The Terminator (1984) - MOVIE REACTION - First Time Watching!

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[Music] hello there and welcome back to my channel i can't believe these last two months i've finally gotten to see all of the star wars films i honestly loved them all with the exception of the last jedi i was a little wishy-washy on that one but i honestly loved all of the star wars films i thought they were incredible the the original trilogy was incredible and i even liked the sequels i know a lot of you guys out there did not like the sequels but i personally liked some of them um with like like i said with the exception of the last jedi that one was just really out there but i really like the film so i'm i'm happy to finally kind of be wrapping up the skywalker saga i'm i'm glad i got to see rogue one and han solo just to get to fill in the gaps and learn more about the characters i'm excited for for future star wars films and shows i'm super excited for the ahsoka show especially after the cosplay that i just did i am just so excited for that ahsoka show i can't wait for that to come out let me know if you guys are all so excited to see the ahsoka show i think it's going to be amazing um but today we're going to be switching it up we're moving on from star wars and we're going to be doing something different something we're going to be watching a different movie and a lot of you guys have been recommending this movie to me for months now in the comments a lot of you guys recommended this and the movie we're gonna be watching today is the terminator from 1984 i think it is and you guys know i mean i think you guys know i feel like many of you guys know by now that i love 80s films all of these 80s films that i've seen so far have been incredible like i'm convinced that the 80s was just like a god tier for for movies like the movies that have come out of the 80s have just been incredible the ones that i've seen and so i'm really excited to watch this terminator not only because it's from the 80s and i'm expecting it to be freaking cool um but i noticed that the director james cameron um is directed this movie and also directed aliens and i loved the aliens movie i thought aliens was incredible i know james cameron directed that which came a couple years after this movie the terminator so i'm really excited to see this i kind of have pretty high expectations because it's james cameron directing this film so i imagine this is going to be an incredible movie i know arnold is in this movie but other than that i know nothing um kind of just over the years you know i've kind of heard the you know pieces of the movie of the terminator like i'll be back um i think that's from the terminator i've heard that growing up as a kid but i just never got around to seeing this film but today's the day we are going to be watching the terminator and i am so excited i hope you guys are too so grab your chicky nuggies grab your chalky milk and let's jump in [Music] i don't know why i'm so anxious for this los angeles 20 29 a.d oh wow 20 29 20 20 wait 20 29 that's only like seven years from now oh wow wow what is going on the machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire their war to exterminate mankind had ranged for decades or raged for decades but the final battle would not be fought in the future it would be fought here in our present tonight i can't do it i'm honestly i'm i'm expecting some one-liners like a bunch of one-liners because when we saw predator there were so many one-liners that arnold said and i kind of expect the same thing in this movie that was kind of an 80s thing wasn't it to have like those little one-liners and things written by james cameron i didn't realize he wrote it too los angeles 1984 oh [Music] what the heck is going on oh whoa i didn't even see the dude there crouched over oh it's arnold oh my god took me a second it took me a second to register that that was him oh my goodness what's wrong with this picture oh boy yeah where did he come from he just like appeared in the smoke nice night for a walk wash day tomorrow nothing clean right you're close give them to me now you [ __ ] dang did he he ripped did he pull something out of that guy he looked like he had something in his fist like his heart or something wait what [Music] okay so this is a different guy that appeared okay so the lightning they're like appearing out of the lightning i wonder where they're coming from oh he's got some like scars on his back he took the home this guy's pants what day is it the dates well may thursday what year maybe he's like a time traveler or something what year that's what something like a time traveler would ask year is it what is that from is that from jumanji what year is it what year is it uh it was brand new no what year is it rest in peace robin williams i love jumanji so i wonder why the cops are looking for him like he literally just appeared out of nowhere and was putting on this homeless guy's pants and the cops were just like hey you stop right there like why were they stopping him i guess is what i'm trying to figure out like why were they stopping him in the first place dang cops just left the gun sitting in there like that they just left the door open and had a had a shotgun sitting in there this movie is just starting out i have a ton of questions i'm just i wonder where the where they're from sarah connor okay i've heard of sarah connor i hear i've heard that sarah connor is like one of the most badass women in movies next to ellen ripley i don't know why but we're gonna find out so i'm excited for this i just hear she's a badass whoa yes we're ready to order now yes ma'am [Music] having a rough day no oh look at this way in a hundred years who's gonna care phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range hey guess what you see pal the uzi nine millimeter plasma rifle you know your weapons buddy any one of these is ideal for home defense rifles you can take right now you can't do that dude oh my god he just loaded the shotgun and shot the guy oh my god i don't care what you're doing come and get me what hey man you got a serious attitude problem he's got a serious attitude problem okay so hold on they both appeared out of lightning and are both looking for sarah connor they both looked her up in a phone book there were so many sarah connors in there like how do they know which one is heard a few moments later sarakana yes oh my god that wasn't even her oh my god thank goodness it wasn't but like there were so many sarah connors in that phone book so are they planning on just connor 35 mother of two brutally shot to death in her home this afternoon you're dead honey is he just gonna go through like every single sarah connor until he finds the right one you're just gonna kill them all and this guy's after sarah connor too we i just don't know why i don't know if he's trying to kill her as well but clearly uh arnold is trying to kill her uh okay so this was like the in the beginning that we saw in 2029 in the future yeah so they they might they must be from the future holy sh wow wow so that tractor that tractor in the yard that he was just staring at reminded him of that one which it kind of looks similar in some ways oh my god [Music] [Music] um okay so that looked a lot like what we saw in the very beginning when it said it was 2029 so i'm guessing that that's the like the future but that's the future is like this apocalyptic war ridden wasteland and they this guy and arnold have time traveled to this time period so she must have something to do with it oh look at her hair the poof oh my gosh what a vibe that is an 80s vibe right there there you are young man you mind your mother oh iguana music's changing up a little bit music is making me feel like someone's watching her and sure there was i wonder if they're both trying to kill sarah connor but why i can hear it now he's going to be called a goddamn phone book killer phone book killer yikes okay so they're trying to get a hold of all of the sarah connors two hours ago 35 year old sarah anne connor was pronounced dead at the scene in her santa monica park earlier today in her home now police are refusing to speculate on the apparent similarity between these shooting deaths i'd be freaking out a little bit if i was here oh man oh god yeah if i i feel like if i were her i would stay somewhere that's public stay like in a public area where other people can see all the lines are busy i feel like arnold's a bad guy in this movie arnold feels like a bad guy like he's like hunting down people and killing them and i have no idea why is he at her house right now oh iguana [Applause] [Music] oh oh my gosh and she has no idea what's going on just her music's too loud uh he's just he's just a cold-blooded killer he's just killing everyone oh my gosh i think that there's somebody after me uh i hope that you play this back soon i need to come and pick me up she thinks someone's after her she just gave away her location oh my god now he definitely knows where she is [Music] no and now he knows what she looks like now don't worry i won't i just relax can you tell me where you are hey wait a second that guy was this other detective dude wasn't he in the alien movies he was an avp and he was an alien he was wes oh what's his last name dang i forgot his i forgot his name but he was in the uh alien movies right yeah he was the robot in the alien movie yes he totally was it just just sparked my memory [Music] oh my god and she has no idea oh my god girl get out of there get out of there he's gonna see you oh no there are bulls in there oh no [Music] oh my god [Music] [Applause] oh my god wait the other guy just saved her life [Music] get out of there sarah you should have been out of there already girl i don't know what you're still doing there why are you still there thank god this dude over here is helping her out oh my god holy [Music] come with me if you want to live i remember i remember hearing that as like a one-liner wow so that's where that's from i honestly thought he was after her too but i'm glad that he's there to help her out i thought she was a goner for sure wow he's got like predator type vision it's not quite thermal vision though is it it's not really thermal it's like red [Music] oh my gosh he is indestructible [Music] he's like indestructible and emotionless he shows no he has like no emotion whatsoever his face seems to never change he seems kind of normal do exactly what i say exactly don't move unless i say don't make a sound unless i say he's in the alien alien movies too isn't he now that i'm getting a better look at him i think he's also in in uh aliens it's interesting that james cameron and he's uh like the same actors in his movies i think that's cool actually if anything it's kind of six the sign to cool you you've been targeted for termination you've been targeted for termination [Music] light bulb just turned on in my head he's the terminator of course i don't even know what that means though what does that mean he terminates people like he just that's why they call him the terminator because he's trying to terminate people oh i guess that does i guess that checks out then why his like why he seems so robotic because he's a robot he's a machine oh not a robot oh a cyborg not a robot a cyborg okay i guess that makes sense why he's he's like no emotion why he's virtually like indestructible you know he got like shot and burned and he was still just going on like nothing was wrong like unfazed cyborg wow so is this guy a cyborg too then are they both cyborgs are they both terminators or is this there's an infiltration unit part man part machine underneath it's a hyper alloy combat chassis fully armored very tough but outside it's living human tissue flesh skin hair blood look reese i don't know what you want pay attention i can ditch this car the 600 series had rubber skin we spotted them easy 600 series human very hard to spot i had to wait till he moved on you before i could zero him oh wow they cannot make things like that yet not yet not for about 40 years are you saying it's from the future one possible future from your point of view i don't know tech stuff then you're from the future too is that right right right she thinks he's crazy cyborgs don't feel pain i do listen and understand okay terminator is out there he's not a cyborg then it can't be bargained with it can't be reasoned with and it absolutely will not stop ever until you are dead wow well why her can you stop it yeah how are you supposed to stop them if they're like weapons i don't know oh man he has no eyebrows where his eyebrows burned off when he was in the fire the eyebrows are gone yeah they gotta get out of there they should probably like leave the city and go somewhere completely different why me that's what i'm wondering why her what does she have to do with this what does she have to do with the cyborg it was a nuclear war a few years from now all this this whole place everything it's gone defense network computers new powerful i hooked into everything trusted to run it all they say it got smart a new order of intelligence and then saw all people oh man this is this is like a robot taking over the world kind of thing huh extermination i never realized that's what this movie was about it's a cool concept though [Music] and are the cops looking for them or the other guy i grew up after yeah they are looking for them i guess starving hiding from hk's [ __ ] case most of us were rounded up putting camps for orderly disposal oh my god spread it by laser scanner wow to work loading bodies the disposal units ran night and day but there was one man who taught us to fight to storm the wire of the camps to smash those junk so the cyborgs forced the remaining humans to work oh i just got chills oh man so her son was leading like the fight in the future against these cyborgs so now they're coming back into the past to try to kill her right so that he never gets born that's what i'm thinking so that he is never born and then and then he yeah and then he won't be leading the fight because he would have never existed sorry keep your head down oh my god got that shotgun hanging out the window oh my god oh my gosh no no no they'll kill you let me see your hands i feel like he's gonna oh he's not even in there where did he go oh my gosh i thought he was i thought he was just gonna pop up out of nowhere and start killing everybody honestly oh my gosh geez she must be traumatized after all that like just that's a lot she's had a lot thrown on her today are you sure it's now i mean maybe i should look at the bodies no they've been identified oh and she just found out her friend her friend was killed ginger sarah this is dr silverman hi sarah i want you to tell him everything that rhys told you do you feel after that i guess so your doctor criminal psychologist is rhys crazy criminal psychologist what the heck i don't know why but i thought arnold was like the good guy in terminator i don't know why oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] god that's nasty so you're a soul so like i was right he really is like basically a robot in flesh that's pretty crazy he's it's like wearing a skin suit almost right this is great under john connor who was the enemy again a computer defense system built for sac norad by cyberdyne systems i see the computer just kill conor then why this elaborate scheme with the terminator it had no choice their defense grid was smashed we'd won taking out conor then would make no difference skynet had to wipe out his entire existence when you captured the lab complex and found that um what is it called they don't believe him the time displacement equipment that's right how are you supposed to get back i can't nobody goes home nobody else comes through it's just him and me whoa so can he heal then he has like skin on the outside of his oh oh oh my god [Music] oh my god i can't believe that oh god that was gross oh my god i think it was the scalpel to the eyeball that was really making me cringe there dear god oh wow oh he's yeah it's a terminator eyeball whoa this is great stuff i could make a career out of this guy you see how clever this part is how it doesn't require shred of proof most paranoid delusions are intricate but this yeah see they think he's having paranoid delusions i'm sad they don't believe him skynet knew almost nothing about conor's mother i mean would you like if you were one of these police officers hearing this like what would you think you know you'll find her that's what he does you can't stop him he'll wait through you reach down her throat and pull her heart out so rhys is crazy in technical terminology he's a loon sarah this is what they call body armor our tac guys wear these stop a 12-gauge round this other individual must been wearing one under his coat feel it what about when he punched through the windshield he was probably on yeah broke every bone in his hand and wouldn't feel it for hours i don't think any of these people are going to be able to help her either i think this other guy um his name was rhys i think i think he's really seems to be kind of her only hope right now he's the only one that really seems to know what's going on and they've got him locked up oh he didn't even see him friend of sierra connor i was told that she's here could i see her please no can't see her she's making a statement i'll be back there it is that's the that's when i that's the one-liner that i've heard before like growing up i'll be back oh man it is pretty cool to see it in context [Music] oh my god get out of there sarah you are not safe girl you gotta get out of there [Music] oh my gosh stay here stay here get out of there get out of there [Music] he's a shotgun and an automatic weapon [Music] and shooting him does nothing apparently watch him yeah he's this guy is really the only one that can help right now he's the only one that seems to have a clue of what's even remotely going on oh man where are you gonna hide i feel like she should have pieced out of there a long time ago but i don't know how she would get out i guess oh no no no no [Music] get out of there wow they barely got out of there by the skin of their teeth holy hell oh my god yeah i don't know why but i honestly [Music] i just you know had never seen the movie but i i guess i had always thought terminator was like a more of a protector than a killer so yeah this is this is really interesting i didn't realize i guess i just didn't realize like how brutal they are all right let's get this off the road i had a totally different idea of what this movie was in my head so this is it's i don't know i i like this this is cool i'm really glad i'm finally getting to see this tell me about my son it's about my height he has your eyes what's he like you trust him he's got a strength at least now i know what to name him i don't suppose you know the father is someone told him to get lost when i meet him and john never said much about him i know he dies before the wait i don't want to know so was it john that sent you here that would be really trippy to like have someone come from the future and be like your son is the leader she doesn't even have a son yet and hearing about how he is that would be really trippy i didn't ask for this honor and i don't want it a lot of pressure your son gave me a message to give to you made me memorize it thank you sarah for your courage through the dark years i can't help you with what you must soon face except to say that the future is not set you must be stronger than you imagine you can be you must survive or i will never exist that's all wow oh it's heavy geez [Music] [Music] [Applause] this guy's a terminator too jeez i wonder how many terminators there are no oh no a picture [Music] wow look at look at their red eyes who's dreaming about dogs we use them to spot terminators your world is pretty terrible they use dogs to spot terminators this movie is really cool so far i'm loving like this the way the story's going i think it's it's cool oh okay he looks like a robot there he kind of looks robotic doesn't he i mean it was the 80s so i imagine maybe they used a robot there for that scene [Laughter] oh i love you too sweetheart oh my god holy so he can imitate anyone's voice and she didn't even notice she like didn't even realize she wasn't talking to her mom so is her mom dead some legend you must be pretty disappointed no john connor gave me a picture of you once i didn't know why at the time it was very old torn faded you're young like you are now you seem just a little sad i used to always wonder what you were thinking at that moment i memorized every line every curve i came across time for you sarah i love you i always have whoa i was kind of he what i was kind of picking up on him like kind of having feelings for her just by the way he was like looking at the picture and the way he talks to her now and like he just seems like he he has feelings for her isn't this her son's friend from the future [Music] wait a second they didn't know who the father was right is it possible that he's the father [Music] that john connors friend that went back into the past and then slept with his friend's mom and gave birth to his friend oh my god is that what happens that's kind of like a mind yep oh man he's gonna start chucking pipe bombs [Music] oh just barely missing him [Music] oh my god yeah he's on a motorcycle like what the hell you could knock him right off of that thing oh dang it's too bad she flipped the truck that's too bad she could have just knocked him off that bike and kept going oh no yeah you better get up get out of the truck [Music] oh my gosh he looks scary he looks like zombified almost well he isn't like a tanker thing i don't know what that tank is filled with but if it's something flammable there you go there you go boom god the pipe bomb is taking forever there we go jesus [Music] that had to have killed him huh right that killed him right holy [Music] he killed him dang good thing so fire kills them [Music] oh no they did not get it oh my gosh my skin suits completely gone it burned off i guess fire does not tell them geez the movement of this thing is pretty good i don't know how they did this if they did use like a robot for this but it looks really good [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Music] oh my god did he get it oh my god he got it oh i'm dead oh [Music] oh my god it's still going [Music] get out of there sarah crawl faster come on like your life depends on it because it does she's crawling through like this all these machine parts jesus i'm afraid she's gonna get squished by something two seconds later [Music] [Music] wow damn that was uh way too close way way way too close that creepy robotic hand off yeah just kick it off what's most difficult for me is trying to decide what to tell you and what not to but i guess i have a while yet before you're old enough to even understand these tapes they're more for me at this point just so that i can get it straight she is pregnant should i tell you about your father boy that's a tough one will it affect your decision to send him here knowing that he is your father if you don't send kyle you could never be that's kind of crazy in a few hours that we had together we left a lifetime's worth oh that's the picture that's a picture that kyle had oh my gosh that's crazy wow that's wild wow [Music] oh my gosh this movie was actually incredible i loved this thank you so much for recommending this to me i honestly had the terminator story all wrong i i told you guys throughout the movie i i i originally going into this thought that the terminator was gonna be more of like a protector for sarah and i was completely wrong completely wrong arnold was very much the bad guy in this film he was the big bad terminator the big bad cyborg um and he was a badass he was just extremely brutal just like you know beating those guys up in the very beginning and just like he honestly was just relentless he ought he killed like anyone in his path to get to sarah connor and it became clear because kyle once kyle explained everything it made more sense it's wild the whole situation with uh kyle and sarah is actually really wild it just it blew my mind i kind of was picking up on kyle having feelings for sarah connor just because of the way he was talking to her the way he was looking at her it seemed like he had you know a thing for her they ended up you know getting together and then conceiving uh conceiving her son john john connor which is which is wild because that is his friend from the future that sent his friend back and he like i just wonder did john connor in the future know that kyle was his dad like did he know that or did he send him not realizing that or it's just kind of crazy how it all ends up happening the story is actually incredible and at the beginning it said this it was written by james cameron james cameron knocked us out of the park i i mean applause all around i thought this was an incredible film but i'm not really sure where the story goes from here i'm excited to kind of see how sarah connor develops and comes into her own and gets through these periods of like darkness as john connor called it um you know getting through the dark days and so i i wonder if we're gonna get to see some of that see like her struggle and get to see you know i guess her son her half her son and raise her son i wonder how that goes so i'm hoping we'll get the answer to that in the next movie but this was incredible this is an amazing um start to this story i want to know more this movie had me really engaged the entire time i can't say that my i mean my mind didn't really wander at all um i was in this movie 100 when i was watching it i liked it i liked it a lot i liked the action i especially liked the story i really like the characters i like kyle i like sarah connor and i do like arnold even though he's that's just it was just so weird to see him like in this role where he was just like i said an antagonist i'm just so far the movies all the movies i've ever seen arnold in he was always the good guy he's always been the good guy so it was really cool to see him just in a completely different role um i really loved it i loved this all around let me know what you guys thought of my reaction in the comments down below i would love to hear your feedback and if you like this video please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe i would appreciate that a ton thank you so much for watching today's video don't forget to tune in next week to see my reaction to terminator 2 until next time holy jesus what is that what the [ __ ] is that oh crazy hiding land that giant trench coat [Music] you
Channel: LoveLaurenn
Views: 158,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZzKv3w5gLNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 45sec (3405 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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