JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Comic Dubs (Hajnarus Comics)

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i want to ask um do you know what an experience right keep your cool ability for your enemies i'm not gonna attack you pat pat pat oh there's my old friend [Music] guys get ready we are we're ready just don't make a scene are we good are we good you guys look like goofballs it's called fashon sand see so you look like you're wearing a bra bruh i wonder how long that scarf is you like to shake your tongue huh how about i shake your whole body i have to find the others and tell them about diel's ability finally someone useful arrived i am really disappointed in his blood i barely felt any joe star essence it's really contaminated drone rule the young boy is pretty dumb for trying to save poneriff he could have just ignored him like he did with katy but you joseph you are the real treasure here grandson of jonathan the closest blood relative who's left here on this world jodaro you can rest now grandpa will take care of this cream huh oh man daddy look what you did now you better make it up for me by buying me some ice cream yay you look really nice thank you i called the emerald drip oh what hello jodoro we're making figures of you could you help us pose for them sure something is missing you have to make sure they'll buy you um if someone wants to buy me they'll buy me anyway i know perfect oh my gosh i'll be animated i'm so excited i was animated 27 years ago you weren't even a thing listen here you little shimmer why are you booing me i'm right joseph stopped ham on training so he can grow old together with susie jodoro didn't stop growing at 17 you grew up to like 202 centimeters kakuin's dad is an i.t worker this is how noriyaki got his newest games kakuwin are you ready i'm coming how do you guys keep your hair pretty oh jed ho ho gel huh is that some brand i don't know about volunteer knots nothing huh the kids the mothers i'm so happy nori found a friend in your son i know right oh i can't wait to make them cookies the dads i see your son overgrow you as well at the age of 13. honey what do you put in those darn cookies well that's great because without your powers you're just a baby in the trench coat you hurt his feelings also was that a supernatural reference of course i'm the one who has to pick up mom's package at the station are you okay yes don't worry about me this leg brace however guess i'll have to wait here for a bit i can fix it if you want oh thank you but it's not a simple price it's okay my friend will pick me up soon anyways hmm let me just try while you wait then well okay oh you're our stand user oh i'm sorry i had no idea you could see it my friend arrived he is your friend dramatic look to the side huh you won't believe it when i fell down the train i broke my brace and this young boy fixed it with a stand he has a stand i know his name is josuke he's the one i've been talking about oh so she's the friend who came to help us with the search yes but we start tomorrow then we shall meet tomorrow josuke thank you for your help anytime you fell off the train are you injured no i'm fine i'll take this just in case i'm not danger we can't tell let's not force your body the suitcase has wheels totoro oh they're so cute thanks by the way oh sunny boy you look like you could be my son nice outfit nice hair then he'll last me for a few days what team canada team america gg we're japanese damn it you really don't remember me i'm sorry mister but i don't recognize you give me a few minutes so that's crazy but still fits after 10 years i'm really sorry but i have no idea who you are oh maybe how about now mom have you ever seen him no i'm cujo jodaro we traveled 50 days together to egypt you were the only one who called me jojo look at these wounds on both of us we got them on the same fight but i don't ugh please just leave me alone i don't know who you are probably never known but i i have a photo too just give me stop it right now poor nora's just woken up after 10 years and you're making him more confused a stranger out of nowhere is the least important thing for him right now so get out can you just show him this at least which part of get out did you not understand later in mario so how'd it go he forgot me even if i tried he still doesn't know who i am well i'm sure his memories are still there you should go back i waited 10 years for him to wake up i can wait another 10 for his memories if i have to do you need anything else no i was just about to leave yoink maybe this photo could help rohan i need you to use heaven's door judo's friend just woke up from a coma but he doesn't remember him and now jodo's really depressed about it i'm not a therapist josuke but i can't fix this you're the only one who can please i'll give you my pocket money i don't need your filthy money be more creative i i'll let you destroy my hairstyle without punching you deal i'll make the fix tonight you on the other hand come tomorrow to tonio's the next day i want to take a photo if you don't mind just to make it clear i'm only doing this because joturo already has a lot to deal with and he doesn't deserve more trouble while he's here before you get all worked up i want to tell you that i perfectly deserve that hair styling i traveled there at night so heaven's door had to be very quiet quiet to the point where no stan could hear it and when i opened his mind i saw names all over so i deleted them all now jojoro can't be depressed about someone he doesn't know ah you were supposed to open kakuwin's memories excuse me but where exactly did you mention that you talked about jotaro being depressed you really thought that i could just enter a random hospital with nurses and doctors go to a strange guy's room where i bet he isn't even alone and use heaven's door on the whole hospital rohan instead of acting like an infant make sure jojo gets here so i can try to fix your mess you you can't touch my hair until you fix it i know i'm not an idiot so get chotero and be quick later this is the best coffee you won't regret it thanks for inviting me but i can't stay here for long i have to work this tastes a little funny josuke what was in that what the hell was he that he's gonna kill me when he wakes up i asked the waitress to add something anyway we have bigger problems than your future yeah yeah now just write his memories in to remember his friend this doesn't work like that dumb butt i didn't lock his memories i made them disappear i have to find at least one memory that's still fading so i can use that one to grab back the others oh the photo this might help koichi i have something important for you you open shoulders memories i don't know if jodor used this so far but this is the best bet we have you have to take this to the hospital oh solve it is really important his name is kakui find his room and give it to him where are you going koichi hospital again oh i was really rude yesterday with that guy don't say that mom i asked him to leave and he didn't he kept telling me that he was my friend and you have to earn being called someone's friend i would know if i ever made one that man was even familiar you did the right thing i'll go home and pick up some things okay i'll be back soon okay mom it's still weird that this guy wanted to be my friend so bad in this scar meanwhile i can't find any kakuin related memories huh what if i ask him about kakuin and as soon as he hears his name it'll turn into a memory that i asked him about i have a question for you did you visit your friend cat queen that won't work i found a fading memory really but not because of you now it's time to bring back his memories i wake up knowing that i had a good coffee and i'm going to the hospital what i'm not sure how children will react to this don't you dare thank me the only reason i wrote this is because if jotaro kills you i can't ruin your hair this was actually a really good coffee but now i have to go damn your stand is kind of scary i really hope koichi did what i asked him to do at the hospital you don't understand i have to get in i'm really sorry but mrs kakuin forbid all visitors except her why because yesterday there was an incident with a random guy hmm i can't use my stand as i did earlier but this room there must be a window where i can enter with my stand just a little bit more ah i can't reach the window i'll help you my brave parents oh thanks oh photo all the memories they're flooding back but mister you can't enter his room huh joduro oh kakween chutoro i owe you an apology what happened yesterday was my fault shut up kakuwing come here children i'm sorry it's okay kakuwin it's okay i don't want to waste any more time i'll talk to him so you wanted me to fix something my biological father made that's why you brought me here don't want you to think you owe us with this but i'm asking you this favor as someone who wants to help his friend and i want to grab any opportunity i'll do it if this is the only thing stopping me from returning to italy so what do you think i think i can do it what's happening curling new organs is a painful procedure but i didn't expect this i thought only the abdominal organs were problematic but this whole torso is full of damages and factions calculating are you better i i feel so much better well that's good thank you jonah yeah yeah airplane first class back to italy pronto yes of course my wound is gone what how my body ejected the prosthetic spine but there is no scar and i'm breathing on my own i don't i don't even remember the last time i could breathe without any problems did you make this journal no no you were asleep when i said refund deal huh where's that boy he's got blonde hair so he shouldn't be hard to find [Music] jodoro where are you taking me you'll see soon son oh 10 minutes oh mom you look well son oh dad i didn't even realize how advanced i'd be with this stand hey jodoro i don't want to be a burden since i'm a guest here but your mom asked for my clothes to wash it's really nice of her butt now i have nothing to wear can i ask you for some clothes sure thank you all right okay this is ridiculous you look ridiculous in that huh i'll find something that'll fit you you know my clothes are almost done so you don't need to worry about it well this fits better than my clothes here you go oh thanks yeah this does fit better baba bowie sup guys this video was made possible thanks to hash naras so please consider liking her stuff on instagram and tumblr giving her a follow and even considering donating on a coffee with a three dollar donation all links in the description thank you and as always have a nice day
Channel: Jolyne Meme
Views: 1,606,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jojos bizarre adventure, jojo comic dub jotaro, jojo comic dub, jojo comic dubs, jojo comic, jojo comics, comic dub, jojo, jjba, jojo comic dub kakyoin, jotaro and kakyoin comic dub, jotaro and jolyne comic dub, kakyoin comic dub, jojo comic dub joseph, jojo comic dub josuke, jotaro comic dub, jjba comic dub, jjba comics, jjba comic dub jotaro, jotaro, funny comics, jojo comic dub giorno, giorno comic dub, giorno and jotaro, giorno, hajnarus, jojo comic dub joseph and caesar
Id: 3mSq1hXIdMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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