John MacArthur - The Rainbow, LGBTQ and The Bible

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look the rainbow in the scripture is clear it's a promise from god never to drown the world again right it's a promise from god never to drown the world again it is simply the water in the air through which it became a prism through which the light passed and bifurcated the colors uh in in in light and that beautiful rainbow and we see them even all the time around the world since then that is a constant reminder from god that he will not destroy the earth by water again it is no surprise to me at all that satan would want to take something that is a sacred universal global promise from god and pervert it at such a gross level that's what he does twisting it i don't know that for people in that lgbtq world that it is a conscious act of um taking the promise of god and perverting it but certainly from satan's view that's what it is um what's going to happen to people caught up in that community is they're going to experience a far greater judgment and that is going to be the destruction of the entire world by fire and then everlasting fire in hell because no one who lives in that lifestyle will inherit the kingdom of god but again this is satan's ploy to mock scripture and i think for the most part the people who are caught up in that have no idea that they're doing that some of them even think they can be christians and do that and i want to say this in in response as well look they're not our enemy they're not our enemy they're the mission field um we can't pick out that sin as unacceptable as it is and put it in a category all its own as as if it is some sin greater than any other sin the sin for which every person damned to hell will be damned is the sin of not believing in jesus christ every other sin can be forgiven first corinthians paul says such were some of you effeminate homosexuals adulterers fornicators and all the rest so i fear sometimes that because we see this becoming a kind of sinful organization that is gaining power and ascendancy in our culture that we see it as an enemy and and it's true there there certainly is a frightening reality to that and it's being imposed on our children and our grandchildren it comes from the enemy but the people caught up in it are our mission field they need christ i've said this before but maybe it'll help for some of you look what what is going on in america is is romans chapter 1 is being played out romans 1 18 says the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness okay any country or any civilization ever held the truth it would be us western civilization we held the truth the word of god but we held it in unrighteousness so the wrath of god has been revealed this isn't eternal wrath that's hell this isn't eschatological wrath that's the wrath described at the end of the age this is the wrath that's described in romans 1. what wrath is this for those who hold the truth but hold it in unrighteousness that is they abandon the truth that they have there is a judgment that has three steps god gave them over god gave them over god gave them over that defines what that wrath is first he gave them over to sexual perversion gave them over to adultery fornication of all kinds so when god turns a culture over when god takes a culture that has had the truth and held the truth in unrighteousness and god unleashes his wrath the first thing you will see is a sexual revolution that's what you will see and that's what we saw back in the 80s in the 90s the sexual revolution and then it says then god gave them over to homosexual women with women men with men and even receiving in their bodies the due reward of their iniquity which would be aids and other venereal diseases the sexual revolution in romans 1 when god judges a nation will be followed by a homosexual revolution and we have been in that for the last 15 20 years so we are seeing in our country in western civilization because we held the truth but we held it in unrighteousness because we knew god and rejected him as god because we became wise in our own conceits we have begun to experience the wrath of god that wrath came when god let us go into a sexual revolution in a homosexual revolution and third comes toward the end of romans 1 god gave them over to reprobate mind reprobate is simply the word non-functioning god gave the society over to a mind that doesn't work to a kind of insanity and you know you might have wondered five years ago what will that insanity be how about this you're a man but you call yourself a girl or you're a girl but you call yourself or a man or you've decided gender is fluid and you can be anything you want any day you want to be that that is insanity that is a mind that doesn't function that is the result of the wrath of god first there'll be a sexual revolution then a homosexual revolution and then a reprobate mind where people don't even think straight and they are making laws that uphold that kind of insanity all of that speaks to the issue that this nation and this western culture is under the wrath of god this is divine judgment see it as that our responsibility in this is to do everything we can to rescue people from the final consequences of that temporal judgment which would be eternal judgment so don't get pushed into the position where you see these souls as the enemy they are the mission field okay thank you sir no that's a long answer sorry
Channel: PleadForGrace
Views: 449,092
Rating: 4.8920908 out of 5
Keywords: John MacArthur, LGBTQ, Homosexuality, Rainbow, Bible, Grace, Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. MacArthur, Grace Community Church, Grace To You, Christianity, Jesus, God
Id: I1ZIE47mGqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
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