Join us for AccuQuilt Live with a tutorial featuring the versatility of the Half Square Triangle in

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey quilters and welcome to accu quote live i am pam heller at quilts cutting expert thanks for joining us today happy new year we're getting ready this is our last show of 2020. looking forward to 2021. okay christina's in the house how was your happy birthday christmas week wonderful nice and relaxing we didn't do a darn thing it was lovely look at us in our little crowns we look beautiful our little new year's crayons are you didn't do anything you just hung out no we saw my parents and that was it we just played cards all night excellent excellent we in nebraska had a little bit of snow yesterday a little bit six inches or so so did you dig out of that yesterday or today tim did yeah it's time to breathe yesterday yeah yeah we have a snowblower that has ray's name on it and he just snowblowed he did the neighbors so okay we have neighbors there's brian and chicken brian chicken brown because brian lives on one side and brian who lives on the other side has chickens okay so he helped chicken brian i like that does he know you call him chicken breasts we always call them chicken okay good like to his face and everything hey chicken bread how you doing okay where are people uh watching us from oh lots of people in the snow and we're excited about that somebody had like 12 inches of snow oh people love our crowns i know i'm excited about that all right here is the photo of the day i'm so excited about this okay what is it i want to know because the question of the day is which acuquilt dye did santa put under your tree okay christina do what do you think is going to be people's die i think maybe the gnome but also the no i feel like the arkansas traveler was really popular and maybe a cube or two oh definitely a cube or two so in the comments section tell us what did santa put under your tree i'm going to tell you my two favorite dies of the year um i got them long before santa because sometimes i get to testize which is one of my favorite parts um so of course the pickup truck died right because it was about for me it's pam's pickup i keep trying to tell them the marketing team that we need to change the name of that um and then my very favorite bob dye of all time was the storm at sea oh yes you do love that one i do love that one okay it's hard not to it's beautiful i know it's just stunning it's just any okay now did you love our little pictures and our little while you waited for our show to start listen send us your pictures of your quilts we'll showcase them for you so today we have some this is cindy p and look at this she made her tumbler quilt and this is super cute because totally scrappy she made them all the same colors i really like that good job cindy it almost looks like braided too it does look like braided or what is that called weaving yes okay i'm a quilter i don't weave yes good job cindy p i'm glad we got that okay next we have kathy s okay this was my very favorite picture on social media this week look at her haul okay so she got a go me and she got a cube and she got a whole bunch of dies and she got the christmas stocking dies and a whole bunch of piles of goodies and the look on her face is priceless and i love it tears of joy she's like what am i going to do with all of them she did say in the comment that she was ugly crying when she got it it was ugly crying i know it was really so cute and whoever did this for you kathy good job make sure you had mats yes that's awesome okay next we have roberta h and look at this super cute quilt so this is our cute car and it has a free embroidery download but it also has like for purchase embroidery download files right yeah look at how cute that is oh i love it okay so be sure and share with us the quilts that you've been working on the projects you've been working on and we'll showcase them for you next year okay which is like in three days okay all right today today is the day i get to talk about my all-time favorite shape my all-time favorite shape in the entire quilting world are half square triangles and people ask me all the time why have square triangles do you have any idea christina why they're my favorite i feel like because they're so versatile and you can't do anything yes they're that basic building blocks of quilting and that's what i love about them and the thing about the accuquilt system is that in every cube there are actually two half square triangles there's a big half square triangle which is shape number three and a smaller shape uh half square triangle shape number five and today i'm going to show you a whole bunch of different ways to use just half square triangle dies and then some ways to use them with other shapes to really get those creative juices flowing i just really love half square triangles okay now today because it is the end of 2020 um we're going to give you a code today we're going to give you a little discount because you are our accu-quilt live family you're going to be able to take an additional 15 off your order with the code quilt 15. so christina right on our website there's a whole bunch of discounts right there's currently promotions for the end of the year but this stack's on top so you kind of get a double dip a little bit you get a double dip yeah i love that quilt 15 is the code exclusion supply um they're listed on the website so we're going to talk about the cube system so how much is our eight inch cube today 150 with all of those discounts that's awesome that's awesome okay so use quilt 15. okay cody all year i waited for pam said so it never happened let's hope so for 2021. okay today we're giving away our free go two and a half inch half square triangles multiple die save that also mouthful and a two pack mat and a six by twelve cutting mat to share to win it all you have to do is share our video on your personal facebook page and christina is gonna pick a winner at the end of the show but that's not really true no it's leslie leslie does this the comments go by so fast and i can't see all the shares but leslie can so she sends me the winner oh leslie thanks for sharing thanks for taking care of us see first she thought it was me who picked the winner and then you thought it was christina and now the real truth is that it's leslie all right now we have our first invitation event coming january 5th um it's called the new year new you there is no dieting involved at all okay it starts january 5th 12 noon central time this show is how to like spruce up your quilting space and your sewing space there's going to be great tips and tricks and useful information to register you can click on the link in the comment section or scan the qr code here and it'll direct uh it'll take you directly to the registration page christina why do they want to register so they can win things we're going to give away so much so many prizes so many prizes and you know what i really want i really want somebody to come and clean up my sewing there you go i really would i'm just saying okay this is probably not going to happen but that's okay all right so let's talk about half square triangles so before we talk about specifically half square triangles i'm going to open up a cube because we have them and we can okay now remember all of the shapes and the cubes are the same in every size cube they're they're just different sizes okay so here's our eight inch cube you have to say ta-da when you open it that's a must okay now pull the skinny one first um then you don't break a fingernail okay this has like a cutting mat and a training dvd and a pattern book okay and then we're going to pull these out now remember quilters you want to store your dies like books on a shelf so the cube system does that for you look how nice and organized this is okay if my whole sewing room could look like a cube we'd be we'd be golden okay so we're just gonna go through the um eight shapes real quick don't forget a couple of weeks ago christina didn't we talk about all the shapes in the cube yes we've talked about it quite a bit this month which i love yeah cause the cubes are the perfect system yep okay so the shapes are the same so shape one in every cube is a square shape number two in every cube are smaller squares keep in mind quilters sometimes there are multiple shapes on the die board okay shape number three remember every die is numbered each pocket is numbered so you can organize them shape number three is that larger half square triangle and i'm going to pull that one today because we're going to use it shape number four are quarter square triangles and i'm actually going to pull that because we're going to use that too and shape number five in every cube are smaller half square triangles we're going to use that one today shape number six is not just a square but it's a square on point it's meant to live on its tippy toes i'm going to show you how to make this great black square and square with it so i'm going to pull that one out shape number seven christina what is this shape i can't see it oh a parallelogram parallelograms have you ever cut parallelograms by hand no i don't think i've cut them ever but i wouldn't want to today you should cut some should i with a die okay sure why not okay should i try like cutting it by hand and then try cutting it yeah please please do and then we'll post that okay so parallelograms really hard to cut by hand you have to cut a strip and then you cut at 60 degrees and i don't know it's hard okay i just try to avoid it unless there's a die and shape number eight in every cube are rectangles happen to be two on a die board okay i'm gonna use the eight inch cube today because the eight inch cube for all of those of you who got the ready set go for christmas this is um cayman you're ready set go a new matt christina the best oh my gosh i love a new mat okay so let's talk about half square triangles okay so the first ones we're going to talk about the process of cutting a half square triangle with a rotary cutter to normally to just do it with a rotary cutter you're going to cut a strip of fabric and then you're going to cut a square and then you're gonna mark it and then you're gonna sew it and then you're gonna cut it and then you're gonna trim it and the chances of you cutting a half square triangle wrong are pretty good right i bet have you you've never cut one without never christina's only ever quilted with the ghost system right that's true that is a beautiful thing every you should follow christine is good example okay because that's how i learned how to do that okay so the same thing if they're smaller so half square triangles but i want to talk about this die for a minute because first of all you're going to notice that we cut off the dog ears right here okay so from this point here to this point here is a perfect quarter inch seam okay the guy who designed this he's an engineer he's all about that okay quarter inch seams all right the same here we've cut off the dog ears from here to here is a quarter inch seam so quilters ask me all the time do i cut do i sew a quarter inch seam or a scant quarter inch seam and i'm going to tell you so a quarter inch seam and today i actually brought my sewing machine from home because it has a quarter inch foot on it okay all right so now this is a cool thing um i'll move this real quick miss chelsea so you can see it so underneath here is this really cool quilt that i made for oakley and all it is is just half square triangles okay they came in fat quarters so i just cut them all up it just was totally scrappy i tried to mix like lights and darks together but what a total stash buster because i had these great fat quarters and i wasn't really sure what to do with them so a huge shout out to stephanie jacobson she's part of the omaha modern quilt guild for her inspiration on this idea so first of all if you're thinking half square triangles what am i going to do with them cut them all up and sew them together okay that's exactly what i did here and i truly christina made it random it's beautiful yeah i just took like i cut them up i tried to do like lights and darks and i put them in a pile and then i just sewed them together and because we had that perfect quarter inch seam when i sewed them together they just came together beautifully it looks it looks very intentional even though i know it's very scrappy yeah yeah i mean i just i just really like it so okay so that's the first thing if you have i know you have a stash we've had this conversation okay so with your stash if you're thinking gosh i really just kind of want to dive into it take that larger shape number three half square triangle die and just cut up a whole bunch and sew them together and christine this was really a good size to start with okay um because you know it's like a smaller size for a kid or a lap quilt or those kind of things okay all right so we're going to cut some pinwheels in a second but i want to know what are what people got from santa oh gosh so many people uh martha said that santa gave her the go cubed ultimate die bundle oh my god the big guns she must have been a very good girl i'm very jealous of her i am that's exciting kathy said that her kids got her the go starter kit with the eight inch mix and match okay uh theresa got the pickup the gnome alphabet the house pennants the burp cloth all those project diets yes i love it that is so fun yes that's so fun oh i'm so glad somebody got the ultimate bundle okay all right so next we're gonna talk about how so with my half square triangles i just did them totally random but now you can make pinwheels which are just one of those really basic building blocks right and you can make them with the smaller ones you can make them with the bigger ones you can use them together did you know that our cube shapes work together i know it's brilliant someone who was not me did the math so it works ask christina about me and math yeah about as good as me in math yeah it's just it's just not okay so i'm going to cut some half square triangles and i'm going to show you how i made this pinwheel block now i'm going to tell you quilters um this is just some scrap fabric that i had when you first start using our dies i'm going to tell you to find some scrap fabric and make some test blocks okay because you really just want to make sure that you're cutting them correctly and you're sewing them correctly okay now i'm going to use this die so this is shape number three you'll notice quilters that it's at an angle and the reason it's at an angle is because this is a steel blade and insider cutters are steel rollers so if this was straight on the die board every single time that blade would hit that roller you'd get kind of this jarring effect but if you have just one wheel at it or it's like a speed bump right if you hit the speed bump with both wheels you get that jarring effect but what happens if you take that speed bump one wheel at a time so much easier and smoother okay the same with our dies so when i lay my fabric down i want to find the lengthwise grain because it's nice and tight okay and i'm going to cut oh mary wants to know do you press the seams open with the half square triangles it depends on what you're making mary so hang on one sec okay so i had to think about this for a minute okay so i'm going to cut these and i'm going to cut these okay now if you were just using yardage i would tell you quilters to measure from this point to this point which is four and three quarters inches and just add a quarter of an inch on either side and just rough cut okay um so just like five and a quarter inches okay but i'm just going to use some scraps so i'm just going to show you how to do it all right so here we go and what happens christine if you don't use a mat not a darn thing we all know that now okay now i'm using my go big today but quilters if you own the six eight nine inch cubes you can use any of our cutters including that cute little gomi all right as it's come through the cutter i know it only took like i don't know 12 seconds um static is built up so you want to give it a little love slide don't lift okay now look how perfect these half square triangles came out okay and i just um cut two of each color because i just want to show you how to just do a little chain piecing christina are you a big chain piecer yeah if i can get like a bunch knocked out at once i definitely will right so when i did oakley's quilt i literally sat there with a pile of lights and pile of darks and just chain pieced for days yeah and it's just just so much faster so like on pinwheels i would certainly do the same thing i would cut all of the half square triangles that i would need for my pinwheels right okay so i'm going to put oh look i even brought the right shoes to just flip my feet right off here okay ray suggested that maybe i have slippers for the dream studio that's genius i know he's got me covered here okay all right christina why so tell me now look quilter's here before i start to sew see look right here's that point we're gonna get a true quarter inch seam okay what did santa bring people oh goodness um kelly said that her kids got her some storage space for her 8 million dies 8 million i like that about you um mary says that she's her own santa and she got a 10 inch cube oh good job talk about the 10 inch cube how great that is yes because the numbers are all equal yes yeah um bev said that she got the 10 inch cube with the corners and angles oh that's beautiful yes now listen all you people who got new dies for christmas you need to share your projects with us yes there should be an influx of people making stuff over the next few weeks i'm excited to see what everyone's going to make i want you to know that the day after christmas i had great plans to just like um sew and i just like slept yeah i've been watching movies and netflix and reading a lot oh yeah yeah christina's kind of binge reading yeah it's kind of fun nine books since thanksgiving yeah i can't quit i don't know what the sudden interest is like usually i fall asleep while reading but there you go i don't know okay so with pinwheel blocks quilters you want to press to the dark side so you choose i'm going to choose the orange as my dark side way that is a screaming hot iron okay and yes again thanks to whoever told us to put in a mason jar it doesn't melt the jar it just keeps the little iron from burning contained yep okay now i tell cultures this all the time in cultures i'm going to tell you all the time i'm going to lay out my blocks so i know which way they go okay so here's my little pinwheel block that i made with some scraps from home okay so you'll notice i pressed to the dark side and then when i'm gonna sew my blocks together i pressed one up and one down okay so that they're gonna nest i love a good nest okay so see how that goes together right there all right so i'm gonna sew this black together and christina tell us what did people get from santa um let's see joyce said that she got the three strip dies that she didn't already have oh good job she must have quite the collection i love strip ducks kim said that she's a first time quilter and got the ready set go bundle along with the angles and corners for the cubes oh excellent and barbara got the epp cube oh english paper piecing yes christina's been doing that i love that i did a test block which i think is helpful how'd it turned out okay the second test block turned out a lot better but i finally had the correct needles okay yes needles are important okay so when i sewed these together then my points are going to come together because i press to the dark side okay so pinwheels are one of those great blocks that you can make just all the time so clintus asked me all the time pam really is accu quote better than rotary cutting okay first of all i'd still be cutting half square triangles right and i've actually sewn blocks together okay so with our go products every single time it's going to be accurate you can use up to six layers of fabric so i could cut in one past 12 half square triangles we cut off the dog ears we added that quarter inch seam allowance all right so that's just such a complicated process if you're trying to use a rotary cutter definitely yeah okay next let's talk about geese flying geese in canada do you call them just skis are they canadian geese i think someone's told us that before i know they just told us they were geese and then we should stop asking that okay all right so here's flying geese oh here don't look this is what's coming up holy smokes it's like trying to give away all the products here okay so flying geese christina do you know what's hard about flying geese in the non-accu world i don't so what happens is this is a quarter square triangle and these are half square triangles and the non-accu-quote world it's hard to get those points to come together and like the sides are kind of wonky i met a quilter in st louis she said pam i've only ever made a goose and i said no no flying geese like they're a border around a quilt and she goes no i just made a goose i was like okay so um it's really hard to do that but we have a die that cuts all of the edges and makes the pieces perfect for you okay so we're going to talk about flying yeast and that every cube has flying geese you're going to need shape number four which is the quarter square triangle and shape number five what's my very favorite shape half square triangles okay so again i have some scrap fabric that i'm going to use here um oh there's a pin cushion eric was on vacation like a real vacation i know she she's not answering her phone or anything good that's the best way to do it i told her that okay so here are the smaller half square triangles to make flankies she needs shape four and five in every cube so i want to find that lengthwise green that nice and tight there it is okay and i'm just going to cut a couple of them here oh look i can cut four let's do that okay put on my cutting mat because you can cut six layers christina what are people getting for christmas kathy got a go big yay and the aidan's eight inch mix match so she's grateful for the videos because she says it's a little overwhelming it is yes here if you got a new cutter and if you got new dies go to your stash find some fabric you don't love and just cut fabric practice start cutting stuff up yeah it'll it'll be so amazing when you're done we had a really good comment from connie saying that test blocks make really great hot pads so i think that'd be a really great place to start just like making some test blocks and then making them that's a great idea yeah that's a great idea okay okay so look how fast i cut those little half square triangles all right so miss chelsea i'm gonna get right here so here's my tip of the day when you're doing okay i got to do it this way so i know which side i'm doing okay you're going to lay your blocks like this right so you always lay them out so you know which way they go i start always on the left side because i sew from what is it justin not the fat end to the skinny end oh yes the wide to the narrow end okay so that's what i'm going to do so if i'm cutting half if i'm sewing together flying geese i'm cutting all my half square triangles and all my quarter square triangles now you only need half as many quarter square triangles do some math before you start okay christina what are people saying let's see i know let's see patty said she got the 12-inch cube yay that one's exciting um vivian said she got lots of accu quilt money so gift cards i'm assuming excellent yes kimberly got the gnomes the stocking the pickup see gnomes and pickups i feel like it was the deal oh taylor heather just called imagine that i know imagine that okay we have a great comment from leslie okay she said she started a quilt that requires 256 flying geese and she never would have started it without her dies oh leslie you are so smart absolutely i would never have done that okay so now see how i've done this i've sewn this side so now i'm going to press this away okay okay just like that and then i'm going to sew the other side now some of you are going to say in your quilting head um there's a gap at the top and i'm going to show you in a minute why there is a gap okay so look how that lines up perfectly now see this little notch right here it's okay we cut off the notches we can sew that quarter inch seam okay 256 half square triangles that's our flying geese that's crazy that's so many um mary ellen said that she got the courtyard mary ellen that's a beautiful day that she's going to make a quilt and shades of purple oh please post that very beautiful that would be beautiful okay i'm gonna get my scissors i know my little box of stuff gets more and more okay so now look at this oh louise said that she was able to gift herself the snowball bob the eight inch cube and the 12 inch cube oh she's going to make beautiful things i like the snowball bob okay now i'm going to press away trying not to burn my fingers okay so look how i did this now i really want you chelsea's going to get really close here now some of you are going to say pam hello you did that wrong because look there's a little gap here but christina is that wrong no because when i sew this piece to this piece with my perfect quarter inch seam ta-da okay so let's do that okay so you want to have that little gap on the top it's going to be a perfect quarter inch seam okay i want you to know that it is so cold in here yes we have the air conditioning running it is like 12 degrees outside there's six inches of snow and the foot pedal on my sewing machine is freezing cold and my little bare feet we could have we could have fixed that that's all right okay all right so notice quilters i'm sewing a quarter inch seam alright don't forget to share because we're giving away our two and a half inch half square triangle die and a 6 by 12 cutting mat for the chance to win leslie's going to pick it okay there's a great question from kathy i think we've already answered this but we'll reiterate it one more time what's pam's favorite die pam's favorite diet is the pickup truck the pickup truck not half score triangles oh i have score triangles for days i thought you meant like bob dye or application she doesn't specify oh no a half square triangle is my favorite die all the time yeah okay so look see how that came together perfectly and look you're going to say oh pam you did this wrong because there's a gap here no there's quarter inch seam okay flying geese for days all right don't forget you can take an additional 15 off whatever is already on sale at the accuquilt site use the code quilt 15. our cubes are how much six eight nine inch cubes um they are 150. 150 so it's a total of 32 percent off just about everything so cubes dies cutters yes so it's a great and make sure you get the appropriate size mat yes because what happens if you try to use it out without a darn thing okay so take that promo quilt 15. all right now we have our first invitation event on january 5th new year new you no diets involved it starts at 12 noon century time the lovely eric and i are going to be here we're going to show you how to spruce up your quilting space listen i really want somebody to just come and do mine okay great tips and useful information to register you can click on the link or in the comment section scan the qr code and it's going to take you right to the registration page christina why do they need to register so that they can be eligible for all the giveaways all the giveaways we give away so much i know we have a great time with it all right are you loving half square triangles are they not your favorite shape okay oh here i was going to show you this oh there's such a fun comment from vivian she says tell pam i want to make her some wool slippers to keep her sewing toes warm sold so that's so sweet but it's lovely of you okay um this was a quilt that um leslie pulled for us and it has what shape is this quilter's flying geese flying geese look at that cool block okay this is what shape christina do you know oh i can't see what you're pointing oh sorry squaring a square oh yeah we're on point right squaring point we're going to talk about that next what pattern is this somebody's going to ask 12 inch on point fiesta i know appropriate for the new year make the fiesta quilt that is really pretty it makes me want to have chips and salsa oh yes okay i'm just saying i'm always down for chip you say chips and salsa and i'm you're down my okay my sister betsy her wi-fi is chips and salsa so funny and i think their password is guacamole oh that's the best i know okay hi betsy okay she's like now i gotta go change the wi-fi bathroom because i'm told all of facebook live okay so next we're gonna talk about shape number six okay and this is shape number six and this is not just a square but it's a square on point and it's actually the beginning of one of my very favorite blocks called squaring a square okay now it's a normal square is you're going to measure the sides and they're going to be equal the same with square and point but a regular square just lives on its side on its back we call it a sofa square like in covet just laying on his back watching netflix okay never heard that yes we're all sofa squares but square and point is meant to live on its little tippy toes like a ballerina so the shape you need on the outside to equal a square and a square is what shape shape five which is my very favorite shape a half square triangle okay so we're gonna cut one of these and i have a block made and i want to show it to you in just a second and i realized after i made it that our mats are green darn it i should have done it the other way it's all right okay so here's again look what i'm doing i'm just taking my scraps right just taking my scraps making blocks okay and i can cut two of them all right and half square triangles we need four of them okay so there are two on the die board all right and i'm going to show you this super cool trick because i on the go big and so you can actually cut two dies through in one pass i love a new mat holy smokes okay here we go you ready watch this sometimes i get so excited i forget and i put one in i was like dang i can put the other one in too okay give it some love slide don't lift give it some love slide don't lift okay look how fast we cut these all right now this i'm going to show you how to build this block because i saw somebody on here i'll do it on the gray that way you can see it better i saw somebody on social media the other day and they were a bit confused okay because watch what happens chelsea's going to get a nice close boy do we need to fuzzy our mat here okay so quilters were like this doesn't fit right because see how these little tips come past and these little tips come past okay this is exactly right because i'm going to stitch from here to here and when i pull it back and i'm going to do both sides when i do the other sides it's going to okay so don't stress about this okay no one should stress and this is that perfect like um chain piecing but i'm just gonna do these okay i'm just gonna sew a couple of them and then show you how it works okay christina what did people get from santa donna got uh the gnome gnomes good job donna the snails trail and the northwoods medley i love northwoods medley if you have the northwoods medley and the pickup truck knight and the gnome die you could make such cute things okay so now i'm going to press towards those half square triangles okay and again you're going to say to me pam hello this is wrong because it's hanging over the edge i promise it's not not my first time sewing half square triangles i'm good okay here we go what else did people get debbie got hattie's choice hubby's choice is a really great little dye great for little projects that was one of my favorites um she also got the large crazy quilt die oh crazy quilts brenda said that santa came early all year good job brenda but she's gotten all the new bundles that we've released yay she's been using the bowl cozy every day bowl cozies for days did you not make a ton of bowl of cozies i made two is that oh chelsea made a bunch yes erica made bazillions of them close these for days i want to make them like in the summer time when i'm trying to hold ice cream oh there you go okay okay so now look at you you're all gonna say pam you've done this wrong cause see those little tips but watch this accuquilt magic because now i'm going to lay it it works perfectly so trust the process don't just sew half the block and go oh this doesn't work okay oh mary said that she got the pineapple dye oh mary that is truly one of my favorites because it can be so scrappy yeah we had that really fun one where we made pineapple upside down cake with that and there's one in our gallery right now that's really scrappy which kind of yes made me think i need that one oh yeah you should i love that the idea of like a super scrappy just none of it makes any sense it's just a bunch of pieces because isn't that our life yes super scrappy none of it makes sense okay so now look at this quilters so see how i press this and now my block is perfectly straight okay all right and all right i'm going to show you what i did here okay so this is my squaring point okay so this is such a cool thing if you want a cube you can make this block all right so here chelsea i'll hold it up so here's that shape number six which is square and point and then just like i sewed here see shape number five those are half square triangles then this is actually shape number four which christina what kind of triangles are those shape number four quarter square quarter square yeah quarter i never remember i know it's okay and then the outside is those big half square triangles shape number three so now i've made a square in a square and a square and a square and my block is finished to eight inches oh look at that isn't that super cool here's how you're gonna remember how to make this block shape six shape five shape four shape three six five i know it's amazing okay don't forget all of our acupune live videos live on our facebook page so if you need to come back and review projects that we made today or a few weeks ago or back in july um you can't they just live on our facebook page we have some really good stuff in there oh yeah i mean really good educational kind of thing our youtube page has a bunch of stuff our facebook page has a bunch you could spend the whole day just hanging out with you and me just hanging out with me and christina it'll be fun all right so how does that equal to improve your quilting so back in the september time i had this amazing experience with this outstanding quilter and i was learning all sorts of quilting techniques and the one thing that made the process so much easier with the quilting was that my blocks were cut and pieced together accurately so they weren't offset because when you're trying to quilt them you know if if the line's off then the quilter is going to find the line and so with my accuquilt system all the blocks finished to the same size every single time it was fabulous all right don't forget to share we're giving away our two and a half inch half square triangle multiples die and a uh two pack why two packs christina because you'll wear through the mats way faster than the dice yes thousands of cuts with our dice hundreds of cuts with our mats six by twelve cutting mat be sure to share um leslie will be picking a winner at the end of the show christina will announce it and i will clap there we go there all right next real quick i'm going to talk about parallelograms i know there's a die for that okay but i want to show you just some really quick um projects that you can make using parallelograms and half square triangles to make them okay it's just all about how you place the seam so i'm just going to cut a few small parallelograms okay while christina tells us what did people get um lois received the morning star day i love that guy yvette says hi from new jersey truck the gnome and the camper for christmas oh she did well i think that's the perfect little set i do i do too okay sherry got the six inch and eight inch cubes plus many others lots of cubes were given for christmas lots of cubes you guys all want to watch that video we did a couple of weeks ago about the cubes it was an event right christina yeah it lives on our facebook page okay i'm just gonna rough cut some of this because i can okay oh i do have a ruler this is kind of that's all right there's a lot of people asking if i got the 10 inch cube for christmas christina did get a 10 inch cube and she was so excited about that and why do we want the 10 inch cube christina i i like the 10 inch because it makes those bigger blocks and i really like the big kind of they feel a little bit more modern to me yeah and you know i like to do math yes right i mean that's why i love my 10 inch cube okay listen there's a quilt under this cutting mat so it didn't really want to cut okay all right so i'm just going to cut some i can do six layers i'm just going to cut some little half square triangles and i'm just going to show you how you can make some real fast parallelograms i know it's wonky it's okay because that's the lengthwise green on the other one okay all right ooh becky said that she bought the hunter star as a post-christmas gift to herself oh there you go love that hunter star has been around for a long time it's so classic it's just great i think any time we post about it on like social media it's always the most interacted with yeah oh yeah okay let me just show you parallelograms here and then i'm gonna kind of clean up my space here oh i'm gonna turn off my screaming hot iron okay so the thing about parallelograms um miss chelsea can we have our little graphic back up there so i can see what i'm doing perfect okay so if you're making parallelograms here we go oh there's a really good question from gail yes gail said what is the key to cutting just the right amount of material for the die so you don't waste any of the fabric so gail what you want to do is you want to take your die you're going to take your clear plastic ruler these are what we measured snow with yesterday our whole company so this measure to five inches so i'd add a quarter of an inch and just cut five and a half inches i think the key is that sub cutting just make sure you've got the right size strips to put on there oh yes yes okay all right so now i'm looking here so i can do this one like this and then this one goes like this and now look see those are parallelograms and i know we have a die for that okay but i kind of like to sometimes take half square triangles and make parallelograms with them i it just gives it a different look and i feel like you can just get so much more color in there if you're just using half square triangles to make parallelograms okay or if you want to christine is going to try it this afternoon she's going to use and make half square triangles or parallelograms by hand okay there we go all right the last thing i want to show you oh don't forget our code uh quilt 15. yes you can take an additional 15 percent off yes anything anything after christmas you can order now you can order yourself a christmas if santa didn't get you what you wanted today is the day to get it okay because we have 15 off okay the code is quilt 15. cody there was no pam said so the whole year i waited patiently maybe last year okay this is my final pro tip of the year are you excited yes i know i'm excited so what i did was um i took all of the shapes of the cube and i cut them out of craft foam okay you could use fabric if you have a design wall or felt or whatever you want to so these are the half square triangles that i've that i've cut now um the ones from the cube okay i know you're you will want to write the number like this is shape number three i know this is shape number three i've used it a couple of times okay so um what i did was um so oakley here's a cute little picture of oaks this is her sassy happy new year look okay um so what i did was during the holiday season i gave oakley all of the shapes from my cube and i said sit here and create a block and so she did and she loved them because they were different colors right and they were different shapes and she knew to kind of put them together and then i took a picture of them so that i could um make patterns from them that's so cute yeah so if you're looking for an idea that you want to use with your kids or your grandkids or your nieces your nephews that's this is a great idea but also this is a great idea for you as an adult as a quilter okay so i googled some half square triangle blocks and if you google half square triangle blocks they come up for days look at all of these okay so what you can do is then you can take your pieces um let's just do part of this one down here because i can okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take some of my pieces and i'm going to just make some of this block okay and then okay i can talk or i can think apparently i cannot do both okay and how do we have a show where you i know right everybody's like yep and we know okay and then this hold on hold on so this goes like this and this goes like this it's a good thing you're all here to watch me do we have a comment from someone named pam oh hi pam she says that her husband loves listening in on these shows and many times just tells her to go ahead and order that's so fun i love that okay i can't get my there we go shoo okay and then i have one more so here's my pink and then here's my orange okay so this is the outside of this block now some of you are going to say pam hello this doesn't work right and the answer is yeah it is we remember we cut off those dog ears okay so it's not going to line up together perfectly but indeed it could we did have a question about those dog ears if you could explain them a little bit more yes so in the non-quilting in the non-accuquilt world when you cut a triangle you just cut a triangle and those little points are there and then after you sew a quarter inch seam you have to very carefully so you don't cut off the stitching cut off those dog ears it has nothing oh yes it has nothing to do with puppies puppies somebody asked us about that okay so on lots of our dies we have specialized dog ears so here you can see these half square triangles okay and how they all go together okay so this is my biggest pro tip cut you a bazillion of them and then just make you some and then you can just create your own block yeah i just really love it okay all right let us what's next oh leslie's going to pick a winner christina's going to announce it and i'm going to clap okay are we ready miss christina we have a drum roll please yes all right our winner is ruth kalinowinski kala whiskey ruth good job congratulations okay christina will be reaching out to you to make sure that you um get our gift today thank you for joining us today okay now listen before we sign up for the new year and i tell you what we're going to do next year i want to introduce my amazing accu-quote live team they are so great this team has worked so hard for the last year putting together really really great shows nick is upstairs he is off-site leslie is off-site marissa is off-site but here in the studio we have chelsea come right up here just oh goodness i know everybody gets to wave you can wave as you go by there you go there's chelsea and here's chelsea she does our graphics where so chelsea does our great camera work chelsea graphics she's part of scotty yeah okay yep and justin's gonna come out justin gonna go up he is jefferson he knows about grunge good job he's our producer okay we have our knucklehead back there and then always christina and mike should come on up uh mike also helps with our production team so thanks to all of our acupuncture live team yes we have had an amazing year we are so looking forward to next year okay so now it's going to be a new year and we're going to start the year off right we are going to make little strippy baskets yes using a variety of strip dies make everything super organized i know that's a huge thing everyone does at the beginning of the year yep yes yes yep and so next wednesday 12 noon central time all of our accu-cult lives start at noon central time okay we had a big discussion of whether or not we would be here today because of the snow yesterday but look at us all we all made it nice and safe so is that it i think so okay that's our shrimpy basket this is our strippy basket i'm gonna make one before next week look at this look how cute these are okay that's what we're gonna do next week 12 news central time all right listen on behalf of our entire accuquilt team here i'm pam hello reminding you that at accu quote we
Channel: AccuQuilt
Views: 7,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LkhJTlso_f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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