John Deere Model 40 Crawler Repairs

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okay whoa all right so last time with the model 40 i got sitting right in front of me here you guys so i started up get it out it's kind of growing up around me again as you can see uh but i don't think we're gonna lose it this time so today uh you know we've got a lot of repairs to do to it um there's a couple things that really stood out to us number one the starter you could hear it it was rolling over this possibility you know the ring gear on the uh you know flywheel could be bad that could be giving us some issues nevertheless it's not going to hurt me to rebuild the starter it's maybe fifty hundred bucks apart so i'm gonna pull the starter off i'm gonna bring that back with me so we can rebuild that i'm gonna pull the generator off as well because you guys saw we think that was kind of seized up a little bit that probably needs it too just a couple of things that i can kind of get ahead of before we uh actually put on a trailer and put in the garage i just don't have room for in the garage yet so there's our starter i'll try and get that off generator try and get that off i ordered a muffler but that's not in yet um it's a miracle that that thing's rotted out down there it's a miracle that we didn't actually you know basically get the thing seized up on us so i'm gonna try and get that done um we'll get this stuff off we'll get in the shop and we'll start rebuilding it and then we'll come back up and we'll throw it on try everything out i might try and put a little bit of uh more lube on those steering clutches too because even though we're gonna rebuild them it'd just be kind of cool to get them freed up and get a steering a little bit you know just before we dive into a full-on rebuild that's about all we got last time and i really did that's fine we'll put some more on today you gotta take that off come on bailey come here what are you doing boy it's got to be just the one bolt on the thing oh yeah it's loose already nice that's the easiest starter removal i've ever seen and this thing is teached right definitely a little worn out and then this this gear pretty bad too so that's probably why i wouldn't catch wow amazingly it looks really good man it looks a little worn like i thought i thought that thing was gonna be screwed that's really good news and that thing looks good let me roll that over a little bit um and see if there's bad spots on it or what there we go oh yeah man so far obviously i'm uh pretty early on into this but i need to say it maybe not the old guys we're right it is nice working on old stuff [Music] so [Music] that should be it seems a little rough all right so my dad doesn't believe me oh that that ring gear is good so i'm gonna spin it over he's gonna watch it go go slow a little slower yeah yep yeah keep going keep going keep going dang that looks good i can't believe it all right okay right there it might be just a little bit worn no no no not at all keep going 85 which is pretty good for something that old yeah yeah okay i've seen enough run around a lot but i am going to put some oh wow the big thing is obviously so i got all my parts from lavoy he's out of north dakota he runs the or something for them if you guys do a little search actually i'll put a link to that in the description um so i got generator and starter kits i was maybe just going to buy the end and put brushes in it but he talked me into the whole kit and said you know if you're going to do it you might as well do it and i tend to agree the original nose cone had a couple cracks in it you can see someone tried to put some brass in it at one point um so we tried to weld it that did not go that well as you can see um so the void came through for me i got a new one here i believe he said he found two in the nation um but this thing looks pretty good it actually almost feels like it's cast steel versus cast iron um but so now i've got everything blasted i'm gonna paint everything up i'm gonna shoot epoxy primer on this just because i don't really trust anything else it's easy to shoot i kind of already don't remember how it all goes so paint looks good though still missing all right i know i shouldn't be doing this this is 12 volts um but i don't have a six volt battery and before i go make a fool of myself on the dozer i kind of want to try this um so negative then i got my ground over here on the bolt all right player in the hole oh yeah that's nice all right so the dozer should start with that that'll be good um so now apparently you can test these generators kind of as a motor so let's see no spinny still a little hard though oh see okay there it wants to go these are just some cheapish gauges off ebay i'm you know to be honest with you i have no idea how they all work but it looks alright yes i know this is black but it's primer for now i also got a new switch because we think that's why we weren't getting power to the coil so that is why we had to you know put that wire in the battery there oh come on look at that one of the coolest parts about this bulldozer and i'm kind of messing it up as i go but more or less is that if you have basic hand tools in the sense of like a regular screwdriver some regular wrenches and a phillips screwdriver you can do all the maintenance you need on it there's no oh good the problems never end wow that is amazing please oh i guess i need to get the right screw it either is or is now going to be 8 32 all right that's nice so hopefully we get some on off action from the switch now i'm guessing that's ingestion ignition ign are you guys seeing that that's amazing all right that looks pretty good that should get us see if we're charging and if we can turn it on and off off ignition lights something something so the other thing is it's really bad like paranoid there's a massive hornet's nest in here i've really been kind of lubing this up so i'm going to take this off too and put some more lube down here get it to see if we can get a steering break to work today and that side's still solid all right [Music] can anyone tell me what this is oh the iconic grille is gone um it's got a three detroit in it obviously it's buried [Music] ah we're gonna get it out at some point so make sure you guys pay attention i think the engine got a little bit of water in it which is kind of a bummer um but it's fine we'll figure it out man i just don't know how big the damn thing is you know they're coming out from the bottom all right i think i'm ready all right wow that's a snug fit don't go yeah but i think the other one half the reason why that bolt wouldn't hold it too is it slapped it was just slopped out it didn't we're lucky that it's tight in the uh yeah and the bell housing there [Music] all right so it looks like if we just cut that at the top we'll be able to dig that out cut it flush yeah yeah oh oh what oh that is it right it's a bit tight it's perfect oh okay boy good luck huh it's good raincap shoot oh boy well that's a problem for another day i guess but yeah i can't believe how good it i've is heard it sound like that yeah hey i rebuilt it myself [Music] making is do we'll have to pop that top of the transmission off one day doesn't shift that great yeah i don't know you think there's synchro's in there just some collars yeah i think we will but i mean i think all that will be a part when we do the string clutches right you think so you think you just take this off yeah i think we need to pop that off change the oil on that probably got a little water in it yeah i feel like it always used to kind of shift a little tough well hey hold on we had one great victory and we exposed one more problem yeah yeah just listen to this thing roll over for a second one more time that's smoke from i think this looks like no it looks like we exposed another brown we need a new battery i'd like to get this belt down i believe we just pop that thing off [Music] oh that tightens the belt it's an eccentric it goes up and down it never comes loose see that you're the one with the good eyes how come you didn't catch there i don't have my glasses on okay watch watch it go down see yeah you got it all right so now what do we do now yeah take it yep you gotta get the other one you gotta get the other one over the fan put it over the fan the other one yeah you got to get it around the fan over the fan and your knuckles are going to all be be all beat up tomorrow man yeah i'm earning it today okay well wow it's already oh shoot it's too tight you got it too tight so that's for the fan belt that's probably pretty good all right man you think it'll charge you got a regulator yeah i got a regulator too that looks good i'll upgrade it got its own battery brand new it was positive ground right yeah boy so it's got a field battery i believe it goes the battery goes through the ammeter and then it's got a load and a generator [Music] oh they say a good technician always has the right tool for the job i got crescent wrench that'll go from this size to many others what happened sparky again don't take it off it's still sparkling that's not good we've gotten backwards though [Music] you know so this comes from the battery right here goes through the hammer she got the right one from the battery so this has got to go to the ammeter and from the ammeter we have a battery terminal on the volt rig voltage regulator which has to be it right so we've got a field so go touch the field on the generator that's the little wire right is there a f on the casing by the little wire yep okay i'll attach it to that touch it again okay touch it again hey look at that look at that no spark so what do we do we switched around a couple wires so did some wiggling the way you wired this uh he thought it out well we took the so there's armature or field i'm sorry there's field f battery e-a-t that's the middle middle so that goes through the ammeter to the battery this goes to the f matches on the germinal the generator f terminal this is load which is basically just power off for your ignition for your lights anything like that and on the bottom is generator so the armature actually goes to generator so let's see here whoa how do you turn the gas on just like that oh right there eh do i just give her a twist why you have it on yeah okay do i loosen it yeah yeah so i open it all the way yeah yeah okay don't go all the way oh oh shoot touch that to the generator and see what happens nothing okay no that's right unbelievable i got some zip ties do you want to clean up this uh wiring and ted i think it's gonna need a little bit more than zip ties to clean it up so if you got the clutch in yeah go ahead pull it and then once it starts you gotta push the choke take the choke out yeah oh put your throttle up the throttle is wide open wide open throughout the world it's joking it's broken let up whatever you're starting do you have ammunition so that's funny because when the rain camp was bad i feel like that's what saved it from being seized up because the water actually had a path to drain out all right so your put on the clutch so over and that's reverse second and then you can kind of find first that's probably first you don't need that no put the blade down there's a lot going on give me some throttle so here's here's the real test idle it down and see if it turns off wow switch works so now you can turn it on and it should fire right up just bump the starter don't hold it you know [Applause] i don't know [Music] you never knew you needed a model 40 john deere did you you know it doesn't have steering clutches can't steer but that is a really good job done the fact that it starts i mean it rolls over so nice now you know that starter really ended up working out good generator work good charges um you know we got to put a couple switches on stuff but that's pretty cool and then if i check and i pull this terminal off no spark so we know you know you can just hook the battery up leave it tie it down once we get the steering clutches he can run it so that's it for this episode guys um they've been some pretty not the most fun repairs but they're good so now i think we got to get in the garage and get the steering clutches drive the bulldozer next time [Music] this is the kind of heart pumping action that viewers want to see right can you get the screw in the hole oh yeah i think you'll see is my frustration hey we got one sweet that luck washrooms the whole toke was like 30 seconds easy first try
Channel: dieseJL
Views: 110,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heavy equipment, diesel, salvage, restoration, machine restoration, tools, old machinery, caterpillar, cat, yanmar, ihi, repair, heavy machinery, earthmover, earthmoving, komatsu, stuck, logging, machine, heavy, vehicle, tank, john deere, case, bulldozer, dozer, material handler, track type tractor, barn find, mechanic, asmr, salvage workshop, restore, discovered, found, lost, tractor, forgotten, rusty, digger, recovery, recovered, american, ih, derral eves, john deere crawler, heavy equipment fails
Id: 9G8bxgtW5HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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