John MacArthur | Question and Answer 2020

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that's a very popular question how is it that Jesus can create someone and then doom them to hell knowing they will never accept him why did he do that now at the risk of repeating the sermon from last Sunday a week ago I'm gonna give you a short answer so I don't you know but let me suggest this all the messages that have been one live stream of Alaska beliefs are posted at Grace Church with website at Grace Church or I would suggest to Diane who asked this question you can go to the Grace Church website and you look up the message why does God allow such severe suffering and it's from a week ago Sunday the full answer to that question is there but let me go back to the original question that Diane asked can you explain predestination absolutely predestination means God predestined some to eternal salvation when did that happen what happened before the foundation of the world we were chosen in Christ before the world began the Bible said in love he predestined us Paul says to the Ephesians in love he predestined us he predetermined our eternal destiny he predetermined that our destiny would be heaven that is obviously connected to the doctrine of divine sovereign election God chose before the foundation of the world we would say wrote their names in his book of life from which they can never leave and he brings them to himself in justification and brings them to heaven in glorification in no.1 Islam predestination means exactly that that our eternal destiny as believers to be in the presence of God in heaven forever was planned by God before the foundation of the world that's pretty destination you can't really enter on that you can't redefine that the Bible doesn't allow you to do that because it's very very clear that God chose that he chose before the world was created that he wrote our names down and that all the chose will come to faith and all will come to faith he will keep and bring to eternal glory that's the doctrine of predestination and that leads to the question that always follows that what about the people that are lost and here's what's going to stretch you a little bit if you're saved it's because the Lord determined to save you and by his own power he saved you not apart from your will but he moved your will he gave you life he gave you understanding the acted on you will be brought about repentance and you responded because he chose you and he initiated that justification that's his work but on the other hand when you talk about those that are lost the Bible never says that they they perish they go to hell because they weren't chosen never says that it always says that he died they perish they ended up in hell because they would not believe Jesus said that this simply it could be said he said where I go you will never come why because you believe not on me tell us the people who reject Christ tell us for people who are unbelievable divine judgment falls on those who will not believe Jesus even pensively said why will you die he said o Jerusalem Jerusalem how often I would have gathered you as a hen gathers her brood but you would not that seems hard to understand isn't a believer because God chosen if you're an unbeliever and you anyway to hell it's because you failed to believe but those are exactly the things that the Bible teaches I can't resolve those two things in my mind that is a transcendent reality that has no problem with that well I know this as a believer I thank the Lord for my salvation he gave it to me as a gift and I can also say to an unbeliever that you need to come to Christ and you need to embrace Christ as Lord and Savior and if you come and believe in him he will receive you jesus said whoever comes to me I will under no circumstances reject I will receive I will keep I will read you have to believe both of those things how they organized is in the mind of God but clearly if you were on your way to heaven is because God graciously - honey what helps because you rejected the gospel and I would repeat the words of Jesus come unto me all you who labor and the heavy laden and I will both must be there's another question this comes from Abigail and she's 11 years old if you feel that is calling you to be a missionary what should you do how do you know where God is sending you am I ever glad to hear that Abigail from you at eleven years of age you're already thinking about being a missionary let me make a very simple statement you're going to be a missionary don't wait till you go somewhere else start where you are right you're going to be a missionary start right where you are at eleven in your own in your neighborhood at school with your friends what is the missionary someone who is sent on a mission what is the mission it is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth and if you're a Christian you're a missionary already do you may not be a missionary in another place you may have be a missionary across the ocean and foreign country but you are visionary and if you belong to Christ you have been given the Holy Spirit so that you can be a witness to the gospel and that you can present that gospel to your own mission team don't think of being a missionary as being in some certain place think that being a missionary is the responsibility for every crystal Abigail how wonderful for you the most and Friends maybe some of your friends at school that you know aren't Christians start now to pray for them for their salvation and talk to them about the Lord Jesus you need argue with them didn't even castle with them that we do need the Pope slain the wonderful message of the love of God sending Jesus to die for us so that our sins could be forgiven and weakened and early terminal heaven that magnificent message you begin to preach and proclaim and share know and if you're faithful in doing that now when you're 11 and 12 and the next number of years your faithful doing that now where you are there is no end to where the Lord and the future may send you this is the time to begin to be a missionary and then someday it'll become apparent just exactly where it is that God wants you to fulfill that plan in the most wonderful what does the Bible say to the Christian couple who deliberately chooses never to have children even when there are no actual circumstances preventing them from doing so that's an interesting question look you have that choice there there may be a thousand reasons why a couple decides not to have children sometimes there are genetic defects in a couple and and they're concerned about bringing a child into the world that may have difficulties severe difficulties and struggle sometimes life circumstance is consensus community economically leave in some parts of the world dangers being ubiquitous that there may be a reason to say well I don't know if I want to bring a child into this situation that I'm in but look it's obviously you've had that prerogative he missed the Bible doesn't make it a command he generally in school the plan is in the book of Genesis recruits are mobile because we have to have people we have to populate the world somebody's going to be having the children but that is not an individual command and I think I can um burger that in a simple way you're married and you have a sexual relationship as husband and wife but you know that not all the time you will that relationship and in a child God has cycled a woman's ability to conceive and in doing that God put the decision in the hands of that couple nerd people know when it's time that likely there could be a conception take them together that puts the choice in that compass game why didn't intend that you get married and just have non-stop children or he I think what I've made women capable of having those non-stop later so the very fact that you make the choice really every time in the will of God what are you trying to have a child or not indicates that God is gonna do that choice the number of children is again your choice your number is right and number is wrong and it's the Lord direction of art and you feel that all of the things are what you feel like they're reasons not to have children like you think not that children that there may be strong reasons for that that there may be some that are selfish reasons for that that's what you have to find out me examine your heart but know this children are a heritage from the Lord a children are profound blessing but they are a heritage from the Lord and they are profound blessing when you are prepared in every sense to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and where that is not something you want to engage in then you have the choice to make that decision don't feel guilty about it unless you're simply trying to avoid responsibility think about it this way we have the opportunity to give a life into this world back together to take a good child in the way should go and when he is old he won't depart them you had the opportunity to raise a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord you have the opportunity to raise a child to love Christ to add another voice for the Halloween details but that's between you and the Lord a decision that he's losing here is a question that is often asked from Rebecca will we be able to see down on Eric's from heaven simple answer no we won't that would be heaven bless right because what's down here is soon the turmoil and difficulty the disappointment and despair and sickness and death once you leave this world and enter into heaven heaven is all you know heaven is all you'll experience there will be nothing left of Earth except the remnants of your love for Christ we have love for his word your love for his truth your love for his people magnified an infinite number of times you're not going to be looking down here and wondering what's going on with everybody else that's going to make 70 less than them know you're literally set free from heaven has no tears no sorrow note from and if we were to look back from heaven it's tough enough to live in this world without tears and sorrow and crying and we're in the world and the contrast still great enough to break our hearts if you were in heaven affected in heaven and looking down on what's going on earth you were looking from absolute holy eternal perfection into the morass of sin here who couldn't keep back the to heaven is all glory and wonder you're lost in the praise what is the role of the holy spirit in the eternal state after the Saints are glorified and perfected in the enemies of Christ ever really good question never Bible doesn't tell us that the Holy Spirit necessarily has a role when you ask about a role in heaven that's a bit of an odd question because you can ask there's nothing that is in the scripture that says ok in heaven God is going to be doing this and in heaven prices may be doing this and in heaven the Holy Spirit is going to be reading this it's going to be more like this in heaven we're going to be worshipping God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit we're going to be serving God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and we are going to be the recipients of God's love Father Son and Holy Spirit but having said that because the Bible doesn't say anything about roles that the Trinity has in heaven I want to say this feminine is not just an endless experiences worship it's not just sitting on the fire playing a harp and singing for everyone there will be enterprises in heaven there will be in for prizes that are beyond the heart of comprehension at this point I has not seen ear has not heard Peter has an infant to the heart of men things that God prepared for them the loving God has prepared things for us there might be boring it's not going to be some kind of eternal vacation there are things that God has prepared for us to do in the glories of heaven in another dimension and everlasting dimension that will bring God the Father Son and Holy Spirit the Lord the Holy Spirit will not function in heaven the way he has here because we will be perfect he will have made us perfect so he doesn't need to be our convicted he doesn't need to be our instructor he doesn't need to be the one who purges this and cleanses us doesn't need to lead us and guide us away from error soon does it we be the event so I don't know exactly what the role of the Trinity each member will be but it's going to be more wonderful than anything I've ever experienced either and the enterprise's of heaven will be vastly beyond our wildest imagination if you think there's things in this life that you're interested in you don't know what getting interested really is you are going to be so swept away at the glorious activities and wonders of heaven in which you participate that every movie would be sheer joy and bliss in fact best way to understand Japanese there's no time so it's a moment of sheer zouri joy peace satisfaction fulfillment and moment that never Jerome asks when evangelizing Roman Catholics what is the best way to help them see their religion is false whether you're visualizing women Catholic anybody else the best way for them to see that their religion is false is to show them the truth it's not necessarily helpful to to just try to dismantle catholicism although at some point you need to show the errors that make up that false religion but it's much more important for you to present what the scripture says and then the conclusions can be drawn against the plumb line of the word of God for example I wouldn't say in talking to a ruling family do you know your heritage do you mean you're on your way to hell they were part of the false religion that might come up eventually in the conversation but well I would say the Roman Catholic is this and this has been my pattern if you were to die now soon and go to heaven and stand before God what would you say to him to having what you need that is the question because Catholics have the wrong answer what would you say I went to Mass I I need confession I tried to get good person I went to the church I gave my money so you're saying that when you face God you're gonna tell you that you're religious enough and good enough that he I'll let you read to this heaven that's what you're opening for that's not gonna work that's not going to work for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God by the eats of the flesh no one will be justified so by grace are you saved through faith not of works lest any man should boast you're not going to go to heaven on the basis of your religion why can you go to heaven on the basis of your confessions your attendance at the mass your good deeds your philanthropy your claim these fellows full of people who pulled that out it doesn't work the problem is to be good enough to go to heaven you have to be perfect jesus said be perfect 95 as your father in heaven is good it's what he said he said in the same message the Sermon on the Mount unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees not only my team when they were the most fastidious righteous legalistic religionists in the world he was never known the Lord requires perfection to enter Gemini my works don't hit me none of that is the issue Roman Catholicism frankly all false religion no and you can show verse after verse after verse that says you're not getting there by words then the question is how do like how how do I get into heaven and then comes the gossip so rather than attack the system I think you need to attack the deception that is in the heart of all people who are a part of the false religion show them that works will not save them they will be condemned in divine deliver then show them that salvation comes by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ and the only righteousness that will get us into heaven is the righteousness of Christ given to us when we put our faith in them so you go from their condition and be a possibility of them getting into heaven by their works to the person of Christ and then show them the more this reality of Jesus Christ of this provision for forgiveness and our righteousness which is a righteousness that God will accept that's a good question we all engage in this kind of the state what was the role of the Holy Spirit to Old Testament believers compared to New Testament believers then from Afghanistan thank you i I think that could be a complicated question but I'll try to make it as simple as I can no one is history Prudential no one from the fall in Genesis to the end of human history will ever be regenerated no one will ever be forgiven their sins no one will ever believe in the true God no one ever will bow the knee as a true worshipper to die no one will ever be saved no one who ever be delivered but by the Holy Spirit no one will ever want to salvation in any time Old Testament New Testament today or in the future except by the work of the Holy Spirit you see that way back in Genesis in the book of Genesis the spirit before the flood says God speaking my spirit will not always strive with man what is that telling me that when he back in the book of Genesis before the flood the Spirit of God was working on the hearts of men and they rejected and resisted that and they were their games were only evil continually and judgment came in the Old Testament the Spirit was the life-giving spirit go back to creation the spirit move over the waters and everything came into existence under the power of the Holy Spirit the Spirit is the spirit of life he's called the spirit everything that lives lives because of the spirit so there is no spiritual life New Testament apart from the work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament there was additional moving of the Holy Spirit on certain people for certainly a ministry the spirit will come upon the traffic of you claiming divine revelation the Scriptures fall out from the heart of the psalmist do not take their spirit from me there was an anointing of the Holy Spirit in a special way that came on a preacher a servant a king the one who spoke for God in a sense that's that's true even today those of us who treat you teach the Word of God do so under the influence of the of the Holy Spirit so there was that normal work of the Holy Spirit conviction and salvation in the Old Testament as it is in the New Testament always will be and then there was that special Ministry of the Holy Spirit where the Spirit came upon someone for a certain gifting in the Old Testament in certain ministry and remained in order to make that ministry fulfilled and that would be in the New Testament so you say what is the difference the difference you have to say is the degree it is not the Old Testament is without the Holy Spirit the New Testaments with the Holy Spirit the difference is simply the degree of the Holy Spirit's fullness and presence is greater in the New Testament why because it's post Christ it's after the filling price it's after the cross it's after the resurrection and now the Holy Spirit comes on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts that's two and the Holy Spirit takes up residence in the believer and there's now a fullness of the Holy Spirit we are filled with the Holy Spirit so I don't know how to distinguish any differently than to say spirit in the Old Testament but there is a sense in which it is done to a greater degree because we are post Christ sort of like the Hebrews talks about in chapter 11 it says all of these heroes of the faith didn't see what need to see who have seen Christ we have the fullness of the revelation of God in Christ and we have with that full revelation of fullness of the working of the Holy Spirit one of the things to say about that is that when Jesus was on earth he was doing his ministry under the power of the Holy Spirit so he said to the disciples the Spirit has been with you the Spirit has been with you fifty particularly in me because everything I'm doing the Spirit has been doing but soon the Spirit who has been with you in me and with you as well to some degree will take up residence in you and at that point the new testament coming of the Holy Spirit is he takes up full residence in the heart of every believer with his fullness and I hope that helps I can't distinguish it need more than to say it's a matter of degree more on the side of the dip the fullness of the spirit there's a question should a person take comedian if they refuse to be baptized from Vicky I don't understand why someone wouldn't refuse to be baptized and I would say that if someone was uses to be baptized that would prevent me from telling that person they could come to the Lord's Day why are you refusing to be baptized back in itself and here's the point that in itself is an act of primary disobedience it's an act of primary disobedience what not secondary disobedience the primary repent Peter says in the day of Pentecost and believe and be baptized baptism doesn't save you but baptism was the public confession jesus said whoever confesses me before men I'll confess for my father who is in heaven well if you're not willing to confess him before men in the waters of baptism then you're not willing to be obedient and that's at a primary point if you have come to salvation and you have confessed Jesus as Lord and Jesus this your Lord says the first thing you need to do is be baptized and you say I'm not doing that then your confession of Jesus repent and be baptized that was the call on the day of Pentecost in needed the 3,000 people who repented and believed the city of Turin 3,000 people were baptized that was primary obedience if you say Jesus is Lord then the first way you showed that isn't really willingness to be baptized to reject that to deny that is following the question whether your confession that Jesus is Lord is really legitimate at all but if you're willing to obey and you've demonstrated it by being baptized then your obedience opens up the Lord's table - you don't like under the large table and disobedience it all says in first Corinthians you eat and drink judgment to yourself the one make sure that when you come to the lord's table to confess your sins you can damage your heart and you find a willing obedience spirit when you come to that table that is not where you want to go if you're stubborn and disobedient so for that reason if you're not when we be baptized you put yourself in jeopardy if you go to the Lord's table here's another question what do you see happening with regard to baptism during this time of social distancing many are very eager to be obedient to the Lord area of what can this be possible Carol can I quote the New Testament look there is water what leaders need to be baptized find water and baptize people together you're believing friends together and baptize someone you say well it shouldn't be done before the church sure you can always do it again when we're back together but now that would give that would be a beautiful and simple way to express that person's desire and to bring about around that person some loving believers and let it be what it is about the significance of baptism and baptize then later on we can make it more official in the life of the Trinity that's someone's heart now where I don't know where we are in the history of this episode we read maybe maybe we've been never baptism service and few weeks if it's coming pretty soon you don't know that but if it's coming pretty soon maybe you say well just thing once that you leave so let's see what happens before you do this and in a kind of unofficially but if someone really desired that I would be there screaming for not doing that you think about the damn thing becomes 3,000 people were baptized pentagons I remember a friend of mine who wrote his dissertation in seminary on how 3,000 people could be baptized in Jerusalem on one day when there was so few founders so it was sort of a statistical paper they must have been using every but every small little pond of water to get those 3,000 people baptized that day it was that important so if it's not important for you find a way to do that and later couldn't be wrong to do it again in front of the whole church following up on last week's sermon on God's sovereignty please help me understand the difference between sovereignty and God's providence well there is not a difference Bob and Leslie there's not a difference between God's sovereignty and God's providence God's sovereignty simply says he rules he rules and by that I mean God not only decides what to do but he acts that's really important to say that he acts he is constantly acting he is the dominating sovereign actor this purposes are always being fulfilled in the compass so God acts and God acts in this world he acts in history he acts in people's lives and basically speaking there are a number of ways in which God acts he acts spiritually in other words he does spiritual work he regenerates through the Holy Spirit he illuminates through though his birth he empowers through the Holy Spirit he gives us gifts that are used in the energy of the Holy Spirit God acts spiritually in our lives he acts through the preaching of Scripture he acts through the testimony of the faithful believe he is alive and powerful we are literally the temple of God the temple of the Sun the father and the Holy Spirit if you put it all together in the New Testament and God is acting spiritually in this world the acts spiritual ways in the hearts and lives of people through the levers through their gifts and ministries and in unbelievers by bringing them to repentance and salvation and moving us all in sanctification toward Christ's likeness he's leading guidance he's moving all the time non-stop in the spiritual dimension and then in the physical dimension of life what we can see externally he acts primarily in two ways historically one is in Providence and the other is in miracles let me tell you the difference between those two miracle is when God acts by suspending natural law in other words somebody's raised from the dead somebody walks on water an axe head floats a massive upheaval comes on the world like the flood that drowns the entire the entire human race except for eight people back in Genesis God acts miraculously by suspending natural law he meets that what appears to be the Sun standstill the Sun doesn't stand still for a while the earth stopped rotating Wow and we didn't fall off are the people who were alive didn't fall off suspending natural law but something God can do the life of Jesus is literally packed with miracles where God suspends natural law for example he feeds 5,000 men plus women and children maybe 27,000 people was just creating food out of his hands this is creating food where he stops a storm but he reads somebody's mind that's all miracle power that basically either suspends or transcends natural law but that was primarily done by our Lord during his ministry there were a few eras in the Old Testament where miracles happen somewhat frequently the time of Elijah and Elisha certain judgments in the Old Testament but even for most of the history of the Old Testament there weren't a lot of miracles suspensions of natural law and then Jesus came and when Jesus came he did miracles daily for the duration of his three-year ministry in the land of Israel that was an explosion of miracles in the suspension of natural law those are rare timers just a few times throughout all of Old Testament history and really during the life and Ministry of Jesus and subsequently the Apostles but even in need in the Ministry of the Apostle Paul Gigot through the book of Acts the miracles begin to disappear pretty fast and by the time you get to the epistles and instructions for the church nobody's told to do miracles so it was special time to validate Jesus as the Messiah and validate the Apostles that the true preachers of the divine message those are rare occasions the other way that God works in the physical world the temporal world the visible world is through Providence that's what it's called is called Providence and it means without suspending natural law without transcending natural law he organizes all the contingencies all the people all the movements all the attitudes all the choices all the decisions in an infinite number of variables he pulls it all together to to accomplish his will exactly and I've always said that's a greater miracle than America what would be easier for God to say okay stop natural law I'm going to do America or to take a million free radicals you might a million different items slowly around with sort of random perception and organize them constantly to fulfill exactly his will if you want to understand the power the sovereign power of God Providence is where you want to look God orders every single detail without overturning an extra log without superseding natural law and without turning people into robots they make their choices they do what they do at God orders all of it to his own ends that's the power of the summit where did Christ go between his death and resurrection paradise she'll helm Patricia that that's a good question where did he go well essentially he went to places his body was on the cross and then in the tomb so his body we know exactly where it was on the cross taken down raft place in the tomb but where was he he was not dead he was alive he is life two things happened he showed up in hell we know that because he proclaimed his triumph over the demons who were holding a party Satan thought he had won the demons of Hell thought he had defeated the son of God the celebration in hell he invaded and he triumphed over them that's what the Apostle Paul says so he showed up and pronounced his victory over the host of Hell what an astonishing reality that must have been and then secondly we know he went to heaven how do we know that because he said to the thief today you'll be with me in paradise so the very day that he died he was in paradise then where's paradise that's just another term for heaven he was with that peace in heaven as well so in those hours when his body was dead he announced his triumphant health and he met that thief in heaven those are specifically mentioned in the Word of God he is both the lord of heaven and the lord of hell another question comes from Laurie if someone holds two Armenian theology ie coming forward asking the Lord Jesus into your heart making decisions for Christ freewill at Central are they believing in false gospel well there's a lot there Lori let's talk about Armenian first of all that's not a group of people that is a basically a term that comes from a man named Arminius who lived a long time ago who didn't believe that God chose people for salvation didn't believe God saved them by his power he believed that humans have the capacity to basically turn and believe on their own that free will was the way people were saved that all human beings had enough natural ability to come to God on their own so that salvation was a matter of a human choice that's that's what our mini is taught and that sometimes is called Pelagianism or semi Pelagian theology because named after some others as well but the contrast is between believing that salvation is the work of God salvation is a work of man even though God provided the sacrifice the Arminian view is that man comes by his own power to take the sacrifice of Christ into his heart and believe it I'm convinced clearly those are all faithful theologians that salvation is a work of God why because every sinner is dead in trespasses and sin blind double blind Oh blinded by Satan with no capacity no will to save himself so it has to get work with God but there are those who believe that it is a human work now the question is if someone believes that they came to price based upon their own will unaided by God could that faith be real and the answer is it could of course it could if you were told as a sinner that you need to come to Christ and you were told that you need to repent of your sin and you need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ then you were given the gospel so you knew the price wasn't you knew what you were bleeding and you said I want to be forgiven I want to go to heaven I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ I believe he died on the cross I believe he rose from the dead I believe he can forgive my sins I confess him as Lord you'd be saved and maybe you'd say wow I'm so glad I did that and maybe it would be months before somebody would say to you hey by the way that was all the work of God he went saying nobody told me that did you know it was God who dreams repentance it was God who opened your heart to believe the truth it was God who gave you the faith to believe it was God who gave you salvation sanctification I think many people actually come to Christ not really understanding that this is a work of God find out about it later I have known those people through my whole ministry I mean sometimes you go into a conference or a church and you preach that salvation is a sovereign work of God some of the most faithful Christian people in that church are going to say that's not what I was taught I thought we came our own will how wonderful to know it was all the work of God that adds to your worship capacity so yes as long as you believe the gospel the Lord will accept that faith because he regenerated you because he granted you that thing whether you really knew it no we have time for maybe a couple of more what is the unforgivable sin of blaspheming the holy spirit I'm trying to explain it to my children but I don't feel like I fully understand what it is myself thanks Katie maybe we can give you a little bit of help with that what is the only unforgivable sin what is it the only unforgivable sin is not to believe in Christ Jesus said it I mentioned it a few months ago you will die in your sins and where I go you'll never come why because you believe not on me that is the only threat unforgivable sin not believing in Christ any other sin is forgivable we need the Apostle Paul he was a blasphemer he was a murderer he gives that testimony and he received mercy there is only one unforgivable sin there's only one unpardonable sin and that is to reject Jesus Christ and that's exactly what our Lord was talking about in March 3 and also in the parallel passage in Matthew here's the business setup the leaders of Israel the scribes and the Pharisees they had seen Jesus - his miracles massive display of divine power they had heard his teaching for three years in Galilee and in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas there was no question that his words and his works we're evidence of his divinity evidence of his Messiahship evidence that he was the promised King but this is what they included they said this he does what he does by the power of Satan that's their conclusion they looked at all the evidence of his miracles and his incredible teaching and they said he is from hell he is empowered by Satan and Jesus said Wow you have committed the unpardonable sin if you had a full revelation of his words in his works you've seen it all you've heard it all and you conclude that he's from Satan you can never be forgettable but why did Jesus Pollock blasphemy of the Holy Spirit because it is the incarnation when he came into the world he has an obedient son laid aside the independent use of his attributes and submitted himself to the Holy Spirit as he submitted himself to the will of the Father he submitted himself to the work of the Holy Spirit remember early then the Gospel accounts it says Jesus was filled with the spirit the Spirit came upon him and he went out preaching and teaching everything he did was in the power of the Holy Spirit so if you concluded that he's satanic you blaspheme the Holy Spirit who was working through him and if that's your conclusion the Jesus is satanic that's unpardonable then jesus said in the Matthew Academy this sin will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come what's the age to come the kingdom age when Christ comes back to the earth he will reign on the earth for a thousand years he'll be teaching preaching and he'll be for sure doing miracles again and there will be people who reject him that then perhaps even attributing what he does then to Satan as they did when he was on earth the first time if that would be awesome unpardonable in D H hope that helps thanks how can we as believers in Christ reach the lost during this time of endemic when we are isolated and under quarantine Travis well I'm here trying to put this way this is a weird time isn't it the Lord knows all about this I don't want to get in trouble with the powers that be but I think if you live your life with a certain amount of reasonableness you don't have to be afraid and I would take every opportunity I could to be with people that you know need the Lord you don't need to talk crowd but there's nothing to prevent you from inviting somebody to come over to your house and spending some time with them there's nothing to prevent you from getting a few friends together in their home or your home or whatever you could gather it's in some ways easier to get people together now then then it's ever been because nobody's going anywhere nobody has a schedule people say to me would you be available Tuesday for phone call and my answers are you kidding available all the time I don't have a schedule I think you just have to be creative find ways to connect with people use the phone use the iPad or the computer Skype take advantage of the fact that there is a sort of latent fear that's pervasive today I think it's the statistics would indicate that when this whole thing is said and done the death rate is something like point zero zero three I've heard figures like that so while this appears to be a fast moving kind of flu it's not nearly as deadly as they said it was in the beginning but still it's been promoted as if it's a deadly thing and that does raise people's fear and you can address that in talking to people you know how do you feel about this how do you look at that start with that stark reality and take them to the person of Christ in this resurrection because he lives you can live all sort of live eternally I'm gonna pray the Lord will use you maybe in ways you didn't know that be creative take every opportunity you can well it's been a joy to be with you thank you for your questions and for those myriad of questions that didn't get answered go to gty dark the grace to you website lots of resources go to Grace Church dot or lots of resources there for the grace lots of resources there and take a look at the opportunity to get in the cart of study Bible with a lot of notes and answers explaining the Bible as you go through it and maybe take a look at that book biblical doctrine is a research okay turning in a word of Prayer father we thank you for our time tonight it's been refreshing we thank you for those who gathered with us all over the world and many many who have then its sleep during this particular time but we'll download this on Wednesday or will join us on the web site on Wednesday and catch up to where we are me the truth that we have discussed the truth that we have proclaimed in your name and then from your word be a blessing and encourage to all who here may Jesus Christ be glorified since name he's name that we pray with Thanksgiving amen [Music]
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Keywords: christ, jesus, jesus christ, God, bible, scripture, worship, hymns, prayers, bible study, bible devotionals, christian, christian growth, john macarthur q and a, john macarthur, grace community church, predestination explained, predestination, baptism, question and answer, return of christ
Id: zuAk4dVvQGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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