John Wesley, Revivalist Show 1 of 2

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♪♪[ Music playing ]♪ Welcome to Revival Radio TV. I'm your host Gene Bailey. Last week we heard so much about what happened in the life of John Wesley. You're going to be enthralled today as we go into some more details of what happened with John Wesley after he got saved, where he went, what happened. How we got to see what happened, what God did in his life. Even though we may not understand totally, this guy, man, he did so much for the body of Christ as he took the gospel into the world. You know, part of that time in that series, that season, the 1700s, it was not an easy life. ♪♪ Remember, he didn't have all the luxuries ♪♪ that we have today. ♪♪ He didn't have automobiles ♪♪ or even the train. ♪♪ He did this all by horseback. ♪♪ So I want you to watch this as we get a glimpse again ♪♪ of what life was like in the 1700s. ♪♪[ Music playing ]♪ ♪♪ [ Narrator ] ♪♪ ♪♪ As France melted down ♪♪ into the terror of a godless revolution, ♪♪ England roiled, just on the edge of chaos ♪♪ but was saved by the fires of Revival ♪♪ that swept through the land on horseback ♪♪ by men like John Wesley and George Whitefield. ♪♪ In the struggles between the poor ♪♪ and new merchant class brought on ♪♪ by the blessing of capitalism, ♪♪ the British Empire flourished ♪♪ but often at the human cost ♪♪ of abject poverty of the peasant. ♪♪ These unwashed masses were not welcome ♪♪ by the Anglican church or in polite society ♪♪ so they withdrew to the many roads ♪♪ street lined pubs. ♪♪ ♪♪ Violent crime ruled in every village ♪♪ and in the growing cities. ♪♪ It was to this misery and hopelessness ♪♪ that the message of the gospel was brought ♪♪ by God's Revivalists on horseback. ♪♪ ♪♪ These fires of Revival literally ♪♪ changed the nation and the world ♪♪ spreading the seeds of liberty and freedom. ♪♪ The result of this Revival ♪♪ caused the abolishment of slavery ♪♪ in the British Empire where it was said, ♪♪ "The sun never sets". With me today is our historian here on Revival Radio TV, Doug Bonner. Glad you are here, Doug. >> Pleased to be here. >> All right, so Doug tell me about, here we are in the 1700s. England's a mess >> Yes, yes! >> and here the story starts with John Wesley. >> It does and the journal that he had. 50 years of preaching 250,000 miles on horseback, 40,000 sermons. A man who began when the country was dark and over those years he changed the direction not only of England but the USA here. >> Right. >> A great change. >> So tell me what happened. He was, his early childhood. >> Yes, he was born into a minister's family. His father was the preacher Samuel. His mom Susanna--He was the tenth of nineteen. >> So is this like the Anglican church? >> Yes, that's right. The Church of England, the state church and so he was born into that family. His mom is very methodical. She had to be. She gave birth to nineteen but there was high mortality, she had raised 10 of those children and up until the age of about twelve years old, she homeschooled them. >> So she had nineteen so she lost nine. >> Yes, yes. >> I think that is something that we gloss over a lot is just the infant mortality during that time was huge with the amount of people so it wasn't uncommon to have a large family. Because you didn't know how many were going to make it. >> That's right. Susanna was the twenty fifth of twenty-five children, so wow! So he was brought up in that environment in a place called Epworth in the northeast of England but a dramatic event happens that impacts the whole family. John is now about five years old. He is living with three of his siblings in the attic. At about two or three AM in the morning, his older sister is woken by a beam falling on her bed but it's on fire so she gets up. She rouses her parents who get all the children out. They rushed downstairs only to find the door is locked so Samuel has to go back up into the flames. Find the key, open the door. They rush outside. The village is there and they're watching this old building, it was a thatched roof building go up in smoke so she counts the heads and horror, where's John? Well, John's asleep in the attic and he wakes up and he sees light. He's thinking well, that's the sun rise. It's not and there was a curtain around his bed and when the children were all left the building, they thought he'd gone. So he is five years old. He sees the ceiling is on fire. It's a memory that he will never forget. >> I'm sure. It's amazing at five years old. I mean I can only recall just a few things... From that age but he remembers this. Was he upset? Was he panicked? >> He says something interesting. I think it was the first kind of God's incident in his life. He said a great peace had come upon him. He walked to the window. He found a piece of furniture and he climbed on top of it. He looks out and his family is outside and they're praying. Later, he found out they were praying because they thought he died. He was given up for dead. Someone sees him at the window and so the men of the village, there's a great oil painting that depicts this. They lean against the front of the house. >> It's burning. >> Yes, it's burning and the father Samuel climbs up on his shoulder. He grabs the son and he pulls him out and the great phrase of those days is that they describe their son as "a brand plucked from the flames." >> and he literally was plucked from the flames. I mean just seconds away from death. The whole house was a whole loss. His mom was touched by this because she said that she felt he was spared for a greater purpose, that God had spared him. >> So then what happens? >> Well in England, in those days, if you had the finances you went to boarding school. So at age eleven years old, you leave home and you only come home for the holidays so John leaves for boarding school and it's when he begins to assimilate rules for his life, like praying, read the Bible but then he does well there. It's hard for him obviously because his mom was such an influence on him. He arrived to the great Oxford university there and three big things, three events happen there but there was one event, a seemingly insignificant event that changed him. The first one was he stops the-- he joins the Holy Club and it's a group of people who organize themselves and they pray and study and they are ridiculed by their fellows students and it's first where they are called Methodists there because you know the rules that they had but there was an event I want to tell you here, Gene. It's a cold winters evening. It's raining as it often does in England... and John comes out of the cold and the doorkeeper, the porter there opens the door for him and he's dressed in very light clothing. He's shivering and John says, "Man, get some warm clothing and a hot drink" and this man says to him, "Sir, this is the only clothing that I have and I can't afford a hot drink. I have water" but it's what he said that marked Wesley for the rest of, you know, his life. It was the first encounter he felt that he had and this man said, "But I'm very grateful that God has given me the things and the life that I have." John was amazed. Here's a guy's that been brought up in church and in religion and preached and this man was grateful. >> Let me stop you right there. The thing about John and you mentioned ealier, he grew up in an affluent family. >> Yes, he did. >> Of course, having many children is one thing but to be able to afford to go to boarding school like you said and then to Oxford. Even back then that wasn't something that was just easily attained. >> No, and it was very interesting that he realized that, this man who is obviously poor and very likely illiterate, he had something that John Wesley did not have. And the next--And so that changed him and it kept him up at night. He could not sleep. It wasn't a big sermon but it was a big event. If I don't have that, I've got all my rules, I don't have that. The next big thing which would affect the life of John Wesley later on was a young freshman who came to Oxford who was just really out of his depth. He was lonely. He was being pushed around by the older students. His name was George Whitefield. >> Oh my goodness. >> Now he'll come into the story a bit later on and John rescued him and brought him under his wing and brought him into the Holy Club. >> So he's there with Whitefield. Was he a senior or do you know? >> Yes, it was right at the end of his time in Oxford, really there when Whitefield had come in. His father died, you know, a short time after that and that was interesting because it was another event that marked him. So Susanna, the mom, brings all the children with ten children home. But the father on his deathbed, he turned to the other son who is called Charles Wesley. Now, we know Charles. He wrote 6500 hymns in his lifetime. He turned to Charles and said, "Charles, that Christianity will revive in the kingdom. I will not see it but you will." It was a prophecy! >> On his deathbed... >> On his deathbed and again you know as a child, his mom felt he was saved for a purpose but none of them had any idea of the magnitude of what he was saved for. So tell me, you know let's go back to Whitefield because that's just an amazing event, you can't, knowing history from this side. >> Right, right. >> We look back and we're like wow! What could've been a chance encounter was destiny for him to meet him so what happened with Whitefield there? Did they just stay together? What was his relationship with him? >> Well he took him under his wing and you see the compassion of Wesley here and it was a transformation for Whitefield. He'd been very lonely and brought into this new family of the Holy Club. >> So does he get saved there? >> I'm not too sure exactly when that happened because you must remember that Wesley was not saved then either. He had all the rules. >> So here he is, he's grown up in church. His father's a minister but yet he's not. >> Yea, yea. >> He's not a believer yet. >> And so his father dies and he feels lost and he's ending up at Oxford. What does he do? Well he gets an invitation to join a group of people to go and Christianize the New World. Well the New World was a new colony called Georgia. It was named after King George and so we had John and he talked his brother Charles into coming along and they board a ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean and go to the new colony. John was very excited about converting the Native Americans there but he has a second encounter. He's on the boat and again, it's so interesting that these encounters are not in church. >> Right. >> And this boat I remember as a boy seeing a replica of a boat of that time. I was shocked by how small it was. I mean you could almost pick it up and put it in a pond really and these families boarded that ship. They travel. They never know how long it would take three weeks, even three months and according to the storm and this is the event that marked his life and also, he met a group of people that would have a great influence on him. There is a group of people from the country of Germany. They are called Moravians and they were Christians. You had a community. These guys had prayed for a hundred years. It's called the hundred-year prayer meeting and they sent out missionaries before anyone else did so these families are on this ship. The wind is blowing. The mainsail collapses on to the ship and Wesley is terrified and what shocks him is that these Moravians are not and he just can't understand why they're not afraid and they say, "Well we have faith in God. We believe that we're doing what He wants" and to the second time he realizes they have something I don't have. >> So he's on this boat. I mean I would think and you said it's not that big of a boat or ship or whatever... >> And on a big ocean too. >> And on a big ocean with winds and so the Moravians, so do they actually lead them to Christ there on the boat? >> Well it's only when they arrive in Savannah that he meets up with them and has a third encounter and so he's asked by the leader of the group, "Do you know Christ as your Savior?" and he says, "Well I know that Christ is Savior of the world." And he says, "No, do you know him as your Savior?" John gave an answer which he knew was just an answer but it's shook him to the core because again, he realized these people have something I don't have. He was in Georgia just for a short time. His brother Charles was there, only lasted six months and he left and John, because of different circumstances, had to leave. He was forced to flee in a year and a half so he ends back in England. He's a failure. He went--he said this, "I went to convert the American Indians and I'm the one who needed to be converted." >> That's interesting: here we think of John Wesley as this and he was a great hero of the Revival, a hero of the faith but yet he has a big failure right there and he had to be, he's destined by God. He is plucked from the flames. He has all these chance meetings as the world would see it with Whitefield and yet here he is, has an encounter with God obviously makes it to Georgia but leaves feeling like a failure. >> Absolutely. >> So what does he do? >> He back in the London area and his brother Charles has met a Moravian. These people just keep showing up. >> They keep showing up. >> Absolutely and his brother had been ill and the Moravian was helping him but Charles said to his brother John, "I've accepted Christ as my Savior and I have faith in Him alone for my salvation." John was not happy and said, "You've got to stop this." In his mind to be a Christian, you joined the church. You were baptized. You were confirmed. You prayed in the church. You sang hymns in the church so this just praying a prayer and all of a sudden being a Christian, it troubled him but John... >> So really what we're saying here is his view of being a Christian was being a good guy. >> Yea, that's right. >> Being a good man and doing good things, good deeds, good works-correct? >> Yes it was and he has another event that took place so John was you know, I mean he was down so he said, "I will give up preaching" and the gentleman that he met was called Peter Bohler and Peter Bohler said, "Here is what you do: you preach this faith until you have this faith and when you have this faith, you will preach it." >> Say that again. >> "If you preach this faith - of faith in Christ alone, then you will experience that for yourself and once you've experienced it then you will preach it." >> Um. The power of your words. >> Exact, exactly so he had an opportunity to practice this and that shook him to the core. A few days afterwards, John had gone to a prison to a death row inmate who was going to be executed the next day. >> Now let's stop. Before we get into that story. Is he had an encounter yet with Christ? He's still believing he's saved and he's a Christian, a good believer. >> Yes. He's a church man. >> A good church guy. >> I was born into a Christian home therefore I am a Christian. So he had that mentality but that was about to get shook up and it was and is these--I mean these insignificant but they're not but these people of no consequence who just changed him. So he's in this very dark you know prison and there's an inmate who is about to die and John, he quakes in his boots because he preached this to this man that he can be saved by faith. Here's the problem with that. He hadn't been baptized. He's not gone to church and yet John is saying that you can be in relationship with God so he preaches that and the shocking thing is that this man has a tremendous experience and John sees that. >> He's not even saved but he wins somebody. >> No, it's just amazing! So the next day that man is executed but the next day, John has the encounter that he's been searching for all his life. >> Okay so I mean can you imagine being someone that grew up in church, in your well-to-do family and you're able to live a life that's comfortable--wouldn't you say-- saved from the fire, has all these encounters, then you win somebody. He's an adult and you win somebody to the Lord and he's not even a real believer. This must have had an amazing effect on him. >> And it all came to fruition the next day at a place in the city of London called Aldersgate and he went to a meeting. I have to say it was reluctantly and there was a man-- He was reading the writings of Martin Luther, the great reformer, and a commentary on the book of Romans and something dramatic took place inside of him. He said these very famous words. He said, "My heart was strangely warmed and I took Christ as my Savior." >> Right. >> And all of a sudden what you have to see is this is that he'd been a religious man but realized he was not a child of God and he was transformed by this experience. He had the experience that the death row inmate had but it was for him. He realized he had to have that personally himself even though he's born into a Christian home, he had to be, to become a follower of Christ himself. >> Well I want to get into the next part about how did he go from being just the story of being saved, finally getting saved as an adult, to being father of Christianity in this nation but that's for another day. Let's stop right there now and I want talk to you watching right now. You know perhaps you grew up and in a situation where you had everything handed to you and you thought "Well I'm a good person I'm going to heaven". And I think, Doug, we all have to deal with this question at some point in our lives whether you're born in a Christian home or are not you have to come to the conclusion, "Do I have a relationship with Jesus Christ, do I believe it?" At some point in your life listen to me, ♪♪ at some point in your life, ♪♪ you're going to have to answer the question, ♪♪ "Do I believe the Bible, or do I not?" ♪♪ It's really that simple. ♪♪ "Am I going to live by this ♪♪ or am I going to let it pass?" ♪♪ Listen, those of you that are watching, ♪♪ perhaps you know someone in fact ♪♪ perhaps it's you! ♪♪ That you're living a life that you think is one way ♪♪ but truth is you've never had an experience ♪♪ with Jesus Christ. ♪♪ You've never had Him come in ♪♪ and have that experience ♪♪ like John Wesley did. ♪♪ The warmth that he describes ♪♪ that comes in and knows that ♪♪ wow, I don't have just religion anymore, ♪♪ I have a relationship with the very Creator of the world ♪♪ of the universe who sent His son Jesus to die. ♪♪ Listen if you haven't you haven't made Jesus ♪♪ the Lord of your life and you're watching this program-- ♪♪ Maybe someone gave you the DVD, ♪♪ maybe someone showed you or told you to watch this. ♪♪ I want to pray with you and I want to urge you right now. ♪♪ These are the days we are coming. ♪♪ It doesn't take a degree in theology to understand ♪♪ we're coming to the end of days ♪♪ and we're in a place where ♪♪ the world is a mess just like it was in the 1700s. ♪♪ The world is a mess right now. ♪♪ It's time for you to make sure ♪♪ you know who your Maker is and you know ♪♪ you have a relationship with Jesus Christ. ♪♪ So I want to urge you. ♪♪ Make Him the Lord of your life today. ♪♪ And If you have been in church, ♪♪ it's time to make that commitment yourself. ♪♪ Make Him the Lord of your life. ♪♪ It's not about doing good things. ♪♪ It's no longer just being able to ♪♪ look good and be good and be honest. ♪♪ All of those things are great qualities ♪♪ but they're not going to get you to heaven. ♪♪ God has a call on each of you. ♪♪ He has a desire for you to be a champion of the faith, ♪♪ a hero of the faith, ♪♪ a hero of Revival but the Revival starts with you. ♪♪ In order to be the one for someone else, ♪♪ you have to be the one for yourself sometimes ♪♪ and I'm being the one right now, ♪♪ I want to lead you in that sinner's prayer. ♪♪ So if you're ready to make that commitment right now ♪♪ to make Jesus the Lord of your life. ♪♪ Let's pray together. ♪♪ Just repeat after me, "Jesus, I come to you a sinner. ♪♪ I know that I've made mistakes ♪♪ but Lord I recognize you as God ♪♪ and I commit my life to you. ♪♪ I ask you to forgive me of my sins ♪♪ that you went to the cross and paid the price for ♪♪ and I commit myself to you ♪♪ in Jesus name I receive it by faith. ♪♪ Amen and amen. ♪♪ Listen! Why did I add that "receive it by faith?" ♪♪ Because you don't have to feel something ♪♪ to grab a hold of salvation. ♪♪ You don't necessarily have to have the warmth ♪♪ that John Wesley felt or be laid out on the floor. ♪♪ You have to have the encounter with God ♪♪ and you do it by coming to the cross ♪♪ through faith in saying, "I believe this story ♪♪ that what I've heard that Jesus is the Savior of the world ♪♪ and I want to give Him my life and I want to be that person." ♪♪ And you know when we talk about being the one, ♪♪ the whole purpose of this program is simple, Doug. ♪♪ We want to encourage every person out there that's watching ♪♪ whether you're a new believer and you just got saved today ♪♪ or you've been a father in the faith so to speak ♪♪ in your own world in your own place ♪♪ that you have had a huge following and you go to church every-- ♪♪ It's time to get out of your own little world ♪♪ and become the one that takes the gospel. ♪♪ What if people had not shared the gospel. ♪♪ You know we talked recently about Russia. ♪♪ What if Voronaev hadn't gone to Russia? ♪♪ What if he hadn't gone and taken the gospel there. ♪♪ What if you don't know who you will influence. ♪♪ I heard it said once from a preacher long ago, ♪♪ It's not necessarily theologically accurate ♪♪ but you are someone's greatest version ♪♪ of who Christ is. ♪♪ Someone--the only thing that they see about Christ ♪♪ is who you are. ♪♪ So it's important for us to take what we know as ♪♪ this wonderful experience of who Jesus is ♪♪ and making Him the Lord of your life. It's time for you to take that. I want to encourage you, get out of your four walls. Don't just stay in the church. John Wesley grew up believing everything needed to stay within the walls of the church and understanding it took a shaking of himself to get out and understand that it's important that we take this gospel out. That's the Great Commission to go, to go and take the gospel to everyone. Listen I want to encourage you to do that. To be the one, be the one. Share this television program. Have someone that maybe you don't know is a believer, have them watch this because this is historical. This is history. These are facts. This isn't just a Bible story that everybody likes to read. Repeat as if that wasn't enough. It is because it's the truth so take this to your world. Expand your influence and that may make you ♪♪ feel a little awkward but you can do it ♪♪ because Jesus is Lord and ♪♪ He is there to take you in every aspect. ♪♪ Doug, thank you. We are going to pick this up next week ♪♪ but I want you to remember ♪♪ that not only Jesus is Lord but I want you ♪♪ to take this gospel to your world and be the one. ♪♪ I'll see you next time. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 49,874
Rating: 4.8746738 out of 5
Keywords: George Pearsons, Kenneth Copeland, Eagle Mountain Church, Terri Pearsons, awakening, revival, Faith, prayer
Id: dIDqsuhoC7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2016
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