"John Gotti Came Down With Two Guys To See Me, My Guys Almost Shot Him Before He Left The Bar"

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adios bye-bye hey guys i've been getting so many questions about doc's bar some of the stories and some of the things that happened and i'm going to tell you a few of them some of them are funny some of them are pretty serious i'm going to start off with the first one that's pretty serious it includes john gotti so i'm going to start off with that one doc's bar this is going back i was made not too long ago and john got made a year later so this was probably 1977 somewhere around that 78. so anyway my guys stood there and doc's bar was in an area that it was a warehouse area and all there was was you know at night all the warehouses the trucking companies were closed and dox bar just stood there like on a desert island so not a lot of people were around there at night during the day the truck is they would go and have a drink but we didn't go in there during the day we went at night mostly so anyway one day stymie and michael the bat and everybody's there all my guys are there and uh there's a tough crow guys as you all all know so john gotti comes there with one or two guys i think it was two guys and he comes there and he's asking questions about this girl bonnie her name was she was married to his nephew and she was [ __ ] around and he came down there with a little bit of an attitude so they came out two three guys and before you know it was four or five guys and sami would tell john this is sammy's joint he recognized the guy was a street guy but he didn't know who the [ __ ] he was and he said this is sammy's joint if you have a problem with anything go see sammy we're all with sammy but john kept going on about this girl who's going with her when does she come here and two or three times sammy told him listen i really don't want to answer your questions this is sammy's joint if you have questions about anything why don't you go see him do you know who he is yeah i know he is after that time he got a little annoyed and he gave michael the bat the eye we had a shotgun under the ball a sawed-off shotgun under the bar michael the bat would bartend a lot of times and the michael the bat went in got the shotgun put it under his coat and came out gave stymie a nod before you know it another guy and another guy drifted away went into the place where our stash was and got guns they thought this was going to be a problem with this guy and the guy was john gotti john kind of sensed that it got a little you know difficult and they were getting a little annoyed and stymie told him he says listen i don't know who you are i'm telling you one last [ __ ] time where would sammy if you have a [ __ ] beef go see him and john picked up it was it was getting very tense and he was smart enough to back away with his guys and leave the next day they told me my guys told me what happened so i said you just can't load up on a guy like that this guy is a he's a he's a may guy i know you just don't know him but you can't do that right away stammy told me right away he says say we didn't do it right away we were polite we didn't want to answer questions we know the girl bonnie everybody's [ __ ] she comes down nobody abuses her guys go out with her so he says and then he got pushy and i didn't like that i said all right so i went to john and i went and speak to him and i said john you came down to my place doc's i hang out there those are my guys he said yes i mean i think they got a little uh wound up i said wound up they loaded up three or four of them were armed when you left by the time you left you were pushing on them they gave you a [ __ ] answer that this is sammy's joint dude they're with sammy these are my guys and you just kept pushing bro so i don't blame what they did you could have did they censored that you were a street guy and they didn't do nothing but you could have got killed bro you would have pushed on them too much and something would have happened that would have killed you these ain't punks these are [ __ ] good guys these are um they do work with me bro they're not [ __ ] so coming down for your so-called denise she's married to your nephew or something whatever she is she's around i even banged her once now the [ __ ] do we know who she is you can't come down with a [ __ ] attitude you've got to go talk to your niece and your nephew i mean this is a bar a lot of broads come down here they're comfortable they hang out with us they joke with us they laugh with us some of them have sex with us that happens over here bro i don't know who the [ __ ] she is she was down a lot i didn't even know she was married so you know you got to talk to them where they go this is like you would go into a biker bra the birds come in they hang out they get a little crazy things happen as long as nobody forces them or abuses them or does anything and they and they love hanging out with us bro we don't go find them and bring them there they come there for us no no i'm saying i understand you know same thing with us you know so then bro the whole thing let's it didn't even happen how about that yeah yeah yeah i don't want it to be a beef no it's not a beef but i just want to get it clear that these guys are with me and they did load up on you but you put them in that position none of them did it when they were talking to you they gave the right answers to you you kept pushing and i don't have to explain the streets to you bro they loaded up so that's one of the things that happened in doc's bar it was not a big deal but it's one of the things and you guys wanted to hear these stories so i'm telling you it's not a big deal bonnie actually came down even after this on many different occasions i think she left her husband and she just kept coming there i told her once listen don't come out you're related to people nice people now [ __ ] them i broke up with him and now nobody's going to tell me where to go she was a little bit of a toughie she was a good person i mean she was loose as a goose but she was a good person so i told her listen you want to come down it's up to you you know you don't get abused here nobody's going to bother you here and whatever you do sexually that's your business it's none of my business i don't want to know i'm not your father i'm not you your uncle you do whatever you want to do live your life the next time i saw john i had told him that's what i told he said no no sammy i found out my my nephew came to me about her oh she's been all over the all over the line she goes to a lot of joints too so i i i'm out okay great and she did come around for a long time and uh so that's one story that happened there and i'm gonna tell you another one now and there's there's a bunch of them one night we're in there there's 14 15 of us hanging out we're drinking we're talking playing cards we're just relaxing we're chilling and these two kids come in young kids and they seem very very tough especially one of them he's well built the kid and he's like going to the bar he's ordering a drink michael's behind the bar he's getting aggressive with michael like he's you know just a bartender or something michael doesn't we jump in behind the bar because it's our place he's not a bartender really but he does that on occasion gets behind there and uh it's getting a little tense i says oh calm down so i talked to the kids i said listen bro if you're having a drink having a good time you know you're getting a little too drunk don't don't push a lot of these guys are friends you're going to get yourself in a weird look around you this one kid he's yeah i don't give a [ __ ] and he's laughing and drinking and i'm hugging him around the neck he said you know i'm not a dead feisty young kids they don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing or where they're at one of them picks up on it and leaves where does he go he goes a couple blocks away there was a police station and he goes to the police station and he tells them the bar that he's in docks bar he takes his friends in trouble and all this crap they come bomb rushing into place the cops i mean they must have been tethered up five four five squad cars some of them came in some of them stayed outside they said i want to talk to you about what this kid the other kid came in with them and he's trying to get his friend to get out his friend he's cocky little bastard now [ __ ] you where did you go and and don't tell me i gotta leave i didn't do nothing wrong i'm i want to stay here no you you don't realize you're not you could go to a different bar the cop is telling them so the kid don't want to go he tells the cops go [ __ ] yourself i'm not going so i start laughing i loved it he's a cocky little kid he's not doing nothing really wrong and uh i think even if he raised his hands we got to like him in a way you know we would have grabbed them i don't think we would have beat him up we would have grabbed them and rustled them around and threw him out or whatever that's uh you know it's one of those things it's a bar it's late at night so the cop before you send me let me talk to you on the side i go on the side what do you want kid wants to stay he says no no i i see it sammy if this kid winds up in a hurt or in a trunk tomorrow he'll have a problem come on get the [ __ ] out of here the kid's not going to wind up in no trunk he's a good kid he's a tough kid he's told you to go [ __ ] yourself and why don't you go do that go [ __ ] yourself bro go go away in a trunk so anyway he left the kid stayed for a couple hours and he was great he was he was great he was just he became like one of the guys you know it was rough and tumble he was goofing on people people they didn't take it and none of my guys took it in a bad way just a kid who's a little bombed tough doesn't realize the place that he's in he could get himself in trouble but he wouldn't have even if he got into an argument we would have just grabbed him nobody wanted to hurt him and uh and then he left we gave him money for a cab and he left so that was another night there's a bunch of nights now another night i could get into is a guy comes in same thing a little drunk i don't know how they find this [ __ ] drain it's in the middle of nowhere but he comes in and he's mouthy and talking and this and that and everything and he says i do push-ups with 400 pounds of weight on my back so now it's get the [ __ ] out of it nobody can do that get the [ __ ] oh hey nicky could you do a push-up of 400 pounds no say you got mad the kid so he says well how could i prove it i said i know how you could prove it i tell you what i'll make you a bet that you can't do it who buys the drinks the next round all right all right just got weights no no i got one better get down on the floor lay on your belly like you're going to do a push-up hey hook come here huck is only 300 something pounds hulk laid down on top of him i'm not going to do that lay down on top of him just lay on top of him so the kid is down good god fat boy no no i'm walking like that so he says all right and hook lays on top of him and hugs 300 pounds and all of a sudden i had a kid i can't do it get this fat [ __ ] off of me all the guys are laughing so that was another night the kid got up we bought a couple of drinks but it was a goof that's how box was we run into these crazy ass things all the time now i'm gonna give you another night it's before christmas and there was a couple girls who hung out with us we were the bad boys i think they were the bad girls and they were like us we even talked to them if we were going to rob somebody you didn't even whisper they would never brat you out they would never say nothing these girls they never give us up so it's before christmas and we're all broke i mean that broke and we're dying to do something one of these tractor trailer guys called me he must have came very early in the morning parks his truck outside he comes in and he wants a drink so he goes to the bar and drink he takes out a [ __ ] wad of money this thing this thing everybody oh my god did you see what this guy just pulled out yeah i saw it i saw it what we're going to do and we're going to rob them but we don't just want to rob them what we're going to do mike give him load him up with drinks give him drinks give him nice heavy drinks get him drunk as a skunk one of the girls i don't want to mention her name because uh she's still alive so i says come here what get this guy we had a small little club right connected to the bar right around the corner a little [ __ ] club make a play for the guy and take him around to the club and do what do what let him take his pants off he's got a [ __ ] wand of money you take his make sure he gets his [ __ ] pants off do what you got to do i don't care what you do but get his [ __ ] pants off and then we'll sneak in we'll grab the pants and we'll relieve him of the money so he's not physically robbed he could have lost it there's no legal complaint no nothing what's he going to say he came in here he got drunk and he had sex he lost his [ __ ] money where did he take it oh i get it but i'm not doing that i'm not having sex with this [ __ ] guy [Laughter] don't have sex kiss him and move this get his [ __ ] pants off make him think he's gonna have sex he's [ __ ] half drunk already he's a dead drunk by the time he's dead drunk take him in there all right all right you don't have to do nothing just get his [ __ ] pants off all right all right i'm i'm i'm in yeah of course you're right now is we're going to cut the money up everybody's make it's a little christmas gift she takes him in he's [ __ ] staggering drunk we opened the door a little bit slightly sneak in one of the guys sneaking in and he has a smack take your [ __ ] hands off me she don't want to have sex with him she got his [ __ ] pants off but she don't want to go any further than that and she slapped him in the face but and the guy took the pitch look stuck the pits got the money pushed the pants back in closed the door she come out like did you get it yeah we got it where is he he's [ __ ] i think he's dead or he's [ __ ] so drunk i think he passed out in the club i leave him go when he wakes up that's it we all we didn't see nothing we don't know nothing and uh that happened so we get the money i think it was eighteen hundred dollars he had in this market and not a lot of big bills so the thing was big and everybody's happy so i'm going to cut it up there's a whole bunch of us and we're all going to get so much of peace uneven split even may even split she turns around she said no [ __ ] this can't be sammy that's not fair why isn't it fair everybody gets this amen i had to go in the [ __ ] room with him he was kissing me i want a bigger end [Laughter] so i said everybody say hey i stopped the [ __ ] so i said no no it's only fair she does deserve a bigger rent she got a bigger random we split the balance and uh so that's the typical bar of docks crazy [ __ ] that went on there one time after the other after the other and to show you how loki this place is wearing it nobody really comes in you know some truck driver once in a blue moon a crazy kid once in a blue moon so we're in there again and this guy comes in this couple a guy and a girl and uh i mean they look like they're so square i mean they couldn't have been agents they couldn't have been it's just a weird looking like legitimate couple they didn't look nothing like street people or anything like that and guys were saying man what the [ __ ] these people came from mars who are these people i don't know who the [ __ ] they are so i said michael over michael was always the guy he was a big ex football player and a good guy but he really was a good nature guy as well michael go and find out who they are tell them this isn't an actual broader circle private club throw them out so michael goes over and he's talking to them and he says how did you happen to come here they said well there was an agency that we got in touch with an agency what kind of agency now people i think when they cheat on their husbands or wives they they have this agency to tell them where to go that nobody's going it's a low-key quiet dark place you can go cheat so the both of them are cheating and they told them about docs they must have came to this past this bar during the day when there's people and truck people and so they you know it's a good hideaway type of joint unbeknownst to them it's a [ __ ] mob joint so they come in and michael comes back and he says they think the place is treat his drink what do you mean the chinese giant and he tells the story he explains it now we're establishing so we go over and we talk with them a little bit i think it was nikki calbert because he's half nuts though and he's talking to him and he says in other words cheating both eyes body is married and then they told you to come here the guy's now in a conversation with the kid he's actually laughing i said he's having a good old time and he's laughing his ass off so nikki says listen to the woman say sweetheart your husband will never find out you're here for sure so that's one good thing i'm going to give you another good thing everybody everybody look at us everybody turns around i line up against the bar everybody me too so we all lined up he tells the girl he says after this guy you want one of them pick out whichever one you want this is like a party joint you take whichever one they did they roll up for grabs hook you want huck not he's a little too fat hey okay let's get on this side this guy's never said you want him which one do you want so this went on they drank they hung out with us laughing joking i mean this is doc's typical doc's night insanity all the time now let me think of another story right now okay so i i thought of another story now there's a friend who would come around he was a good kid in a neighborhood tough kid and he would come every once in a while his sister would come around too she was a beautiful girl a rocket the dancers in radio city music hall she's got gorgeous gorgeous legs all of them rockets i guess they work out for their legs they have beautiful legs and uh she comes in and it's her birthday and a brother got her a big [ __ ] big ass cream pie and was on the bar you know free drinks everybody's drinking and talking up i'm talking i'm hitting on her you know i'm hitting on her a little bit she's really nice so we're talking in all kinds of [ __ ] mickey cowboy again comes over and he's saying all kinds of crazy [ __ ] and she says god get the [ __ ] out of here to dickie i laugh a couple guys laughed because so i think he said all right all right you want me to leave i'll leave well you're not if you're not going to talk nice i thought hey listen it's your birthday uh he puts his hand on the bar and she's looking now at me talking and he puts his hand under the cake picks it up sweetheart she turns around and he whacked her right in the face with the whole cream fly her hair face her nose oh [ __ ] nikki why would you do something like that bro this is so so sister like come on she told me go [ __ ] myself bro so we're cleaning her up and she's crying a little bit and i'm pacifying her and she's hugging me and you're going to allow this i have no control over that hit you with a cake what do you want me to do i'm cleaning you up i'm helping you i'll take you home you want me to take you home i want to take you home anyway i actually want a banger she says okay i take her home and it's late it's [ __ ] 3 o'clock in the morning like probably shh and we're going through the basement door i don't give a [ __ ] go in there it's dark puts on a dim light she's going to go in and take a shower she's got cake [ __ ] everywhere in the [ __ ] ears everywhere i mean so anyway i hear i hear another door opening to the basement and somebody's coming down a woman a big woman who the [ __ ] you no i i don't know if she is that says i'm with uh i forgot her name uh she's in the shower that [ __ ] pig another guy she brought home screaming at the top of her [ __ ] lungs she's now opening the door she hears it's her mother and she's sticking her head out i'm taking a shower he's my friend well i was listen you guys could handle this yourself this friend is leaving i don't want to get in the middle of this [ __ ] thing before i know the father will come down police will be here let me get the [ __ ] out of here and i left but that sneaky cowboy taught i mean he was anything crazy he's involved in it all the time and he really lived up to that name cowboy smashed this whole cake this cake was this big right in the face i never seen anything like i seen it in the movies but i never saw that in person to turn around and look at her you couldn't see anything horizon nose or mouth any it was just a big cake stuck there you couldn't see your face until you start digging some of that [ __ ] up so that was another uh crazy night at docks i guess i could stay here for days i don't remember all of them and i don't remember all the names because we're going back now a awful lot of years so uh i'm gonna tell you one more story now i hope you're still here with me after these stories but this is a good story this is about a guy a friend of mine he lived in sicily italy and uh he had a kid his kid's name was josephine now one day josephine came home and uh his father called him joseph come here he said you're 16 years old you graduate in high school with honors me and your mother so proud of you go in the closet and we got something for you joseph he goes there and he opens the closet and in sicily it's almost like a religious thing you see it in movies they got that small little short offs sort of shotgun they put it around their shoulder they got the p cap like this and they have that all the time so the kid looks at it and he says oh this beautiful shotgun and the and the belt and the peacock the father says you're a man now and in sicily you will carry that for the rest of your life every place you go whether you go to church no matter where you go that'll always be with you that'll protect you and your family and that's what we do we're sessions now go in the woods there's a box of shells in in the drawer go in the woods shoot some birds shoot the trees get the feel of it get it comfortable with you this is part of your life and the kid josephi goes out and he's a little bit of a schemer shows up goes out in the woods and he's shooting the gun he sees his friend mario he says mario look what my mother and father gave me the shotgun the bow the hat beautiful no yeah what did your mother and father get you this beautiful 14 karat gold watch with all the diamonds in the face the sun is shining the thing is growing joseph looks at it and says mario i'll make a deal with you i give you the shotgun the bolt the hat for that beautiful watch mario says okay and they make the switch joseph becomes running home like he made the biggest score in the world the father jumps up runs to the door what's the manager that no no no i've seen mario in the woods and i gave him the shotgun the boat the hat but it's beautiful 14-carat gold watch with all the diamonds the sun is hitting it again it's shining the father looks at it that's a beautiful watch it's a very beautiful watch but let me tell you something joseph you're going to go on to college now you're going to do very very good in college because you're very very smart and there's a lot a lot of beautiful young woman and you're going to meet one you're going to graduate you're going to marry her you're going to have kids someday you're going to buy a house in the woods and you're going to have a great job one day while you're working you're not going to feel good and you're going to go home early when you open the front door and you walk in you're going to hear your wife screaming you'll burst in and run up the stairs kick the door in and there's your wife laying on the bed feet straight up in the air with a man in between our legs joseph what are you going to tell him time is up [Laughter] so that's the josep story so adios begos listen enjoy this i can't i don't even have nothing to say okay adios amigos you
Channel: Salvatore "Sammy The Bull" Gravano
Views: 735,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sammy the bull, salvatore gravano, godfather, mafia, mob boss, underboss, mafioso, john gotti, carlo gambino, lucky luciano, paul castellano, al capone, gambino, bonanno, colombo, crime, true crime, mob, goodfellas, the irishman, roy demeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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