Broken Down IH 560 Farmall: WILL IT RUN????

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okay so today we're going on another adventure you got a call from a guy who lives several miles away but he's got a Farmall 560 and he says that it does not run now it had a problem where it was not running right and he thought he was going to fix it by changing the timing and now he's got it to where it won't even run at all so we're gonna go see if we can help him out get going I don't know I I suspect that what's going to happen is we're going to get it running and then find out that it's got another problem which was the original problem this happened so we're gonna give it a try and see what we can come up with for him see you back when we get there [Music] all right welcome back if you haven't seen my videos before I'm Rusty Oliver Mann and here we are with a 560 that does not run and he had some guys come out and look at it and could not get it to go and so our suspect right now is that it's probably 180 degrees at a time so we're gonna check that pulled the number one plug and now we're going to turn it over by hand and see if we can feel any compression coming out and then we'll check and see where our rotor ends up he put the rotor to number one when he had it at top dead center but if it's not on the compression side then it still won't run so we'll check that first and then we'll go from there all right let's see if we can do you need me to turn this over up here by just if you can tap tap feel it uh whenever it starts coming up on compression that didn't didn't do that okay keep going keep going foreign there we go okay now we're coming up from compression yeah that's fine all right so right in this neighborhood should be number one on compression and that is not at all where Let's see we put number one on the cap number one was this one this way so we're off by a little bit here so that's fine so now well yes and no so okay I'm sorry so that's fine so what we can do then is to make that go we want number one which is this one but we may be a type of situation where when it starts to interfere with stuff we may just have to move all the spark plug wires around one to get it where it's you know other than pulling it out and setting it back down but I don't know enough about International to know it what's at the bottom does it have a gear or does it have just a slot does it slot a slot yeah it's right here okay so see that there it is so then there's no there's no other choice then other than switching wires one around to get it where we want it because you know otherwise your attack cable hits the side yeah okay it was all the way up against it around that way it may not be right but if I get it started I didn't care yeah so we'll put it about right there and we'll remember that our rotor is this away so now the nice thing is uh okay we don't we can just let's just start over the firing order is the same on every six cylinder engine one one five three six two four so foreign we'll just reprogram here however you want to do I don't care if I can get it running I'd rather use this on that I've used it for years all of a sudden that's gotten worse on me Okay so we've got this direction so we probably want to make this one number one all right now I wasn't smart enough or paying attention bump the key one more time I want to make sure which way this is going around so I don't foreign that anytime but that's good because that knows we got fired now see there's a lot of people just like checking your electric fence there's a good way to do that too I've been here probably I'll tell you what that one right there is a powerful Summit I've got one of them too and boy hit a woman I bought it from them and she said that she had to go to the hospital she thought she's having a heart attack she said it hurts so bad oh here we go I know one thing the Cavs won't because he when I got it if they stay away from it but they can tell when it's off oh yeah they do they have a sense about that because mine are always looking for a way to escape as soon as they get a chance six two and I'll put this one on here all right let's put our plug back in and just see what happens I'm gonna put our flake back in there too because I didn't do that yet did you know John reekers uh he's like a he was a it would be cousins like way back line there were two brothers and then you know one lines his line and one's Line's mine so but uh oh John was a good old guy he did a lot of electrical work yeah he was my brother's boss okay so your brother worked up there yeah that sounds so familiar that's what uh he worked there for years any hard in it Cummins but John was hello now the other one that helped him uh there we go let's see what we got started yeah yeah see if you can get it to start we're close we may not be perfect but we're close I think yeah that's a good idea I can hear it sparking huh I said I can hear it sparking but I don't hear any running it's got yeah gases on right no it's out of gas it's out of gas it can be out of gas there's air in the sediment bowl so something ain't right in [Music] my God that isn't I got gas at the house okay yeah you get some gas and I'd say we'll be pretty close to to go I didn't know that either well if it uh like all mine at home I always shut the gas off every time because you can't trust it anymore these this the gas we got now is so crappy that it'll start leaking out of them carburetors and you won't realize and it can work every single time and then one time it'll do it and what might have done this is since it's been so cold it might have a little water in it and froze that and held it open and then it all run out you know so I'm gonna say I had it in it yeah yeah all right he's gonna go get gas and I'm gonna get a wrench so that I'm ready to tighten down a distributor whenever we potentially get it to run which I have faith in myself I think I can get it to rent it sounded healthy enough and it shocked the Daylights out of me a while ago so we know it's got fire we just need fuel we should be good you really only need three things compression Fuel and Spark we got two of the three things we just need to add fuel so here in a minute when he comes back we will give it a try and see if we can't get her to fire up but I think we have potential to get that to go so we'll see pretty straight old tractor really cut oil in it so that's good this appears to be an IH farm he has several there's one there that he's been grinding with and then there were a couple more driving in so it appears he's a red fan all the way but there was a lot of these around boy as a kid a 560 International that was probably one of the most common things you saw 560 Internationals and 40 20 deer 1650 Olivers uh you know 200 or 190 Alice Chalmers all those tractors or the workhorses back then another thing I thought of and I was looking to try to tell and I'm pretty sure that at this point on a tractor of this vintage well I can't say that either uh say I'm getting distracted with my story so it's making no sense to you but it looks like somebody's put a new coil on and the rule of thumb for coils is whatever your ground is that's the post of your coil that goes to the points and here we have negative hook to the points so I'm not sure if it's a negative ground the battery on these is up under the hood and I don't think there's any easy way I'm gonna have to ask him that when we get back whether or not there's an easy access to see the battery or whether you got to take a whole slew of sheet metal off to do it looks like to me but what do I know you know the sad and unfortunate thing is that I don't know how much of the story I'll leave in the video but he had somebody from the IH dealer come out and work on it and then they tried to charge him and never had it running and didn't really know what they were doing it sounded like or whoever the person was because they didn't have the wire hook back up that was sending power to the points so you know that that can't be we can't have stuff like that but what I'm not sure about is where our other wire is going we got this what green wire and I don't have a book for one of these so we might have to just check up on that but it could be the type of thing where somebody has ran a new wire and whatever but we'll see so did he put a new coil on or you put a new coil on let me ask you this does uh because I can't see to get to the battery easy you got to take the hood off don't you oh you don't oh okay I didn't know that oh hey okay I just wanted to double check to make this out no I don't have to I just wanted to see for sure that it's negative ground because uh you know with a generator it could be either way yeah and your whatever your ground is it's the one that needs to go to your points and some people don't they just slap her on and don't but it's fine it's hooked up right so we're ready for gas that's what I kept asking about that right there that one he said no that ain't got nothing to do it well what I'm wondering no smoke no nothing so that update when he went home on a Friday I put that on I said ain't gonna call me now put it on that's something yeah so what I think is that's probably that is definitely now your wire from the key but what I'm wondering is what this wire does if it's just jumping like they're getting power from here to go somewhere else and do something else or whether uh you know I'd have to look at a wiring book for one of these but whatever if it runs yeah yeah okay cows watching what we're up to probably because they know their food's behind us yep I'm ready for you to fire it up we'll see what we get ready yep might have to choke it because it's probably dry choker yeah give her a choke I have to do it down there oh okay you want me to I can do it and you see that's a full choke right there yeah oh it's on now okay then let's go the other way let's see oh that forward is no joke yeah all right yeah right there okay it's right on my thumb right there and that's running okay yeah we want it open it's still it's flooded is what it is I think so we'll give her that's done that to me ever since I've had history we need to get a you need to get a new solenoid for it probably or a Bendix in a starter oh foreign well it's getting close try it again there we go foreign foreign there's a lot of them unnecessarily they uh I'll just tell you right now I hate that I do let's try to start it again it just seems like it's got a miss and I don't I don't know you ain't gonna get the full effect of anything without foreign but that's in the exhaust side it wouldn't it wouldn't it wouldn't miss like it's doing unless it was like on the intake side so let's start it up again and see what we get buddy you've done a hell of a lot better than what I've had well that's good I haven't offended anybody today yet so that's good you ready yeah I'm ready foreign let's shut it off we gotta figure out why and that's not gonna work so I don't know if it's is there any it doesn't seem to smoke too bad I mean a cylinder that really uses oil or anything not that I know but I overhauled this tractor about four years ago okay and it was bored out the people was raised to me that owned it before I bought it from them he had pulled it all the way out so when I went to get the points for the the what are the stuff for it because they've balled out yeah because it seems like it's just blowing a lot of there's a lot of oil I'm getting that see that one don't look what I need to do overhaul it again I don't know I just I'm trying to see for sure that like you said you put all these wires on huh yeah I put them on but that guy took them all off and he said I didn't put them on right I said okay well he might have really screwed him up is what I'm getting at I don't know I I want to I guess what we'll have to do is uh I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it without I want to test these plugs and see whether they're in the counters that I'm getting at they're brand new ones I mean not let's put it this way it's been about eight weeks ago we had two months that's when I bought all them and he said Dave is bad he said you bought bad ones and all that and I said I bought it from you guys and he said oh I will say and one thing is I haven't had very good luck with champion plugs anymore and that's what I'm getting at Sometimes they come out of the box they ain't no count but I'm just trying to figure out why it seems like we got that flutter in it and if it's not in the ignition side then I got push rod or something's jumped off under there uh but I thought while ago because before I get too carried away here when it was running I was thinking that when I pulled it off a number two it didn't really make much difference so maybe let's try to start it again and see if it's blowing anything out of that hole let me plug this back in too and then I'll yeah let me lay it here somewhere where okay we're good to go now ready yep it's got compression and it did fire on that one so we'll put that back in but it's somewhere it's got a miss and I gotta find that because that ain't gonna do you get it I mean to run like that it could also but see you had them put that you put that coil on too right you said yes yes and now it's a brand new core and it came from them yeah okay so that's what I'm going to see I usually buy everything from Napa so I'm trying to just double check out loud you know what's been done did they for sure I guess since they sold it to you for a 560 it should be the right thing but what he told me that guy to come here the whole time it's only on the points he said they showed you the wrong ones that ain't for a 560. so he went back and he got more and they tried charging me for them and I said now wait a minute you owe me for the ones you sold me then yeah and they said well we don't do stuff like that I said no wait a minute you you sold them to me if you sold me the wrong things that ain't my fault yeah we'll turn it over again and check this just to be sure here wait a minute okay go ahead and see if it electrocutes me this time go for it are you ready yep foreign I just don't that looks like an awfully weak spark I don't know but that's not well that's that's what he told me the first time he said you ain't getting much of a spark he said didn't bats alone but I told him if they're bad I bought it from you guys and it ain't been two days since I bought them now I'm trying to see what I normally do what the what the what's going on here your ignition system is naturally like six volts yeah and then when they went to 12 volts in tractors some people's solution was they would use this resistor thing and then that way they could use the same coil as before jumps the voltage down to whatever and I usually just put a coil that has the resistor built into it but see this tractor set up for this design and I'm wondering if maybe that block is not the great you've never replaced this have you no no but I've not done anything that day's always been right there well and see what I'm saying is maybe it's getting where it needs replaced with that right there it does is jumps the voltage down and so I'm another thing I'm wondering then why this whole setup here doesn't make sense with these wires and why he was probably confused it shouldn't have a wire from here straight into the into this it should go through this first and so that's what I'm wondering is if at some point somebody's bypassed it to make it have more juice in which case it's not getting resisted and then it's causing trouble with in here with this stuff because that will happen if it's not if you're supposed to have a resistor and you don't it'll burn up points sometimes just are you saying we need the other coil well I'll tell you what I think I got it right in there and I don't think there was anything wrong with it well they told me no you need a new one well I don't know about that but what I'm getting at is uh we'd have to have this P I'm not sure on his wiring whether or not and I know you put that one on but I'm not I'm not sure about the rest of this that's what I'm getting at I I'm thinking that it's messing with its mine he's open he just double check what I want to make sure you can shut the lights off laughs foreign and I'll tell you what I set that at 21. Okay the reason why they told me to set it first of all he said 14 and I did 14 I never had anything so I asked them again and I called and asked and they said yo you want to set that anywhere from 18 to 21. see it looks to me like it started to burn these points yeah and that's why I'm not sold on this coil I don't know if I have one with me of what I normally use I use these ic14 and then what you would do take your white wire yeah just ignore the rest of this stuff first take the white wire and it goes to the positive and then put this one to the negative and you're good to go you forget this block you don't have other words like the M2 wires off there yet you wouldn't have to have you wouldn't have to have this wire for sure because it goes to the block yeah but what I'm not sure about is where this wire goes this green wire that's the only thing if you noticed that something else wasn't working after we after you did that then this here's a hot wire up and it's been like that all this time and I've been taping it but that is hot okay so we don't know I don't even know what it goes to or anything okay let's let's do some there it is here well I just wanted to see if I could see where it come up through there uh okay so I'm back from the Farmall 560 experience there and we'll just do a little bit of recap because I don't know how much video was usable we kind of got talking and carrying on and I'm not going to put all that in there but we got it running as you maybe probably saw what had happened was it was not in time so whoever put the spark plug wires in had them in the wrong place and so in order to get it where you could still turn the distributor without that tachometer cable hitting the side of the block we had I had to move them you know I think two holes around and then everything was right with the world we were able to get it back where it needed to start but as you could tell maybe in the video I don't know we'll see if you can hear the thing just had quite a bit of a Miss in it it just wasn't quite right for what it should be and I told him you know I don't think that that's I don't think we really fixed it I think if you want something that's going to run good we need to do more we need to get that Miss out of it for one I mean it was it was driving me nuts I tried all kinds of different things the carburetor I think needs cleaned because it did not really respond when I was changing the settings on the needles uh his choke Cable's broken that's really annoying because you can't control it from the seat and it won't hold it where you want it you know it that was a mess that needed to be changed we need to fix that uh starter that starter was driving me nuts you could hear that it wouldn't engage all the time and the last time we tried it it was like 15 times he tried it before it finally caught so what I told him and he's agreed to is he's going to bring it out here to me so that I can tune it up and get it in as good a shape as we can and that way it'll be a usable tractor for him so in a few days he's going to drop it off and I'll figure out what parts we need I really want to take the valve cover off too and make sure that we have everything adjusted right make sure that there's not a uh you know bent push right or something it just felt like there was a little bit of pecking going up on in there and and then with that miss you know it's possible I don't know how an international motor's made really I don't think I've had one apart for a long long time if ever and so it could be like these you know the Waukesha sometimes the push rod will jump you know the rocker will jump out of the push rod it could be the push rod bent could be that they're just out of adjustment from vibration but we need to double check that while we're working on it to eliminate that as a possibility his wiring was a disaster on the tractor and I need to get a wiring diagram and sort it out and put it back the way it's supposed to be because whoever had the tractor before him had stuff run everywhere I cut a wire off that was uh it was hot all the time and it was hooked and it was just lying across the floorboard of his tractor out to the back and he said oh yeah that wire sparked sometimes and I've just been putting black tape on it well that's not gonna work you know that's dangerous you're going to cause a fire or whatever so I cut that off underneath the dash I actually ended up taking his Dash loose so I could get in there to do it and then there was another wire I cut loose on the dash that had already been burning at some point and it was totally torched like down in this area here and then it went around to the other side of the sheet metal and it was just like wadded up inside of the sheet metal and had been pinched in there I'm amazed that that didn't burn this tractor up because it was a total melted pile of goo so that's off of there now so at least that is taken care of but his coil wire had like three wires going to it and that's not you know that that just doesn't make sense to me I don't know if there's an international thing if they were sending trying to send power backwards to something else but I need to read up on that and see if any of those wires really belong there or if somebody just like repurposed a headlight wire or something and turned it into a new coil wire and then they all got hooked up but I also suspect that that coil is not good I know it's brand new but I suspect that in the process of doing whatever they did that that is not a resisted coil and he hooked full voltage to it and it's not ride anymore so the luxury of when people bring stuff here to me is I have enough stuff on hand with all the multiple tractors I have around I can take a coil off one of mine and try it on there and see if that you know fixes it right up then I know his coil is totally toast and then we can go from there you know it had all new wires supposedly all new plugs in the last month or so and you know points and all that so but I did see when looking in his distributor you could tell that the points had started to burn so that tells me that the you know and and even by the way it was hooked up it wasn't running through the resistor it was getting full voltage and that is a No-No so we're gonna figure it out and make it the best we can and we're gonna do that by him dropping it off here so I can work on it and uh then it's also cheaper for people because you know if I don't have something I can walk away from it and go do something else and then when I'm in town next time pick up the pieces instead of when you're on a service call and you have to leave right then and go get the pieces and charge them to go to the store and this and that so that's the way we're going to do it so you may see it in the future video but that's how that played out and I think we can bring it around to where it's a good usable tractor again with just a few more little things and some love well as always thank you for watching my videos if you found any value in them give them a thumbs up you know leave a comment if you liked it leave a comment if you don't like it call me a I really don't care that's fine but any of that stuff helps out the channel as always thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Ross the Oliver Man
Views: 49,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b8BuaC4KBFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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