John Wick Origins – Before The Movies, Before He Became The Legendary Hitman, His Tragic Backstory

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foreign Origins the comic book backstory explored the perfect Revenge story coupled with a protagonist who has superhero-like characteristics sounds like a perfect comic but material doesn't it while the legendary assassin is widely known for his exploits in the movie series the idea of a comic book Tracing his Origins was quite Innovative the initiative was taken by Dynamite comics who created a comic book story arc that serves as a prequel to The First movie in a franchise in this video we will explore this backstory of John Wick that explains how he got into this Bloody Business in the first place before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you and let's begin what drove John Wick to become the man he is in order to find the answer to this question let us look back at the comic book story arc featuring The Character The Narrative opens in El Paso Texas where John Wick walks into a diner and orders himself a pie as the lady takes his order another man who was already sitting there with a lady seems to be quite annoyed about his Services it seems like he has waited quite long for a stake and he isn't too happy about Jon being attended to before he receives his order the waitress offers Jon to sit at a counter if he wants some peace and quiet and he is quick to suggest that he would like nothing more than some quiet time the man and the lady seated at a restaurant seem to be planning something unlawful for tonight but John Wick doesn't pay much attention however when Jon gets his pie serve before the man gets his stake is livid he even tries to provoke John Wick but the waitress requests him to maintain peace in the Eatery to which Jon coldly suggests that he only likes to be quiet up to a point meanwhile the man and the lady leave the restaurant because of the delay and Jon sets out after finishing his meal he checks into a hotel and takes the top floor even though the hotel manager suggests that the ground floor might be cooler once again John Wick's love peace and quiet is established as he prefers the top floor only because it will keep him away from all the commotion his love for Animals is also evident although he feeds a cat here instead of a dog we got a brief flashback of a young John Wick who appears to be a street urchin on the streets of el sazel Baja California he is known to be running away with a couple of grand stolen from three renowned Thugs and one of them named Buffalo is not too pleased about the theft another one named Pecos is not taking this too seriously but they are all chasing Young Jon through the streets unfortunately Jon is far too quick and agile for them and he jumps over a tall wall suddenly one of them fires a missile launcher which causes massive explosions in a nearby ghetto-like habitat as the survivors are running around the gangsters shoot them dead for for fun and a massacre unfolds for no good reason John Wick manages to get away but he watches the Carnage helplessly from a distance it can be assumed that these people meant a lot to him and he probably grew up among them this might be his early days for the seasoned assassin but his compassionate side is already there for the viewer to witness it is soon revealed going ahead that much of Jon's Journey so far has been in a quest for Revenge he wants to bring Justice to those innocent people who lost their lives 12 years ago and he will stop at nothing to ensure that the wrongdoers quit what they deserve thus according to the comic books this event is a key factor in shaping John Wick to be the person that you see in the movies and it also offers some insights into his origin story he probably grew up as an orphan and made a living by stealing and being a part of other small crimes on the streets this massacre cost in retaliation of a small theft by Jon made him lose all the people that he probably held dear and this fueled his constant urge for revenge and turned him into the dreaded assassin that we know today thank you how did John get introduced to the Continental Hotel have you watched movies you're quite familiar with importance of Sharon Winston's concierge at the hotel Continental he has always been around to bring John all the resources and help that he needs and a comic book explains his loyalty to the Hitman the top floor room that John checks into is right next to Sharon's apartment and we realize this when a cat wakes John up in the middle of the night he stares into Sharon's apartment from his window and Sharon stares back at him but debrief confusion is quickly broken by a sudden turn of events Sharon is hell at gunpoint by a group of men and we can see the earlier man from the diner as a part of the gang John Wick decides that it is time to step into the action and doesn't think twice before picking up a pillow and using it like a protective shield as he breaks through the window after leaping from his hotel room it makes quick work of the Thugs and soon everyone is unarmed and lying around injured demand from the diner tries to load his gun to shoot Jon but he quickly gets his arm broken however John Wick makes it clear that he is not there for the errors and it is revealed that Pecos the man from Jon's past life is also a part of the group Pecos is quite confused about the intention of Jon and he demands to know his true identity 12 years ago and Mexico are enough hints for Pecos to understand who he is dealing with and he tries to sweet talk the Assassin to stall his advances He suggests that he is glad Jon survived the onslaught and he seems eager to get Jon back into their business however all this is just deployed to delay Jon and prepare an attack and soon Pecos draws his gun to shoot him dead but he forgets that it is John Wick whom he is dealing with the man strikes quicker than lightning and before you know it Pecos is lying dead but fatal bullet injuries Jon collects his phone in purse and this is when he and Sharon acknowledge each other it is clear that they already know each other and Sharon asks if he is into business Jon reveals that the whole thing is personal and Sharon doesn't probe any further the other Thugs who were briefly relieved when Jon said that he only came for Pecos suddenly have something to worry about as Sharon picks up his gun shoots them all dead he then assumes that Jon must also be after pecos's accomplices Buffalo and Billy and reveals that they are both members of the local Continental Hotel this gives them a certain advantage over John Wick but Sharon is willing to introduce Jon to the institution as payback for saving his life however it also makes it clear that Jon will have to obey and respect the rules of the house which all moviegoers are familiar with they make their way out of the apartment and we see a specialized waste disposal fan appear to clean the bodies as Sharon bribes a cop on the scene with a gold coin unknown to both Sharon and John the lady from the diner has witnessed the whole thing and she reports the entire event to someone named Maria she seems to be a crime Lord with significant command and she wants to issue a hit job for the unwelcome freelancer in the town John Wick meanwhile Sharon leads Jon to the Continental El Paso and is not as Grand as you have seen in the Continental hotels in the movie franchise nevertheless it is still a place of great significance and Jon is introduced to the facility courtesy of Sharon the insides of example however are just the same and friends and foes in the Underworld have gathered together to share a drink and find a safe nesting place as per the rules no violence is permitted on Continental grounds and it is a strictly diplomatic playground for the assassins John Wick's Revenge mission is more complicated than he realizes just as Jon has barely stated himself add to Continental Bar area where he approaches him with a few sarcastic words indicating that she is well aware of his antiques all her men in a room [ __ ] their firearms and even Jon reaches out for his but the build-up is quickly settled by Sharon who reminds everybody of the non-violent rules of the hotel he makes it clear that as long as Jon is on Continental grounds he enjoys the protection of the hotel and even Jon must abide by these rules this forced amicable settlement briefly calms the nerves in both sides and Sharon tells Maria about the attack on him by Pecos and his men demanding to know if she had employed him we quickly get to see that Maria is a smart lady and she quickly dissociates herself from Pecos suggesting that he had gone Rogue she also thinks John Wick for taking care of her Rogue employee and offers him any work suitable for his skills the Baba Yaga of the Assassin world is not too Keen to take up the offer and clearly states that he would like to continue as a freelancer Maria is quick to remind him that this business does better when people do not bring their personal matters into the professional fold and she leaves meanwhile Jon plays a master stroke and uses pancreas phone to chat with Buffalo he makes Buffalo believe that Billy the other member of the notorious Trio is behind the attack and makes it look as though Pecos is injured but not dead he suggests that the Billy has gone crazy and buffalo might be next on the list as Pecos is using John Wick to hunt him down the deception works wonders and soon Buffalo's men are seen stalking John through the streets he leads them to a vacant building and Billy's men are also there looking for John Wick a brief conversation between Buffalo and Billy reveals that they have both been conned by The Hitman and both have been led into thinking that the other one is after their life just their men are about to join forces Jon drops something from above and the sudden steer in this tense situation causes demand to mistake this for an attack by the other side they all start shooting each other and by the time they realize they are being played half the men are done for John Wick appears and takes down buffalo and Billy's remaining men effortlessly and they watch helplessly they planned one last attack but Jon repels it quickly enough before having them cornered Billy and buffalo want to strike a deal with Jon in order to survive but the Hitman holds them responsible for the death of 53 innocent people in that fateful day 12 years ago at this point Buffalo reveals something that changes the Dynamics of the entire Revenge Saga he claims that none of the trio was involved in the massacre and it was the act of a twisted young woman named Calamity who worked with them she was the crazy one who fired a missile launcher and from the looks of it she enjoyed all the violence and bloodshed Buffalo and Billy claim to have taken care of her but that is not going to stop Jon from sparing their lives luckily for them their men managed to create some distraction for the Hitman as they barely managed to escape their lives they make a frantic phone call to Maria who seems quite amused by the turn of events she sends a card to summon John Wick as her guest and the man obliges and heads back to the Continental but the simple Revenge story has become a lot more complicated who is Calamity and where is she now can Jon finally put his psychological demons to rest and punish every single one involved in that Massacre stay tuned to find out his Calamity one of the most Twisted John Wick villains back into Continental El Paso John Wickes once again approached by Maria to serve as one of her henchmen she warns him that refusing to serve one of the official organizations could make him stand out as a threat to all thereby endangering his life but Jon persists with his idea of serving independently Maria walks away suggesting that she had to try one last time and she steps into another room where Buffalo and Billy are waiting they give her a marker each a Blood Oath for her in favor of saving their lives but little do they know that they are soon about to be deceived Maria commands them to kill John Wick as payback for the marker and both Buffalo and Billy are shocked by her demands she suggests that they should make use of one of their Aces and the men are in two minds regarding enlisting the services of this deadly killer finally they realize that they have no choice and head out to a mental institution where Calamity spends her days locked up in in a Cell her first appearance makes her stand out as one of the creepiest villains in the entire John Wick Rogues Gallery she has an uncanny smile on her face and the walls in her cell are sketched with Vivid details of murder and destruction her doctor suggests that there has been no major improvements in her psychotic behavior in spite of all the medication but Buffalo suggests that he is more interested in the old Calamity for their purpose they probably bribe the authorities because soon the doctor says that after spending a little over 10 years in treatment Calamity is now free to go even Calamity is amused by this sudden turn of events but she is more than ready to embrace the life of violence and murder once again the moment she has handed a weapon she turns on to doctor and her staff and kills them all she tells a bewildered Buffalo and Billy that they did not treat her very well and had it coming she learns details about John Wick and how he has killed every single man sent after him by Buffalo and Billy Calamity is dismissive of the man and she shows no signs of remorse regarding killing all those people back in the day she sends out a message into common sense assassins group requesting a capable cleanup crude for a hit job on John Wick this alerts Sharon who has already brought in a doctor to treat Jon's wounds from the previous fight the man is adapted to Jon for saving his life and he leaves no Stones unturned in trying to ensure that Jon is safe and sound everyone seems to know about the dangers posed by Calamity and she is more like the Joker in the John Wick Universe several assassins try their luck and the body count Rises as John Wick takes care of these threats without much trouble amidst this chaos and fighting Maria drives up to John in her car along with her henchmen she extends her offer yet again suggesting that Calamity is only testing Jon with these assassins before she comes herself however Jon sticks to his position of freelancing and he seems prepared enough to handle the ruthless chaos that Calamity brings it all boils down to the final showdown John Wick's Redemption are the final chapter in The Revenge Saga Jon makes a call and offers Buffalo and Billy an opportunity to end this unending struggle quickly He suggests a final meeting at aquarium Northwest of town and Calamity is amused by the location because it is far away from any innocent civilians she simply cannot make sense of the fact that John Wick has this Compassion or collateral damage and just for fun she fires another shot from her missile launcher at a nearby building her actions only make Jon more determined than ever to deliver his brand of Justice he rides on a motorcycle and evades the constant barrage of her shots and her henchmen when he gets a call from Sharon The Trusted concierge informs him that such chaos will not be tolerated in the likes of Billy Buffalo and Calamity will be taken cared off by the organization he advises John to drive away because he has already won but the latter wants to stick around to make sure that there are no slip UPS this time she soon shoots the tires of Jon's bike and causes him to be cornered by constant gunfire as the last resort Jon gets a hold of Billy and keeps him hostage but Buffalo and calamities soon turn to tables on him and threatened to kill innocent civilians held at calamity's gunpoint Billy warns John that she is not in the right state of mind and wouldn't be wise to test asked her he also reveals the Twisted origins of Calamity where she was found in a box in the woods she was raised like a coyote in a cage and her animalistic Tendencies never went away despite all the training realizing the hopelessness of the situation John gives up his hostage but he also makes a crucial phone call to Maria he tells her that he is ready to accept her offer and she immediately calls Buffalo to end hostilities in order to ensure the safety of John Wick she also sends in the cops but calamities too much of a wild child to be controlled in a brutal final shootout Buffalo and Billy are killed by Jon who hesitates for a second before putting a bullet in Calamity after learning about her tragic Origins eventually he is forced to shoot her once she is about to do the same it all ends with Jon back at the Continental where Sharon wants to summon the medical services to treat his wounds but Maria steps in and states that it would no longer be necessary because Jon is now taken cared of the story ends with Jon becoming an asset for Maria and her hit jobs and we get the hand of how Jon ever became formally inducted into this business [Applause] is this origin story canonical and does it fit into the movies before the comic books hit the shelves the editor of Dynamite comics revealed that they had the blessings from all the creative minds involved in the making of the movies even Keanu Reeves was readily on board for the retelling of his origin story and dynamite roped in a seasoned Marvel and DC writer Craig pack for the role it is fair to call the comic books canonical because they not only mimic the likeness and intensity of the character but also retain crucial elements from the movies besides having the green light from the makers makes it canonical by default while the story does connect few dots from the movies it doesn't exactly spell out every little detail the movies for instance are known for creating an air of mystery around characters and the comic books only sheds light partially on these Mysteries the comic book story does not explain how Jon found his lady love and became a changed man following their relationship it also does not introduce produce a key character Maria in any of the movies and you will be left wondering about the consequences of their partnership on the other hand there are some clear hints to the past life of John Wick The Narrative explains why Jon is so compassionate which is probably a result of growing up in poverty as it turns out he has always been a character with soft spot for animals but instead of dogs he is shown caring for cats into comic books one of the most important links between a comic book and the first movie is the explanation behind his relationship with the Continental Hotel one might assume that Winston the manager of the Continental Hotel in New York pulled him into this world but the comics revealed it was actually Sharon behind the introduction he was the one who first brought Jon into Continental El Paso and the story also reveals why Sharon is so eager to help Jon in the movies after all he owes his life to the Baba Yaga of the Assassin World overall the comic books have created a great open-ended platform where a lot more can be added to the character and subsequent editions John Wick's extensive career as a Hitman has several faces and there can be a few more issues to bring more clarity to defense let us know in the comments below what you think of the entire John Wick story arc from the comic books and also tell us what do you think this is the perfect prequel narrative foreign
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 281,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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