John Wick: Chapter 4 - Movie Review

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foreign I love these movies [Music] so John Wick chapter 4 is the fourth chapter in what we call the absolutely amazing John Wick series after the events of chapters two and three the table it's pretty much the John Wick Illuminati they're the the Council of this underworld of Assassins they want John Wick dealt with Phil Skarsgard plays the one leading that charge and now John Wick who for two movies now has heard that beep beep beep sound in his ear because he's been at minimal HP he's licked his wounds he's healed up now he's back to full HP and now yes he's here to play you want to hear about the action right well we gotta talk about the characters first first of all I mean I'm convinced Keanu is the only one who could keep this franchise going this long because he's he's so Keanu on screen in a way that no one else could be yeah I would be shocked if I learned he had more than 10 lines in this entire film but I kind of see his character kind of see John Wick as the penitent one in silence and blasphemy as a game which I love where is Blasphemous 2 information I just want a trailer come on dependent one he never talks but he is the vessel taking the audience through this Odyssey through this world of rules and lore and it's kind of what John Wick is there are supporting characters in this film which Hammer home the dramatic moments John Wick's language that he communicates with the audience is one of action but it's done so well it's a communication that still does hit it's it's a language all its own that they absolutely nail in John Wick but the support characters in this film I thought were great Bill Skarsgard I will use the word magnificent because that's that's the kind of character he is he's a magnificent character absolute douche total prick in that John Wick kind of world it's a world of fashion and Flair big Cathedrals huge art galleries amazing suits and that's why we watch it and he's the guy who wears the most expensive [ __ ] but doesn't have one tenth the class I thought he was great Donnie and his character I felt lend some complexity but also amazing physicality because it's Donnie and in a John Wick movie of course you're going to use his physicality different characters giving different fight Styles the movie never feels redundant and that's saying something 2 hour 45 minute action film a two hour 45 minute action film that's the fourth film in the franchise also Donnie Yen plays a blind badass like in Rogue one this is kind of funny to me and it totally works it's like oh blind Donnie Yen so he's gonna [ __ ] everyone up everyone knows that they're about to shed their mortal coil great as long as I know it totally works for former Jedi and John Wick characters that's kind of that's the realm John Wick's playing with here ever since the first John Wick when we got to the Continental in the first John Wick I was like there is something comic book flavor in here and I love it let me just slip into it like a warm bath and four continues to play with it amazingly also Shamir Anderson's character true wild card also he has the dog he's the dog element he's the one with the attack dog that assists him because it's not a John Wick film without a dog as for the action sequences incredible I think is putting it mildly because at this point you feel like okay it's the fourth John Wick movie I've seen it all before but not like this the John Wick movies do a good job at escalation you know yeah in John Wick movies before you've seen shootouts you've seen hand-to-hand combat you've seen hand weapon combat you've seen human body versus automobile combat but not like you've seen it in John Wick chapter four it just does an incredible job at making you feel like this is the first time you've experienced a John Wick film usually that's something that the first sequel has to deal with like how do we make two not feel like one this is the fourth chapter the fourth installment still feels new there was actually an action sequence in here I was like I said to the dude to the left of me I know him don't worry it wasn't weird not like I was like Hey dude I never met before I went dude this feels like a video game and I meant that in the best way possible and he replied it feels like Hotline Miami my response was can I use the video thank you Aaron I appreciate it this is the perfect way to describe it I was watching it I was like this is Hotline Miami and I know what you're thinking we've seen action sequences I feel like Hotline Miami not like this I never felt the two hour 45 minute run time at no point did I feel like I was watching a movie that was almost three hours it always had great momentum it was always being pushed forward and they used all of that time to introduce characters that are actually interesting characters you wouldn't mind seeing in the future possibly in spin-offs I know we're already getting a spin-off about the Continental I would not mind to spin off about Donnie Yen's character John Wick chapter four Nails it you know so often in movies you see characters that feel shoehorned into the movie to set up for a spin-off that no one asked for but that's the sole reason they're there John Wick chapter four the characters are interesting in the movie they make sense in the movie and you want to see a spin-off because you want to see more of those interesting characters that's how it should be in the end what they delivered here wasn't just a John Wick movie it's a John Wick Odyssey and John Wick chapter 4 is a testament to the John Wick films being among the cleanest and most satisfying action films we get in current Western Cinema as for the negatives in John Wick chapter 4 well I guess that's that satisfying that's the word for John Wick chapter four or if you prefer awesome tacular it has the style the Flair and the world of rules that we know and love from a John Wick film also the action they know the audience is craving at this point they dial it up to 11. you know when people say oh everything's bigger doesn't necessarily mean better I don't mind saying John Wick chapter 4 is bigger and better than chapters two and three all right so John Wick chapter four have you seen it what did you think about it or how do you rank the John Wick films whatever you think comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see more [Music]
Channel: Jeremy Jahns
Views: 672,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john wick, chapter 4, review, movie review, keanu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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