John Osteen's Speaking in Tongues? Blame Jesus! Part 1 (1993)

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and deeply religious people have misunderstood those who speak in tongues what is this strange manifestation of the Holy Spirit and who called us to discover its power join John Osteen and find out exactly where the blame should go speaking in tongues blame Jesus once again John Osteen is challenging you to a new dimension in your Christian faith the John Osteen program is closed captioned for the hearing impaired in this hurting world we all need answers though the world is constantly changing God's wisdom is the constant solution I'm John Osteen pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston Texas we're a family church made up of people of all denominations races and walks of life we've dedicated our lives to bringing the compassion of Jesus Christ into every person's world and after many years we've developed a reputation for helping those have been overcome to be overcomers your dreams and desires are born to God and to us we want God's best for you join with me the next 30 minutes and discover the life-changing power of God's Word for over fifty four years John Osteen has touched the lives of individuals around the world founder and pastor of Lakewood Church an international training center teaching people to use God's Word to overcome life's everyday challenges a local church with a worldwide vision Lakewood is dedicated to helping hurting people in America and in over 100 nations of the world next 30 minutes with Pastor John and Dodi hosting at the Oasis of love a place where miracles happen and lives are changed we are so glad you tuned in today we don't take it for granted we're glad we're able to feed the Word of God to thousands upon thousands of people here in Houston and around the world and here's a scripture that will help people not only here in the oasis of love but those who are watching us by television sometimes people disappoint us we read things and people we read about people were disappointed our husbands disappoint us our children our families sometimes and you just read all kind of things about people and you say well why did they do that but listen for the Scriptures tell us that no one who believes in Christ will ever be disappointed in him now Jesus will never disappoint you people will people will do things that will make you feel bad and you'll be so disappointed in them but Jesus will never do that to you he will never disappoint you because he is not a god that would lie is not a man that would lie and he will be your true friend forever without ever disappointing you hey I want to say a real welcome to everyone who's tuned in wherever you are in the world wherever you watch this we are so glad we're just a group of people from all denominations and out of no church at all who have found Jesus and we want to share the joy of knowing him because he's done so much for us he can give you peace eternal life and the joy and fulfillment that you need everybody give them a good amen let's hold up our Bibles and make our confession everybody say it this is my Bible I am what he says I am I have what it says a hell I can do what he says I can do today I'm will be taught the Word of God I've only confessed my mind is alert the heart is receptive I will never be the same I'm about to receive the incorruptible indestructible everliving seed of the word of God I will never be the same now shut it out never never never I'll never be the same in Jesus name Amen you may be seated I'm reading out of the book of Mark chapter 16 Jesus has arisen from the dead and he said unto them going to all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out demons they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover could I have an amen then the scripture in Acts chapter 1 verse 4 and Jesus being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which saith he you have heard of me but John truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized in the Holy Ghost not many days hips verse 8 but you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem Judea Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth Acts chapter 2 and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wave it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it said upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave verse 32 this Jesus hath God raised up we're out we're all witnesses therefore being by the right hand of God exalted and having received from the promise the father of the Holy Ghost he Jesus has shed forth this which you now see and here could I have any man you know the Word of God is so clear about these subjects that we've read I'm starting a series of messages for messages on this subject speaking in tongues blame Jesus you know the the message of speaking in times is a fascinating subject it is a very disturbing subject to many in the denominational world they argue and they fuss about this matter of speaking in tongues they say well you know stay away from those Pentecostals don't blame the Pentecostals they didn't start this blame Jesus they say well now we're getting all in a dither Dalby sure none of you folks get mixed up with charismatic s' friends don't blame the charismatic s' they didn't start this blame Jesus well I don't want any body in my church speaking in tongues isn't that strange when the Bible said forbid not to speak in tongues I don't want anybody speaking in tongues in our church in that strange when Mary the Blessed Virgin spoken tongues on the day of Pentecost Paul who wrote most of the New Testament said I speak in tongues more than you all isn't that strange when pop Peter James and John and all the great believers in the New Testament they're in the book of Acts spoke in other tongues and yet today don't speak in dogs don't blame the Pentecostals of the Karris Mattox blame Jesus you know do you realize that the first person in the New Testament to mention speaking in tongues was the Lord Jesus Christ it didn't be it didn't get hatched up by Karris Mattox it didn't get hatched up by Pentecostals no the first mission of speaking in the unknown tongues and and the glossolalia was the head of the church the Lord Jesus Christ when he said these signs shall follow the Pentecostals these signs shall follow the cares Maddox no Jesus looked at all who would ever believe in him and from the lips of the son of the Living God that are alive from the dead the might a glorious head of the church he says believers shall speak in other tongues don't blame Lakewood Church don't blame the Pentecostals don't blame Karris Mattox named Jesus I said blame Jesus he's the one that started all this says when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one place what occurred Sunday they they had a sound from heaven they all were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues Jesus said don't leave Jerusalem until you get the baptism in the Holy Ghost you will receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you that's from the Lord Jesus Christ himself he is the head of the church it's so sad today that people arm their denominations rise up in put bars and and Trenton you know to put people out if they speak in tongues when it is a biblical thing all through the book of Acts when they receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost they spoke in other tongues one day Paul said why should it be thought incredible to you that God would raise the dead or why should it be a thought incredible to you that Almighty God who made all languages couldn't give us another supernatural language to worship him with you know when I received the baptism in the Holy Ghost and I was pastor of the Babbitt's down the street you know I was so filled with joy and you know God was blessing people and healing people and the church was packed out but my denomination god bless him I loved him I never did want to leave them I wanted to stay there but they put me on trial for heresy I was on trial not for murder not for adultery not for stealing the money but for acting like Jesus told me to act my god in heaven help us sound the side of snow Gabriel on your trumpet and put the flag of heaven at half-mast in the darkest hour of history when the devil is making supernatural signs we are ashamed of what the head of the church wants us to have one of our the lawyers in our congregation gave me the preface to the book of Acts written by JB Phillips JB Phillips translated the New Testament and he was an Anglican everybody say Anglican that's the Church of England I think he later became a bishop now here he is in a denomination that is far from what he's talking about I want you to listen to the words of a very profound man who is an Anglican talking about his translating the book of Acts it is impossible to spend several months in the study of the book of Acts s remarkable book conventional known as the Acts of the Apostles without being profoundly stirred and disturbed the reader is stirred because he is seeing Christianity the real thing in action for the first time in human history the new born church as vulnerable as any human child having me the money influence nor power in the ordinary sense is sending forth joyfully and courageously to win the pagan world for God through Christ the young church like all young creatures is appealing in its simplicity single heartedness and here we see the church in his first youth so unspoiled ordinary men and women turning the world upside down you cannot help but feeling disturbed as this study in the church as it was meant to be it is vigorous and flexible but these are the days before it ever became fat and short of breath through prosperity and muscle down / organization that's an Anglican talking and then he goes on to say this he said when we turn from these sacred pages with all of its power and simplicity in the Holy Ghost and read theological treatise today it makes us weep tears of sadness what's he saying he's saying that we need to get back to what the Word of God says oh how many disturbed preachers up-to-date you know you know every one of us can sense a need for divine power and that divine power comes when we're not ashamed of speaking in other tongues you know there there was a real wealthy woman that came to this church and a real socialite and we heard later that she said I'm not going back to that church I'm not going back to that church because they're their common people common people know I got real sad and bowed my head and I heard Jesus say son don't be discouraged the common people heard me gladly and you know we need to not be ashamed of speaking in tongues because Jesus is the brain every preacher listening to me across the land you have a choice to make a choice to make oh I knew I had to pay a price I had to pay a price I had to lose my so-called ministry I had to step out in uncharted places I knew that but I'll tell you heaven is too real hell is too hot time is too short and eternity is too long for me to please man we must please God we must not deny the power of the Living God oh we're today so ashamed of speaking in tongues it's our pride it's our pride you can't you have a choice come out speaking in tongues come out with the power of the Holy Ghost come out and be like they were in the in the book of Acts or you can slink back into the shadows and stay in your security and not please the Lord Jesus Christ oh it's so safe back here let's don't get mixed up with all of that jesus said he that has no sword let him sell his cloak and that one the sword is the Word of God the cloak is our comfortable sense of feeling I'll sell your cloak and bass or get a Bible start reading it and obeying it would you say the cloak is so comfortable it's so stylish I would be accepted by man if I have this cloak owned it's so honorable it's so good it's so warm so comforting jesus said sad your cloak and buy a Bible away with this idea of security our only security is in God it says they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God there's a band of people today who love the praise of God more than the praise of men amen we need to realize that speaking in tongues is a great controversy today but no blame the Pentecostals don't blame the charismatic s' blame the Lord Jesus Christ and dare to step out in this group that's heated and despised and looked down upon but have joy and peace and happiness I wouldn't take nothing for the journey now hallelujah listen to this little thing that I brought here to read to you everybody wants to stay on the beaten path everybody was so pleased dr. so-and-so everybody wants to say well my denomination doesn't believe this and believe that well everybody wants to just take the ordinary easy course of the beaten path listen beaten paths and beaten roads are for beating souls with timeless tread they move ahead to dwell among the dead while children of faith will set their sales or Uncharted Seas the children of faith will challenge men and Satan's wrath while the beaten soul will compromise and tread the beaten path the child of faith climbs unscathed on scale walls and sails Uncharted Seas they dare to cross conventions bounds to set the captives free hallelujah you see we need to get things straight you're not fighting Pentecostalism you're not withstanding Karris Mattox you are standing in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ he said believers shall speak with new tongues he is the one who baptized them in the Holy Ghost you know God said JB Phillips wrote about how far we had drifted from the biblical standard that Anglican was right God said in the last days I will restore God loves all people in all denominations but we have built walls around our denomination of people in order to protect some truth God doesn't want you to be a wall city he won't to be a river flowing out to a world in need and you know God said I will restore that which the cake of worm and the pommel worm and the caterpillar and the locust of Eden and I'll tell you the cankerworm and the pommel worm and the caterpillar and the locusts have eaten away the miracles eaten away the divine healing eaten away the speaking in tongues eat away the supernatural and the chair has become not much more than a social club meeting denying the supernatural God needs to restore oh I tell you he's marching among his church today I hear that his stately step I hear the rustle of his garments as he marches in his church do you know across the world over between a hundred and two million people of all denominations have received the baptism in the Holy Ghost and speak in town he is restoring shouts restore restore restore I remind you that you will not have to stand at the judgment bar of your denomination you not have to stand at the judgment bar of dr. so-and-so you will have to stand before the Lord Jesus Christ Satan is on the move witches are on the move supernatural things are happening in the evil world by demon powers what are we going to do come up and say well would you please join my church I draw come join our knives dignified Church you can find business here and get some contacts here ok that's a good place to do that Oh God in heaven let us be shaken by the of the Holy Ghost there are people in this town who do not want to associate with me because I speak and ugh that's alright and they draw a circle and shut me out I draw a circle to shut them in hey man Oh hallelujah hallelujah you know when the first charismatic revival started first started out they had an a had an article in The Saturday and pulsed about speaking the jumps it was a shock to the world to hear do you know about speaking in tongues in the modern day Church and so they asked me in another business man of business man with me to meet with two of the major preachers in this town old television and discuss this and so these mighty eloquent educated men sat with this popcorn salesman a drop out of high school and I mean to tell you his time when all they tore us to pieces every time old my mouth well every time I says a plan I mean it looked like we were going out under the mat and they made a mistake one of those denominational preachers said well pastor Osteen don't you speak in these tongues I said I do he said do you reckon you could speak in them now I said Doug I said I reckon I can and I won't attend Shona time I ever felt it I felt honey right in the pit of my stomach and I just lifted I'd not grabbed their hands I said let's pray and I prayed a little bit in English and that honeypot begin to stir and I began to pray in other tongues and prayed in other tongues and I prayed in other tongues and appraised in other tongues and afraid another than television and when I got through and we dropped hands one of the mean preachers looked at me and said that sky just had a snark that didn't do me a bit of good I smile said when supposed to help you brother supposed to edify me and I feel wonderful amen did you know our we had to hire somebody to take care of our phone calls so many call you know during the night about that I mean people are sick and tired of being sick and tired they're weary of a form of godliness parents are tired of their children being taken over by the devil they're tired of being their children be led out in the echo they want the power of the Living God look at the thousands of people here their lives have been revolutionized they've come from all denominations and some from no church at all they've received the baptism in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues it's literally revolutionized their life shall we didn't hi God's people his power shall we protect our pride and deny the Holy Ghost this speaking in tongues who's to blame who's to blame who's to blame then if Jesus is to blame be careful what you say about it oh listen folks I know you preachers may be fired from your church I know you may have to leave your church but let me tell you something I'd rather walk barefooted and ragged throughout life and have the power and the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon my life than to have all the prestige that anybody could give me oh how we need to search ourselves we need the power of God I'm going to be talking in the next three services about this manifestation of speaking in tongues that comes when Jesus baptized is you and the Holy Ghost all Christians have the Holy Ghost in regeneration but you need the baptism in the Holy Ghost and when that happens then you begin to speak in other tongues your spirit is liberated to worship and praise God God is a spirit I am a spirit you are a spirit and when you get this language it's your spirit talking spirit to spirit to God you know they say speaking in tongues is of the devil the Bible says in Acts chapter 10 they speak with tongues and magnified God we need to recognize that God is warning to reinvigorate his church and the doorway to the supernatural is this experience where you get the speaking in other tongues now you know many of you across the world may not be understanding what I'm talking about but before you ever have the experience I'm explaining today worshiping God's Spirit the Spirit you need to make Jesus the Lord of your life you see when he comes into your heart he gives you eternal life he gives you peace he washes away your sin you're washed in the blood of Jesus and you're made worthy then to receive the in filling and the anointing of the Holy Ghost see many of you say well I don't believe I I could live for God I don't have the power see the Holy Ghost is the power so the first step is to open your heart and let Jesus come in where this prayer after me please say oh god I know I'm a sinner God you know how I've lived I believe you love me God the Bible says you love me and I want you to be my my father and I want Jesus to be the Lord of my life I believe Jesus died for me and rose again for me Jesus Here I am I give up I surrender I open my heart to you come in Lord Jesus and save me and give me eternal life and wash away my sins and then Jesus baptized me in the Holy Ghost and give me a new language to praise you with I thank you Jesus this is the day that I have given my heart to you you
Channel: Keith Alan
Views: 55,701
Rating: 4.7950311 out of 5
Keywords: john osteen, John, Sermons, Osteen
Id: ImvSJqrOekU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2013
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