John Cena Explains His Strange Instagram Page

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your Instagram John you are one of the most famous people on the planet and your Instagram is one of the most per perplexing places that I've ever seen what do you mean when I go to John Cena on Instagram hold on I'm just gonna I gotta pull some up because I need answers Cena I need answers I wasn't sure if I was on the right account at first be honest but it had 20 million no look at today oh my God Porto Rican flag now that would makees sense okay John but what were you feeling on this Prince day on this on this Dave Chappelle rendition of prin day what does the bio say I'll read it welcome to my Instagram these images will be posted without explanation for your interpretation enjoy so enjoy no no no no no no no we want you to interpret with this photo of Benjamin Franklin that you posted me what did you mean when you posted that John so uh I don't want to I never want to take away anyone's interpretation of the image why did I post that because I just read uh poor Charlie's Almanac which is a Charlie Monger piece who admires and read a a reference to biography by Ben Franklin and it references a lot to do with Ben Franklin and uh Ben Franklin found compounding interests to be extremely interesting oh uh so much so that he uh took an experiment and put a certain amount of fund certain amount in a fund and had it mature for a certain amount of time and was able to fund a bunch of philanthropic projects just on compound interest alone I don't think that enough people learn how to use money right I don't know why we don't teach it in schools and uh I got guidance on how to use money from Ben Franklin via Charlie Munger so I posted Ben Franklin can I ask you about this traffic jam yeah sure I was stuck in traffic these are all making so much sense that one I love made sense I hate I hate doing this because I want uh people to be able to take away what they want just like any other artist they want the audience so I originally I am not from the age of attach yourself to every platform uh it's it was very tough for me to come up to to speed uh I contribute to Facebook I contribute to Twitter and then the the WWE at the time when Instagram launched was like you have to have an Instagram it's like all right if I have to have it I'm doing it my way and the very first post is a post of uh a writer who was working with me at the time Ryan Ward it's a close-up of his mustache and I didn't put anything no no tags no nothing and I said I'd never post a picture of my face and I would never add any text and I would just see if this could work and it has become like art and I think there's not enough there's not enough vehicle for interpretation nowadays everything is presented and thoroughly explained I want people to think for themselves and I've dropped some serious Clues and spoilers on there and like real inside baseball stuff but if you're not looking for it you don't know and I don't care if you know because that's not the point the point is if you if you come to there as a forum you can check out the images you can get a look into my life or maybe you can get a look into your own life maybe you see something in that traffic jam that I don't maybe you see something that Ben Franklin pitcher I don't Stone Cold strogen off and then there Stone Cold Friday it is a beautiful rendition of a way to you social media it's actually amazing coming from you that that you like I said three sizes man I appreciate that it's cool and I'm not going to do this all day just please just one more what did you mean when you posted this bear with 687 th000 likes what is this chubby little bear I had just uh visited my family in Vancouver and I spent uh 10 days being fed Persian food and that's how I felt you're the best John this and that cu the it's in the snow and that's kind of how I felt can can we make this so good can we get serious for a sec on the social media thing for just one last we weren't serious we just didn't do that I thought I was very serious I thought about Benjamin I mean I was genuinely giving you my thoughts which is very rare I don't explain anything okay leaving the interpret the artistic interpretation out of it do you do you see any other uh innate downsides to social media that you don't like is there any anything you steer clear of platforms you don't like is there anything you just don't like about social media listen uh man there's things that about life I don't like so I stay away from that stuff um the reason I curate my Instagram the way I do is because I want to really be efficient with my time on that screen and the reason I curate my Twitter the way I do the reason we uh have the experience in Tik Tok that we do um is because I want to be able to First what's most important to me getting something out there for the people who who actually pay attention to what I do I have no idea why but understanding that that's important and making it important but also setting boundaries for myself I believe boundaries are very important in life um and this is a way for me to operate in all tentacles where my entire day isn't structured around that device and that's something that I am consciously aware of so I don't want to say I don't want to do that I want to be a part of all these things but I the the person who helps me uh manage all this is sitting right over there that when we sit down and explore a new platform the first dis piece of discussion is how much time is this going to take because that is our most valuable asset the time you gave me today in the car that's a huge ask I your time is Super valuable I I was able to receive so much worth and wealth from that and I'm I'm grateful I'd much rather be doing that than scanning to see what the world is about I think social media is great if if it doesn't make your life miserable if something makes your life miserable and you continue to do it man I don't know what to tell you social media doesn't make my life miserable I feel good about the messages I send I feel great that I like kind of have an art gallery in Instagram I feel great that we can use Tik Tok for weird [ __ ] um and we're now using it as a way to like look back on my life but it only takes me about 10 minutes a week to do so so it 10 minutes a week do you know how many people in their chairs watching this just CR like lost their minds there are people watching this show that are spending 12 hours a day on their phone but honestly if it gives you Joy I'm okay with it right like do what you love love what you do and and be around those you love while you're doing it there are uh people who do certain activities for for that amount of time and have a lot of joy in their lives if you're on your phone and and you can fall asleep at night and feel fulfilled who the [ __ ] am I to say you're doing it wrong hey guys if you like that clip hit the Subscribe button and if you want to see more zany Clips click the video right here
Channel: IMPAULSIVE Clips
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Keywords: impaulsive clips, impaulsive, logan paul podcast, logan paul, maverick, maverick media, maverick house, logan paul clips, mike majlak, impaulsive podcast, mike majlak impaulsive, logan paul impaulsive, john cena, john cena interview, john cena impaulsive, john cena wwe, wwe, logan paul wwe, instagram, john cena instagram, john cena funny, john cena awkward
Id: pNPDk5IOcAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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