Boebert: Anyone who says biological men can have babies is a lying dog-faced pony soldier

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welcome back to unfiltered remember the left summer of love and the protest in 2020 yeah well an estimated 25 americans died as a result of the unrest in the summer alone but according to a leak memo dhs is on high alert for extremist violence from both sides following a possible supreme court ruling that could overturn roe v wade and yet it's always the left endorsing protests and intimidation are you comfortable with the protests that we saw outside the homes of supreme court justices over the weekend if protests are peaceful yes we have a right dismembering us we've heard enough so look the president is clear on this question he believes the right to uh peace to peacefully protest in this country is fundamental it seems like to us uh it is very one-sided on what we call out as as intimidation or as violent joining me now is colorado congresswoman lauren bober congresswoman thanks for joining us you know the side that always seems to protest that intimidate their political opponents you know the left they never seem to be the target did you notice this congresswoman these federal investigations it's always a conservative why do you think that is dan there's a hypocrisy that we've been seeing for quite some time especially with the summer of love riots when small businesses were shut down and our children were kept out of school and many of our police officers were being injured and even killed innocent civilians being killed businesses burned down democrats had nothing no condemning words to say to them and in fact encouraged it and we have the now vice president who bailed them out of jail to get them back on the streets quicker now we are having people go outside of the supreme court justice's homes and protests this is absolutely unheard of but you know i wish i could say that i'm shocked but this is nothing new for the democrats whether it was the democrats in the 60s who were forcing people of color to the back of the bus or the democrats of the 1800s who fought a war to keep slavery democrats always respond in violence and when they're told they are no longer allowed to continue killing or oppressing a certain group of people well then they lose it don't forget margaret sanger the founder of planned parenthood was a devout racist who supported eugenics and spoke at kkk rallies we are are we really surprised that those who are comfortable with the fact that america has exterminated 63 million babies since 1973 support violence i can't think of anything more violent than killing tens of millions of gods precious children and look we know how biden and kamala will respond they'll continue to bail them out who commit this violence and conservatives believe in rights for pre-born children i believe life is sacred and i am un unapologetic about this democrats believe in death and violence and the dhs is warning us we could see a lot more this summer a congresswoman speaking of uh you know violence in the womb there was an abortion hearing up on capitol hill this week and there were some absolutely absurd ridiculous uh statements that came out up on the hill uh take a listen to this he was a a pro-abortion activist was asked a question about uh if if men can get pregnant take a listen what do you say a woman is i believe that everyone can identify for themselves okay um do you believe then that men can become pregnant and have abortions yes you know congresswoman you and i both know if when bill clinton was running for his first term if he when he was debating george w bush and ross perot if he was asked this question on stage can men get pregnant this goes to show you how crazy the democrat parties would he would have looked at like is that a trick like are you guys kidding like is this a joke right and now this is a mainstream position on the left your thoughts on this craziness well dan uh the clowns are now running the circus uh it's plain and simple and you know it's really frustrating because suddenly now that men can get pregnant we have a baby formula shortage uh so i would really like to going back to the days that men could not get pregnant so we could feed the babies in america but look leave it to the philosophy major testifying before congress on abortion to declare that yes men can have babies uh no they can't and anyone who says that men biological men can have babies is a lying dog face pony soldier i think congressman dan bishop did a wonderful job at uh really pinning her down in this uh line of questioning and and getting this out it was just baffling to watch the entire uh line take place but he did a fantastic job just drawing out what the ideology really is of these leftists but in all seriousness democrats are disconnected from reality they think men can get pregnant and have babies and that women's sports should include men and they say that the border is closed and that inflation is a good thing and their solution to the formula crisis is to give the fda who is partially responsible for the shortage of freaking rays that's exactly right and we've already given them a billion dollars in bailouts and then another 100 million in bailouts and now they need another 28 million dollars this past week in congress we had a complete show vote and i'm tired of nancy pelosi con games where bills are titled one way but they do something that don't actually solve the problem if if the bills that we voted on in congress actually match their title i would probably vote yes a heck of a lot more well they'd all be called the same thing the bills they'd be called uh pissing away america's money bill uh congresswoman you don't have to comment on thanks for your time really appreciate it thanks dan hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 713,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lauren boebert, joe biden, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, left, democrats, republicans
Id: Ds-2y3j0Eds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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