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[Music] Duke made no secret that he wore a toupee in his films or when appearing in public he treated it as a professional prop as necessary to his actors craft as makeup than costumes in his private life he was not personally babe he seldom wore the hairpiece went aboard the wild goose and he didn't mind if others saw him bald nor was he self-conscious about posing for home movies and photographs - history pay like a lot of celebrities they were very conscious about people having cameras around him that never seemed to bother Duke crew had cameras his friends would carry cameras and he'd get very relaxed on the boat and the fact that he was bald he looked very different and you see him sitting there I asked Duke once if I could take pictures and he says well surely he says go ahead but he says he says try to let me know so I can turn my good side you know it was all just of course and I assumed from the way he handled his taking pictures he would never shy away from the camera quite a dark or or tell us not to shoot now I was never told at any time I couldn't shoot anything that I wanted when the need arose he preferred wearing a hat to cover his lack of hair [Music] and other times usually when giving interviews or during certain social events Duke would reluctantly donned his toupee if I wasn't in show business he once confided to a crew member I wouldn't even own the damn thing as he realized however that damn thing had become an important part of his public image he might not like wearing it but he didn't treat it casually either and had a to D made clear one day during his shipboard interview with a British film crew well we were up on the bridge underway and they were had the camera set up on the foredeck and they wanted to get pictures of him standing out on the wing and the wind was blowing pretty good because we were headed into it and so he hollers down at the camera crew he says do I look okay everything okay before they start shooting they hollered up you look fine mr. Wayne and I turned and I looked at him and wind had gotten under the rug and it was turning it backed up like this and those guys were gonna go ahead and shoot him like that so I looked over I took a double take when I seen what was happening I hollered at him and and he and he he finally looked over at me you know like what did I want and I went like this he hitched up and he felt that and he goes oh and of course a few unkind words came out of him and he shot into the wheelhouse and he says those so-and-so's were gonna go ahead and film me like that weren't they and so he ducked down reblued it and then they retook them took the picture but that was about the only time I ever saw him get excited about it he was pretty conscious when it came to the camera work but otherwise just normal public he didn't seem to mind too much the most prolific picture taker in the crew was Berkman Shaw who owned movie and still cameras both of which he put to frequent use with Minj all-around dick like the joke I should be paid a performing fee yet he good-naturedly indulged Burt's more serious attempts at shipboard moviemaking even when the budding director called for a second take [Music] Luke was often playful before the cameras of others and he was not above looking a little foolish if the mood was upon him nevertheless he knew when a camera was around a sixth sense he had developed over 40 years of celebrity and moviemaking yet the actor's sense of fun usually prevailed over the sometimes intrusive lenses of those around him when Burt went to take his picture one time to point it in his direction and said in a loud stage whisper look out for that guy he's a sneaky bastard with a camera and then grinned as the first mate clicked away [Music]
Channel: John Burgardt
Views: 2,459,087
Rating: 4.757256 out of 5
Id: 6w9ewXKG0KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 11 2008
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