Jon Bon Jovi On 40 Years Of Rock, Vocal Surgery & Friendship With Richie Sambora | This Morning

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and John Bon Joie joins us now good morning I mean when you see those clips it's such an honest documentary that I mean it really isn't a puff piece no no all the blemishes are there you know you you see your life flash before your eyes just before you pass away I don't think I'm dead yet you're not you're not very much alive yeah I know I there is so much in it John like we've all loved your music for decades now and and seen that sort of that Journey that as a band you've been on and the way the whole music landscape has changed I wonder how you found looking back and going through some of that old footage it was emotional you know it was emotional we the band got together maybe six months ago and saw a rough cut it's the last time I I watched it and and it was emotional there was the highs there was the lows because really to have an honest to goodness career that lasts 40 years there has to be highs and lows and you have to acknowledge both yeah of course and what were those moments like when you were sifting through all of the back catalog because there are moments in the movie where you're literally going through take cassettes and notebooks back in the day and then you see this moment where you watch yourself going on stage all those years ago at the giant Stadium right and you talk and you're like that kid's excited he was very excited there was a lot of caffeine in that system I was bouncing off the walls before I got onto the stage yeah but do you get that feeling back when you watch it is it a slight of out of body experience or do you go back you know I I think it's the it's the wisdom of having you know the experience and looking back on that kid you've been asked throughout your career what would you tell the younger you yeah slow down it's okay yourself we're going to be here you know it all works out in the end yeah there is one of the things that you uh you do brooch and you show a lot of the work you have to put in with your voice at the moment John you've been very honest about some of the struggles that you are having with singing and you've said if you can't be the jum Bon jovy that you always have been you're not going to do it where are you with the voice at the moment how is it you know what people we'll see in the film is had been shot a year and two years ago okay so I'm much further along in the process now um we have a new album that's coming out in June I had no issues singing it the successful surgery happened now it's all a part of the um Rehabilitation of a vocal cord you got to remember your vocal cords are as big as your thumbnail mhm this big MH you know and and it's out of your control really and every time you sing they work really really hard they hard the way you sing you know for 40 years they've worked hard he's a he's the original frontman yeah you know absolutely but it's um it it's coming along thank you and so do you think there is a chance you'll tour again because in the documentary you you compare it to Tiger Woods actually and coming back to the and and being kind of 80% of 100% of 80% exactly right do you think you will that's acceptable my hope is to my hope is to my intention is to but if you're not at 100% I'm done you it would be that simple but like I said believe me folks thank you very much but I'm I'm very for down the road of recovery at this point I'm not there yet but for me the bar is that two and a half hours a night four nights a week you know I need that's that's what we do you know if we're going to play we play it's amazing that when you think back to young John and what he got away with and how it just all came so naturally when you were singing and it it wasn't something you wored about i' B yeah I'd never had any issues you know physically um so this was a surprise to me H one of lot of the stuff in the documentary that's so wonderful to look back because as a kid as the 80s as was cat the look and particularly the hair John and what I loved was the idea that that your dad was one of the first guys that helped with the styling of your hair well he was a hairdresser my dad was a hairdresser but I but but it's not that he created that no no no but if you think about the impact that that look had to have your old man doing that I mean do you ever sort of turn around and go Dad how did you let me go on stage looking like that no uh you know but we like I said it was the way that every kid in the mall in America looked uh you know the I've had such a a privileged life that my baby pictures are public yours are not you know believe me some of them we' got a baby picture of the two of you 24 years ago look have you got this I'm really I think it's year 2000 there we go there we go I'm a baby and you're a baby too though there's a sign of the you that's a baby as well but I think that was one of the things about the documentary that struck me was you were also honest and and each person had their own truth TR yes that's what you said correct you know we didn't want to have a a vanity piece here if you were going to tell this 40-year journey it had to be everybody's truth because no matter what we talk about here today we're all going to take this experience home differently yeah you're going to you know decide what you got out of today's conversation so everybody deserved to have their viewpoints heard and you don't shy away from Richie leaving in the drama and the trauma that that all caused you sure how was that to hear him talking about it as well though because there it's no holds bar isn't it no no no he he he had some issues you know and and it was unfortunate nobody expected it there literally was a show that night you know there's 20,000 people waiting in the in the arena and he didn't show up so it's heartbreaking um and it's been 11 years so we've obviously all had to move on from that but um there's nothing but love you know there was never any animos he just he had issues that he you know just had to confront and did you watch the show together we did watch the first three episodes together I love that R your house or his house my house yeah and and what did you discuss as you watched it look what happened yeah did you no but you did it didn't like resurrect any emotions or anything there was joy as we together just the two of us I can't reiterate enough there is no animos he he he's taken a path on his journey yeah that you know being in a rock band is not a life sentence yeah he was there for 30 of the 40 years yeah you know everything along the way is what got me to where I am today could you see him coming back could you do some stuff there's always an opportunity knows three quarters of the songs but but it's not that I'm looking for that or he's looking for that or anybody's looking for that it would be a wonderful reunion though for you guys and for the fans as well of course like I keep saying there is no animos I swear to you yeah one of the thing what is there's so much in the documentary uh the album cover slippy when where and that came about but also Living on a Prayer you talk really honestly about the fact that you all you guys wrote Living on a Prayer and you were like yeah it's all right no it was good but you have to remember that the Simplicity of writing a song that happens with an acoustic guitar and a standup piano that Baseline which is so intrical to the song and the drum beat didn't come until we went to rehearsal writing the lyric and writing the chord changes was one thing going in and working it up with the band was another but that's the magic of writing a song like because you can walk out of the studio from from your perspective we've got four songs we've got a nice sort of vocal but actually yeah it's going to be okay but then suddenly it comes to life when your band mates put their ingredients in as well that's correct you know it's the collective we that makes the magic absolutely and Bruce Springstein features in the dock as well you talk you talk really smartly about it where you say when he was there I had something to reach for I could see it I could be it and your your friends in real life you go on a fun call Journeys sure we're we're old friends but the East Street Band there were seven members right the Asbury Jukes there were 10 members this was 25 miles south of my childhood home chances are you went to a bar and one of them was going to be there so it was like touching Santa Claus wherever you went which made the impossible seem possible the English bands that we were brought up on the Rolling Stones The Beatles Leed Zeppelin Queen Elton John those were bigger than bigger than bigger than life yes but when you had the East Street Band in the Asbury Jukes 25 miles south and they were making records and singing songs about our backyard they made the impossible seem possible and they were 12 years older than I was so they were always like big brothers yeah they've got advice for you and now you get you actually take a car journey together and yeah it's an old it's a story in the in the film now it's getting a lot of pickup because I guess it makes sense you know you have the two of us driving around New Jersey people see it and they think you know it's George Washington and Thomas Jefferson it's like pictures of Bigfoot it's Bigfoot yeah and and you know we do do that often do you yeah we do like about what five times a year six times a year so every couple months we just go for a few hours no phones no radio no body yeah so that we can just you know catch so there's no music you're not arguing over who unless unless unless we're playing each other a new song or but other than that it's the radio's off because the time is catching up with friends precious talking of Music on the new album there is song that You' dedicated to your daughter uh cuz of course you you're you're now she may be the only one on the planet that hasn't heard it at this point oh yes cuz it's for her wedding I was too afraid to play it for her no so she's not heard it when is she going to hear it on the day on the wedding day no when the record comes out sometime between now and then I will okay get a backbone and play it for her isn't that funny that after all these years you're still nervous about playing a song for your daughter for that you've written for her wedding I wrote a little song when she was 5 years old called I got the girl on album called crushed that had it's my life on it now she's 30 years old and getting married you blink your eye and and these things happen I know and so there's a song called kiss the bride on the record that's quite moving for me as the dad that sounds Big and of course your son's getting married to two of my sons are getting married but one of them yes Jake and Millie Bobby Brown lovely Milly Bobby Brown so you're welcoming her into the family how are you feeling about sort of the the growth there is like it's crazy time you know three weddings in a year a film tile me that's what it is and the album yeah and the documentary is called thank you good night this doesn't mean the end does no no no no no you know when you think about it from my perspective the last thing I say to an audience On Any Given night is thank you thank you for giving me a couple of hours of your life and and I wish you well until the good night uh one of the things that we have here of course you'll know of glastenbury and there's the Legends slots on a Sunday night the glassen Bri Bon Joy would they ever be Keen to go down done about every other thing in this nation you know I mean why would why not let's get Emily EV on the phone this the end of the show hide Park and Wembley and everything else I mean sure if if we go on the road again what's the big you know yeah what's a big deal load of people getting in touch John image and seeing you guys at wly in 1995 the most surreal experience I've ever had the whole stadium was rocking Wendy I love bonj my room was covered in their posters Karina has been in touch she said my mom met John the boys back in 1989 they signed her arm she then got them tattooed have you got the picture look that's that's Karina's Mom's arm that was signed by all of bonji crazy had tattooed on sorry sorry it's just amazing Jay I'm a massive fan of bonji we' love it if Richie would come back is there any chance Haven we've already talked about that batsy your music is medicine for the soul your songs open me up to seeing the beauty within the chaos of the world so thank you brilliant there's an amazing array of messages from different people that just love the music it fascinates me and I'm I'm grateful for all of it thank you thank you for coming on thank you and good night is I on the 26th of April Disney plus and the album forever is in June yes could you continue good luck with the vocal re and all that keep going keep going we want 100% yeah to right John thanks guys
Channel: This Morning
Views: 148,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Morning, This Morning ITV, Holly Willoughby, Phillip Schofield, Alison Hammond, Dermot O'Leary, ITV, STV, Josie Gibson, Craig Doyle, Rylan, This Morning Funny Moments, This Morning Funniest Moments, This Morning Interviews, Alison Hammond Interviews
Id: 0GJ3kuBx3Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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