The Paradigm | Jonathan Cahn | Grace Church

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[Music] well I'm so excited that you're here for this third week of this series it's the end of the world as we know we've taken these weeks to talk about what the Bible says about the life after this life what does the Bible say about death and dying and then last week I brought a message and the simple title of the message was Jesus is coming back I mean we worshipped him with those words today but I mean it's something we so much need to hold on to as believers that Jesus is coming back and the Bible has a lot to say about that and as we were praying about this series and just that the idea of the end of things I reached out to Jonathan Cahn to be here today and I want to let you know everybody it is a huge honor for him to be with us this morning to bring this last message in this series we talked about the afterlife and we talked about God's purpose and today I'm here to get to hear what the Bible says particularly about what that has to do with our nation and the foundation of the truth of God's Word one of the things I said last week was we need to love the world but we need to be in love with the truth as Christians we need to love God's Word as our absolute standard for life well what if God's Word had clues in it to speak to what's happening in our culture today you're gonna hear more about that he's a best-selling author on the New York Times best selling list over and over again and a great man that God is using in our day raised up as a prophetic voice to our nation and I want you to open your heart open your ears and I'd like to ask you to go on your feet and give an awesome welcome to Jonathan Cahn [Applause] thank you well let me start by saying Shalom I made the mistake in the morning I did sorry about that I'm in Houston Texas I got to do it right Shalom y'all that's the rule that's what they have here it's a blessing to be back at Grace I truly feel at home with you I'm with one spirit with your leadership in a day of compromise and darkness you're blessed to have leaders who will not compromise as pastor Garrett and also pastor Steve will stand with the ways of God that is a precious precious precious thing now I've got a lot to share with you so they first tell you I know you're a people who are hungry for the word the first time I came here you went all over the books so let me tell you what they have for you right afterwards right outside at the end the first thing is the is what I'm gonna give you a taste of today and that is the paradigm that's the latest thing came up it's the most explosive book I've ever written very much like the Harbinger you're gonna get a little bit of it but no matter how much I can do I can only touch on it it's not only for believers it's where unbelievers as a wake-up call - how amazing God is so they're gonna have that there I believe and they will have it for hardcover we'll be out there second it's the first time I've had this here since I've been here that is another fairly new book it's the book of mysteries in a nutshell it'll open up literally hundreds of the mysteries of God even the mystery of your life and the blueprint for your life and how to find your appointed destiny takes you on a journey through the desert and every day there is a another mystery of God I will promise you that will not only give you times of being blown away but most importantly if you take the keys it gives you you don't change your life people are giving it to unsaved friends as well as save France and twice as big as the Harbinger it's also hardcover number three it's the Harbinger now we're gonna touch just a little bit millions have read it millions have not it's for believers and unbelievers alike it's the beginning of everything I'm going to share today has not stopped coming true still affecting everything number four is the DVD which is like a prophetic explosion is the Harbinger decoded and that is going to really you're going to actually see the harbingers before your eyes very powerful to show people it's a prophetic explosion number five last one is the harbinger companion most detailed fullest revelation of the harbinger including charts maps Bible studies deep things all sorts of stuff so after the service they will have that and we want to encourage you to get the word out so what they're gonna do is they're gonna make every book even the hardcover is available and as if it was a soft cover everything will be fifteen dollars if you get two thick books it'll be thirteen three will be four it'll be twelve and eleven and if you get all five will be ten or five of anything will be ten to give it all someone encourage you to give it out to people um last thing to get in touch with the ministry people asked about how to get prophetic updates we also send out free gifts across the world and to you it'll be it's called the ministry just remember it's called hope of the world to go online hope of the world org we will send you free gifts and at the book table they'll have something we have you put your contacts you will get free CDs immediately and updates and all that so that's all right after the service now let's pray father we praise you and thank you for today we thank you we can be gathered in your presence and Lord we ask your anointing father I ask to my weakness be strong in your power and touch your people prophetically for this hour in the name above every name the name of Yeshua Jesus the Messiah amen we are witnessing the greatest most massive cultural moral spiritual civilizational transformation in the history of the world people are saying what's going on what's happening everything's changing the Bible speaks about the sons of Issachar says the sons of Issachar they knew the times well you are to be a son of Issachar you must know the times and the signs of the times in which you live so you may fulfill the calling for your life for such a time as this imagine if they discovered an ancient master blueprint from the Bible that lies behind everything uncovers everything that's happening right now a blueprint from over two and a half thousand years ago but that reveals the events of our time not only what's to happen but actually when it's going to happen or when it has to happen pinpoints the exact event down to the year - in some cases the the month the week the date in some cases even down to the minute imagine if it revealed not only the events of our times but the people and leaders on the world stage of our times their personalities their the in some cases the parameters of their name imagine if it gave the exact amount of time they would be allowed on the world stage what if we revealed that each of these leaders of our time was actually following an ancient prototype leader determining what they do what if this ancient blueprint from the Bible could actually reveal the outcome of modern elections what if we were replaying an ancient mystery the events of our times were all part of this and what if we could open up this blueprint well the blueprint is the paradigm and if it was possible if we had known each year's ago if I had known eight years ago you've known you could have marked your calendar of future pivotal events years before they took place down to their exact dates and does the paradigm contain a crucial warning that we need to know keys to prevail and overcome for such a time as this now I will say this it is so explosive that I have to say this I will speak of names but it's not about the people they don't know what they're doing we need to pray for them but they are prophetic signs as well we must oppose what is evil but we must pray for those who commit it number two if you're expecting a message of political correctness you really came to the wrong place today put all political preconceptions aside it's not about parties that it's about the issues of God if you've got a problem with anything I say don't get mad at me take it to God because this came as a download I'm not here to give you political correctness I'm here to give you truth the paradigm is a prophetic message I can only touch on some of the mystery but you'll get an idea now what I what is revealed here begins with the harbinger for those who don't know it in a nutshell the harbingers the revelation that in the last days of ancient Israel nine prophetic warnings harbingers appear in the land warning the nation of judgment destruction and the stunning thing is that those same nine harbingers those same nine warnings have now appeared in erricka warning america of its future if it does not turn back now if the harbinger reveals the signs of judgment the harborage the paradigm is revealing that everything else is part of the mystery as if our very day is a harbinger replaying set the stage here the paradigm reveals a nation that once knew God formed by God ancient Israel but a nation that turned away from God drove God out of its public squares call what was evil good and what was good evil promoted sexual immorality embraced idols and gods false gods chief among them to God by owl BHEL BHEL was the god of prosperity and increase but also of sexual immorality also of the confusion of gender also of the offering up of children as sacrifices on his altars and in his fires so to America was founded on the foundation of God's Word but we too have been undergoing the same metamorphosis we likewise have been driving God out of the public square we have called what is evil good and we call what is good evil we have promoted sexual immorality we have celebrated it we have embraced our own idols we would never call it by name but our our culture is following this same spirit of bail and in that spirit we have offered up millions of our children millions of unborn children in the fires of abortion in the fall of ancient Israel there came a period where the apostasy accelerated where pagan immorality replaced biblical morality became the ruling morality of the culture and so the culture experienced a culture war in the last quarter century of America we have witnessed the same acceleration of this fall where an anti biblical morality has for the first time supplanted the biblical morality become the ruling morality of this culture has been championed from the highest places in the paradigm the culture war is inaugurated with the rise of a king the king's name is a hub we know him as a hub he's a divided man he's compromised he knows about God but his policies war against the ways of God becomes the first in israel's history to champion bail worship that means child sacrifice that means sexual immorality it means the overturning of biblical values so - in America a culture war began it was even coined 25 years ago for America that that culture war was linked to the rise of a man Bill Clinton who would be at its center behind Bill Clinton is the myth the mystery of Bill Clinton is that of Ahab he will follow this paradigm and he doesn't know it but he'll follow it he too will be a man divided having known of God brought up in the bible belt yet his policies will war against the biblical values a.m. was the first king to endorse child sacrifice bill clinton became the first president to champion the killing of children in abortion it'll also be linked to sexual immorality he would actually say we are to redefining absolute values in a chapter in the book called the days of the king the questions asks how long was Bill Clinton on the national stage well he rose to prominence he came on the stage when he was elected governor of Arkansas that was 1979 it ended with the end of his presidency beginning of 2001 how many years of Bill Clinton 22 years 22 years of Bill Clinton in the Bible it is written a hab son of Omri reigned in Samaria for a period of 22 years hey hab was not alone and as we know neither was Bill Clinton alone in a chapter the paradigm called the Queen a new figure enters the stage her name is Isabel we know where as Jezebel grows up in a cosmopolitan culture liberal values daughter of the priests of the goddess Ashtoreth she worships female power she will marry Ahab move to his land she will never adopt the values of her new land she will see biblical values traditional values conservative values as an obstacle to be overcome to be Ward against Hillary Clinton without realizing what she's doing will follow the paradigm of the ancient Queen according to the paradigm she'll grow up in a cosmopolitan culture Chicago liberal values she will venerate female power she'll marry Bill Clinton moved to the Bible Belt but never adopt the values of her new land she will see traditional values biblical / overall to be something that that to me award against it's an obstacle to her jessabelle would make her goal to change the deep-seated religious beliefs of Israel Hillary Clinton would actually make a quote a pronouncement she would say these are her exact words deep-seated religious beliefs have to be changed she'll war against them Jezebel was the chief champion of Bell worship in Israel Hillary Clinton has become the chief champion of abortion in America it's not opinion Planned Parenthood actually voted her the abortion champion of the century but not only that the the years of a habitus but we're not just about apostasy was about scandal scandal it is written that a have coveted a field of a man named naval and air band Jezebel ended up breaking the Ten Commandments to get that vineyard but as they have enters the vineyard to take it a surprise is waiting the prophet Elijah he's in the vineyard and he exposes the sin of Ahab and pronounces judgment so according to the paradigm the Clinton years would also be years of scandal the fall and the end of Ahab was linked to the tribe of Levi wrong time to go into it but it's linked to the tribe of Levi from the namely vine comes the name Levin from Levin comes the name Lewin from Lewin comes the name Lewinsky the scandal of the Clinton years is named after the tribe of Levi the same tribe that's linked to the downfall of Ahab when does the biblical paradigm say that the kings say in the scandal will be exposed happened to the nineteenth year of the King what happens if we take the years of Bill Clinton when he comes first to the national stage 1979 add add the 19 years the nineteenth year brings you to the year 1998 1998 is the year the scandal is exposed and it actually brings you to a month January 1998 is the exact month that the scandal is exposed but it's going to get even more mind-boggling elijah rebukes they have force an a half he tells some judgments come and calamities coming a have repents it's temporary but he repents God speaks he says because a have repented I'm gonna hold off on the calamity it'll be delayed it'll come but we'll be delayed so how long the Bible says three years so paradigm King repents three years calamity on the nation so it the Kings repentance will mark the beginning of those three years so question did Bill Clinton ever repent over the scandal the answer is he did this was just the news recently it took place in months later after was exposed months later in the East Room of the White House he said he had sinned against God and man he asked for forgiveness and said this was his repentance what happens therefore if we take that date Kings repentance president's repentance take the date add three years will it lead us to any day of significance any kind of crisis we take the day of the Kings repentance that very day add three years to the day it will lead her to one specific day it will lead you to the date is September 11th 2001 the day of the calamity falling on America the repentance of the president took place in the morning therefore three years later the calamity takes place in the morning of 9/11 the White House event begins at 8:30 three years later 8:30 marks the beginning of the hour of 9/11 within 15 minutes it begins the time of the repentance of the king the peak of that morning was 9 to 10 o'clock three years later 9 to 10 o'clock will be the peak of 9/11 could the White House event actually determine the parameters of 9/11 the event ends at 10:30 three years later 9/11 the last event of not 11 the fall of the tower North Tower comes at the time is 10 29 10:30 comes it is finished this is the blueprint I said at the beginning it sounded crazy that if we had known the paradigm if you had known it you could actually have marked the calendar of events years before they happen well this is exactly that you could have marked 9/11 before anybody knew it what happens next most people think that Ahab's reign ends and so does Jezebel that's not what happened in the paradigm a hams rain comes to an end but Jezebel continues on on the political stage so according to paradigm Bill Clinton's rain comes to an end Hillary Clinton the first time in American history's first lady continues on her own career on the political stage and as did the ancient Queen the age of Queen dwelt in the capital city in the halls of powers so did Hillary Clinton in 2008 she attempted to become president but in the paradigm the throne goes to another man a younger man he will enter the paradigm as in the chapter called the air he's called the air this is the mystery of Barack Obama he will follow the paradigm of the ancient king called joram now joram will continue the policies of Ahab in Jezebel so Obama would follow in the agenda of the Clinton years he would continue their policies the reign and policies of joram will be marked by a hostility to the ways of God so in the Obama years the nation America moved markedly away from the ways of God Chiron would dwell in the palace with the former first lady so Obama would come to the White House with a former first lady first time in American history now how long was Barack Obama on the national stage Barack Obama was unknown until he made that speech at the Democratic convention took place in the year 2000 for his last year as president was 2016 how many years is that 12 years 12 years Obama was given 12 years on the national stage open up the Bible his ancient paradigm it is written King joram reign in Samaria for a period of 12 years the paradigm even for shadows even speaks of speaks of Osama bin Laden we don't have time to touch on it except to say that his ancient prototype an arch nemesis of the nation is there it even gives the parameters of his name it even reveals he will bring destruction to the land and then after that after that he will be assassinated it actually reveals where he will be assassinated and it gives the exact year in which the assassination will take place now when does the parrot what does the paradigm reveal about Americans who are bringing it up right to where we are now in ancient Israel the nation comes to a crossroad if the house of Ahab continues on joram Jezebel it would have sealed the nation's apostasy would have wiped out religious freedom the Word of God would be suppressed the people of God would persecuted judgment would come America was that a similar crossroads if the rain of of anti-biblical agendas leaders who endorse that went on it would have sealed America would have sealed the Supreme Court for a generation would have cut off your religious liberty this was the campaign where Hillary Clinton proclaimed deep-seated religious beliefs like the Bible have to be changed why she said so abortion could expand I cannot fathom a more Jezebel ian's statement than that this was the campaign where the Democratic Party pledged to strike down the Hyde Amendment so that every American including you would be literally directly supporting the killing of unborn children but in the paradigm there comes a surprise at that moment a man who was revealed it's it's called or the chapters called the the the warrior his name is Jay who hit Jay who will be the mystery of the man we know as Donald Trump Donald Trump will follow this paradigm I wrote the harbinger years before the election people didn't realize I was led to put in Donald Trump in the Harbinger you don't see it by name but he's there because he's part of the mystery of the Harbinger and the paradigm the two mysteries actually intersect in second Kings verse chapter a second he's nine it says this the prophet Elijah sends a young prophet to the army camp to a man named Jay who he takes Jay who aside tells him thus says the Lord God you I've anointed you to become king of Israel and to end the house of Ahab then it says the Prophet took off ran away Jay who was not a politician Donald Trump is not a politician che who was a fighter Donald Trump's a fighter he fights with everybody I said in the first service I think so it's somewhere in the biblical text I can't find it that Jay who had a Twitter account at night but I won't go into that Jay who was not a gentle man he was kind of a wild unpredictable man I'm not gonna say anything Jay who would come on the national stage suddenly he would shake up the status quo so to a Donald Trump Jay who begins a race to the throne of Israel Donald Trump begins a race to the throne of America J who had not lived a godly life neither had Trump but now the warrior is anointed to be used of God despite himself J who mounts up the chariot heads to the Royal City on the way The Watchmen see him coming they say we're not sure but the driving is like that of Jay who've you open up your Bible it will say that he describes the race to the throne he says the driving is like that of Jay who for he drives like a madman he drives crazy well you want to describe the race of Donald Trump to the White House crazy and yet Jay who gets there anyway and the paradigm there comes a showdown between the warrior the wild guy and the former first lady who is for promoting child sacrifice so there is a there is this showdown if you remember all the polls were saying that Donald Trump was gonna be trounced by Hillary Clinton what did the paradigm say the paradigm says that when the warrior comes head-to-head with a former first lady it will be the warrior who will emerge triumphant now Jay who was also a judgment on King George rule there's a covet in the Bible goes back 4,000 years it says whatever you do to the Jewish people or to Israel shall be done to you Abrahamic covenant a year before the American election there was an election in Israel and if you remember the President Obama he decided to intervene and try to stop Netanyahu from being reelected overturn his legacy but whatever you do to Israel will be done to you if you intervene in the election of Israel God will intervene in your own lands election and will change the outcome and will overturn your legacy how long was Hillary Clinton on the national stage empowered politically not twenty two years with her husband after that twelve years in government she retired from public life for two years came back for two years to run for president total of fourteen years of her own political career how long was Jezebel 22 years with her husband on her own 14 years the warrior through the defeats or his victory he will turn his attention to the capital city where he has to go in order to become ruler the land so Donald Trump would turn his attention to Washington DC Jay who would head to the capital city with an agenda you notice agenda it was it was to drain the swamp so to Donald Trump would go there with the same exact agenda on the way to the throne he meets a man called Johanna Dowd who was this guy mystery guy Johanna dab is identified in almost every biblical commentaries a representative of a people in the land of the religious conservatives of the nation so Jay who has a meeting with the religious conservative so Donald Trump would have meetings with religious conservatives and what would happen in the Bible Jay who says to Johanna dab listen I'm paraphrasing listen I'm with you will you be with me so that's exactly what Donald Trump said to the believers he said listen I'm with you I'm for life I'm for religious freedom I'm for Israel will you be with me and in that paradigm Johanna Dobbs says yes so Jay who takes him in the chariot and they ride the rest of the race together what happened in America believers said knowing the alternative said yes to Donald said yes this is the this is the alternative and together he was allied with the religious conservatives and by that he entered the White House actually he chose a man specifically a Johanna DAB Mike Pence who's a born-again Christian when did all the yeah you can clap for the Lord when did all these things take place could the paradigm actually reveal the actual year when all this came this showdown the warrior defeated the former first lady in the twelfth year of joram that would pinpoint it from Obama would pinpointed to the year 2016 that's when it all happened what happened when Jay who entered the capital there in the combination was divided there in the capital was a temple of bail that a have built it was dedicated to the to the to the destruction of children Jay who went up to that temple and he destroyed it he dismantled the cult of bail he cut off government support or child sacrifice what Donald Trump - when he came to Washington what did he do first thing his first executive order as president was to undo the orders of the former presidents that endorsed abortion and he has sought to cut off government support from the killing of unborn children now they're actually they're actually exist on temple of hard to believe there's actually there's been a temple of bail in the world from ancient times as wood stood everything for 2,000 years in the Middle East the paradigm tyrant or dams when the warrior rises the temple of bail must fall to the earth two months after the beginning of Donald Trump's rise the ancient temple of bail fell to the earth this is just to give you a taste an idea I can only touch on what is a little bit of the paradigm but the paradigm also speaks of the future I put it there's a section called the harbingers of things to come it's too much to get involved in here but it is important to speak about where we are what is the paradigm say about where we are right now with Jay who the point wasn't Jay who wasn't even whether he was godly or not the point was can God use somebody who has not known God for the purposes of God and the answer is yes he can God is sovereign he can use a donkey he can use anybody he chooses Jay who was a warrior he was a sword of judgment in spite of himself he was a vessel of God he was used this way the nation was on the verge of sealing its apostasy have the house of Ahab continued it would have been over but God used an unlikely man Jay who to defeat that house and that rule and to give Israel a reprieve a window of time a chance to repent a window for the righteous to keep on preaching the Word of God a window for revival well my brothers and sisters that's exactly where we are right now Jay who was not the answer Donald Trump is not the answer but he was used to open a window for the answer the answer is not polit six the answer is not Wall Street the answer is not Congress the answer is God there has been a political change there has not yet been a cultural change a moral change or a spiritual change if America does not change its course if if America does not see a turning back to God it will be over it will continue its fall it will even accelerate its moral spiritual fall heading to judgment and that's where the paradigm and the mystery of the harbingers actually intersect with each other if it does not change a nation heading to judgment the key is what we do now and the Word of God is still good God's promise is still good that says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways all here from heaven all forgive their sin and I will heal their land kiss my people that's you and the key is if it is time to pray diligently for revival as never before it the stakes are too high it is time to pray fervently for revival and it's time brothers and sisters not just a pray for revival it is time to actually start living in revival because a few me start living in revival then revival begins now and that devil can't stop it if we turn from our evil ways that means that there's anything in your life that should not be in the life of one so highly called as you saint of god now today before you go to bed it's the time for once and for all to get it out of your life take the first step before you go to bed and if there's something that's not in your life and God is calling it for you life for you to become the person the victorious warrior of God on fire person of prayer and joy and purity that God's calling that's not yet their time is today now to start ruling it in before you go to bed above all the paradigm tells you God is real God is awesome God is amazing and he is still on the throne and he's got no intention of getting off that throne and that means he is just as real in your life whether you see it or not he is just as amazing and just as awesome for you and he is over everything in your life now I didn't originally plan to do this but as I was doing to the first service said hey I got time so so I just throw something in very quickly when I came to the Lord you know I was raised I'm Jewish anybody didn't notice that I'm Jewish I'm not Swedish I'm Jewish and I was raised without God and I was an atheist at one point but God kept coming in I'm not gonna say how but I finally came to the Lord he says Jews demand signs you know I only got saved because God caused a locomotive train to crash into me that's the old literally that's the only way I'm saved because of that train after that train I said Lord you're getting my attention I said I said make a deal I said I just just don't kill me and I'll give my life when I turn 20 on my 20th birthday I don't know how to get saved but I remember Hebrew school Moses met God on him out and Elijah met God I'm outside I got to find a mountain so I found a mountain went up to the top of it was that night I need down on a rock and I gave my life to the Lord that's how I came to the Lord years later there was a mystery there years later I returned to that mountain was that night had a flashlight had a Bible had a had a Tully - all had a had a shofar I had a great time with God I went up found that rock I had a great time that night the next morning I'm at the congregation at Beth Israel in in Wayne New Jersey if you're ever there and and somebody's waiting for me at the end they said oh we know what's your birthday so woman says I gotta have a gift for you gives me this framed picture frame drawing she bought in a store I looked at it it's a picture of a man standing on a mountain top with a shofar and a prayer shawl I said that is strange because just last night that was me on it's just really I said yeah I came back to the place I got saved said where's what mountainous I don't know the name in the mountain said well tell me where it is I described it she says I know the mountain I said really she says I live at the bottom of it that really said do you know what that mountain is I said no said that mountain is dedicated to Satan I said really I got saved on the top of it on the top he said that's where they worship I said I got saved I found this rock and he said that's the altar and that kind of explains my Walkman that my walk began there that kinda explains why it's never been a normal walk but here is the point that ik that suddenly a mystery was uncovered I was right there at the beginning my walk I didn't see it on the top of the mountain where words and the words said to make no sense it said no Jew shall enter these sacred grounds I said who would write that you know Nazis would write that the devil would write that why cuz for 2,000 years has been trying to stop the Jewish people from coming back to their Messiah Jesus because he knows when they come back he's coming back and his time is over that's why he's been trying to destroy the Jewish people for 2,000 years and I said you know I say it so 2,000 years he's got keeping them from their Mountain Calvary their Mountain Jerusalem I said too late Satan this Jew is in he's already in but that told me something you see you see for you most of you you came to the Lord it was a nice sanctuary like this probably carpet nice I like the new carpet nice carpet and you and you got say I get saved on a satanic mountaintop you you know they give you a nice tracts that God has a wonderful plan for your life I get no Jew shall enter the sacred grounds and God was telling me something from the very start and that is you cannot avoid the fight do not avoid don't try to avoid the fight don't fear the fight don't fear don't fear the enemy don't fear that at all because you are on the winning side keep going fight the good fight and keep going and when all hell is breaking loose against you brother and sister don't get discouraged get encouraged what it means is the devil knows what God has for you it's so great that's why he's going crazy keep going fight more get tougher fight more and you're gonna get there you're gonna get it and that brings us to this part bringing it home God not only has a paradigm for the Aged for America he is a paradigm for your life he says I know the plans I have says the Lord the word for a plan here is the word mahasabha it's easy try it you do that very well for Texas ah ha ha ha it's written that he has said what that means is intricately woven deep precise plan he's got a plan for every moment of your life he's got a destiny for you and the only way you can get it totally highest is by dedicating your heart to go full committing yourself to be in his will and the center of his will and you will find the destiny of your life what do we do now near the end of the book is a chapter of the paradigm called well I won't say what's call cuz it goes to this but it's for God's people it's for us what do we do now what's the key how do we overcome the paradigm contains in the paradigm God gave this a paradigm for God's people and see the key is this well in days when righteousness rules the culture biblical values like some of us grew up in America it was very different that's the different paradigm that's a King David paradigm righteousness is ruling but we don't live in that anymore we live in a culture where it is not ruling anymore where unrighteousness rules so we've got a different paradigm people of God what is our paradigm we have the Elijah paradigm those days are now the paradigms you have to live is the paradigm of Elijah Elijah was not status quo he was not comfortable he was not he was not he was not anything sure that we think of he was radical prophetic and revolutionary we have moved from the days people of God when the people of God are of the status quo to the days where we must become more radical those days are now these are the days when we must be revolutionary people you must live a revolutionary life some of you are often afraid of the end times don't be afraid if God didn't want to at the end times he would have put you in the Middle Ages he puts you here and now these are the most exciting times if he puts you in the end times then he anointed you for the end times he appointed you for the end times he will empower you for the end times you are the candle that goes against the flow we are no longer the candle in the day we are now become the candle of the night that is the candle might be a little harder but the candle that's the candle that lights up the world same light same candle that once lit up this world in the book of Acts it is a revolutionary light it is the mantle of Elijah the time of compromise is over the time of wavering to the right and to the left is over for the Lord God says to you choose you this day whom you will serve and the voice of Elijah echoes forth and says if bail is God serve him and go to hell but if the Lord is God serve him and he will lift you up and the Lord is God it is time to live with a mantle of Elijah speak with boldness people God old shy away speak with confidence you're on the winning side some of you prayed I wish I wish I could live Lord I wish I can live in biblical times congratulations you're in biblical times now and the Lord is coming and if these are the days of Elijah that it's time that we me you start becoming the Elijah of the day it is time to be bold it's time to be total it's time to be unhindered uncompromised all-out unbound in the power of the Almighty if the darkness is going from from bad to worse well then it's time for the good to go from good to great that's you for the eyes of the Lord are searching the entire earth looking for the one whose heart is completely his you be that one you be that person and he will lift you up and show himself mighty on your behalf God has chosen you God has called you with a great calling and God will appoint you he will anoint you he will then how are you and he will lift you up for thus says the Lord called to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you know not of I do know the plans I have for you says your God to you I do know they are plans for it give you a future and a hope the Lord says I've loved you with an everlasting love I have called you with an irrevocable calling for thus says the Lord God of Israel to you kumi ori Kiva of' arise arise woman of god arise and shine for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you for kings and queens will come and go but the Lord will reign forever and ever and ever he's the only way in the only truth that King above all Kings and the Lord of lords the name in the name of Yeshua Jesus the Messiah the light of the world the glory of Israel and the Lion of the tribe of Judah amen and amen god bless you [Applause]
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Keywords: Grace Church, Grace Church Houston, Jonathan Cahn, Houston, Houston Texas
Id: jj1O3jsaphI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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