John gets 'fact checked'

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well a warm welcome to today's talk and this one really is an interesting story but it's completely true now it started here so uh someone called Jimmy Dore is uh you'll probably know him if you live in the States but he made a video about one of my videos which is all very interesting so here we have Jimmy Dore commenting on me about giving a correct uh Administration technique for intramuscular vaccine but it became interesting because Jimmy Dore posted this onto his Facebook and Jimmy dors Facebook was fact checked as as often happens with her with Facebook articles and if you look at the uh the Facebook article that was fact checked it takes you through to this link here now again I've posted the full link though or you can click through from the site so study vaccines being administered incorrectly has been adjudicated as misleading so that was the kind of headline now this remembers talking about Jimmy dore's video about my video but when you actually look at this it's actually a very nice piece of work so I was quite delighted to get this uh this uh this extensive peer review which is great because of course reward is open to peer review as long as it's objective and this this was so really quite an interesting turn of events and some new facts have come up with it as well it has to be said so here we are fact checked by Facebook check all the links for yourself it's all there so this was a video about my video about this paper so so in other words it was about this paper here now this is the paper in question we looked at it a few days ago and it's about giving intravenous injections by mistake that could cause acute myopericarditis in mice and we looked at this quite extensively and talked about it at the time and many of you have watched and a lot of you have commented of course on that which is always is always great now this basically was saying that if you give mice the vaccine if you give them the MRNA vaccine and you give it intramuscularly they're fine they don't get inflammatory heart disease if you give it intravenously they do get inflammatory heart disease therefore the implications for aspirating when you've stuck the needling and drawing back are really quite strong from this article and that's what we looked at now this fact-checking thing here really is quite interesting so the there was two main academics involved in the feedback here and we're going we're going to look at we're going to look at both of them uh we'll look at we'll look at Leo Nikolai first now Leo Nikolai is a Cardiology fellow um and uh is at uh University in Munich Maximilian University of Munich now this is the German Center for cardiovascular research so this is pretty prestigious stuff now A cardiology fellow at least if it was in the UK this would be a cardiologist who is doing some specialized research so this is this this is proper fairly high level stuff that we're talking about and he says this about the paper and about my so this is so what moving on to now is re is really my video rather than Jimmy dore's interpretation of my video um but I will be sending all these individuals links for this of course so uh uh Dr Lee I Nikolai says this indeed there is peer-reviewed work showing in mice that possible intravenous injection of mRNA vaccine leads to myocardial inflammation so he's agreeing with me which is interesting and this guy's a research cardiologist so um you know this is remarkably reassuring to see that people of this caliber are agreeing with me um and he goes on that intravenous injection of adenovirus vector-based vaccines now he was talking about the adenovirus vector-based vaccines which of course the oxidation Johnson and Johnson but we'll come up but the first article the first article that we looked at was about um the MRNA vaccine so this seems to apply to both vaccines and he does he does reference both of them in his in his piece um offering a possible explanation for vaccine-induced thrombo thrombosis thrombocytopenia so here is saying the intravenous injection of the vaccine could give rise to the side effect that we've been worried about these data might indicate a simple measure to lower the incidence of vaccine-induced side effects and we of course we agree with Dr Nikolai 100 here what we need to do is draw back and we eradicate the possibility of no matter how small of inadvertent intravascular Administration so by being fact-checked I've been massively supported here so I'm really quite buoyed up by this as you might as you might gather of course it whether I'm wrong is irrelevant what matters is we change practice and stop the side effect from from from happening uh he says there's a lack of data on the frequency and effects of intravenous injections in humans as a Proviso now this is of course true now what we could do is we could get um we could get say let's let's say Let's uh five thousand get make it two thousand two thousand should do get two thousand humans uh give them give a thousand the vaccine intramuscularly and make sure it goes into muscular by aspirating and rather than giving it into the muscle in another thousand humor just roll up the sleep so even give it straight into uh you give it straight into a vein an intravenous injection of course that would never happen it's completely utterly unethical that was a joke um so obviously we can't do this so obviously we can't do this so um what is said here really uh there's a lack of data a frequency of effects of intravenous injections and humans obviously there is because we can't do it and we don't even know that in intramuscular injection when you stick the needle in how many times it goes into a vein I estimate once in about three thousand to four one one injection of three to six thousand is my estimate but that's not based on firm data but of course you stick it in now if that end tip there is does happen to be in a vein of course you would never know about it because it just squirts in and you don't see it so so by definition we don't know this this is the problem this is why people are getting it wrong in my view so um so he says uh most likely to approach as a need to further vindicate the data so he's totally saying that this is correct but we just need to vindicate it it's always intimating that it's correct it needs Vindicated large animal studies of course uh simple comparison incidence of vaccine Associated thrombosis thrombocytopenia myocard myocard icing countries with mandated syringe aspiration to countries that don't mandate this practice but the trouble is that the vaccines this type of vaccine is not used very much in the only country I know of that mandates this practice although China and Thailand do seem from the videos I've seen China and Thailand do seem to be getting this right quite extensively Russia I don't know all the videos I've seen from the UK and America were not aspirating in my view we are giving this wrongly so we agree but of course that's a fairly obvious way to compare it indeed I would estimate that over a thousand of you on your comments have suggested that um now this is also uh Leon nikolai's latest paper so he himself is an author here and this is his paper that is just published with his team uh here so here we see the name here lots of other authors now to be fair this is a preprint not yet peer-reviewed only came out on the 29th of June 2021 but I've read this paper and it looks pretty good so I think Leon Nikolai and his team have done a good job on this paper but let's look at what he's saying in this paper so this this paper here is thrombocytopenia and splenic platelet directed immune response after intravenous Oxford vaccine Administration so remember this is if it's intravenous and it's not supposed to be but because of our bad technique in the UK and the US sometimes it is given intravenously so this is this is this is what Dr Nikolai saying on his paper recently a rare and novel complication of SARS coronavirus 2 targeted adenovirus vaccine has emerged thrombosis from thrombocytopenia syndrome we know that and we know that thrombosis of blood clots in the vessels and thrombocytopenia is a lack of thrombocytes and the thrombocytes of the platelets and the platelets all clocked together and they form on blood clots but all the platelets are used up in that that therefore the blood's more likely to bleed as well so you get this paradoxical situation where you get blood clots in unusual parts of the body such as the sinus veins that draining the brain but you also get a deficiency in the clotting factors as well because you use your platelets up now they employed an in vitro and in Vivo model so in life and in theoretical uh studies to characterize the possible mechanisms of this platelet targeted immunity so they're working on how this plate look targeted immunity works and this is pretty this is pretty Advanced uh stuff this was not well understood at all uh up until really quite recently um we show that uh intravenous but not intramuscular injection of Oxford vaccine triggers platelet adenovirus aggregation formation of platelet activation now this is in mice because of course as we've said we can't do it in humans but just take a minute to look at what you said there the powerful statement we show that intravenous but not intramuscular injection of Oxford vaccine triggers the thrombocytopenia thrombosis and we can eliminate the possibility of giving it intravenously by sticking the needle in and simply drawing back why don't we do it so this is massive support for the hypothesis that we've been talking about for some time intravenous but not intramuscular injection causes the problem it's these inadvertent intravenous injections which could be a big big factor here it goes on after intravenous injection these Aggregates are phagocytized by macrophages in the spleen and uh platelet remnants are found in the spleen I'm not going to go into this in detail but what he's saying here is if this is given intravenously then um what what happens is that the um the the pieces of vaccine here that are given then they form that they've and that they form lumps with the platelets so there's the platelets there so that would be the platelets and these would be the uh adenovirus Vector vaccines here and they form big clumps like that so they form clumps and of course that's using up the platelets and it's clumping the platelets together but then what it's saying the special cells that eat called phagocytes in the spleen actually eat this lot because it's not supposed to be there they digest it so that's what that is saying so these Aggregates are phagocytosed uh phage faggo is to eat cell cytos so the Reason by cells called macrophages big big macro big phages eater big eaters in the spleen and platelet remnants are found in the spleen and they specify the anatomical locations in the spleen this is followed by a pronounced B cell response with the emergence of circulating antibodies binding to platelets so not only do we use platelets here that this causes the antibodies the these anti uh the antiplate antibodies to be produced and these antiplate antibodies will Clump together all the platelets like that and if you Clump together all the platelets that means there's no platelets left in the blood or very few platelets left in the blood too cause proper blood um coagulation but all the platelets are clumping together and therefore they are forming a clot and once you actually get the platelets there like that you actually start getting proper blood clot forming over the top of it as well because the platelets trigger this proper blood clotting process so it all makes perfect sense and they've elucidated that mechanism really quite cleverly it has to be said so they say our work contributes to the understanding of thrombosis lymphocytopenia syndrome and highlights accidental intravenous injection as a possible mechanism for post-vaccination thrombocytopenia thrombosis and again I really can't emphasize this strongly enough let me read this is a direct quote our work contributes to the understanding of TSS and highlights accidental intravenous injection as possible mechanisms for post-vaccine thrombosis thrombocytopenia syndrome I now consider it to be completely unethical that our governing bodies do not advise all of our vaccinators to take precautions against inadvertent intravascular intravenous administration this has crossed over from ignorance into negligence if they don't act on this pretty soon and I'm not going to show you my letter from Nadeem tahar with a vaccine Ministry and I've showed you that twice already you know I've already reported this to ministerial level and nothing has been done let's carry on um hence safe intramuscular injection with aspiration prior to injection and is a scientist so is being modest could be a potential preventing measure when administering adenovirus-based vaccines so this is true with the adenovirus-based vaccines but we have just looked at this other paper here that we looked at first where it was true with the side effects which are caused by the MRNA vaccines as well so this is applied to thrombocytopenia this is reply this is applying to uh myocarditis and these two complications alone as well as being very damaging to people's lives have done more to damage the vaccination program than anything else because of these rare side effects now going on to the second up academic concern in this rather interesting uh fact-checked here thing that we are looking at uh the second academic here is uh Helen patricus Harris associate professor University of Auckland so let's see what Professor pertussis Harris is is saying about this um again she's a vaccinologist um knows what she's talking about associate professor University of Auckland there are a range of injection techniques for administering vaccine she says injecting fast withdrawing the needle injecting slowly before withdrawing now I I would be in between these two I wouldn't give it fast because you can damage the tissues we'll give it to you slowly because it can cause pain so I'll be in between those two Third Way She says pulling back on the plunger seeing if there's no blood then injecting this is called aspiration we'll demonstrate it again at the end of this video rationale for aspirating according to Professor Helen petruses Harris vaccines could be inadvertently delivered into the blood rather than into the muscle tissue I agree professor but as the flash block of blood hardly ever happens the practice was abandoned by many practitioners that's right it hardly ever happens I've seen it you know I can only remember seeing this once in my 40-year career maybe maybe twice but I've talked to others of you who've seen it as many as one in 30 times others who've just seen again once or twice in their careers it doesn't matter what we need is one in about ten thousand or Twenty Thousand or thirty thousand we've got a big problem with the vaccination program so that is no excuse because it doesn't happen very often look come on this airplane with me but I hardly ever crash Teddy would you want to come for a ride with me on the back of my motorbike I hardly ever fall off it to hardly ever drive into cars very very rarely you of course you wouldn't you know the fact that it hardly ever happens is irrelevant it does happen this let me let me be clear this does happen it does happen but Professor uh Helen patricus Harris goes on to say this and this really is quite powerful she says I've not seen any evidence to support the rejection of this hypothesis at this stage so in other words he's not disagreeing she's not seeing any evidence to to support the rejection of the idea that inadvertent intravascular Administration causes the problems so we agree the animal model study supports the possibility that inadvertent injections into a blood vessel could result in undesirable reactions we agree however the majority of myocardial myocarditis cases occur in young males after the second dose sometimes something that is not explained by this hypothesis I agree but let me explain that and we did do this at the time if people had actually watched my video I want you to say this twice but so yes this is happening predominantly in young males but no one is saying that this no one is saying that inadvertent intravascular Administration is the only possible cause of this we're saying it's one possible Factor so all people like me might get an intramuscular injection it might go into a vessel inadvertently but I might not get the side effects because of other factors that are associated with age so is there some Factor associated with being young and male or even being young and female to a lesser extent plus the plus the the effect of the inadvertent intravaxovascular administration because there could be several factors like three or four factors here that have to line up this kind of the Swiss Cheese model isn't it they all need to line up so this is actually a professor if she's thought about it I'm sure there's no objection at all because we're not saying this is the only explanation there's probably several factors have to line up but if we eliminate the variable of intravascular administration the fact that some of the other factors line up like being young and male will become irrelevant because we're not giving it into a vessel it would become irrelevant and of course many of you uh again hundreds of you did point that out in various comments um but Professor uh um Professor patricus Harris concludes um that this requires more research and observation the patterns of post-vaccine myocardialism populations where aspirations practice could be helpful of course but you know because that's not done very often um but we could an obvious study here would be in Thailand where there seems to do it properly would be a cross-cultural study with uh Thailand which would be good now just to conclude last thing I want to say this is from here now this is from the serum Institute of Denmark and they do advise correct uh technique so very impressed with uh with Denmark here because they are much more up to speed on this than we are um it's it's actually under uh it's under dose as an Administration based on a precautionary principle we recommend aspiration before injection is what they're saying here but just just to clarify that uh common sense in Denmark delighted to see CM State Institute of Denmark this has gone in circulars to all nurses and doctors in Denmark so they all know about this covid-19 Janssen vaccine now this is talking about this one particularly but it does apply to the other vaccines in Denmark as well the point out on this particular on this particular thing that this particular reference we're using here let me point out that um a single dose of 0.5 mils dose undiluted vaccine is given so it's undiluted we don't want undiluted vaccine going straight into the blood based on a precautionary principle we recommend aspiration before injection of course we agree completely now the authorities in the United States and the United Kingdom are currently not giving this correct advice in my view they would be remarkably embarrassed by this of course they're not going to stand up and say oh we got it wrong all this time we'll start need to start vaccinating but they could say something we need to start vascular vaccinating correctly by aspiration they could they could hedge the bets and say something like um I don't know something like it out of an abundance of caution we think it's probably a good idea to do this or something like that you know the way the uh you know the way they talk about these things now I'm going to demonstrate this one more time so here we have our blood vessel um now here we have our syringe so you stick that into the muscle and if you draw back and you're in muscle then nothing is going to come out because there's no blood going directly through the uh directly through the muscle cells themselves but if inverted if inadvertently the tip of your needle the tip of the vaccinator's needle which you can probably just about see there if that inadversently goes into a blood vessel when you draw back it becomes immediately obvious because you see the blood coming in there for you not to give you know not to give it into a blood vessel it is that simple and it is not being done and it is inexcusable so that's another paper with even more evidence how much more do we like but it just really I thought that was a really good story that this was actually discovered through a video about one of my videos being flagged up as uh misleading or whatever the term was um but actually massively substantiating what we have been uh postinating for some time now so um certainly when I go for a vaccination I'm going to insist that the vaccinator aspirates so I'm not going to get it you know we need to aspirate before we vaccinate that rhymes doesn't it aspirate before vaccinate aspirate before vaccinate aspirate before vaccinate you're listening all these authorities all these clever people aspirate before vaccinate thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 601,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: MXcddiS32s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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