Jointed Belly Emerald Shiner JerkBait | Build to Catch

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I don't even know how long ago we made a brass belly jointed brass belly jerk bait the belly was jointed and it was made out of brass and it was a jerk bait don't even know how long ago and boy was it bad it didn't catch anything and it didn't work and I modified it like a couple times couldn't make it work now it's time to totally redeem ourselves maybe just myself you weren't involved technically you just watched I'm going to lump you in here it's time to totally redeem ourselves and make a normal not normal this I've never seen this before nothing about this is normal but make nice beautiful round Wood belly with weight in it lead jointed segmented just like the brass one but then you know that wasn't your ring doorbell that was mine by the way anyway let's get to making this I just cut through where I wasn't supposed to what the heck silly me print it off a new one that one's not sliced straight through the Gill I'm going to get all these shapes the lip and the belly section cut out smoothed off and show you guys what we're dealing with [Music] that's the blocked out belly piece right [Music] there quar in eye sockets [Music] [Applause] you want that an exact two- size copy of the template of this bait you're going to I don't mean to spoil anything but you're going to want the template of this bait if you make baits or maybe you wanted the template of the strawberry bait that we made for Chippy or maybe you want just proven amazing templates designed by Yours Truly remove the question of does this bait even work before building it you want that trust me it it can take you to get it right don't take the years take the templates take the fish with your Masterpiece course know how to use these templates perfectly and get to fishing with your Masterpiece it is where the official bait making Community is too bunch of bait makers communing together sharing their Creations discussing things bait making good stuff you get your onetime payment in you get your lifetime access to all this official if you are ready for some official yourself the fish with your Masterpiece lure making course it's all ready for you go check it out link into descript description below wrest I just want to know why you right so I think there are SCH question not are numerous questions that come up in evaluate all different we're going to make space for this belly piece I've been carving out it does not fit right now but it will in a second there we go that's going to hang off just a bit and be able to do that [Music] there's a conversations to be had right [Music] all right I hollowed that hole out a little bit that should be enough lead I'm thinking it's a relatively small jerk bait and that's probably over a quarter [Music] UF 19 drops of the good stuff woo getting splashed by lead sometimes that lead hits you sometimes you got to pick it off your skin cuz it burnt in a little bit and tinker and sometimes heated but usually respectful arguments okay we're getting everything smoothed off all of the hardware in the bait things are going smooth I got high hopes for this thing I'm kind of going out on a limb with that lip angle it's pretty steep if it works this thing's going to be the freaking wobble Master super wide action if it doesn't work I might have to bend it back up with some heat which I'm not opposed to let's get to painting seal the wood and paint the bait here's the snubby little front hook hanger I got to stuff into the segmented part of this just immediately we're not painting we're I'm just grabbing the hook hanger sorry I'll figure out all the hardware for the jointed belly later you can do that on jointed baits figure out how you're going to connect everything later and move on I love doing that just slam that can down there we go this can be dipped I love the translucency of the UV lead hole coverings looks like nothing's there I love that I've been realizing lately how much that helps the little dust particles can like super show up over the wood sealer under the wood sealer in the wood sealer I feel like this is going to be a successful bait good feelings happening now it's going to be sealed as heck see you [Music] tomorrow time for white the heck was even in my airbrush there every time I paint I have to go through the process of spraying isopropyl alcohol and airbrush cleaner through the brush a bunch it just gets sticky in there got to clean it out I got this other Beast I'm going to be painting right here too show you some progress updates on it as we go okay we're going to go dark on top really quick with some raven black it's got Pearl green inside of black I want pearls to be going over dark stuff with this Emerald Shiner paint Scheme this thing is going to be getting a pretty similar paint Scheme cuz it's the paints I have in the brush at the time you know okay I got the Micron the detail brush and it's not a lateral line but it's lavender that's going to go under what I just sprayed and it's kind of line like you know it's not it's not just there it's in a [Music] line it might look like a lateral line to you but it's not don't let that fool you next actually other [Music] bait okay I'm not going to go full neon yellow chartreuse this is going to be little bit of green in there emerald Shiner little bit of green canopy Green Let's see if it's the right flavor that's plent of that too much in fact but we can we can fix it I'm tempted to give this thing just a straight chartreuse jointed belly I don't know yet I need to make the correct decision about that man big baits are so much easier to paint than little ones prepare yourselves for the Iron Wolf fellas it's a good blue because it's not too much [Music] blue see it looks like I just destroyed it but no stuff's going over that blue that will make it not destroyed oh and I know what I'm doing with the belly now I'm iron wolfing it all right we're going to be going for something like that I painted this one first just to practice but that looks good [Applause] all right that matches up pretty sweet never before opened color Elemental bolt I don't know if this bait appreciates being the test dummy for this paint Scheme but it [Applause] is that's the emerald on this Emerald Shiner I think we're about ready for first base coat clear coat I threw some glimmer fin 8 bit bait siren scales into this clear coat it's emerald colored kind of charty gold emerald matches it nice let's do the belly first yeah that's nice look at that belly let's get it spinning everywhere but the eye socket some Emerald shine has been added there's the big [Music] one all right fellas time for tainted Gold All the Way to the Top notice how I pressed the scale material against the entire length of the back and I'm going to be careful putting anything else on I'm thinking pearl white or even a silver just under that tainted gold but that's [Applause] it scale reveal I just realized I forgot to mask off the lip and it got a little pearly we can fix it just ignore it for now we can fix it that are so much fun if you like super super visible tainted gold scales little bit of fairy dust at the bottom I'm going to spray isopro alcohol onto my finger little fuzzy on my finger [Music] there realized that that wasn't quite enough so it's going on a paper towel now little bit more to go towards the top but that's the you know that got it off paint does not like isopropyl alcohol so I think I might put some white scales towards the top of the belly I wanted to do nothing but sometimes you can't do nothing did I just cover up all that detail please show through oh you can see it easy peasy okay we're good I thought I covered up those things what do you even call those I don't know plates looks good looks a lot better with the scales jointed belly it's time for the masking to come off of the face then we'll finish some Minor Details this thing's almost done so imag I got me a dead meat custom ey that's going to match this Perfect final clear coat coming right up [Music] looking gorgeous this Beast needs a clear coat look at all that [Music] so much color that turned out amazing two different scale patterns I am happy with that [Music] all right this thing's looking pretty sweet right about now we have fantastic range of movement I think it's going to knock it's on there I'm going to get the hooks on there let's take it to the test tank my that's just kind of nuts I'm liking this STX 38s right here zo wire nice and light super sharp and strong probably my favorite hook ever I use them on everything if I have them kind of expensive kind of awkward to put a hook on cuz it's so flippy floppy there's a possibility that's that's going to be annoying these hooks are so sharp they're going to stab into that clear coat and maybe do that once in a while hopefully that because the belly shakes that'll just pop loose once you start retrieving finished lure racked air there's a lot of color in that thing blue charty lavender tainted gold Silvers and stuff that hook is in my finger right now I don't even feel it good and sharp let's see how it works I had a dream last night that I ran somebody over in a wheelchair in my car or my truck and it was so devastating I just had to share that with you I was facing legal issues I was I was in a courtroom everybody hated me you ever have a dream like that you just run somebody over in a wheelchair I hope you don't it floats W that's different you can see that belly from the top it's going full Freo mode whoo you guys see the belly looking at it from the top it's doing full side 180s is that making sense when I say that maybe I'm a little too excited to explain this properly because the action's so good that's interesting a jerk bait like this usually doesn't have that much roll that's a lot of roll this is like action cities having an earthquake W it's super consistent stable like I just ripped that faster than anything I've ever ripped in my test tank and it's good that's really really good we got a good bait fellas it floats a little hard other than that we got a really good bait I can probably get it down a few feet still so good this is complete Redemption I think from that other uh jointed brass belly jerk bait jointed normal wooden belly jerk bait with the weight in it works way better so I in made a big oopsie super silly fella me I just completely forgot the SD card for my GoPro chesty It's actually an insta 360 I just call it a GoPro for some reason so this is all we got third person experience get ready for some wind noise sorry maybe it won't be that bad maybe I don't need to be yelling look at all that beautiful artwork we're going to start under the bridge see how it C fast very very nicely that's kind that's the river and that's where the water's coming in and it goes way back here I caught a bow fin right there one time usually you can stand right there not today the water's up a smidget it's going to going to put you guys right here hey this isn't that bad who needs a GoPro you guys are like right here we're we're like buddies right here just over my shoulder I should go get my net since I brought it right what if I catch one can you guys even see it right there sometimes they're in the Rocks right here we got that just left my net back there whatever why not hook up why not hook up did you guys see my rod that's bad oh no that submerged structure oh we got it off cuz I didn't pin it in too hard I haven't had any troubles with that hook tangling up between the belly Gap by the way it's the same day just later in the afternoon hey there was one year I saw a catfish in here it was trapped and I tried to catch it and I didn't yes I'm at the river uh all I can say is that I'll be careful and trust me just trust me guys I'll be careful holy smokes it's official what in the [Music] world uh I'd say that's official that's that's near its face Shad what is this bait called oh my goodness I'm getting all stinky Shad likee jointed belly Emerald Shiner jerk baits it's [Music] official I don't think that one made it very far but it'll feed a big fish regardless it's okay let's go get some more I don't know what do you think was that a legit like that fish track tried to bite this bait kind of catch holy Wier snitel I thought I felt a fish there onto a pond that tree smell smell so good it's kind of rough out here today fellas fish oh my goodness fish on it's been so long since I felt a real fish it's official woo and I was like fish fish fish it's official Pond bass like jointed belly Emerald Shiner jerk baits that was first cast at this spot too so hopefully not the last be free multi-species two species that's a fish right off the bank W oh just about biffed it w that would have been a horrible slide under the water it's official again largies like the jointed belly Emerald Shiner jerk bait you need to be tossed I'm sorry be free nice man we are persevering and catching fish after a long day of KN all day right up until now making it official of course I'm not going to catch another one after my inspirational perseverance speech we're going to hit the bank over here and then go home okay let's go home well it's a fantastic bait it'd work better if the fish were biting I got zero complaints about the action look at this psycho Bush that could kill a man I would say that the jointed belly concept is a success probably going to try to Joint other lure anatomy in the future look forward to that thanks for watching on to the next [Music] bait I love doing that Holy wiener snitel fish I'm getting all stinky
Channel: Marling Baits
Views: 95,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9PJOvVjWwM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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