Jonathan Groff Couldn't Stop Crying Over His Tony Nomination While Peeing

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-Our first guest tonight is an Emmy-nominated and Grammy-Award winning actor you know him from his work on Broadway in "Hamilton" and "Spring Awakening," in films such as "Frozen" and "The Matrix Resurrections," and shows, like, "Mindhunter" and "Looking." He recently received his third Tony nomination for his role as Franklin Shepard in the Broadway revival of "Merrily We Roll Along," which is playing now at the Hudson Theatre. Please welcome back to the show, our friend Jonathan Groff. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Welcome back. -Oh, my gosh. -A very exciting time to have you, Jonathan. -Oh, I'm very excited to be here. Thank you for having me. -Third Tony nomination. But based on talking to you backstage, I don't think it gets old for you at all. -It does not, no, I -- We had our Tony nominee press day today... -Uh-huh. -...and I cannot stop crying. -Yeah. -I am -- I am a mess. -What part of it, do you think it's that it's every, like, you're sharing it with so many people? Like, so many people involved in the show were nominated. Deservedly so. -Yes. Thank you. Yes. We got seven nominations total. -Really exciting. -My co-stars, Daniel Radcliffe and Lindsay Mendez got nominated for Tonys! [ Cheers and applause ] Our amazing director, Maria, who's been working on this production for over 12 years, got a nomination, it's so incredible. And the show itself is about a group of friends moving to New York to make art, and it takes place over the course of 20 years. I moved to New York 20 years ago this year, in 2004, and so, it's very meta, I like. [ Laughs ] -Yeah. -I cried so much during these interviews today. And then, I went into the bathroom at the junket, and I was peeing where -- [ Laughter ] And yes. [ Laughter, cheers ] And I started crying again, just to myself. I think, there's something about the release of urination. -Yeah. -And I was just like, "Oh, my God, I'm gonna cry again." And I was crying. And Gordon Cox, who had interviewed me for<i> Variety,</i> I didn't know it was him, but he came in behind me and I was like, "Oh my God, now, there's someone else here, and they're hearing me cry." And I was washing my hands. And then, he was like, "Are you okay?" [ Laughter ] -Yeah. I've never seen anyone -- If I saw someone crying in a urinal, I wouldn't think, "They probably are real happy." -Totally. -They probably got nominated for an award today. [ Laughter ] -That's so true, you'd be like, "What's wrong with that weird man crying at the urinal?" But it's -- Yeah, it's so special. It's a special time. I mean, what a cool thing, and, you know, this is a show that famously, this is a Sondheim show that famously only had 16 performances. -Yes. -You said to me backstage, over 300 for you guys, right, is that accurate? -Yes, between Off-Broadway and Broadway, we've now done it over 300 times. -Did you have a moment when you hit 17 and you knew that you at least weren't going to go as bad as the first one where you're like, "Yeah, baby!" -Just high-fiving. -Yeah, I mean, 300 is impressive, but 17, that was a big one. -[ Laughs ] Totally. Totally. We had the whole original cast from "Merrily" come to see the show one night, which was amazing, that there's this amazing documentary called the "Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened." It's so good, uh, and yeah, they've been, I think, they've been feeling vindicated. There's something about honoring the show that's over 40-plus years old, that it's finally getting its due as this amazing work of art that it is. We're all just so lucky to be a part of this piece of the story of the show. -You obviously have been, you've done it so many times. It's no coincidence that you managed to do it on your birthday and you didn't -- You were not planning on getting extra attention, but you got a little extra attention on your birthday. -I did, yeah. [ Laughter ] Lea Michele came on the -- -Your dear friend. -Yes, my dear friend Lea Michele, a year ago, on my birthday, March 26th, I went to see her, I think, for the third time, play Fanny Brice in "Funny Girl." And so, this year she said, "I'm going to come see 'Merrily'." I think, this was her third time seeing "Merrily." And we were collecting for Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights AIDS. And so, Dan and Lindsay and I did our bow. And then, we started the appeal to the audience asking for money, and she just said, "Happy birthday!" [ Laughter ] And then, the entire audience sang "Happy Birthday" to me at the curtain call, it was so sweet. -Now, you have such a good voice. Do you feel awful when people with terrible voices sing to you? [ Laughter ] Can they tell it on your face? Are you like, "Uh..." -[ Laughs ] I don't know if I've ever heard anyone with a terrible voice, I really -- -Oh, you're one of those. -I really feel like... [ Laughter ] -Oh, so, you're a liar. [ Laughter ] Do you mean that, though? Are you someone who, like, loves the, like, you just love the idea of, like, people singing so much that? -Yes, that, like, my friend Alexis, uh, Forte. Ooh, I'm outing her now as being tone deaf. She will sing, like, she sent me a video. Like, we went to see Beyoncé together. The Beyoncé tour. I saw it four times. Uh, and she would sing the Beyoncé songs, and they would be unrecognizable as Beyoncé songs. -Because they're kind of famously catchy songs. -Yeah, and you're like, somehow it's like, [Singing] All the single la -- Like, she can't quite get the melody, but I love it. Like, however, you're going to express. -[ Laughs ] -Go off, Alexis. Yeah. -I would love to live with at least one of you, because I, my wife and then, now, so quickly, all three of my kids are like, "No." -[ Gasps ] -Yeah. When I sing, they tell me to stop singing. -No. -Isn't that awful? -But I feel like that must be a parent-child thing, because Idina and Kristen and Josh from "Frozen," they say that their kids also are like, "Please stop singing." -Oh. -Yeah, so, maybe it's -- -I had a heartbreaking thing the other day. I was dancing with my son, and he was like, "That's really good. You should only do that here." [ Laughter ] They're bad. They're -- They're bad people. -[ Laughs ] -They're bad people. Uh, you guys do have an incredible chemistry, which I imagine, did you guys have it right away? The three of you? Do you feel? -Yeah. There was like -- There was Dan and Lindsay and I, yeah, we like -- A lot came for free from our first, um, day of rehearsal. I'm not going to cry on your show. I swear I'm not gonna cry on your show. But we, like, um -- -Can I say it looks like you're gonna? [ Laughter, cheers and applause ] I mean. -A lot. -Yeah. This is the best. -Seth! -No. I'm so happy for you guys. -I know, but interviews should not be therapy for the people being interviewed. Uh, but, um, yes, a lot came for free when we first met the first week. And then, we spent the last 2 years together, and Dan and his partner had a baby, and Lindsay is 4 months pregnant. -That's great. -And I just officiated Lindsay's wedding, and Dan was the ring bearer. And there's just, like, so much, um, actual life that we've lived with each other that during the show, it's like, it's so meta and so fun. Even though, I'm crying, it is so joyful and such a blast and such a blessing to be able to go to the theater 8 times a week with the entire cast and do the show. It's been -- -What an amazing thing. You, uh, one of the things that made me so excited about the three of you, and I could tell, "Oh, this is not a chemistry that can be faked." You guys did a thing for<i> Vanity Fair.</i> It was the<i> Vanity Fair</i> lie detector, and I've seen it with other people, but I've never seen it with a group. I feel like I hadn't seen it with a group of people together. So, they hook you up to an actual lie detector. -Yes. -And they ask you questions and vice versa. You went around? -Yes. -But there was a thing that went viral that I watched so many times, and I ran in to tell our producer, Sarah, who you're friends with, I was like, "Oh, my God, have you seen this?" She's like, "I can't stop watching it." And so, I'm just going to show it to the audience. This is, you're being asked a question by Lindsay and Daniel, and they're aghast at the way you choose to answer it. -Yes. Yes. Okay. -I get wet when I... -No, man. -No. Say something else. Please say something else. [Chuckles] Try again. -Can you repeat the question? -What's your secret to staying so hydrated? -How do you stay so hydrated? -I get wet when I -- -No. No. Stop. Say it another way. -Oh. How do I stay hydrated? -Yes. -Okay, I drink water. -There you go. There it is. -There it is. The end. [ Laughter, cheers and applause ] I was like, wat -- The funniest thing about watching it is, first of all, that you take two runs at it and you say, "I get wet" both times. Also, it's an insane way to answer any question, like, it's not even a common phrasing. -I get wet. I get -- I get wet when -- when I -- Yeah, when I -- Yeah. -Yeah. -But it's all different sorts of wetness. -Yeah. -Yeah. It's -- -Why do you keep wanting to explain this to people? [ Laughter ] I'm so happy for you and your cast and I'm so -- I'm so excited to get to see you next week. I'm going to see a bunch of Tony-nominated people that I really care about, so. -Oh, my God, I'm so excited you're coming. -Congratulations. -Thank you, Seth. -Jonathan Groff. "Merrily We Roll Along" is playing now at the Hudson Theatre till July 7th. We'll be right back with Adam Pally.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 143,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late night, seth meyers, late night seth meyers interview, interview, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Jonathan Groff, Tony nomination, Merrily We Roll Along, Lea Michele, birthday, lie detector test, Daniel Radcliffe, Lindsay Mendez, Hamilton, King George, Lin Manuel Miranda, Leslie Odom Jr., Mindunter, The Matrix: Ressurections, Looking, Glee, Frozen, Frozen 2
Id: hLdMXlVJEh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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