John Deere Two Cylinder Tractors 2

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in volume one of this two-part video we trace the development of John Deere tractors back to the freck which was built more than 100 years ago in 1892 and was probably the first tractor to have a reversed gear this was followed in our film by water l boy and the overtime version sold in Britain and then we went to the two cylinder Club headquarters in Iowa to film an early model D and the very rare model SE volume 1 took the story stage by stage to the late 1930s in the first of the styled models and on the way we looked at some superbly restored tractors in America Canada and England and talk to their owners volume two continues the success story through the early years of John Deere diesel power and the last of the two cylinder models but on the way we started our filming with one of the smallest of the two cylinder production tractors the one plow [Applause] la we've come to Norfolk today right out on the coast at Hopton on sea and the tractor we've come to look at is this La John Deere it's part of the collection attractors belonging to Robert risebro and he's going to tell us a little bit about it they started making them in 1941 and they went all through the war and then when when did production finished 1946 right and and this the year of this one this is 1946 and what it's so it's one of the one of the last one of the last ones made serial number is 12,982 right so that's coming pretty close to the end I think right the significance of the LA is that it was part of John Deere's first attempt to move into the utility tractor Market I suppose we'd Now call them compact tractors they started off in the mid 1930s developing the Y and the 62 which were pre-production tractors and then they moved on in 1939 with the first of the real serious production models the L 1941 brought this the LA version which was always a styled tractor and the distinctive feature of all these tractors that we mentioned is that they broke away from the John Deere tradition of having a horizontal twin cylinder engine it must have seemed quite a shock at the time for um John Deere customers to find that they now had a tractor with a vertical twin do you know much about the history of this I mean was it originally sold in the United States I believe it was I bought it from swinden um in 1987 right so and and was it fully restored when you bought it no no um the front grill was uh missing and bashed about the manold was non-existent it was one or two bits and pieces I had to get one of the features of the LA and the L tractors was the amount of ground clearance underneath in the middle for um mid-mounted equipment these tractors were sold for local Authority grass cutting purposes with a mud mounted mower very often but particularly they were aimed at small Market Gardens row crop operations where scuffers and weeders would have been used and so this is why you have this clearance underneath they were also used for plowing a good deal and one of the nice features about this tractor is that it has what would probably have been the original plow still with it the L took a 12in plow and this one with a bit more horsepower took a 16 in and that's what we've got on the back of the tractor [Applause] here one of the design features of the LA is the fact that the seat is slightly offset to the right and the steering wheel is slightly offset to the left now I would have thought that might have made it a bit awkward to drive I you you've spent quite a few hours sitting on the seat of this one what's it like it's okay you get used to the position of it basically I think that was designed like that for when you had underslung holes to give you a lot better visibility what you can see down between the main sort of chassis members yeah in fact it's very well design doesn't it I mean you get a there's very little obstruction there that's true [Applause] mhm the tractor that follows the L and the LA in the right sequence with John Deere is the H so we've moved across from nor England to Iowa America and this particular AG is part of the collection belonging to Harold langen from derer Iowa how long have you had this tractor Harold oh I've probably had around 10 years and this what year was this one this in 1941 right so this is one of the wartime ones right what was the power output on uh 12 and2 horse yeah so it was it was just a a step up from the L and the LA you were you were telling me earlier that the H came out particularly to replace last of the horses that was one of the advertisement John Deere had it was to replace the last team of horses you had on the P what what did they rate this track I mean was it a one cl yeah 116 or 2 12s under favorable conditions I should think would be fairly favorable favorable condition right so uh a two row cator was a good load for right the transmission on this you've got three forward speeds right uh the first one two and three in revers are figured on Miles hour with the engine running at 14400 RPMs what they call road gear in here is in third gear and then they have a foot feed over here and that runs the RPMs up to 1,800 and then you've got 7 half M hour road [Applause] gear we filmed the h and a pair of model M's at Don hack's farm at daer Don owns the M which arrived on the market as the H was being phased out don't when when did the M production start the M itself came out in 1947 the Mi this Mt and the MC which was a crawler all came out in 49 and 50 and what year is this one this is a 51 right and this is the Mt Mt a real crop right so what what were the features that that John Deer was promoting on the am well they had a four-speed forward transmission they had a live hydraulic system and they had a touchmatic hydraulic system which ran a one of John Deere's first quick hitch drill bars it was one of the advertisement they had with the MC retractor they produced the hydraulic system in in several versions didn't they cuz they updated it later on yes um and I never quite understood what the difference between the two was what how how did the second version differ from the first one well that came out into a three-point system all right now your other m trctor Da that's got to be one of the most photographed M ever I should think isn't it let's going to have a look at got it there are two really special features about this tractor one of them is obvious it's the color and the other one isn't quite so obvious and that's a serial number Don tell us tell us what's special about it well this is a serial number 10,1 this is the first John Deere Mi off the line first one built and they they were built in fact at duuk weren't they and and like all the m and that was the first first John Deere traction out of debuk I believe the M series was probably the first one produced out of debuk and so this was the first first of the uh industrial version the Mi why why the color well I don't know if I can really answer that but apparently they had an order for several hundred of them this color you were you were telling me earlier that in fact you didn't know about the serial number when you bought it and you didn't know about the color when you bought it no when I bought this tractor I didn't look at the serial number it had a belly Mo under it it was painted yellow and after I found out it was number one uh speaking to Mr Sherry I started taking the paint off and I found out the original color was orange and I called Jack and he confirmed it that it probably the color original so you obvious obviously resprayed it the the correct color that it came off the line yes how does the Mi differ from All the Other M M series TR just it's the lower of the series it's industrial the front axle is lower the drop axle like an M has is turned forward which lowers the tractor down it does not have a hydraulic drill bar bar it is a stationary drill bar and there's two large arms that did the lifting of whatever Implement they had on here and this was sold what as a highway tractor for Verge mowing this sort of thing far I mean as far as you can guess to my knowledge as far as I could trace this one back this was used to pull a road Packer to my knowledge uh but yes it was produced for an industrial type road tractor you used to see a lot of these with a side Mower on them to mow the highways with but if this one was used for pulling a road Packer it would have worked fairly hard for its living that I can't say the fellas I bought it from they purchased this tractor and they had it for approximately 10 years and they mowed a their acreage with it right but it didn't do it any harm it runs really sweet now doesn't it yes I didn't take the motor apart on this one right and that's so it's running the way yes cuz the way joh your engine should run [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] this is the sound of the Bell they used in the old days to call the men in from the fields for [Applause] lunch C this is another of Harold Lang's tractors and it's a pretty special one too this is the model R and it started a whole new generation of tractors for John Deere because it was a diesel wasn't it that's right first first diesel model they come out with and uh like you say it uh was built right the first time they built it for 5 years and I don't know if anything they changed on it and it set a fuel economy record at Nebraska test when it was tested and you'll find these in use yet out west so the technology was there and they were on top of it they they spent a lot of time and they got it right though what was what was the power outles of the engine 48 horse which is pretty small for today standards at that time it was the biggest tractor John Deere built yeah so it was a and it was a real legging tractor too still lugging trck it's still lugging trck you bet and the size of the engine it's a 5 and 3/4 in board and an 8 in stroke so that's why it sounded the way it sounded when it was coming down that's right it uh it starts with a little two-cylinder opposite two up there under the cow the option of electric starting arrived a few years later with the 820 tractor the transmission on this when you've got how many for we just got five speeds uh basically fifth gear is is just a road gear it's pretty fast and uh of course I'm comparing this with the 80 again when they come out of the 80s they put in six gears yes but this had the four gears or four regular gears and the fifth gear strictly another special feature on this tractor is the Hydraulics and the PTO what's the store there now this has a life power takeoff which is I think new for John Deere which is this lever here now when you put your life live power takeoff in it gives you live hydraulic which is this power troll in the back so the two work together right and the other thing that's obviously different about it is that it introduced new styling didn't it yes yes this all together New Concept up there especially in the radiator end of it and then when they styled the AR later years they Ed the same styling and then also in the newer tractor they made these for 5 years when when was this one actually produced this is 1950 so that was uh one year after they come out yeah so it's a fairly early one now basically this was to replace the D but the D was so popular that It produced they produced the D4 years while they was making this one yet yes right they quit making it in 53 and qu making this in 54 the pony engine provided a reliable source of power to start these high compression diesel engines and it also avoided the risk of a flat battery the model R was the last of the ls and it was followed by the 40 50 60 70 and 80 models this beautifully painted model 70 is owned and restored by David Silvers it too had a pony engine but of a different design and Harold Schulz David's father-in-law showed us the engine in more detail the model 70 was John Deere's first row crop diesel can you show us show us how the starting system works on Harold well here's your little V4 motor and that's the fuel tank for that's the fuel tank one little chamber right right now where's where's the electric electric motor to start the petrol engine well it's this starter right here it's a quite big starter it's about as big as the motor isn't it it is almost as big as a motor right and so that that swings this over right and it actually dries turns the flywheel for the starts the big motor so that would be that would be quite a powerful little engine wouldn't that for the be yeah it it it wraps up pretty good it's it's not very big Pistons only it looks like a motorcycle piston you know about 2 iner but it's about all bigger to is it's quite quite small cuz I think this engine actually takes quite a lot of turning over it well yeah but you know you roll it a decompressed see you pull that lever and it decompresses see let they kind of get the wheel and then you throw the compression to see and then we'll fire this is water cooled is it right right in and your circulation would be through here yeah and in into the main water system for the big engine so if you were starting up in the winter and you had a really cold day you could possibly let it run a little bit maybe just take the maybe take the chill we leave Harold chz in the model certainty in oi Iowa to visit St Mary's in Ontario Canada where we met Alex Smith and his Model 50 tractor what year was this one Alec 1952 so that was right early on in the production yeah when what they started building them 1951 51 for the for the 52 model year yeah right and in fact it wasn't a very long production year was it no it wasn't then they went to 60 after that it was 70 80 and and the 50 was one of the first of the numbered tractors 40 come up first 40 was little took the place of the M that's right and the 50 took the place of the B 60 took the place of the a 70 took the place of the G and 80 took the place of the r that's right so it was a complete complete turn out turn yeah right and this was the second size up what what horsepower did this one produce I think it's about 26 about 26 right and familiar horizontal two-cylinder engine yeah one of the interesting features of the 50 and all the other models in the new numbered series apart from the 40 was the Dual carburation system this was designed to improve the fuel efficiency and the responsiveness of the engine and increase the output another interesting feature was the wheel adjustment as Alec explained I think another thing they did was to make it easier for the driver to alter the wheel Trad setting how did that work Alec you loosen these three bolts off screw these other two in to loosen the wedge and then you turn this on your ratch and pin pinion here on the axle it's just like your new tractors today so they really modernize the whole system on system yeah the other ones you had loosen the collar and then try and slide it along this spine aleec you've got a complete set of all the main models of stationary engine that John Deere ever made that must be pretty unusual it is it is unusual they're hard to find six Hors are really hard to find and then you got the rare ones like SW governor and spark plug one and the EP they're more rare cuz there's not many of them right the horse and half three you still find them around and you you've got the lot and you've got them all restored too all restored they they'll all run and and this is this the biggest one this is six horse it's 1940 but the it was later Model come out when they made it but they they had them back 1924 six horse codian what would they use a six hor merer for they've pumped water 6 miles with one of these they said I was told and then they use them on Stone Crushers cut wood Buzz saw blow corn cut corn on a cutting box and stuff like that yeah that's that's a lot like a tractor used to use a more or less stationary engine stuff like that right now this is the next one in your this here's a it's 1928 three horse it goes with like the horse and a half the three and the six and that's the main models they had before they made the other version once where did this one come from when you I got this I got all these collection off one guy in the States oh did you through guy yeah to get get what I wanted that's how I had had to get them and it was in good condition when you got it yeah well I had to do some well I clean it up and paint it it would run but you would have to go over stuff like that when we buy something and then after this we move on to this horse and a half this 1934 it's a small one they used to use these like on the washing machines pump water m m shaft and house just light duty stuff so this this would be really a very popular engine on on farms where they haven't got electricity and so on yep years go okay let's move on now these These are three rare ones this here is a three horse Governor 1924 they made these ones that have hit every time but they shipped them out of the country and so because they were shipped abroad these would be pretty unusual over over here they made these in the six horse too thring Governor right so you to get your different speed you put different size pulley on yes right this here is a three horse spark plug where the other ones are all low tension mags Y and this here is a 1924 they made them early but then they went back to the they had the low tension mags too so they went back to the got mags all the time if this was back in the field someplace the guy went back to get pumped water the batter was dead he couldn't start it so that's why they more or less went didn't run many of these bark plugs and that's why they're more rare to find and now we're moving on to the next one it's a 1934 EP and it's all enclosed for the dust they used to use these on the hay presses and down the cotton Mills and the peanut factories that's why it's got the Breather on here and the heads all enclosed in instead of that it's got the mag mag mag and spark plug on it's got more like a high tension mag on than the low tension and this has got a proper exhaust P proper exhaust yeah mu yeah well they look great Alec I think it's a smashing collection can we see one working sure I'll start up three horse down here give it a spin [Music] thanks these under load of every [Applause] time as well his engine collection Alec also showed us an old John Deere Manure Spreader they were three sizes and Alex is the larger model C version built around 1913 movement of the apron and the beaters came directly from the back wheels as the spreader was pulled along again this machine was beautifully restored and painted another classic example of early Machinery produced by John Deere this dates back to just before John Deere got involved with tractors and the color scheme then included this red red yep yep yeah John Deere years ago was red and black what you were able to trace the color from what was on the original was on here is most of the wood work original or have had to replace no this PR all original here in the apron I had placed about four slots in the apron so presumably it's been stored under cover stored inside it was nice and dry you were lucky to find it from Mar is in Canada it's back to Iowa and the states to auma and a tractor that ran on a completely different type of fuel it's part of the cobbler collection and Fred cobbler told us about the history of this tractor do you know where this one was delivered originally Fred yes this tractor uh was delivered to Florida and was sold in uh sarota Florida so it was used for using the orange orange orage right y right were there a lot of these LP gas tractors delivered from John Deere either Orchard or any other variety well this particular variety of 620 uh LP propane Orchard tractor there was 92 of them built and sold and uh there was other orchard tractors built of like this 620 uh Fuel and uh then you've got to understand there was never was was a 630 Orchard built the 620s was bought through the period of 620 production and 630 production they went on they never changed on that towards the end there in the last of approximately 50 1957 to 1960 do you know is this an early one or a ler one this would be approximately a 1957 LPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas which was a cheap fuel for those farmers who are close to an oil field the power output on LPG was very slightly better than the standard version but the idea had only a limited appeal because the fuel availability was so restricted being an orchard tractor of course it's very well shielded so it can go under the trees and then it's got this extension here and at the back you've got all these are the Taps that control the flow of the gas to the engine presumably uh yes Mike this is starting where you fill the tank this cap comes off and you fill from a larger bulk tank this is emergency valve here that if pressure built up and you got too much pressure it automatically blow off it's it's equal to around 300 lb that it will emergency so it don't blow in somebody's face on the operator I've never saw one blow here you've got the F gauge to show you what percent of fills in the tank of the liquid ulion this one over here actually is the one that a shut off it's a feed line that feeds the carburetor in drton Ontario Don and Sheila morn were pleased to show us their collection of John Deere tractors including another 620 Orchard model this one is powered by gasoline and the morens are particularly fond of this tractor Don was telling me that it was as much your idea as any to um to get this tractor in the first place how did that come about well we'd seen it at our local dealership and it came out in the two-cylinder magazine that there was going to be a featured tractor at their show and I said Don why don't you go and buy that tractor I think it would be fun to take it to Expo so that's what we did Don didn't me suggesting twice no no he did it the next day in a snowstorm right so that well it's real keenness what year was this one made on this is a 1959 so this would have been quite a late one how how many Orchard 620s did they make all together do you have me know around the 425 and the sort of equipment it would use I believe is the discs that you've got on the back yes the I guess it's one of the main things that this tractor was meant to pull in the Orchards um around the apple trees keeping it clean in those days they kept the ground work and it was a funny thing the uh two-cylinder Club in waterl they wanted the tractor but they wanted an Implement real bad and he said you got to go out and look for an Implement well I says I have an old disc and I told him what it was it was a kba 10t disc he says Dandy that's just what that tractor was meant to pull well I says my dad bought that when I was about 18 years old we've had it ever since so the disc has always been in our family so you didn't have to buy that one no right one of the interesting things about these discs is that they're hydraulically operated you need two outlets on the tractor don't you which must have been quite unusual in that time well thinking about that um my dad's Farm back in that year when well when I was 18 years old when he bought it uh we were surrounded by roads and the old drag type disc was an awful nuisance to get across the pavement they didn't appreciate appreciate it so I guess we likely got one of the first hydraulic discs to be made really and at the time the tractor that was pulling it didn't even have hydraulic so we had to have a hand Jack but it still got us up over the highway right how did you set it up to travel on the highway uh well this here if you wanted to take the cylinder off you put it in that hole and that pin there comes up and then you can unhook your cylinder and P it behind the truck and that locks it in position yeah yeah right yeah as well as the 620 in mint condition and complete with its discs the mod collection extends to the full range of 30 series tractors there were six models but all the main components of the 30 series are much the same as the 20s including the engine and gearbox but there were some important changes the steering wheel was angled slightly higher allowing better access to the Gear lever the dash was raised and looked more stylish the exhaust pipe was given an oval Muffler especially designed to reduce noise level and it certainly was effective John Deere tractors have had to pull and power all sorts of equipment over the years but this little 330 is pulling something slightly different it's a Well restored old water pump which could be operated by hand but it's powered by an engine and creates an unusual spectacle when it's running Sheila is very well informed about the history of this rig and she gave me some of the details so this is your rig Sheila I saw this down at the opening of the Grandy Center and and this is what you take around to all the shows yes it is well it's pretty smart too and I noticed at Grundy Center it was attracting a lot of attention tell me about it the engine is obviously John Deere how many horsepower is it 1 and 1/2 horsepower engine do you know when it was made 1927 and tell us about the way it's been set up and what it's driving it's driving a John Deere pump jack and we bought the pump jack in Michigan and the pump it was one of my of DA's and is that time is that also a John Deere no it's not a John Deere no and then Don made up the trailer to show it all we actually had the framework um made up for us and then we had the wood if the wood is off our home Farm it's cherry wood and the oak arms on the pump jack are also off the home Farm the old bucket is from the farm and I just bought an antique washboard so anybody wants to do their laundry well that might be handy too attached to the trailer was a chart showing a John Deere stationary engine and a water pump with all the sizes and specifications listed and just to show that starting the engine poses no problems Sheila cranks it into action the pump is an interesting piece of equipment on its own but combined with the engine and with the 330 to pull it they attract a lot of attention so the tractor special too and it's beautifully restored the um 330 was the baby of the 30 series wasn't it what what was the power output it's about 18 horsepower 18 horsepower and what year is this one 1959 have you had it a long time we've had it 10 years 10 years yeah so and the 30 series is quite a speciality isn't it yes it is the mor family yes we have them all and this tractor this is hitched up to the trailer with the pump jack all the time is it yeah and we've had a lot of fun with it right [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] here at draon Ontario it's very hard to escape the sound of John Deere farm machinery but there is the odd exception we're almost at the end as far as John Deere 2cylinder tractor development is concerned this is the 435 Diesel and it belongs to Willis Richardson from Arthur Ontario Willis one of the interesting features of this tractor is the engine tell us a bit about it it's a 253 Detroit Diesel it's a ported engine it's a it's blow fed air with no intake Valves and it's to cycle firing every Revolution so it's pretty unconventional that's right that's why it sounds they call it the screamer well it makes his own real noise does it that's exactly it don't sound like a John Deere presumably John Deere went to this engine because because they wanted a small diesel tractor in a hurry and they didn't have their own engine developed exactly to the people get on with it people that enjoyed Detroit driving the Detroit Diesel I don't know if just how well it went over was it was it a good starting engine if you understood the engine yes they're a good starter but slow in the winter if you don't understand them right another feature on this tractor is the PTO it's the first John Deere to come out with a 540 and 1,000 RPM on a two-stage clutch and the 100000 RPM presumably was because more equipment was coming in that needed a bit more power also it runs a lot smoother on a th000 RPM then 540 yeah and I believe also this is actually the first John Deere to be um tested at Nebraska with the uh PTO power PTO horsepower standard exactly yes right this is actually basically a 430 I think but I don't recognize that little flap there from a 430 that is got the uh the fuel cap hidden so presumably they must have altered either the Bonnet line the hood line or or the fuel tank the whole Hood line is is designed to uh cover that detroy diesel because because of the extra yeah because the extra size the John Deere Eng they didn't make a great many of these tractors did they went to production start started in in the latter part of 59 and ended in the early part of 60 so it was a pretty short run was do you know which year this one was a 59 this is a 59 yeah late 59 right and have you how long have you owned it since 1984 and it's it looks pretty smart was it in good condition when you got it no it wasn't it came out of a tractor wrecking yard in Pennsylvania oh well it it's pretty smart now you would never guess this tractor came from a wrecking yard it could have come straight from the showroom it was the last of the two cylinder models and during the 1960s deer and Co switched to bigger engines and they called the replacement the new generation for a quick look at one of the new generation tractors we've traveled back to England we've traced the two-cylinder story right through from the waterl boy to the early 1960s and now we're going to take just a brief look at the next stage in the John Deere story and to do that we've come to see Robert self Robert's a contractor and uh his business is based near Ipswich in suffk and he runs mainly John Deere equipment in his business and he also has a collection of old tractors quite a big collection I think Robert isn't there how many tractors have you got about 35 of different mics and then somewhere in between we've got the tractor behind us now I'm not sure whether that's part of your collection or whether it's part of the business that probably will eventually be part of the collection I would have thought but at the moment it's still still a bit attach to the the moment it is yeah now why is that this is a 4020 isn't it and and why have you still using a 4020 occasionally I've owned a 4020 for about five years now when it was bought really just to drill maze because we got sort of a shortage of tractors and I was I was like the 4020 so we bought it to drill Maze and we've done other things with it since that's really why I finished up with it but that we'll eventually get retired into the collection but but why is it particularly suitable for Maze drilling well we use it for Maze because we can get the wheels in to 60 in centers which on a lot of the the larger modern tractors we can't so that's really why we use it for Ma I've got to sneaking suspicion actually that the other reason is that you happen to like that tractor rather a lot oh I like the tractor definitely I thought you did that's that's probably just just as big a reason really when was this one made then when this was uh built 1964 so that was the first production year for the 4020 wasn't it yeah that's right and so that means that sometime this year it's going to have its 30th birthday too exact right and it's still going strong 30 years going strong and you would say that was typical John Deere I would say that's typical John Deere yeah okay well let's have a close look at it anyway the system of adjustment that we can see here on the front axle of the 4020 hasn't changed much over the years it's very similar to the earlier row crop models and a simple operation to adjust by removing the bolts and sliding the axle and steering rod to the required width the rear wheel adjustment is also very similar to the early models by jacking up the axle and loosening the Locking nuts they wound the wheel along the axle using a spanner and the course adjustment was made on the hubs it's ideal for Robert's needs what was the PTO horsepower on the 4020 Robert PTO horsepower was around 90 horsepower Nebraska tested and what was it dual speed dual speed and this cover just lifts off and that's the 540 then and correct and what about when you want to operate it for a thousand you remove the 540 stab and and put in the fine blind thing oh that's that's a, one so you just swap them over that's right and that you Lodge the cover on there when it's uh when you're using the PT sort of a park position really that's pretty logical isn't it mhm the 4020 was part of what John Deere called the new generation of tractors to take over from the two cylinders and one of the things they introduced on This was um their close Center Hydraulics wasn't it Robert which for those days was uh uh pretty Advanced feature and they've stuck to it ever since haven't they more or less exactly the same system did I the PTO and the uh in the middle of the tractor that was we've seen those before on earlier John deers but I would think that was getting an unusual feature in the 1960s wasn't it what what sort of equipment did they operate with that I don't really know but I think it was obviously meant for like mid mounted mowing equipment or something like that but as you say that was unusual for a big tractor at this time to have that but they obviously had got equipment that they used on it so I suppose it was left as a feature really yes yes so this takes us onto the engine which is obviously the heart of this tractor and um was really what made it one of the most popular John Deere tractors of its time um it was available I think as LP gas and um gasoline as well but uh diesel was the power of the 1960s and John Deere was good at it uh it's a six-cylinder and what was the displacement Robert it was 404 cubic in direct injection so that yes it's big I mean that was really for Britain anyway in a lot of other overseas countries this was the first taste of big Diesel power in the 1960s basically it's a standard John Deere engine but I believe you had to do one modification Robert what was that yes we removed the the Dynamo and fitted it with a 24 volt alternator so why did you do that well we did it because um The Flash and Beacon that's sort of lore in the UK on on the highway was was taking too much power of the batteries and the D couldn't keep up so we had to put an alternator to to to charge the batteries faster and and is that cope with the problem cope was the problem it's a really stylish looking tractor but one thing that strikes me is that there's no John Deere emblem on the front is that the way they came out of the factory that's the way they came out yeah as it is now even though deer was always so proud of the leaping deer emblem they didn't stick it on this particular model no that was that was just as it was and this I believe this is a little bit more than just a piece of styling it was originally intended as a site for for drilling or field work to to keep a straight line you quite at home up there Robert it's a rather more comfortable seat than some of the ones we've seen on the very early John deers um you actually got suspension there yeah yeah we've got suspension that's obviously a lot more comfortable than the old twin cylinder tractors but that was obviously also more comfortable than some of the the tractors in 1964 when this was built it's got a padded seat with armrest and the back rest and suspension adjustable for we and backwards and forwards so that was it was quite Advanced even in the area of the seat I think for 1964 well particularly adjustment for weight because that was pretty unusual wasn't yeah and these were actually available with a cab I think but um you've I think you've modified the safety frame a little bit haven't you it's not we have to have a safety frame to to comply with safety regulations so we have to sort of put up with that so we've sort of made it fit the tractor and put a sunroof on to keep the sun off when we were drilling M when the sun shines when it's yeah and and the the canopy itself you actually made you made on the in your own work we made canopy yeah was pretty good anyway yeah just behind your boot there Robert you got a little um pedal to press now what was that for that was the hydraulic diff lock which lock obviously locked the rear two wheels together which was was quite a new thing at the time this tractor was built I mean still there's still a lot of tractors that never had it as a standard standard part of build but they used to really sort of Feature Feature this is one of the one of the selling points of the tractor yeah obviously a selling point of this because it's a high horsepower two wheel drive tractor and without a diff log obviously in wet conditions it wouldn't have been too much use yes right it's easy to find Robert's yard you just look for a Model H tractor on a pole it's a well-known local landmark and it's also an indication of Robert's enthusiasm for John Deere tractors and Equipment the 4020 is a good example of John Deer tractors in the 1960s and this one is still going strong but what about John Deere tractors of the 1990s designed to provide Farmers with the latest EMP power technology Mark Christen of the John Deere tractor plant at waterl Iowa told us about the latest models well this morning we're in front of the tractor assembly division located in Waterloo Iowa and we've been manufacturing tractors in waterl since 1918 and as you can imagine a number of things have changed over the last 75 years and examples of our latest changes are here our 7,000 series rrop tractors introduced to our dealers in August of 1992 and our 70 series four-wheel drive tractors that we uced to our dealers in March of 1993 let's take a little closer look at some of the features and benefits that both of these tractors have we have three members in our 7,000 series family our 7600 at 110 PTO horsepower our 7700 at 125 horsepower and are 7800 at 145 PTO horsepower now all three of these models have six cylinder John Deere turbocharged diesel engines they have excellent Superior fuel economy as as well as excellent lugging ability with torque Rises of up to 38% we also have two transmission options in the 7,000 series base equipment our power quad transmission with 16 forward speeds and 12 reverse speeds this transmission is basically a power shift transmission within each of the four synchronized ranges the ultra Deluxe transmission that we have is our 19p speed power shift transmission 19 forward speeds and seven reverse speeds this transmission has both the fastest and slowest forward and reverse speeds in the industry for an example our slowest forward speed at .9 mph or around 13 ft per minute eliminates any need for a creeper transmission option in the power shift our fastest transport speed of up to 25 mph is about 5 mph faster than the models that the 7,000 series replaces our 70 series tractors are in extension of our already successful 60 series four-wheel drive tractors we have increased the horsepowers throughout the line on the 70 series as well as added an additional new model our lineup goes like this we have our 8570 at 250 engine horsepower our 8770 at 300 engine horsepower and our new model the 8870 is at 350 horsepower and our biggest model the 8970 at 400 engine horsepower we have three new standard features with the 70 series four-wheel drives a new electronic fuel delivery system has allowed us to actually redefine the power curve that redefining is what we call power bulge and what power bulge has enabled us to do is to take this 400 horsepower 8970 and as it begins to Lug down down to about 1,800 RPM the horsepower will actually increase to around 428 horsepower now this power bulge is common throughout the line the 8570 has a 5% power bulge the 8770 has a 7% power bulge the 8870 and the 8970 also have a 7% power B in these two videos we have covered more than 100 Years of tractor development from the single cylinder Fric of the 1890s which offered the driver a hard wooden seat and a water bottle to the latest high-tech John deers of the 1990s with many of the Comforts of car although it's more than 30 years since the last of the two cylinder tractors came off the production line the two-cylinder story is by no means finished many of those tractors are still at work and there are many more of them preserved in collections and museums survivors of a tractor range which made an enormously important contribution to farming efficiency through more than 40 years
Channel: Aaron Maynard
Views: 99,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tractor (Product Category), Deere & Company (Business Operation), 2 Cylinder Tractor, John Deere (Inventor), John Deere World Headquarters (Structure), Tractor Pulling, Farmer
Id: 24cDBKnyA9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 29sec (3149 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2015
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