phone and call us is the book the Oracle but also eight DVDs right ABCs you're gonna see images you're gonna see it not just read it the Oracle uncensored which has everything else which is exclusive it's not you will not find this anywhere anywhere in the world so what you didn't put in here is you is here yes so it's the whole package here's what we're gonna do I just I just want to say it again we want to so the book into your life anything if you're able to help us with a gift and I'll tell you that gift will be used to reach Jewish people in their neighbors that are an absolute desperate need and places like Ethiopian Zimbabwe we're also ministering to Holocaust survivors that can't eat if you want to bless the Jewish people the greatest blessing you can give as them as the gospel and that's why we provide the dental care and the dentures and the medical care and the eye care and water purifiers but if you'll become a monthly partner with us and that's what I really want to encourage you to do to become a monthly partner with Jewish voice we'll also send you the eight DVD set the auricle uncensored the we don't give we don't sell things we sew things we give things to our partners to say thank you and to sew into your life just as you sew into the life of the Jewish people and their neighbors that were reaching here's how to get as you are learning today there are mysteries about our world that are being revealed in an extraordinary way in Jonathan Cahn's newest book the Oracle you'll learn about the ancient scrolls containing the appointed words that have determined the course of world history from the onset of modern times up to the present day for your gift of support of $40 or more we'll send you the Oracle as well as this unique Jewish voice keychain boldly proclaiming pray for the Peace of Jerusalem this Handy keychain will secure your keys and also be a symbol of your compassionate investment to reach Jewish people around the world with the good news of Yeshua will send both of these resources to you today as you support Jewish voice outreaches with a one-time gift of $40 or more rabbi jonathan wants to get these items into your hands right away as you help us share the gospel with those who have not heard call the number on the screen now so we can get these resources out to you today rabbi jonathan is encouraging you to join him as a monthly partner today your ongoing support makes it possible for Jewish voice to plan out bridges that will affect the lives of thousands as we share the love of yeshua around the world as you join us with your monthly support of $30 or more you'll not only receive the resources already mentioned but you'll also receive this exclusive DVD series by jonathan cahn containing eight one-hour teachings you'll not only learn more from jonathan about this important endtime message but you'll also discover mysteries revelations and materials that couldn't go into the book and you won't find anywhere else again you will receive these resources for your generous support of just $30 a month your $30 gift will provide a gospel experience for one person in which they encounter Yeshua the Messiah and an upcoming Jewish Voice festival I want to encourage you to be a monthly partner with Jewish voice the greatest blessing that you can give a Jewish person is the gospel the good news that Jesus Yeshua is their Messiah so if you want to bless the Jewish people bless them by becoming a monthly partner with Jewish voice call our 800 number now and let our representative know what level of giving you wish to participate in and again your monthly partnership with Jonathan would be greatly appreciated if you prefer you can always make your choice online at Jewish Voice TV or you can also donate by mailing your gift to the address on the screen don't miss this exclusive opportunity to receive this groundbreaking book DVD series and the Jewish voice keychain now let's rejoin Jonathan the Bible says we're to three agree on earth is touching anything it shall be done so Lord we just lift up those that are in me today that are watching the program right now Lord the hundreds of letters we've received from viewers that are asking for healing I speak healing we speak healing yes to you to your loved one in the name of Yeshua Jesus name for those that have been praying for family restoration we speak restoration in mourning thank you that you are the God who restores yes and Lord finally for those who have financial needs thank you that you're the God who provides for every need yes according to your riches and glory the Messiah we agree together by faith in Jesus name in Yeshua's name amen and amen i want to thank my dear friend jonathan cahn for joining us today he'll be back next week if you have prayer needs or you'd like more information about our ministry log on to our website Jewish voice dot TV just know this God loves you we love you and God cares as we close our program I want to remind you psalm 122:6 says pray for the Peace of Jerusalem may they prosper who love thee until next week this is Jonathan bernis and Jonathan Cahn will be back with me until then God bless [Music] you
Channel: Jewish Voice
Views: 90,718
Rating: 4.871829 out of 5
Keywords: Jonathan cahn, The oracle, Messianic, Prophet
Id: 4F7blAs0GOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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