John Paul II A Pope Who Made History

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Carll vitala was born here in vada Whitson the small town 60 kilometers from cracka it was May 18th 1920 the future Pope was born in this yellow house near the town's parish church as this plaque reminds visitors to that of its own the house had two rooms and a kitchen and the void where family rented it from a Jewish traitor his father was also called karo he was an official in the austro-hungarian army who loved music and literature one of his friends heresy Krueger a longtime friend of the Pope remembers the child who everyone called lo Lake Taupo meatwad durante afterwards during those 12 years it was clear that he was the brightest the best student in the class but when he was a little boy he was just like all the other kids khmer khmer odd when he was nine little girl suffered the trauma of his mother's death in childbirth sometime later his older brother Edmund a young doctor died of an infection caught in the hospital where he worked Carl was left alone with his father in his high school years he stood out he was clever and he was open and generous to his classmates the summer of 1938 Donnell and his father moved to Krakow Poland's former capital they would live in an old house on kanika Street a few steps from the Vistula River Coco is the heart of Catholic Poland rich in traditions for example there is a fireman who throughout the centuries has marked the hour with his trumpet from the highest tower of Cracow in this great city Carol decided to continue with his hobby of acting something he first started in vada beats it together with a group of fellow university students he organized what would later be called the Polish Rhapsody theater he sought to make sure national values would not be forgotten during the Nazi invasion of Poland he would later become known in the city's literary circles you do a series of poems and plays that he published with the pen name of Andre yayan his leading lady on the stage Halina trolley carriage remembers this period quite well oh just so you know bill walked about the color hence he was different from the others he was very social and lots of fun the googly eye was good at listening and never was mozzie who heard she was also very athletic Oscar they go back to this book Cavalli he studied at the Jagiellonian University the same University which witnessed Copernicus triumph he studied in the department of philology and philosophy but his great passion was always drawn it was a passion that he kept alive secretly and that our clock oviya study are a arcade robotica memoria he went to Krakow to study theater he had an incredible memory he would remember his part as well as everybody else's so where they are Atari meanwhile like all his fellow students he did his military service in Krakow's University Legion in these pictures the future Pope is seen in a military uniform with a gun in his hands the experience of the University Legion was short and Carol soon went back to his student life but in September 1939 Germany invaded Poland and afterwards the Nazi regime shut down the university to avoid deportation Carol took a job in a quarry and then as a worker in the old solve a factory on the outskirts of Krakow two years later his father died completely alone and in the midst of the devastation of the war Carol heard God's call to priesthood the Pope will always remember with emotion those four years of work in the he would say that they'd been more useful for his formation than the PhD in theology esto estaba en su experiencia de uno para o en el estado tempo d un surrealistic Landis Eno blaring ah stop at ulta la vita nel America / Farah mio - no Otto hora de Jour naginata Apodaca khan al-khalili Kimiko leggy boy today Oprah seesaw memorabilia zopo ma knows karate Jana detto Thiago Teramo ANCA boy Davi Rondo @ e @ Lobosco turkey Ramadi Sauvignon you on November 1st 1946 Cardinal supply ha ordained him to the priesthood in varville Cathedral on a hill overlooking Krakow here he celebrated his first Mouse he studied for two years in Rome travelled to Paris and Belgium and came in contact with other priests who doubled as menial laborers he went back to his homeland in the summer of 1948 and he found Poland under communist dictatorship the terror of Auschwitz had been replaced by labor camps in Siberia and the church was persecuted and silenced in the whole of Eastern Europe this explains why he devoted his pontificate to the cause of man to the unity between man's spiritual rights and his material needs young father voir was assigned to this parish in Krakow st. Florian all his parishioners were students workers all clerks father voir had to invent the creative apostolate he would invite his young parishioners to hike in the mountains and to find God in nature their Uncle Carol as they called him to protect him from the communist government would talk about the theology of the body of human love of the meaning of freedom and responsibility it was on one of these outings with young people in July 1958 it he received a telegram from the primate of Poland appointing him bishop he was only 38 fatima hinto Vanara Das Kapital in contra la sua na minha a visco vo CDRA he realized what the meeting was about he was to be appointed auxiliary bishop of Krakow leaving the academic world leaving behind his lively ministry with young people all of this must have been a huge loss for him as if he were losing his identity losing part of himself follow me Carol what he were accepted the appointment for he heard the voice of Christ in the churches call Caravaggio a Cheeto saint end Oneiric Yamata della chiesa la voce de cristo today we can say that carro y t WA was the first pope formed by the Second Vatican Council he himself remembered in his will the great legacy of this fundamental event in the history of the church appointed Archbishop of Krakow in 1963 whitey were surprised various bishops during the council by his total support for the opening up of Catholicism to the modern world and for his exaltation of the love between husband and wife as a gift from God in those same years he met a young ski instructor stan is lousy rich who he would later ordained a priest in 1963 he went on to become his personal secretary and were they by his side for 40 years it was a father-son relationship repression by the communist regime was growing throughout the whole of Eastern Europe it was not an easy moment in Poland an emblematic case was the titanic struggle led by void were for the building of a church in nova huhta an industrial city symbol of marxist social planning after 15 years of battle the authorities gave in repression by the communist regime was growing throughout the whole of Eastern Europe it was not an easy moment the life of cattle were tiwa when he was a bishop in Krakov was very difficult because of the other ISM they are in Poland at the time and also because of the secularization he met every single time he travel abroad : in Europe in the United States and Canada and so on the Archbishop of Krakow who'd been made a cardinal in 1967 was able to participate in the Synod of Bishops in Rome ten years later the fateful year of 1978 arrived it would be the summer of the three Pope's after the death of John Paul the first only 33 days after being elected Cardinal Viterbo who travel again to Rome with an inkling about what was to happen what received through your daughter's speech local astronomy the first sloth Pope John Paul the second played a key role in the fall of the Berlin Wall it's something that is unanimously recognized my own his first trip to Poland in June of 1979 made the Kremlin tremble that trip did it that that was the detonator of this explosion that finished off the Soviet empire in Europe those 10 days caused upheaval in the Soviet empire in all the cities he visited the historical significance of his election was evident it was discovered later but in December 1980 john paul ii wrote a very firm letter to the president of the soviet union leonid brezhnev warning him not to invade poland five months later the near fatal attack by ali asghar took place instantly to swear to this day no one knows who masterminded the attack but the Pope himself said in his last book that the Turkish terrorists had not acted alone he was working on somebody's behalf and somebody had also deflected the boat in Papa Carolee filete o Kadam the Pope was there and is bad and was supposed to die he himself said it frequently that he should have died that day unmade thirteen and if he didn't die it was a maternal hand iPad which deflected the bullet yeah even the doctors who operate on him can't explain why he didn't die : or Perabo capisco look-alike well Olli no Larry Martin it was May 13th 1981 the feast of Our Lady of Fatima during his convalescence the Pope understood that he was the bishop dressed in white referred to in the Third Secret of fátima if our lady had saved him it meant that the rest of the message of Fatima could also be fulfilled Our Lady of Fatima had explained to the three little Shepherd's that Russia had to be consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in order for the communist totalitarianism to form in 1984 in st. Peter's Square the Pope consecrated Russia to Our Lady of Fatima and the only living visionary sister lúcia finally confirmed that what the Virgin had asked for 65 years ago had occurred from then on history took a turn Gorbachev was elected the Berlin Wall fell and all the nations under Soviet domination gained freedom there were five years that changed the world thanks to the Polish Pope's haunted him even Gorbachev himself recognized it in 1996 john paul ii crossed the brandenburg gate in an already united europe it was a poignant sign that the message of Fatima had been entirely fulfilled in the year 2000 john paul ii visited the portuguese shrine again this time to beatify the other two little shepherds who had seen the Virgin Mary and he left his past war ring at the feet of Our Lady it was the ring that Cardinal Wyszynski his spiritual father gave him sister Lucia is death in February of 2005 finally put an end to the mystery of Fatima it was from this tiny Portuguese village that john paul ii broke down the berlin wall with our lady strength during the 26 years of john paul ii spent etiquette he constantly broke the mold his moral authority allowed him to meet the leaders of the world and he succeeded in establishing diplomatic relations with 67 new countries and traveled more than a million kilometers in his 104 trips abroad Olivia cuando al said it a few days before he was elected Pope I want to get all of the bedroom yeah I want to be with those who are sucked in in the hospital to the cloistered religious I love free I want to get to know the food oh I think I want to go through all the dorms a little it was night in ER the backdrop of this paper city there's no longer the dome of st. Peter's yet the world cupola resample yes el mundo his first trips to South America set a style that would later characterize his pontificate he shunned protocol and preferred to have direct contact with people it was not long before he got the name the Globetrotter Pope in his 104 journeys to the five continents he circled the globe 29 times the equivalent of going to the home three times and back st. Peter's Square who to be too small for him and he opted to travel the world instead the Pope spent more than two years of his pontificate on the road grundle meola when a child in a Roman parish asked him why do you travel so much pope answered go and read the gospel jesus said to his apostles go out to the whole world I am doing what Jesus said and I believe that being aware of his mission feels the most important fish policy marathon his destinations were often exotic and far from the reality of Vatican City he visited with the rich and the poor he spoke in stadiums and shanty towns he was always willing to absorb the local culture but while people usually welcomed him warmly sometimes political leaders lent a deaf ear to his message some political leaders also described John Paul the second speeches as interfering in local affairs when he visited Sandinista Nicaragua in 1983 the Pope was not shy about showing his disapproval of the government's attempts to limit the church's activity it was the only visit in which groups close to the government shouted slogans against the Pope during a mass despite this the Pope did not hesitate to scold the Minister of Culture who was a priest yeah in ok privilegio yo creo fou el deseo de al Alaric a yapper Sola call a shalini thy goodness I believe if there was the desire to help a person with the solemnity and the seriousness that the case demanded perhaps to remind him of some principles of Catholic priesthood through the secular tradition of the church seniors and the inappropriateness of a Catholic priest being present in the building for dr. Cynthia de Velde católica in campo an act of yunkai noise propia insufferable actor film director with political on the other side of the political spectrum chile hosted john paul ii in 1987 the Pope met with Pinochet in a private meeting with no official speeches and the leader tried to take advantage of the situation appearing on the balcony with john paul ii in papa in shows me a kiss on his terms the Pope does not visit political regimes but people and a pope went to Chile because he was invited by the Catholic Bishops bearing in mind all the circumstances at play luck woke the Pope went to Chile met the Chilean sanctions both of them absolutely free Leo wordlessly constructs a historic trip to Cuba in 1998 he was covered by press from around the world at a mass attended by communist holdout Fidel Castro John Paul call for religious freedom and slam state atheism a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the year 2000 was a highlight in john paul ii voyages it was a journey rich in religious political and symbolic meaning and the Pope's visit to a mosque in Damascus would be another record it was the first time the head of the Catholic Church had set foot in one cuando se preparada el viaje de una proposición key it was an idea that came from the local church of Syria yellow kind Muslim leaders in the region together they asked the Pope to come to visit the mosque also because according to tradition the tomb of st. John the Baptist is there the Guara de la tumba de juan bautista china and russia however were the only two destinations that the Pope wanted to visit but never got the chance he invented the concept of a traveling and it was essential during his papacy john paul ii wished to see people face-to-face and in this way he brought the church over to the world thanks to Caral YT whoa from now on it'll be impossible to think of a pope who does not travel no knob yeah at the end of communism in Eastern Europe wasn't John Paul the seconds only contribution to international peace efforts solo Louie a parolee divita see if he dietary his first intervention came just months after he took office it was Christmas 1978 the Pope sent a Vatican representative to Chile and Argentina in an attempt to resolve the crisis over the beagle channel that was a turning point in the in the situation and afterwards the process permitted that the negotiations between both countries and they continued on Damen and the Holy See proposed solutions DiNunzio key to the moon like manner for the debate centered on whether it was appropriate for the Pope to take political science you're a degenerate CEO years later when war broke out in Iraq the Vatican agenda would play out little more subtly but there were some conflicts like in the Middle East and September the 11th when an answer to peace seemed impossible change or became a dermatology chavo perma teddy bear mata da da ya libido in these instances the Pope did the only thing he could and that was simply to pray for more than a quarter of a century john paul ii used his people platform to create peace in every corner of the world he owed a no-slip Adri grand emissary for dos y ahora de la parte de la visa represent a departure anandhi omission don don Illig when a banty de bourree difference already kicked ass court a little Nana made a Twinkie I pura Guerra event or Essenza reserve my pure Guerra spear re-route a difference unlike the rest of the 20th century popes growing up God Almighty were counted women among some of his closest friends and it was an affection for women he demonstrated throughout his papacy on his more than 100 trips abroad he not only reached out to them with his words but with his arms as well in the Jubilee year in 2000 the world watched as he openly embraced a young former prostitute battling AIDS but it wasn't just his physical approach to women some say revolutionized the papacy there were his writings too from his encyclicals apostolic letters and countless speeches the Pope reminded the world of woman's special dignity and even her quote feminine genius Peron in Novato approach amento remission Dehradun an associate ah salvo for to no risk Rivera Astoria in modo menos una de terre quanta Cora Davis death escrito cerca de vito enorme de Lomo versa la donna no ins't hora del proceso progressed Osuch la cultura in a pastoral letter to bishops in 2004 he called on employers to support a woman's choice to work and have a family that shocked a lot of conservatives because in there it clearly endorsed the participation of women in society at every level and that includes women working and I think a lot of people are really wrestling with them but long before this the Pope's own brand of feminism began to show and not just in his writings he wanted women practically involved in 1996 Harvard professor and international human rights fascist Mary Ann Glendon became the first woman to represent the Vatican and she wasn't alone the 22 member delegation to the Beijing conference was made up of 14 women the Pope doesn't want to tell women what they should be thinking about feminism he wants to listen he wants them to tell him what are we thinking about and he expects us to do the work like Mother Teresa of Calcutta the time is missionary whose work captured the hearts of people around the world I've heard the edification a very moved John Paul spoke of her immense courage and said that he'd always felt her beside him there's no doubt john paul ii was a romantic his poetry and relationships suggest not only a deeply held respect for women but a love for them also but there still was plenty of criticism from women who considered the church's position on issues such as abortion contraception divorce and the ordination of women as behind the times there might be a sense that love that that is I think fostered by public opinion and by media but then when you sit down and you talk with women who actually studied what the Pope said who listened to him who heard his words Sam who even met him you find a different experience but of all the women he knew and loved it was arguably the Virgin Mary who stole his greatest affection notebook has connected with young people quite like John Paul the second was ballin though chun-tae society he seemed to have a magnetic appeal each time he walked onto the stage the youth of the world scream and cheer like they were welcoming a rockstar nitro dawn damico national it a hollow organ is ATO nano Radwin Laura no vans at a luncheon Tony Roberto in 1984 six years after his election John Paul the second asked young people to gather in rona more than 300,000 accepted his invitation and World Youth Day was born las palabras de Santo Padre show testimony on personal sigue siendo para el EO 20 years the words of the Holy Father continued to be a point of reference basis begin again from World Youth Day has been an occasion for young people to keep on going with a Christian commitment ocasion Ofra c de los jovenes gusta mente para seguir adelante y since then they have been World Youth days in Argentina Spain Poland the United States the Philippines France Canada and Italy papa Uganda del Michael Stadium call centre Mojave nice applause yendo Ygritte and o-type entered Mile High Stadium with 80,000 youngsters clapping and shouting with you and he stopped while walking up the steps to the podium and stood there for a long time looking at them closely Cara Lee Patterson and the screens showed the Pope's face very moved tears in his eyes Elise Egan in the following day in an American newspaper there was an interview with an American boy saying Michael Jackson never cried for me Michael Jackson as if to say that he had realized that he was important or by the fifth que el sitio cuenta que era importante para la departure when I've been a teacher nur siete bravas yet the warning if the archer sir he not only set aside time from abroad but at home as well he'd often opened the doors of the Vatican to have special intimate gatherings like this one in the court led sundown so yeah yo yo his message was clear live chastity don't take drugs and strive to become assets and every time he said it they cheered as if begging for more such was the appeal the land they call the friendly satu the to be vivir con urine to the rally on Tonka Joanna in his nearly 27 year pontificate John Paul the second proclaimed more saints and blessings than all of his predecessors put together on average he raised someone to the glory of the orders every 10 days but he not only increased the number of saints he also revolutionized the concept of homes watch in IBM's we have the wrong concept of a saint as if he or she were an extraordinary person out of the ordinary a person from outer space no Saints Saints of people like us reaching sainthood can take up to 40 years as in the case of Italian capuchin monkey Padre Pio for others it took much less time mother Teresa of Calcutta was beatified in a record six years Spanish priest Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer founder of Opus Dei was another who achieved sing to it quickly the Santoni mr. Saint is an intercessor that is in some way someone who helps you cross the infinite space but there is between you and God John Paul the seconds Saints and blasted are universal a true mosaic of humanity there's Edith Stein a Jewish mystic who converted to Catholicism john xxiii the man they love to call good Pope John souvenir slave Josephine Paquita Kathie Lee TECA PITA a young American Indian Mary MacKillop an Australian nun a hundred and twenty Chinese martyrs victims of religious persecution and 12 Mexican martyrs a small United Nations of holiness sanctity in the 21st century was clearly not just for heroes and martyrs a San Tita a otário key person on a ring kimeta con el padre kha encuesta in Tomita Viva Romo con superb oleh de la sua via ki salinity Anasuya difficult ah enacted in 1978 john paul ii was the third longest-serving Pope in history after Saint Peter and Pope Pius the ninth john paul ii traveled to 129 countries and received more than a thousand political leaders including heads of state and prime ministers he was the most seen person in human history that record was sat in Manila in 1995 when an estimated seven million young Filipino was gathered around a John Paul the second we are king there were people behind some walls that could not see they did not even have a radio to listen to the Pope your polish culture but they said if the Pope is here and we could not miss it and that apart from being a traveler Pope John Paul the second was an untiring teacher from his pen flowed more than 70,000 pages of Magisterial documents the equivalent of a 50 volume library he delivered nearly 3500 speeches and welcomed 18 million people and his Wednesday audiences each year john paul ii gathered the collegial government of the church together something that had not happened in nine centuries he appointed nearly all the bishops in the church today and managed to meet each of them at least four times never has the church been more international during his pontificate Harold Lloyd were created 231 Cardinals from 66 different countries if the bad luck that I am a the Juan Pablo Segundo Madonna this paper will be called John Paul the great because he was truly colossal be fine for any observer Catholic or not or he was objective the imprint of this man has been colossal I meant in a way I live alone and I be learning here nephew economy many also considered him the parish priest of the world he revolutionized the image of the papacy and administered all the sacraments personally he would sit in the confessionals of the Vatican Basilica baptize and even celebrate weddings but the pontificate of john paul ii cannot be reduced to a few pages in the guinness book of records electron mass important to you know visto que que have never seen his most important record mentioned no ever everyone depends on him in particular pendant and what is that record the hours the latest pope spends in front of the Blessed kept us how the Atlantis and these human Sacramento step up yes he was the Pope of the journeys and the crowds but he was also the book of union with Christ and devotion dinero this they say was his secret one of dumped all the seconds priorities was the unity of Christians he wanted to build the strategic alliance between religions to bring about peace his funeral was a global event around his tomb the powerful of the world came in prayer / conflicts but united in their tribute to the Pope their presence recalled the first inter-religious gathering called by the Pope in 1986 in Assisi for a common prayer for peace sample the second also made an irreversible impulse towards reconciliation between Christianity and Judaism he became the first pope to enter a synagogue religion abraca non je s tree sacra ma un salto pal modo a intrinsic are an Australian abbiamo quindi / Saudi esse Dara porky que non abbiamo kanasu not religion siete Nostra part le Prager ET nunc octo modo she put a barrier in austerity Maggiore Yanam hospital I was very moved because I did not expect that the Pope would come to me with open arms and when he hugged me at that moment I felt that something was changing that an era had come to an end and that a new one it was beginning in Yvonne epoca an initial mouth in 1993 the Vatican recognized the State of Israel and diplomatic relations will establish good papa Phil how are you extraordinaire the Pope has done an extraordinary job with great intelligence baby and charisma not a flaw which will bring about countless free radical sickos I Calculon but the real milestone was John Paul the second historical pilgrimage to the Holy Land with now Pope John Paul the seconds visit to the Holy Land giving fullest respect to its highest elected officials at state reception standing at Yad Vashem the Holocaust Memorial in tearful solidarity with Jewish pain and suffering going to the Western Wall the Kotel putting their the text of a prayer he composed asking for God's forgiveness for the sins committed by Christians down the ages against the people who he calls God's people the children of Abraham God's people of the original covenant never broken and never to be broken I mean that's an amazing transformation the Pope's pastoral mission reached even Muslim countries in 2001 in Damascus he set another milestone becoming the first pontiff to enter a mosque never before had any state monarchy or great institution apologized for all the human tragedies throughout history Kidd llamo Barone but john paul ii was convinced that in order to preach with legitimacy the church had to recognize its mistakes he called it the purification of memory so on more than 100 occasions he apologized for the darkest chapters and Catholicism's history as the papal opinion Kalika public opinion certainly dia have criticized this pope for a thousand things but nobody has criticized him for not being consistent in terms of what he says and what he does okay yeah in 1979 he apologized for the in justices against galileo galilei a year later he acknowledged the reasons that led Luther to a bail against the corrupt Church he made history visiting Rome synagogue where he condemned all forms of anti-semitism in Athens he apologized for the sacking of Constantinople and on ggaudet Island for the slave trade it was john paul ii himself who insisted on including a ceremony of global petition of forgiveness in the jubilee 2000 on that occasion the catholic church produced a global mayor culpa for all its injustice 'as a resolution that astonished the high spheres of the Vatican Curia in the most conservative sectors of the church why was John Paul the second apologizing for the mistakes Catholics made centuries ago no no God filter doesn't refer to the past in itself but to the past in a sense that it makes us reflect on the future there have been acts committed in the past which must never occur again he paid LT effandi Bolivia para el papa tava convinced see this is a difficult issue but this Pape was convinced that apologies had to be made because since we all share the same faith we also share sin with our brothers in a big carnival Westeros had managed the Pope entrusted this issue to an International Commission of theologians they had to study deeply each and every mistake made by the church along its history hello Emily told ourselves the first thing to do is a serious historical study because apologies should be made of facts the real sins will be Big Daddy the study culminated with the Jubilee ceremony in which John Paul the second apologized for the Inquisition for the seasons and for anti-semitism in what constituted one of the most important acts of his pontificate he also included faults against peace the rights of peoples and the person and the dignity of women Papa means more our provider looks pissed and the Pope himself approved the text he added some things the Pope really had his heart in this celebration for a phonemic dido english xi jinping llamo el camino de vera congress you're a petition which included a resolution not to sin again with neither excuses nor justifications the church committed not to resort again to the logic of violence our Utah new channel he captain Ichi Stacy our crew it helps Catholics to achieve what the Pope called the purification of memory that is to have a true outlook on the past not an apologetic attitude which tries to more or less justify things that are not justifiable Jeff gulley deduced if you gallop you may know the liquids occasionally this if you garlic so yummy they say hope does not say it out a lightness interpreter but I will say it I just really others should also admit the sins they have committed kind of fact that in order for two groups to reconcile it takes humility on both sides Oceano minute the Jubilee salmony was not only a petition of forgiveness for john paul ii that same day he wanted to forgive all those who in some way had attacked persecuted or martyred christians throughout history he walked out onto the stage of the world a youthful and energetic man spirited in speech to be sure but for the first time in a pontificate we also saw a pope who like to hike ski swim and kayak and those sports he no longer played he still liked to watch but only three years into his pontificate came the first in a devastating line of setbacks on May 13 1981 during a general audience and some pita square the Pope was shot at point-blank range the range America lady Papa Kyra daddy back on Jaime rushed to Gemelli and there was the Pope who was about to be operated on situation of the Holy Father was very serious he could have died during the operation hey so I put Eva Maria grant the laboratory why the assassin's bullet had narrowly missed a vital artery and allowed him to live the post-operative complications would be felt throughout the rest of his life and it would not end there for the next quarter of a century the Pope would also suffer from arthritis a broken hip an abdominal tumor and Parkinson's disease the signs of which were all too evident but humor was never far away either coma reddit a Papa mo de Vicente de Vicente Manor ancora deca do know that he attempt to hide the fact that his grueling schedule and growing years were causing fatigue his body became more hunched he was unable to walk his speech was slurred and he was found frequently out of breath varam y es toda via masa for me it is even more eloquent as he continues to preach from the cross through his pain and suffering to his inability the same universidad para relaciones a muchas veces but the true Calvary of the Pope began on February 1st 2005 when he was taken agent Lee to the polyclinic or gianelle suffering from breathing difficulties flu and information of the throat immediately the hospital turned into the center of Christianity pilgrims from all over the world accompanied him with their chants and prayers Carol void Eva didn't abandon Pilgrims and punctually from the hospital's 10th floor window he prayed the Angelus this time the prayers worked after 10 days he left the hospital in the midst of the cheers of the faithful who celebrated his return to the Vatican but the joy was short-lived On February 24th an urgent Trekkie artemiy had to be performed in order to help him breathe the Pope was left voiceless but never announced blessing the faithful the Argentinian bishop ilnar toss Amory became the Pope's once through him he let everybody know that he was still a land of the church it barely Granby cowsy del mondo the Pope's illness summoned the world media more than 1,000 radio and television broadcasting stations followed minute to minute the common father's convalescence the Vatican Internet office received more than half a million messages of solidarity with the sick Pope during his convalescence he continued to receive his collaborators he appointed bishops signed documents because all through his illness the Pope was completely lucid santa was an old animal Zowie we will never hear the Holy Fathers speak again and in the worst case scenario when the director of an important company cannot speak he writes more Puyol our first clue he celebrated Mass daily sometimes from his bed and he never failed to say the Angelus the Pope felt a prisoner in the gemelli and persuaded the doctors to let him return home he went back to his private apartment and began his last via crutches the pontificate of silence for the first time in his pontificate he had to ask some Cardinals to stand in for him in the Holy Week ceremonies totally braced for Santa come back soon Holy Father Easter without you is it really Easter but the Pope held on to his cross and communicated with his silence this was the last time with a gesture of paint he blessed the faithful in this way giving himself up to the faithful hoity were undertook the ending of his intelligent of silence Oh Cheryl Dida okay we are witnessing the Passion of Christ but also the passion of Christ's representative la passione del lagari Oh decreased on the 31st of March he wasn't able to celebrate Mass and he received the viatical his window was still lit but he was fading little by little the Vatican spokesperson himself in tears or admitted that the Pope's life was coming to attempt and that he had lost consciousness Romans and foreigners especially young people filled the square to keep vigil during his passing minute by minute in a silence pregnant was meaning they wished to accompany the traveling Pope on his last journey kay nostro Silencio Iran teh accompany questi preemie momenti del encontró del Santo Padre Giovanni Paolo say condo concrete Oh Nell said they will premium on the first money I shall be purged the confidence and I say confidence because it is more than something emotional to ask him for things this did is Pope made for faith evidence he made the faith some tasty food sancti proto Martinez Rome or something a Chianti Orchid Sunday so we expect maybe in this five or six days nearly five million people to come to Rome and visit the Pope and try to disinter Pope what I received from the Pope is that he constantly loved and it constantly hoped and struggled through all sorts of sufferings but kept on loving because he knew it was worth it Luciano GSoC sin ti amo el piso tell men taker momento peso novo sin ti amo que tantalum acción de peso no sin ti amo fue en la Rosa Oregon mundo so so mundo inteiro que hay que CA most Rado a note amitabha's he muscled everyone ladies is overwhelming consensus regarding the legacy of Pope John Paul a second impressed knowing there is no human explanation for the fact that everybody every one of us considers him the same possi amo SS Akua ke Nostra motto Pakistani so alla finestra della Casa del padre invaded chip in adichie see chip in Atika Santa you you
Channel: uCatholic
Views: 674,091
Rating: 4.8041 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Pope John Paul II (Religious Leader), History (Literary School Or Movement), Pope, Vatican
Id: 5t2nAJ1BNe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2013
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